Pamphlet - Communism in Your Country

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1. State atheism and the promotion of atheism, i.e., the removal
of God, Christian symbols, and prayer from all aspects of
public society—especially from the schools. In today’s
world, it seems that most people tend to live their lives while
ignoring God, as if God did not exist. This is called “practical
2. The suppression of religion, religious freedom and church
worship—especially when it concerns preaching Christ and
the Christian way of life. We see this attack on Christianity
today by the worldwide closing of churches under the false
pretext of the covid-19 crisis, which was intentionally al-
lowed to spread into the world by the CCP (Chinese Com-
munist Party). Vladimir Lenin said: “Marxism is materialism.
As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion… We must
combat religion…Religion is the opium of the people.”
Cultural Marxism: Since the 1930s, Marxists have
adopted the method of “Cultural Marxism,” which is the
Marxist method of subversion promoted by Antonio Gramsci
of Italy (1891-1937) and Georg Lukacs of Hungary (1885-
1971), who taught that the main obstacle to worldwide com-
munist victory is the Christian culture of the Western World.
Thus, rather than trying to use military and violent
means to conquer western nations (which hasn’t worked),
Communists are now working to corrupt and de-Christian-
ize western culture and morality, beginning with the Chris-
tian family, and then progressing through churches, schools
and the education system, i.e., literature, science, art, movies,
entertainment, modern music—especially immoral, anti-
authority, anti-parents, and anti-God rock-n-roll music, the

Internet, political movements, and by Marxist propaganda
through mainstream news and social media, by the use of
fake news (false news reports), yellow journalism, silencing
of the opposition, etc.
In the 1963 Congressional Record: “45 Communist Goals
for the U.S.,” goal #27-28, we read: “Infiltrate the churches
and replace revealed religion with ‘social’ religion. Discredit
the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity
which does not need a ‘religious crutch’…Eliminate prayer or
any phase of religious expression in the schools on the
ground that it violates the principle of ‘separation of church
and state’.”
Communist agents are directed to “gain entry into Church
schools that are poisoned with Church doctrine… Each com-
rade must, by means of baptism, become a member of the
Church… They must spy upon these reactionaries… They
should mix with the students and adapt to their life-
style…They will go even further in trying to radically divide
the various classes of faithful, even appealing to the love of
God and in the cause of peace… In acting thus, they will de-
stroy the venomous poison of the imperial impostor.” (‘Marx-
ism and Revolution’, pp. 161-162, by Jean Ousset).
3. The
promotion of the false right to abortion, which is the
murder of innocent babies.
4. Covid-19: The suppression of the rights of citizens to church
worship and family gatherings, under the false pretext of the
covid-19 crisis, while many shopping centers, stores, restau-
rants, gyms, etc., normally stay open. Also, it seems ‘Fear
Propaganda’, not covid-19, is the real ‘pandemic’:
(a) On we read that, according to sci-
entists and researchers: “Early estimates predict that
the overall covid-19 recovery rate is between 97% and
99%.” (And this was before the use of any covid-19
(b) On the website, we read: “The overall
cumulative covid-19-associated hospitalization rate
through the week ending Dec. 19, 2020 (i.e., from Mar.
1 to Dec. 19) was 313.3 hospitalizations per 100,000
population,” which is only 3.1 people out of 1,000.
(c) According to a CDC Report of Aug. 31, 2020:
“For 6% of deaths, covid-19 was the only cause men-
tioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addi-
tion to covid-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional
conditions or causes per death.” This means that 6%
died because of covid-19, whereas 94% died with
covid-19, but NOT as the main cause of death.
(d) In an official news release on 1/25/2021,
Merck (NYSE: MRK) announced: “The company is
discontinuing development of its SARS-CoV-
2/COVID-19 vaccine candidates, V590 and V591.”
The reason was because their experiments showed
that the human body’s natural immune system works
better than the vaccine: “In these studies, both V590
and V591 were generally well tolerated, but the im-
mune responses were inferior to those seen following
natural infection.”
(e) On June 28, 2021, a Lisbon court ruled that
only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ in Portugal died of
COVID, i.e., only 152 instead of the 17,000 claimed:
“Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was
forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data,
reports According to the ruling, the
number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January
2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as
claimed by government ministries. All the ‘others’
died for various reasons, although their PCR test was
positive. ‘We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimen-
sions,’ wrote”

(f) On Aug. 27, 2021, an ISRAELI NEWS REPORT

stated: “Researchers found that natural immunity is
stronger and longer-lasting than vaccination,” and,
“Vaccinated COVID-naïve people had 13 times greater
risk for infection than did the previously infected [un-
vaccinated].” Additionally, the report says: “Research-
ers found that the vaccinated were 27 times more
likely to suffer a symptomatic case of the virus in com-
parison to the risk previously infected people had of
having symptomatic reinfection case.”

(g) On Nov. 15, 2021, an article by Christianity

Daily reported that the CDC admits that there is not
even one recorded case of an unvaccinated person
with natural immunity against Covid-19 spreading
the virus to anyone else.

(h) On Jan. 7, 2022, an article by LifeSiteNews re-

ported that, according to the government of Ontario’s
publicly available data regarding COVID-19, most
people in hospitals because of COVID-19 are fully vac-
cinated: “According to the data, as of January 7, there
are 1,327 ‘fully vaccinated cases’ in hospitals, com-
pared with just 441 ‘unvaccinated cases.’ For ‘par-
tially vaccinated cases,’ there are 100 people in the
Furthermore, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of
the mRNA technology used by the vaccines, said that

it is the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, who are
the “super-spreaders” of the disease.
Also, many unvaccinated people are getting covid-
19, not because they are not vaccinated, but rather be-
cause their local doctors and hospitals refuse to give
them conventional medicines (e.g., Ivermectin, Hy-
droxychloroquine, etc.) which would enable them to
fight the virus.
* Therefore, it is false and unjust to accuse the un-
vaccinated of causing the spread of the covid-19 virus.

5. The government directive for citizens to spy on / report fel-

low citizens—including family members and relatives—
who disobey government policies, e.g., covid-19 restrictions.
6. The suppression of the Christian right to publicly defend the
true nature of marriage and the family, i.e., one man and one
woman for marriage.
7. Theuse of the policies of Inclusion, Diversity and Political
Correctness, and accusations of discrimination and hate
crimes, to enforce false homosexual rights, gay lifestyle, gay
marriage, transgenderism, etc., which are all contrary to the
Natural Law and God’s Law.
8. The suppression of parents’ influence/rights over the edu-
cation of their children: Communist goal #41: “Emphasize
the need to raise children away from the negative influence
of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retard-
ing of children to suppressive influence of parents.” Vladi-
mir Lenin said: “Give me your four-year-olds, and in a gen-
eration I will build a socialist state,” and “Give me just one
generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”
Communist goal #17: “Get control of the schools. Use them

as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist
Freemasonry, like Communism, uses Sensitivity Training
“to systematically develop freedom of thought and con-
science in school children, and protect them, so far is possi-
ble, against all disturbing influences of the Church, and even
their own parents, by compulsion if necessary.” (Catholic En-
cyclopedia, ed. 1913, pp. 782-83).
9. The promotion of sex education in schools: Communist goal
#26: “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity
as normal, natural and healthy.”
10. The promotion of pornography and sexual promiscuity in
television, movies, literature: Communist goal #25: “Break
down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornog-
raphy and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures,
radio and TV.” Communist goal #24: “Eliminate all laws gov-
erning obscenity by calling them ‘censorship’ and a violation
of free speech and free press.”
11. National socialized medicine, i.e., government control of the
health care system, resulting in very high taxes.
12. The government mandate to get a covid-19 vaccine with cer-
tification (proof), under the penalty of the loss of personal
liberties, e.g., travel restrictions.
13. The mandate for all citizens of the world to cooperate and
participate in the policies and ideology of the GREAT RESET
and NEW WORLD ORDER of socialism, under the penalty of los-
ing personal liberties and the ownership of property.
14. The use of “isolation centers’’ / “detention centers” (i.e., con-
centration camps) for all those who publicly oppose the pol-
icies and directives of the GREAT RESET, NEW WORLD ORDER
and covid-19 restrictions mandated by the government.
15. The agenda of the state / government to gain control or own-
ership of the production of goods, e.g., by the suppression
and/or restriction of private businesses. We see this today
in the mandatory closure of small businesses under the
false pretext of the covid-19 crisis, with the result of caus-
ing their failure or take-over by banks or larger corpora-
tions: Communist goal #37: “Infiltrate and gain control of
big business.” (NB: International finance works with the
forces of Communism).
A new form of “class warfare”: By manipulating the Covid-
19 crisis, Marxists are promoting a new form of “class war-
fare” between workers and small businesses. For by means
of the government’s supplemental monthly income (e.g.,
“pandemic relief”, “stimulus checks”, extended unemploy-
ment benefits, etc.) to the unemployed, they are empower-
ing and encouraging workers to demand higher wages be-
fore they are willing to return to work, thus leaving their em-
ployers short-staffed. However, since many small busi-
nesses, which are already paying just wages, cannot afford to
pay higher wages, they are being forced out of business.
16. The control of the news media and social media (e.g., Face-
book, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) for the suppression of public
opposition to communist, socialist and anti-Christian
agenda / propaganda. Communist goal #21: “Gain control of
key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.”
Vladimir Lenin said: “The press should be not only a col-
lective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a col-
lective organizer of the masses,” and “People always have
been, and they always will be, stupid victims of deceit and
self-deception in politics.” This can be seen today with regard
to the covid-19 virus and vaccine, and the massive voter
fraud in the 2020 U.S. Election.
17. Promotion of national gun control, and suppression of the
citizens’ right to bear arms: Vladimir Lenin said: “One of the
basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming of
the communist workers and the disarming of the bourgeoi-
sie middle class.
* Quotes from Vladimir Putin:

Vladimir Putin, in his speech to the members of the All-

Russia People’s Front in Stavropol, Russia, Jan. 25, 2016, de-
clares his allegiance to Communism: 1
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens,
over 20 million, was a member of the Communist
Party of the USSR, and not only was I a member of
the party, but I worked for almost 20 years for an
organization called the Committee for State Secu-
Vladimir Putin rity” [KGB]… “I was not, as you know, a party
member by necessity. I liked Communist and socialist ideas very
much, and I like them still.”
In this speech, Putin said that the Moral Code of the Builder
of Communism, i.e., the set of rules to be followed by all party
members, “resembles the Bible a lot.” Seeing, therefore, that Putin
adheres to the ideas of Socialism and Communism, it stands to
reason that recent legislation in Russia by Putin against homosex-
uality, pornography, pedophilia, etc., is due to his intention to en-
force the Moral Code of Communism, which “resembles the Bible a
lot,” rather than to promote Christian moral values or establish a
true Christian social order.
In a news article in “Christianity Today,” Jan. 15, 2018, we read
how Putin seeks to deceive the world by comparing Communism
to Christianity:
“Putin said in a television interview that 'Communist ideol-
ogy is very similar to Christianity' and compared the Bolshevik
leader's mausoleum in Moscow's Red Square to the relics of
saints… Putin went on to compare the Communists' attitude to
Lenin to the veneration of saints in Christianity. He said: 'Look,
Lenin was put in a mausoleum. How is this different from the rel-
ics of saints for Orthodox Christians and just for Christians? When
they say that there's no such tradition in Christianity, well, how
come, go to Athos and take a look. There are relics of the saints
there, and we have holy relics here.’”

1 See: Newsweek article, Sept. 25, 2016: Russia’s Putin: I’ve Always Liked
Communist and Socialist Ideas.

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