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Nama : Roky suprandani

NPM : G1B021054

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

Dosen : Kasmaini, SS.MPd


In 1961, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo found the Chicken Claw Foundation system as an
alternative solution to the problem of soil under a foundation that is too soft. Since then, the
use of the Chicken Claw Foundation has expanded, both as the foundation for airplane
runways and as the foundation for high-rise buildings.

 In 1961, prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo found the chicken claw foundation system.
Since then, the use of the chicken claw foudation has expanded.

The role of the foundation also determines the age and stability of a building
construction. In the last decade the foundation system has developed in various variations.
But few have featured a foundation system to overcome the problem of constructing
construction on soft soil.

 The role of the foundation has affected to a building construction.

 Foundation system has depeloved in various variations but few have featured
to overcome the problem of constructing.

Conventional foundation systems, tend to only be adjusted to the magnitude of the

load that must be supported, but does not consider soft soil conditions. As a result, the
building experiences shrinkage or instability, such as slumping, leaning, and even collapsing.
This is certainly detrimental to the owner and contractor concerned.

 Conventional foundation system has caused shrinkage or instability that

destrimental to the pwner and contractor.

A balanced treatment between load and soft soil conditions needs to be solved. This
problem has been faced by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo in 1961, when as a PLN official he had
to build 7 high-voltage electricity towers in the Ancol swamp area of Jakarta. With great
difficulty, 2 towers were successfully erected using a conventional foundation system, while
the remaining 5 are still abandoned. This tower is to distribute electricity and the power plant
in Tanjung Priok to the Senayan Sports Center where the 1962 Asian Games sports party will
be held.

 when as a PLN official had to build 7 high voltage electricity towers in a

swamp area of jakarta Prof. Dr. Ir Sedijatmo has solved the problem.
 With great difficulty, 2 towers were succesfully erected using a conventional
 This tower is to distribute electricity and the power in for the Senayan Sport
Center for the Asian Games Sport party

Because the time is very urgent, while the conventional foundation system is very
difficult to apply in the swamps, then a new system is sought to overcome this problem. The
idea of Ir. Sedijatmo to build a tower on a foundation consisting of a concrete slab supported
by concrete pipes underneath. The pipe and plate are monolithically attached (united), and
grip the soft ground firmly.

 the idea of Ir. Sedijatmo to build a tower on a foundation consisting of a

concrete slab supported by concrete pipes underneath is a new system to
overcome the problem of building in the swamps.

By Sedijatmo, his findings were named the chicken claw foundation system. The
calculations used at that time (1961), were still rough with dimensions 2.5 times larger than
the current chicken claw foundation system. Even so, it turns out to be cheaper and faster
than using ordinary piles.

 By Sedijatmo, his findings were named the chicken claw foundation system.
 Even so, It turns out to be cheaper and faster than using a conventional


Paragraf 1 : In 1961, prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo found the chicken claw foundation system.

Since then, the use of the chicken claw foudation has expanded.

Paragraf 2 : The role of the foundation has affected to a building construction.

Foundation system has depeloved in various variations but few have featured to overcome the
problem of constructing.

Paragraf 3 : Conventional foundation system has caused shrinkage or instability that

destrimental to the pwner and contractor.

Paragraf 4 : when as a PLN official had to build 7 high voltage electricity towers in a swamp
area of jakarta Prof. Dr. Ir Sedijatmo has solved the problem.

With great difficulty, 2 towers were succesfully erected using a conventional foundation.

This tower is to distribute electricity and the power in for the Senayan Sport Center for the
Asian Games Sport party

Paragraf 5 : the idea of Ir. Sedijatmo to build a tower on a foundation consisting of a concrete
slab supported by concrete pipes underneath is a new system to overcome the problem of
building in the swamps.
Paragraf 6 : By Sedijatmo, his findings were named the chicken claw foundation system.

Even so, It turns out to be cheaper and faster than using a conventional foundation.



In 1961, prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo found the chicken claw foundation system. Since
then, the use of the chicken claw foundation has expanded. It was built for high-rise buildings
such as for aiplane runways.
The role of the foundation has affected to a building construction. Foundation system
has depeloved in various variations in the last decade but few have featured to overcome the
problem of constructing construction on soft soil.
Conventional foundation system has caused shrinkage or instability that destrimental
to the owner and contractor. when as a PLN official had to build 7 high voltage electricity
towers in a swamp area of jakarta Prof. Dr. Ir Sedijatmo has solved the problem. With great
difficulty, 2 towers were succesfully erected using a conventional foundation. This tower is to
distribute electricity and the power in for the Senayan Sport Center for the Asian Games
Sport party.
The idea of Ir. Sedijatmo to build a tower on a foundation consisting of a concrete
slab supported by concrete pipes underneath is a new system to overcome the problem of
building in the swamps. By Sedijatmo, his findings were named the chicken claw foundation
system. Even so, It turns out to be cheaper and faster than using a conventional foundation.

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