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Aina Beatriz M.

Alicia Mae M. Sabio

With your study buddy work on the case below. Read Module 4 to answer the questions. Work together but submit individually. Write
the name of your study buddy.

1. Complete the table below. (2pts)

Placenta Amniotic Fluid

- Amniotic fluid is constantly
formed and absorbed by the
- It is complete at 12 weeks of gestation fetus, passing through the
and grows diameter until 20 weeks, intestines, fetal bloodstream,
when is it developed?
covering about half the upper uterine umbilical arteries, placenta,
surface. and mother’s blood stream. It
ranges from 800 to 1,200 ml at
term, with a pH of 7.2.
- Provides circulation between mother
and fetus - Maintains constant body
- Serves as site for interchange of food, temperature
gases, and wastes between mother - Source of oral fluid
what is the main function? and - Assist in fluid and electrolyte
embryo/fetus. homeostasis
- Protective barrier against some - Permits buoyancy and
harmful effects of some drugs and movement for musculoskeletal
microorganisms but development
nutrients, some drugs, alcohol, - Barrier to infection
antibodies, and viruses can pass - Acts as a cushion to protect the
through the placenta. fetus and umbilical cord from
- Produces hormones. injury

2. Complete the table below. (6pts)

fetal movement (kick counts) non stress test biophysical profile

- Restriction of fetal growth.
- Drug-treated diabetic
mellitus, pre-gestational
- A nonreactive non-
diabetes, and gestational
stress test or the
- Ten movements: kicks, diabetes.
flutters or roll in one hour. - Preeclampsia, hypertensive
indication complaint of
(This feels like flutters, disorders, and chronic
reduced fetal
bubbles, or tiny pulses) hypertension.
movement are
- A reduction in fetal
generally involved.
- Pregnancy after term.
- - Multiple Pregnancies.
- The pregnant woman must - Eat food before the
position and attach a fetal test because some
heart rate monitor and a babies become
- Quickening
uterine contraction more active after a
preparation - Fetal movement counts
- The woman needs to be mother eats. If you
- Baby kick counts
told to press the monitor's empty your bladder
button anytime she feels prior to the
the fetus move. biophysical profile,
- - It typically takes 20 you'll feel more
minutes. comfortable.
- Do not smoke
- Just before the
test, she could be
asked for to
consume some
water or other
drinks. After the
test, the mother
will be able to
empty their
- Within 20 minutes of the - Body motions,
test's start, there are two muscular tone,
or more accelerations that breathing patterns,
- The kicks are at least 10
normal findings peak at 15 bpm or more amniotic fluid, and
times per hour
above baseline, continue at heartbeat all
least 15 seconds each, and received scores of
occur many times. 8 to 10.
- A score of 6 should
be regarded as
- After a contraction, the aberrant, a score of
- Not as strongly feeling the baby's heartbeat becomes 2 to 4 as disturbing,
baby move as it usually slower and stays that way. and a score of 0 as
abnormal findings
does., (Baby kicks, wiggles, - There are no accelerations indicating an
or punches. ) in the fetal movements or immediate need
no fetal movements at all. for a cesarean
section to avert
2. Mrs. Z visits the health center for her first prenatal check up on August 10. Her LMP is January 20. The nurse performs
physical assessment to the Mrs. Z.

a. Approximately what is the fundal height of Mrs. Z. (1pt)

The fundal height is probably at 29 centimeters.

b. If the fundus is at the level of the umbilicus, how would the nurse interpret this? (1pt)
It is approximately one hour post-delivery.

b. How do your respond to Mrs. Z's question, "What does my baby look like at this time?" (2pts)
- The infant measures about 38.6 cm from head to heel. That is roughly equivalent to a butternut squash in size. The lung's
alveoli are nearly fully developed. When born, the infant can now breathe.
The dimensions are Wt: 1,200 g, length: 35 to 38 cm.

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