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Answer the following questions in 5 sentences.

How is growth measured in microbial populations?

- Microbial growth is determined in a lot of different ways: If, for example, it is being
measured in the laboratory, then it can be reported in CFUs or colony-forming units. In
this method, an inoculating loop can be used, and the number of colonies is multiplied
depending on the calibration of the loop. Bacterial growth can also be measured using a
spectrophotometer. The optical density of a bacteria-containing solution is determined
using this equipment; it is based on the amount of light transmitted and absorbed. And
microbial growth can also be measured by several direct and indirect methods.

How do eukaryotes and bacteria/archaea differ in their reproductive methods?

- Eukaryotes reproduce both asexually and sexually. while bacteria and archaea only
reproduce asexually Asexual reproduction occurs when one parent produces offspring
through cell division or without the fusion of two gametes. Sexual reproduction: most
animals, especially in higher forms, reproduce sexually, a process in which new
individuals form from sperm cells or gametes produced by the parents in their sexual
organs. The testes produce the male gametes, while the ovaries produce the female
In what situation would the VBNC occurrence benefit cells? How could this pose a public health
- VBCN means viable but nonculturable cells. Bacterial cells can normally be cultured in
the laboratory using specific media that promotes their growth.A bacterial culture is
useful in determining the specific pathogen present in a sample that causes a person's
disease.However, in the case of VBCNs, they cannot be cultured, which means that they
cannot be grown in a laboratory. This is very important to know because VBCNs are
metabolically active and can still cause infections in plants and animals. Lastly, this
poses a health threat in a way because we are unable to actually grow and detect them
in the laboratory, which makes them invisible as they invade an animal's body.

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