Chapter 4 Upload

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Unnormalized Table
Step 1: Remove Repeating Groups
• Repeating group data is the existence of multiple values
for a particular attribute in a specific record.
Remove Repeating Groups

Tables in 1NF (First Normal Form)

Step 2: Remove Partial Dependencies
• Partial dependency occurs when one or more nonkey
attributes are dependent on only part of the primary key
rather than the whole key.

Remove Transitive Dependencies
A transitive dependency occurs when nonkey attributes are
dependent on another nonkey attribute and independent of the
table’s primary key.

Linking Normalized Tables
• When unnormalized tables
are split into multiple 3NF
tables, they need to be linked
together via foreign keys.
• Linking facilitates
accessing of data by
authorized users.
• The degree of association
(joint cardinality) between
the resulting tables
determines how the linking
Linking Normalized Tables






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