Llemit-Classroom Management Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SCHOOL ID: 128573


Name: Peter Patrick Abao Llemit


In managing a classroom, establishing class rules is essential. Setting rules and
procedures inside a classroom setting will serve as guidelines to all the learners and that it
should be abided. In this way, chaotic situations will be prevented, and order will be
maintained. Having the rules and procedures inside a classroom setting will also help keep
the learners and the room under control.


The physical arrangement of the classroom presents the kind of relationship students
have with their facilitator. It also expresses the kind of learning and facilitating skills they will
have in the proceeding days. In the beginning of the school year, the arrangement seems
having a close interaction with teacher and co-learner where they could have collaborated
and developed rapport and camaraderie in the sessions of the lesson, setting arrangement
could be changed gradually of regularly depending on the need of the facilitator to adopt the
kind of facilitating skills and learning skills of the students. For example, if the lesson is all
about experimentation and needs informative interaction and collaboration, physical
arrangement could be changed closely, if the lessons need independent learning and
developing self-reliance and decision making, the arrangement should be farther from each
other. All spaces and materials in the classroom should never interrupt nor disrupt any
learning activity.

Misbehavior situations are one of the challenging parts in a classroom management.
Setting the rules will be your guide in defining actions that are unwanted. When misbehavior
occurs, always use a positive behavior intervention strategy. Meaning, never use any physical
form of punishment or strong hurtful words towards the learners. This will lead to other
behaviors that might not be good for both the teacher and the learners. It is very important to
not the temper get ahead of you. First, the teacher must try to understand the source of
misbehaving, then understand the problem and then, talk it out ang provide positive thoughts
to address the problem.

Learning Environment. A Learner-Friendly Environment is very important in the
Teaching-Learning Process. As a teacher we need to make sure that our Physical
Environment in conducive for learning. Also, we must also teach our students to respect one
another, we should make our classroom a bully-free environment.

Emergency, and unexpected events really happen in class, such as injury, or natural
calamities such as storms. As a teacher you should have contacts with your students’ parents
in case something like these happens. And you must always have a first aid kit in your

The classroom exudes positivity, the color combinations, the arrangement, the air and
the vibes should be in harmony giving positivity and praise. The students should be seated in
a very comfortable way possible and invites collaboration and fun. The teacher interacts
continuously with positive inquiry in his/her teaching/facilitating skills. Every-minute lesson for
the students gives an opportunity to be praised and recognized. Learners are free and
expressive in sharing their ideas and opinions; and teacher on the other side should be full of
surprises for positivity and good motivation like giving awards and simple token of recognition
to elicit improvement. The teacher-student relationship plays a very crucial part in student
celebration. Teacher should be generous in giving intrinsic and extrinsic awards to motivate
learners to always do better and achieve quality learning.

My philosophical statement since then is “it’s better to be ready than never”. I firmly
believe that if you’re ready, whatever challenges, problems and unpredictable situations
that might occur. You can respond effectively to it. I accept every task and opportunity on
my hands with gratefulness and greatness. With all the limitations and struggles at hand
in today’s trying times I am more convinced that I can be efficient if I’m ready and that
everything I do with an attitude of readiness means I can respond to any given situation.

One of my goals is that my students be competent adults that can be productive in

our community and most importantly they should be God-Fearing, they should love God
above all.

I want to develop a class that has zero boundaries to gender and culture. I want
everyone to have respect to everyone and just coexist peacefully. I want my students to
realize that we are all equal. I want them to see people not color. I believe that as a
teacher, I can help stop the hate.


IFLEX Learner

The six essential components of the 21st century classroom management plan is crucial
not just for today but for the future generations ahead. One must be globally ready and that is a
challenge to us.

As a teacher, rules and procedure are considered essential in ensuring discipline and
smooth flow in the class. Physical arrangement ensures creativity and collaboration amongst
learners and teachers. Misbehavior interventions in the class imposes positive learning
environment and securing a well-mannered learner. Classroom safety is necessary to provide
security while learning is possible. Student celebration is a must to provide joy, fun, informative
and effective learning to happen. And philosophical statements are anchor of a teacher that
guides in her/his journey toward self-actualization and fulfillment as a teacher and as a 21 st
century teacher.

I have realized many things as I emersed myself in learning and applying the concepts in
my daily life as a teacher, but one of the things that has engulfed me with is the fact that as long
as I have a breath every day, it is living sign to never stop learning and trying all means possible
to make my lesson effective and productive in the lives of the learners. Classroom is not just a
physical aspect of the educative process but a strong foundation that provides strong
motivation, good opportunities and avenue for effective learning.

I am a 21st century teacher and I have a 21 st century classroom for my globally

competitive learners.


IFLEX Learner

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