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Compare and contrast the following processes in plants and animals:

Transport and Circulation:

Process of transport in plants and animals.
The process of transport in plant is a process of transporting water, minerals and food to all
parts of the plant body. Conducting tissues such as xylem and phloem will play an important
role in transportation. Water is transported from roots to all parts of the plant by xylem vessels
through the root hairs. Xylem - t is responsible for the transportation of water and mineral salts
from the roots to different parts of a plant. Phloem - this moves amino acids and sucrose
between leaves and different parts of a plant.
While the animals is the movement of food, water, and oxygen to different parts of the body.
Such a system consists of circulatory system and excretory system. The main parts of the
circulatory system are blood, blood vessels and heart. Blood is pumped through two types of
blood vessels, namely arteries and veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to
different parts of the body. Veins carry carbon dioxide-infused blood from different organs of
the body to its heart. Excretory System - helps to eliminate the wastes generated in an animal
body. The different parts of this system are – kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, and urethra.

Circulation process of plants and animals:

The process both animals and plants use to harvest energy stored in carbohydrates is called
cellular respiration. Carbohydrates are produced in the chloroplast via photosynthesis. The
energy is released from these carbohydrates in the mitochondria via a process called

Circulation between plants and animals:

The circulatory system of animals is made up of the heart and blood vessels known as arteries,
veins, and capillaries.
The circulatory system of plants of vessels called xylem and phloem that run throughout the

Importance of Transport
 It is hard to imagine living in a world without access to transport. Since time
immemorial, people have come up with ways to move around rather than remain
stagnant in one place. Even when technology was at the stage of infancy and numerous
modes of transportation were yet to be invented, there was always a way to take
people, animals, and objects from one point to another.
 While some people may take the role of transport in their lives for granted, it has
become increasingly necessary to discuss and understand how different life would be
without it, especially within a contemporary society.
Cellular Transport Systems:
Transport is an important part of sustaining life in both plants and animals. Transport of
substances and waste products is achieved through cellular mechanisms such as pumps,
channels, carrier and ducts.
Transport is important for the growth and survival of all living things. Molecules need to be
transported from one area of the cell to another, or from one area of the organism to another,
to sustain life. For example, the food that is eaten by animals is digested in the stomach and
absorbed in the small intestine. The nutrients from that food need to be transported to other
cells in the body so they can use it as energy and building blocks to create cellular materials. If
the nutrients remained at the small intestine, the other organs of the body would run out of
energy and die off. The same goes for plants, the water and nutrients the roots pulled from the
soil need to be delivered to the rest of the plant so that it can grow and survive. If the transport
tubes of the plant, xylem, and phloem, were non-existent, the plant would die as the stalk and
leaves would not receive any energy. Transport of waste products is also necessary to rid the
body of toxic substances that would otherwise accumulate and kill the organism.
Transportation in Animals arrangement mainly acts as a transport system
facilitating the movement of water, minerals,
Transportation in animals is the movement of food, nutrients, etc. that are crucial for the survival of that
water, and oxygen to different parts of the body. organism.
Such a system consists of a circulatory system and Plants have primarily two types of tissues that help
excretory system. transport water, minerals, and nutrients. Those
tissues are – the xylem and phloem.
Circulatory System Xylem
The main parts of the circulatory system are – blood, It is responsible for the transportation of water and
blood vessels, and heart. Blood is pumped through mineral salts from the roots to different parts of a
two types of blood vessels, namely arteries and plant. These tissues are made up of elongated dead
veins. cells and arranged as continuous vessels. Xylems are
Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to impermeable to water.
different parts of the body. Veins carry carbon
dioxide-infused blood from different organs of the Phloem
body to its heart. This moves amino acids and sucrose between leaves
Excretory System and different parts of a plant. These tissues are
The Excretory system helps to eliminate the wastes comprised of living cells that are arranged from one
generated in an animal body. The different parts of end to another end. It transports amino acids and
this system are – kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, sucrose up and down the plant. Phloems are
and urethra. different from xylems in this aspect.

Transportation in Plants Did You Know?

It is the stems that are responsible for the
Plants and animals, both being living things, have an transportation of water and nutrients in plants
arrangement of physical structures that move through xylem and phloem respectively. However, in
various substances all across their body. Such one instance, there is a requirement of energy for
movement and is redundant in another instance. The
movement of water is unidirectional and takes place
by way of adhesion and cohesion. This
transportation is passive, that is, not requiring any
energy whatsoever. On the other hand, the
movement of nutrients from leaves to different parts
of the plant requires energy.

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