Unit Ten

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Inglés aplicado a la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas




If a retail chain is to maintain its profits, it is essential that stock moves in and out of
store quickly. Here department store personnel are discussing the eight different ways of
encouraging turnover listed below. Which is each person talking about? Fill in the
introductory offers money-off coupons competitions jingles
free samples gimmicks demonstrators window display

1. We could get in product………………………. who would draw the crowds.

They could give away ………………………. of products.
2. Repeating ………………………. with intermittent soft music are what people
are most influenced by, in my opinion.
3. I’m in favour of ………………………. because we can advertise the prizes all
over the shops.
4. We want something unusual to make our stores different from others,
………………………. are a good idea, balloons, stickers, ball points and so on.
5. What about having ………………………. on all new own brand lines for a
period of a week, say a 5% or a 10% discount.
6. Couldn’t we concentrate more on our own-brand goods and provide
………………………. so that people will return to our shops.
7. I think frequent ………………………. changes are a good bet, for example
bedrooms one week, bathrooms, etc.


Advertising informs consumers about the on this alone, but use paid advertising instead.
existence and benefits of products and services, Indeed, many organizations also use
and attempts to persuade them to buy them. The institutional or prestige advertising, which is
best form of advertising is probably word-of- designed to build up their reputation rather than
mouth advertising, which occurs when people to sell particular products.
tell their friends about the benefits of products Although large companies could easily set up
and services that they have purchased. Yet their own advertising departments, write their
virtually no providers of goods or services rely own advertisements, and buy media space

Inglés aplicado a la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas

themselves, they tend to use the services of large to reach (how many people will be exposed to
advertising agencies. These are likely to have the ads) and the number of times they are likely
more resources, and more knowledge about all to see them. Advertising people talk about
aspects of advertising media than a single frequency or ‘OTS’ (Opportunities To See) and
company. The most talented advertising people the threshold effect – the point at which
generally prefer to work for agencies rather advertising becomes effective. The choice of
than individual companies as this gives the advertising media is generally strongly
chance to work on a variety of advertising influenced by the comparative cost of reaching
accounts (contracts to advertise products or 1,000 members of the target audience, the cost
services). It is also easier for a dissatisfied per thousand (often abbreviated to CPM, using
company to give its account to another agency the Roman numeral for 1,000). The timing of
than it would be to fire its own advertising staff. advertising campaigns depends on factors such
The client company generally gives the as purchasing frequency and buyer turnover
advertising agency an agreed budget; a (new buyers entering the market).
statement of the objectives of the advertising How much to spend on advertising is always
campaign, known as brief; and an overall problematic. Some companies use the
advertising strategy concerning the message to comparative-parity method – they simply match
be communicated to the target customers. The their competitors’ spending, thereby avoiding
agency creates advertisements (the word is advertising wars. Others set their ad budget at a
often abbreviated to adverts or ads), and certain percentage of current sales revenue. But
develop a media plan specifying which media – both these methods disregard the fact that
newspapers, magazines, radio, television, increased ad spending or countercyclical
cinema, posters, mail, etc.- will be used and in advertising can increase current sales. On the
which proportions. (On television and radio, other hand, excessive advertising is counter-
ads are often known as commercials) Agencies productive because after too many exposures
often produce alternative ads or commercials people tend to stop noticing ads, or begin to feel
that are pre-tested in newspapers, television them irritating. And once the most promising
stations, etc. in different parts of a country prospective customers have been reached, there
before a final choice is made prior to a national are diminishing returns, i.e. an ever-smaller
campaign. increase in sales in relation to increased
The agency’s media planners have to decide advertising spending.
what percentage of the target market they want

Vocabulary. Find the terms in the text which mean the following:
1. free advertising, when satisfied customers recommend products to their friends.
2. advertising that mentions a company’s name but not specific products.
3. companies that handle advertising for clients.
4. a contract with a company to produce its advertising.
5. the amount of money a company plans to spend in developing its advertising and
buying media time or space.
6. the statement of objectives of an advertising campaign that a client works out with an
advertising agency.
7. the advertising of a particular product or service during a particular period of time.
8. a defined set of customers whose needs a company plans to satisfy.
9. the people who choose where to advertise, in order to reach the right customers.
10. the fact that a certain amount of advertising is necessary to attract a prospective
customer’s attention.
11. choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as one’s competitors.
12. advertising during periods or seasons when sales are normally relatively poor.

Inglés aplicado a la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas

Which of the following claims do you agree with?

1. Advertising is essential for business, especially for launching new consumer


2. A large reduction of advertising would decrease sales.

3. Advertising often persuades people to buy things they don’t need.

4. Advertising often persuades people to buy things they don’t want.

5. Advertising lowers the public’s taste.

6. Advertising raises prices.

7. Advertising does not present a true picture of products.

8. Advertising has a bad influence on children.

Packaging Design Packaging design is an important part when launching a new

product. Read the following extract and match each sentence below with the same idea
in the text. The answer to number one has been underlined for you.

Besides protecting the product and making it easier to handle, manufacturers and
retailers attach great importance to packaging as a means to lure shoppers. For example,
Griffin’s steak pie was recently redesigned – same content and box, just different
graphics – and, with subsequent marketing and promotion, sales reportedly went up 200
per cent.
For different types of product, different types of design may be more appropriate:
toiletries are not quickly thrown away so their design may be more stylish than, say,
baked beans which are kept in a cupboard. Packaging does have one basic design
principle, though: it should stand out on the top shelves. Design with flair, it can
promote the quality of a product.

a) Packaging can attract consumers and encourage them to buy.

b) Products that are used for a long time are worth smarter packaging than goods that
are stored out of sight.
c) Packaging can prevent damage to the goods inside.
d) The best packaging not only says what is inside it, but also suggests how good the
product is.
e) The fundamental rule about packaging is that it should be seen clearly in the shop.
Now find the words that correspond to these definitions. (They are in the same order in
the text):
f) Changed
g) What is inside something
h) Drawings and pictures.

Inglés aplicado a la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas

A. These eight verbs are commonly used in advertising. Choose the right one to
complete each sentence.

attract spend promote appeal

boost launch persuade project

a) The copywriter created a slogan which would ………….. to a wide cross-section of

b) The agency wants to ………….. a campaign targeting the under-16 market.
c) The consumers we want to ………….. are professionals who purchase up-market
d) All advertising must ………….. the right product image.
e) Giving away free badges helped to ………….. ice-cream sales to children.
f) The number of TV commercials in a campaign depends on how much the client
wants to ………….. and who he wants to reach,
g) The function of advertising is primarily to inform and to ……………
h) Our plan is to ………….. the new product across a wide range of media.

B. Complete the following passage using a gerund or an infinitive. Choose from the
verbs in the boxes.
Coca-Cola and its advertising

build set up run bring make transform

John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886. His partner suggested …………… 1 an

advertisement for the drink in the Atlanta Journal that very year. In 1888, Asa Candler bought the
Coca-Cola business and decided …………… 2 the product known through signs, calendars and
clocks. The company began …………… 3 its global network when Robert Woodruff was elected
president of the company in 1923. He succeeded in …………… 4 Coca-Cola into a truly
international product by ……………5 a foreign department, which exported Coca-Cola to the
Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928. During World War II, he promised …………… 6 Coca-
Cola to everyday soldier in every part of the world.

decide reflect appear create

Coca-Cola’s advertising has always attempted ……………7 changing contemporary lifestyles.

……………8 an international advertising campaign requires the talents of professionals in many
areas, and extensive testing and research are always done before ……………9 which

Inglés aplicado a la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas

advertisements will finally be used. Celebrity endorsements have featured heavily – Gary Grant, Ray
Charles and Whitney Houston are just three of the big name stars who have agreed ……………10
in Coca-Cola commercials.

return change expand launch drink

After ……………11 Diet Coke in 1982, the company saw its sales grow quickly. The drink is now
the third most popular in the world. In 1985, the company tried ……………12 the secret formula
of Coca-Cola, but realised that Americans were very attached to the original recipe. The company
listened to its consumers and quickly responded by …………… 13 the original formula to the
market as ‘Coca-Cola classic´. Today, people in more than 160 countries around the globe enjoy
…………… 14 Coca-Cola. It is asked for more than 524 million times a day in more than 80
languages. The company intends …………… 15 global presence even further in the twenty-first
century, particularly markets.

C. The State of the Market. Match these metaphorical expressions to their

corresponding meanings.

be squeezed out of start competing in the market

is buoyant be prevented from competing
has collapsed the market is bigger than it used to be
has died up the market is smaller than it used to be
break into the market is in a good state
has grown the market is in a bad state
has suffered supply exceeds demand
enter describes a sudden process
depressed describes a gradual process
the bottom’s dropped out
has shrunk
be pushed out of

Inglés aplicado a la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas



1. With your partner, describe the mise-en-scène of the advertisement. How does
this tie in with the brand image of the product?
2. What cinematic genre does the ad. explicitly make reference to?
3. At an unconscious level, what kind of emotions and sensations does the
advertisement arouse in you?
4. What does the young man say to the lady at the end of the advertisement?
5. What are the implications of this utterance?
6. Women and chocolate have been closely linked in society. Discuss this topic in
relation to how it functions in the advertisement.
7. What is the significance of the man leaving the box of chocolates in her room?
8. What do you think chocolate symbolises in the advertisement?
9. “All because the lady loves Milk Tray is a slogan that has passed over into
popular culture and has been parodied by many comedians. How does the slogan
function in relation to the message the advertisement tries to suggest, and what
do you think is its meaning?
10. Can you think of any other advertisements that employ stereotyped courting
rituals? What advertisements can you think of that subvert these men/women
roles established by society? What are those advertisements trying to say?


1. What does the advertisement challenge you to notice about the product?
2. What does KDV claim is new about its product?
3. What do they say it sis time you experienced?
4. What product are they advertising? How many times do they specifically
mention the product by its generic real?
5. What is the product image that the ad. is trying to establish?
6. There seems to be an erotic undertone to the advertisement considering the
product they are selling. Discuss this in relation to some specific scenes.


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