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The given line graph delineates the population evolution from 1970 to 2020 in the

cities in four Asian countries, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia,

alongside with the 20-years prediction until 2040.

In general, population in the cities in the counties showed an upward trend and is
estimated to rise after 2020. All countries excluding Philippines experienced a growth
in urban population after 1990. The city population of Philippines reached a climax of
50% in 1990, surpassing that of the other countries; however, the population started
to drop in the following decade. Thailand showed a similar trend as Philippines, the
population showed only marginal increase preceding the steady growth from 1970 to
1990. The population of both countries is estimated to grow around 20% from 2010
to 2040.

Malaysia remains to have around twice as much as the city population in Indonesia.
In addition, both countries show similar patterns in the development. From 1970
onwards, the urban population of both countries showed a marginal growth of 15%.
Nonetheless, the city population has started to boom since 1990. It is predicted that
Indonesia, with about 20% of the population living in cities will grow to
accommodate around 60% of the population in the urban areas in 2040. Similarly, it
is estimated that the city population will grow from 45% to 80% in the 50-year

There has been an ongoing debate on whether science should solely serve the
society, or it should also be utilized for other purposes. I agree that it is the priority
for science to enhance the living quality due to numerous benefit it has brought to
people’s lives.

Science has contributed to people’s health and increased longevity, proving its major
effect on improving human life. Thanks to the medical development, such as
antibiotics, many fatal diseases which could not be cured in the past either
disappeared or became less mild. In addition, with the advent of X-ray and surgeries,
the individuals needed medical treatment have greater opportunities of surviving
and recovering. Science also increases the convenience and efficiency of daily lives.
For instance, electronic cars with artificial intelligence aided navigation system make
traveling more environmentally friendly and safer. Environmental issues such as
depletion of energy and air pollution are further reduced due to scientific

Nonetheless, some people argue that science is exploited by several big corporations
to earn huge profits. With the patent protection, the other scientists face challenges
when they want to acquire some sources for their research. In addition, citizens have
limited access to some scientific results, not to mention benefitting from the
In my opinion, the government should improve the policies to ensure application of
scientific outcomes on human’ life. Although the patents and scientific results should
be protected, its aim should always be serving the society and fulfilling people’s

In conclusion, I totally agree that the purpose of science is enhancing individuals’ life.
Human benefits from various aspects of science, such as medical development and
new technologies. It is the priority for the government to facilitate scientific research
while ensuring its benefit on human society.

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