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Submitted to: Deadline of Submission:

Ivymay Florenz B. Sernicula September 20, 2023

Wellness, in my opinion, refers to a comprehensive state of being in which a person

achieves balance in their physical, mental, and emotional selves. It involves more than
just being health but it also involves feeling generally well. It is a broad and constructive
way of lifestyle that aims to improve all aspects of well-being, including mental,
emotional, social, and spiritual health. It entails a lifelong journey of self-care and
progress that finally results in a happy and well-balanced existence.

On of the medical or wellness product/ service that I think is the most important is
afitness tracker or wearable device, such as a smartwatch. Due to their ability to
encourage and track many areas of health and wellbeing, these devices have
experienced a major increase in popularity in recent years. Features like step counting,
heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and activity reminders are frequently included on
fitness trackers. They offer customers useful information regarding their daily physical
activity and general health. Increased physical activity, motivation to reach fitness
objectives, better sleep, better stress management, and the capacity to make health-
related decisions are just a few of the important benefits of fitness trackers. These
devices provide individuals the power to take control of their health and lead healthier,
more active lives.

Fitness trackers appear to have a bright future in the years to come, both in terms of
supply and market demand. The anticipated technology breakthroughs, enhanced user
friendliness, and multifunctionality of these devices are the causes of this assurance.
Additionally, they will improve in style and become a natural part of daily clothing,
attracting in a broader audience. Fitness trackers are also expected to become more
important in the health care industry, helping with remote patient monitoring, the
management of chronic diseases, and preventive care. Users will have the flexibility to
customize their experiences to match their own health objectives. On the demand side,
there will be a greater focus on health and wellbeing, which will result in more people
becoming aware of the advantages of fitness trackers. Demand will also be driven on
the shift toward wellness management, as people use fitness trackers to actively
manage their health and reduce long-term healthcare expenses.

In conclusion, with an increasing market demand fueled by technical developments,

greater awareness of the health advantages, and a larger role in healthcare, the future
of fitness trackers looks incredibly promising. Over the following ten years, these
gadgets are expected to become commonplace in our health-conscious society.

Submitted to: Deadline of Submission:

Ivymay Florenz B. Sernicula September 20, 2023

Wellness, in my own definition, encompasses the holistic state of being well, both
physically and mentally. It goes beyond the absence of illness and delves into the active
pursuit of a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. To me, wellness is about nourishing the
body with nutritious food, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress,
fostering positive relationships, and seeking intellectual and emotional growth.

Among the myriad of medical and wellness products and services available today, I
believe mental health services are the most crucial. Mental health is the cornerstone of
overall wellness, impacting every aspect of our lives. Services such as therapy,
counseling, and access to mental health professionals are vital in addressing the
growing mental health challenges our society faces. They offer individuals the guidance
and support needed to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health
conditions, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more balanced life.

The benefits of robust mental health services are profound. They not only help
individuals manage their mental health conditions but also enhance resilience, boost
self-esteem, improve relationships, and increase overall life satisfaction. Furthermore,
prioritizing mental health can reduce the economic burden associated with untreated
mental illnesses, leading to a more productive society.

Looking ahead to the next decade, I anticipate a significant growth in the supply and
market demand for mental health services. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on
the importance of mental well-being, making it a focal point of healthcare discussions.
Advances in telemedicine will likely increase access to mental health services, breaking
down geographical barriers. Moreover, as the stigma surrounding mental health
continues to diminish, more people will seek help, further driving demand.

In conclusion, wellness, in my view, revolves around holistic well-being, and mental

health services are the most critical medical or wellness product. They offer essential
support for individuals in maintaining mental health, which has far-reaching benefits.
Over the next decade, I foresee an increased supply and market demand for mental
health services, underscoring the growing awareness of the importance of mental well-
being in our society.

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