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The Worthy
Director Technical-II,
UHBVN, Panchkula.

Subject: - Appeal against the Decision issued by CE (OP) UHBVN,

Panchkula office order no-14/EPF-5740 dated-06.01.2021 in
Charge sheet No-22/EPF-5740 dated-18.02.2020.
Respected /Sir,
With due respect, it is submitted for your kind consideration
that the above Charge sheet decided with penalty i.e. two annual increment
stopped without future effect by CE (OP) UHBVN, Panchkula vide his office
order no-14/EPF-5740 dated-06.01.2021. The above said authority had not
delivered the above said charge sheet to me and decision has been issued by
the competent authority without taking any lenient way. The charge sheet
decision decided with remarks that:
“the official was required to submit his defense reply within 30
days (Not more than 45 days), but he did not submit his defense reply
even after elapse of stipulated period, hence the competent authority
has considered the case ex-parte.”
It is respectfully submitted that I had not received the above said
charge sheet and levied charges as per shown into the charge sheet decision is
reproduced as under:-
1. A complaint No.77 of residents of Karan Colony Village
Barwala received in Open Darbar organized on dated
13.12.2019 at Barwala under the Chairmanship of Hon'bie
Speaker, Haryana Vidhan Sabha (Sh. Gian Chand Gupta)
regarding non-reconnecting of broken 11 KV wires feeded
to 200-KVA. Transformer situated at Karan Colony
(Barwala) from its original route. Matter was investigated
by XEN/OP Divn.UHBVN, Panchkula and SDM, Panchkula
on the direction of D.C Panchkula and found that when
supply of Karan colony disturbed in August 2019 due to
broken of ACSR wire jt was restored through Raiwali side
branch of 11 KV Barwala Feeder. At that time supply could
not be restored through it original route and problem was
genuine, but to take so long four months time duration to
set right it to its original route shows the ignorance of the
in-charge JE Sh. Vikram & fully responsible for this same
and SDO failed to supervise the working of the JE.
2. A complaint No.107 of Sh.Vinod Kumar and others of
Village Sukhdarshanpur (Barwala) received in Open
Darbar organized on dated 13.12.2019 at Barwala under
the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Speaker, Haryana Vidhan
Sabha (Sh. Gian Chand Gupta) regarding non shifting of
LT Pole situated between the village street inspite of
repeated requests. Matter was investigated by XEN/OP
Divn.UBVN, Panchkula and SDM, Panchkula on the
direction of D.C Panchkula and found that to redress the
consumer/villagers complaint estimate was sanctioned
and as well as service job order was issued to Sh. Vikram,
JE to execute the work on 09.05.2019, but he did not
execute the work as well as no information was given to
SDO will in time resultantly such situation arise in Khula
Darbar. Hence, above named JE Sh.Vikram is directly
responsible for the same as well as SDO Sh. Ram Kumar
Saini failed to supervise the complaint. As per latest
status the poles has been shifted to a right place

Reply on Merits:-
1. It is
I have performed my duties with diligence, assiduousness, and painstaking
and honestly with the entire satisfaction of my senior officers and authority can
be take my feedback from my seniors.
So, it is therefore, very kindly requested that said appeal may
please be considered and I may kindly be exonerated from the alleged Charges.
It is also further requested that an opportunity of personal hearing
may please be provided so that the brief facts may be brought to your kind
Knowledge which may be helpful for deciding appeal in the interest of natural

Thanking You.

Dated: - .12.2020 Yours Faithfully

Vikram Kumar, JE
O/o SDO (OP) Sub-Division,
Ambala City

1. The SE (OP) Circle, UHBVN, Ambala for information please.
2. XEN (OP) Division, UHBVN, Ambala Cantt., for information

Through Proper Channel


The Worthy
Director Technical-II,
UHBVN, Panchkula.

Subject: - Appeal against the Decision issued by CE (OP) UHBVN,

Panchkula office order no-955/EPF-5740 dated-12.10.2020 in
SCN No-10/EPF-5740 dated-07.12.2017.
Respected /Sir,
With due respect, it is submitted for your kind consideration
that the above Show Cause Notice decided with penalty i.e. one annual
increment stopped without future effect by CE (OP) UHBVN, Panchkula vide
his office order no-955/EPF-5740 dated-12.10.2020. The above said authority
has not consider my reply and taken one side decision with the remarks that
“the official was required to submit his defense reply within 30 days
(Not more than 45 days), but he did not submit his defense reply even
after elapse of stipulated period, hence the competent authority has
considered the case ex-parte.”
It is respectfully submitted that I have received the above said
show cause notice on dated-12.01.2018 (Copy enclosed) and after receiving
the SCN I have submitted my defense reply in the office of SDO (OP) Sub-
Division, No-II, Ambala Cantt.(Copy enclosed). It is true that I did not
submitted my reply within stipulated period due to I am busy in LRP work. The
work was going on in the Sub-Division and schedule was very resistive due to
that I could not submitted my reply timely. It is also stated that I have
vigorously toiled hard with my might and pain to carryout LRP activities. I have
work hard to reduce the line losses from 20.74% to 10.6% in FY-2017-18. I
have achieved my entire target fixed by the department. I have conducted raids
for detection of theft cases and lodged many theft cases against erring
consumers and recovery made against the theft amounting Rs-1 crore approx.
The Nigam has been given incentive approx. 1 lac to me in lieu detection of
theft. I would never act in any manner to bring my department in any kind of
I have performed my duties with diligence, assiduousness, and
painstaking and honestly with the entire satisfaction of my senior officers and
authority can be take my feedback from my seniors.
So, it is therefore, very kindly requested that said appeal may
please be considered and I may kindly be exonerated from the alleged Charges.
It is also further requested that an opportunity of personal hearing
may please be provided so that the brief facts may be brought to your kind
Knowledge which may be helpful for deciding appeal in the interest of natural

Thanking You.

Dated: - .12.2020 Yours Faithfully

Vikram Kumar, JE
O/o SDO (OP) Sub-Division,
Ambala City

3. The SE (OP) Circle, UHBVN, Ambala for information please.
4. XEN (OP) Division, UHBVN, Ambala Cantt., for information

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