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Strategic Analysis and

Intuitive Thinking
• Definition of Strategic Analysis and Intuitive thinking
• Usage of Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
Man by nature is a political
(rational) animal (being)
Man is a rational animal
endowed by nature with
rights and with an innate
sense of justice
-Thomas Jefferson
I think therefore I exist
-Rene Descartes
whether we liked it or not,
whether we choose it or
not, whether we doubt it or
not, we think
“why do we think?”
Strategic Thinking

Refers to a system or
method that requires
deliberate, abstract, and
effortful thinking that
breaks down a complex
problem into parts
Examples of
Strategic Thinking

• Scientific Method
• Case Analysis/Digest
• Strategic Planning
• Project Development
• SWOT Analysis
Arzadon’s Model of Strategic Planning
Scientific Method
Project Management
SWOT Analysis
Arzadon’s Model of Strategic Planning
Steps Explanation
Identify Involves defining the problem and
the factors or
conditions involved in the
Analyze Examining the variables that will
change state situations,
including the potential challenges
and its causes
Generate Setting practical, reasonable, and
creative criteria and
strategies to solve the problem
Implement Execution of the plan
Assess and reflect on Draw lessons that will guide
the outcome future decisions
Intuitive Thinking

This is the ability to

understand something
instinctively without the
need for conscious
Sometimes, it is referred to
as gut feeling, sixth sense,
inner sense, instinct, inner
voice, spiritual guide, etc.
Intuitive Thinking

composed of relations
with government
student government,
and community
leaders, among others
Intuitive Thinking
you belong to cover the
manufacturers, agents,
and sellers of the goods
you consume such as
those in stores,
groceries, markets, and
malls as well as money
Intuitive Thinking
are those belonging to the
social network wherein
people constantly engage in
close communication and
interaction through visits,
phone calls, text messages,
and activities of common

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