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1. What is operating system?

Ans: An operating system acts as an interface between the user and hardware of
the computer and also controls the execution of application programs
It is also know as resource manager

2.List & Explain anyone different types of operating system.

Ans: Types of OS
i. Multi-user
ii. Multiprocessing
iii. Multitasking
iv. Multithreading
v. Real time

Multitasking OS
-operating system which supports for multitasking, permits for execution of many
software processes at the same time. Multiple task handeled concurrently
-Example of multitasking OS
UNIX, Windows 2000

3.. Difference time sharing and real time operating system

It gives equal priority for all tasks and It has tasks based on deadline, means
users time constraint are a key parameter
Use in general-purpose computing Use in safety-critical, time-sensitive
environment ex.Unix, Windows application ex. Aerospace system,
Resource sharing among tasks Resource allocation based on priorities
Today all modern OS are time sharing VxWorks and QNX are the well-known
OS real-time operating system

4. List any four activities of memory management

Ans: I) Allocation of memory to the processes
ii) Free the memory from process after completion of execution
iii)Reallocation of memory to a program after used block becomes free
iv)Keep track of memory usage by the process

5. List & Explain any one different types of system call

Ans: Types of system calls
I)Process Control
Ii)File Manipulation
Iii)Device Manipulation
Iv)Information Maintenance

Device Management systm call

Device management system calls are a category of system calls that enable user-level
processes to interact with and control input/output (I/O) devices
• read(): The read() system call is used to read data from an open I/O device, such as
a file or a hardware device like a keyboard or mouse. It allows a process to retrieve
data from the device into its memory space for further processing.
• write(): The write() system call is used to write data to an open I/O device. It
enables a process to send data from its memory space to an output device, like a
display, a printer, or a network socket.
• ioctl(): The ioctl() (input/output control) system call is a versatile mechanism used
for device-specific operations and configuration. It allows processes to send control
commands and parameters to devices to configure their behavior or retrieve device-
specific information.

6. List any six services provided by operating system

Ans: Following are the six services provided by operating system for efficient execution of
users application and to make convenience to use computer system
I)User Interface
Ii)Program Execution
Iii)I/O operation
iv)File system manipulation
vi)Error Ditection

7. What is view and types of view

Ans: In the context of operating systems, a "view" refers to a specific way of presenting or
accessing files and directories within a file system. It abstracts the underlying file structure
to provide a particular perspective or organization of files. Views are used to simplify file
management, enhance user experience, and cater to specific user or application needs

Types of view
i)Application view:
ii)Users View
iii)System view
iv)Implementation view

8.. Difference between GUI and CUI. (any two points)

GUI (Graphical User Interface) CUI (Character User Interface)
Uses graphics, icons, windows, and menus Uses text characters and a command prompt
Supports easy multitasking with windows Multitasking can be more challenging
Commonly used for desktop and mobile OS Often used in server environments and as text-
based interfaces
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android Linux shell (Bash), Windows Command
Prompt, MS-DOS

9. What is the process? List different states of process?

Ans: A program or application under execution is called as process. A process includes the
execution context. A program resides on the disk. On disk it does not require any
State of processes
I)New state
ii)Ready state
iii)Execution state
iv)Waiting state
v)terminated state

10.What is context switch?

Ans: When CPU switches from one process to other, a context switch occurs. A context
switch is the switch is the switching of the CPU from one process or thread to another
-The speed of context switching depends on the number of register that must be copied,
memory speed

1.What are the components of computer system? Explain with the help of diagram
Ans: Operating system consists of many components. Each component of the operating
system has its own set of defined inputs and outputs, Different components of OS performs
precise tasks to offer the overall functionality of the operating system

Components of OS
Components of OS

Process Managment Memory managment

File managment Device managment

protection and security User Interface or Command


Booting The Computer

Perform basic computer task

2. List of Components of operating system. Describe any two components of Operating

Ans: Component of OS
1. Process management
2. Memory management
3. File management
4. Device management
5. Protection and security
6. User interface or command interpreture
7. Booting the computer
8. Perform basic computer task

i)Memory management
The memory management activities handeled by OS are
i. Allocation of memory to the process
ii. Free the memory from process after completion of execution
iii. Reallocation of memory to a program after used block becomes free
iv. Keep track of memory usage by the process
ii)Device Management
i. To open close and write device driver
ii. Communicate, control and monitor the device driver

3. Enlist the operating system tools. Explain any two in details.

Ans: Operating system tools
i. User Management
ii. Security Policy
iii. Device management
iv. Performance Monitor
v. Task Schedular

i)User Management:-

Ii)User Authentication

4. Explain batch operating system with the help of diagram

- A batch operating system is a type of operating system that manages and executes
computer programs in batches or groups, without direct user interaction. In a batch
processing system, users submit jobs or tasks to the system, which are then collected,
organized, and scheduled for execution by the operating system.
- The jobs which required long processing time were classified as long jobs which
had sort processing time was classified as short jobs
- Limitation of these types of system are smaller processes needs to wait for other
jobs or processes, time consuming and data is supplied in batch so delay is caused

5. What is system call? Explain its Categories.

Ans: The interface between OS and user programs is defined by the set of system calls that
the operating system offers. It allows user to access services provided by operating system.
System calls are functions used in the kernel itself

a. Process Control
b. File Manipulation
c. Device Manipulation
d. Information Maintenance
e. Communication

2 Categories
1)File manipulation: create file, delete file, open close , read , write, reposition , get devices
attributes, set device attributes

2)Information Maintenance: get time or date, set time or date, get system data, set system
data, get process attributes, set process attributes
6. Explain different process state with help of state diagram
Ans: -program or application under the execution Is know as process
-During execution, process changes it’s state. Process state shows the current activity of
the process. Process state contain 5 state

i)New state: the new process is been created

ii)Ready State: A process is ready to run but it is waiting for CPU being assigned to it
iii)Executing state: a process said to be in running state if currently CPU is allocated to it
and it is executing

iv) waiting(blocked)state: a process can’t continue the execution because it is waiting for
event to happen such as I/O completion.
v) Terminated state: when the process has completed execution, it transist to terminated
7.. Explain Time sharing Operating System
Ans: -Multiple users are permitte by time shared operating system to share the machine at
the same time. Time shared system is capable of completing each action or command in a
very less time. A particular user program executes in allocated time by system and after
expiration of slot, system gets allocated to other user program.
-Consider the example of multiple users logged in same server. The resource in server
machine like CPU gets allocated to each user, giving the feeling to each user that only he or
she is using the server machine exclusively
- User can execute their jobs in small time slot allocated to them , after expiration of this
slot , system switches to other user and again time quantum is allocated to execute his/her

8.. Explain system call implementation with its working

9. Explain Queuing diagram representations of process scheduling

10. 10.Define PCB. List information contained in PCB and explain any two
ANS: - Any process is identified by its process control block PCB. PCB is the data structure
used by the operating system to keep track on the processes. all the information
Associated with process is kept in PCB.

Information in PCB

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