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Năm học: 2022 - 2023



I. VOCABULARY: words and phrases related to global warming
II. GRAMMAR: perfect gerunds and perfect participles
Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. endanger B. disappear C. prohibit D. destruction
2. A. action B. habit C. danger D. survive
3. A. energy B. natural C. relative D. pollution
4. A. survival B. pollution C. government D. material
Choose the underlined part that differs in pronunciation in each question.
5. A. plenty B. energy C. Only D. hydropower
6. A. parks B. animals C. planets D. environments
7. A. famine B. atmosphere C. nature D. pattern
8. A. extinction B. emission C. energy D. environment
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
9. Human cannot …………. without species diversity on Earth.
A. exist B. disrupt C. run D. emit
10. We should ……..actions to reduce the risks of global warming.
A. take B. work C. affect D. release
11. Planting trees can contribute to reducing global warming as trees _____ and absorb C02 in the
A. cause B. capture C. effect D. recycle
12. Scientists worry about the ____ of many species of plants and animals from our planet.
A. erupt B. amount C. erode D. disappearance
13. He was suspected ____ having received presents from the local companies and ignored their
violations of the environmental law.
A. about B. on C. of D. for
14. The increase in Earth's temperature can cause heat-related illnesses.
A. Heat-related illnesses result from the increase in Earth's temperature.
B. Heat-related illnesses result in the increase in Earth's temperature.
C. Heat-related illnesses lead to the increase in Earth's temperature.
D. Heat-related illnesses trigger the increase in Earth's temperature.
15. What exactly is the influence of air pollution ______ human beings?
A. to B. with C. on D. for
16. If people stop destroying animals’ natural habitat, more species will survive and produce
A. offspring B. ecology C. landscape D. benefit
17. The main threat to the ...... of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.
A. survive B. survivor C. survival D. survivable
18. ________the desalination plant, the company could offer an effective solution to the problem of
water scarcity.
A. To build B. Having built C. Being built D. Having been built
19. We admired the Japanese ______ the city of Fukushima after the disaster.
A. To rebuild B. of having rebuilt C. to being rebuilt D. for having rebuilt
20. They don’t forget ______ a short vacation in Cuc Phuong National Park last year.
A. to spend B. having spent C. being spent D. having been spent
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. We need to cut down on the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A. intake B. retake C. uptake D. discharge
22. Most people admit that they contribute to global warming.
A. be partly responsible for B. disapprove C. neglect D. cause
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. Human beings cannot exist without water and air.
A. extinct B. survive C. result D. change
24. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil destroy wildlife.
A. decrease B. conserve C. ban D. encourage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
25. The environment where wild animals are living is now badly destroying.
26. Humans now have to suffer the effects of global warming due to having treat the environment
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.
The first cause of global greenhouse gas emissions is over-population. In 1950, the world population
was 3 billion, now 6.5 billion people produce an enormous output of waste and utilize an
unbelievable number of resources and energy. Most people who have children have no idea why
they are even having children. Most do not really love their children because if they did, they would
be very much involved in trying to ensure that their children have a world to survive in. Unless
overpopulation is addressed, there is no way of slowing down greenhouse gas emissions. But
corporations need workers, governments need taxpayers, bureaucrats, and soldiers. More people
mean more money. The solution to all of our problems is simple. We just need to live in accordance
with the basic laws of ecology. Weaken diversity and the entire system will be weakened and will
ultimately collapse. All of the species within an ecosystem are interdependent. There is a limit to
growth because there is a limit to carrying capacity. Human populations are exceeding carrying
capacity and diminishing resources and diversity of species. Albert Einstein wrote that “if the bee
disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more
bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” And the honeybee is
disappearing. Why? We do not know why. All around the world bees are disappearing and bees
pollinate our plants. We are cutting down forests and plundering the oceans. We are polluting the
soil, the air and the water and rapidly running out of fresh water to drink. Water is now being sold
for more than the equivalent amount of gasoline.
27. The passage is about _____________.
A. bees and human beings C. overpopulation and its effect
B. the decreasing of the world’s population D. an important part of bees in overpopulation
28. Overpopulation ______________.
A. has good effects to resources C. has no effects on human beings
B. leads to greenhouse gas emissions D. is a good result
29. According to the writer, ____________.
A. growth is limited
B. human beings can live independently from other species
C. children can grow up without their parents’ care.
D. the more people survive on earth, the more resources are used.
30. According to Albert Einstein, without bees ___________.
A. men would disappear soon C. human beings could survive in only 4 years
B. human life on earth would be better D. all human beings would die immediately
31. Which action is NOT referred in the text?
A. We are raising more and more bees C. We are cutting down forests
B. We are polluting the air and water D. We are plundering the ocean
Fill the each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
More than two hundred years (32) _________, the term “environmental pollution” was quite (33)
_________ to people. They lived healthy, drank pure water, and (34) _______ fresh air.
Nowadays, the situation is (35) _______different. People all over the world are worried about
things that are happening to the environment. Actually, it is man that is destroying the
surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit
dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by
bicycle. Manufactures know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they do
not want to spend a lot of their money on (36) _______ the wastes safely. Scattering rubbish is
bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about
32. A. ago B. before C. then D. recently
33.A. worrying B. necessary C. strange D. familiar
34. A. swallowed B. chewed C. glanced D. breathed
35. A. well B. too C. enough D. quite
36. A. processing B. treating C. solving D. dealing
Rewrite the sentences using perfect gerunds or perfect participles.
37. After the volunteers had successfully applied for the positions, they started cleaning the
beach, designing posters, and raising funds for the organization
 Having successfully applied for the positions, the volunteers started cleaning the
beach, designing posters, and raising funds for the organization.
38. Since the local people refused the oil company compensation, they had their farmland
remain intact.
 Having refused the oil company compensation, the local people had their farmland
remain intact.
39. He risked his own life to rescue the little boy. He was really admired for that.
 He was really admired for having risked his own life to rescue the little boy.
40. She raised $20,000 for wildlife protection. She was praised for that.
 She was praised for having raised $20,000 for wildlife protection.
41. I have advised you on how to cut down on your energy use. I remember that.
 I remember having advised you on how to cut down on your energy use.
Write the sentences in reported speech, using the reporting verbs and to-infinitive or -
ing clauses.
42. ‘Don't forget to take your medicine regularly' Quan's father said. (reminded)
 Quan’s father reminded him to take his medicine regularly.
43.‘You should eat less fast food and more vegetables,’ Jim's friend said. (advised)
 Jim’s friend advised him to eat less fast food and more vegetables.
44.‘You should not go out if air pollution levels are very high,’ Kevin's doctor said, (warned)
 Kelvin’s doctor warned him not to go out if air pollution levels are very high.
45. ‘I'm very sorry for not following your instructions,’ John said to his doctor. (apologized)
 John apologized for not following his doctor’s instructions.
46. “Me? ”NO, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator,” said Bob. (denied)
 Bob denied having taken / taking Sue’s calculator.


Some causes of global warming and possible solutions to it (100 words)

I. VOCABULARY: words and phrases related to further education
II. GRAMMAR: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous
Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. education B. compulsory C. academic D. independent
2. A. secondary B. primary C. category D. certificate
3. A. university B. application C. technology D. entertainment
4. A. maximum B. decision C. requirement D. admission
Choose the underlined part that differs in pronunciation in each question.
5. A. entrance B. diploma C. exchange D. apply
6. A. pursue B. curtain C. furniture D. further
7. A. admission B. profession C. passion D. passive
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
8. A ...... is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or
A. vocation B. subject C. certificate D. grade
9. We ............. for hours! Let’s have a rest.
A. have walked B. are walking C. were walking D. have been walking
10. Admitting you've made a mistake is a sign of ………, not weakness.
A. strength B. strong C. strengthen D. strongly
11. Qualifications are important but ............. experience is always a plus.
A. practical B. critical C. compulsory D. vocational
12. There are excellent opportunities for students to travel to earn credits, broaden their
knowledge or ……. new cultures.
A. pursue B. experience C. exchange D. allow
13. ............ allows students to work on their own at home or at the office, and access materials
and communicate with tutors and other students over a computer network.
A. Distance learning B. Credit-based course
C. Career-based course D. Further education
14. The Internet can give children opportunities to ....................... their minds.
A. open B. enlarge C. broaden D. continue
15. English is .............................. for all students, but art and music are optional.
A. compulsory B. required C. affect D. insure
16. Now there are also part-time courses, which allow young people to …… further education
while working.
A. pursue B. exchange C. experience D. take
17. “If I were you, I would apply for the scholarship to the University of Melbourne.” – “____”
A. I'm not afraid so. B. No way! C. I guess I should. D. I hope so.
18. Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City____________ around 30 undergraduate
courses in English since 2000.
A. has set up B. has been setting up
C. had been setting up D. had set up
19. “Why do you choose French as your second major?” – “____”
A. Because it's quite like English. B. Because they are friendly.
C. I don't really care. D. It's nice to say so.
20. With thousands of UK further education courses on offer, you can choose a course
that______ your goals and interests.
A. goes B. mixes C. fixes D. matches
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
In the USA, further education generally refers to education undertaken by adults of all ages
after leaving full-time study. It doesn't include degree courses (21) _______at college or university
directly after leaving high school, which come under higher education. Further education includes
everything from basic reading and writing skills for the illiterate to full-time professional and
doctorate degrees at university. On many university (22) _______, more students are enrolled in
further education courses than in regular degree programmes.
Often adult education students don't need to be high school or college graduates or take any
tests or interviews, and they're generally admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. A high school
diploma is (23) _________for some courses, although General Educational Development (GED)
tests allow students to (24) ___________ a high school equivalency diploma.
Adult education courses may be full-time or part-time and are provided by two and four-year
colleges, universities, community colleges, (25) _________ schools, and elementary and high
schools. Courses are also provided by private community organizations, government (26)
_________ , and job training centers. More and more adult education programmes are becoming
(27) ________ on the Internet, including courses which offer university or continuing education
credits for completion.
21. A. gone B. brought C. taken D. set
22. A. areas B. grounds C. yards D. campuses
23. A. permitted B. brought C. requested D. required
24. A. earn B. show C. manage D. make
25. A. technique B. technology C. technician D. technical
26. A. businesses B. organizations C. agencies D. companies
27. A. capable B. available C. visible D. possible
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities, more than 30 of the highest-
ranking 45 institutions are in the United States, as measured by awards and research output. Public
universities, private universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges all have a
significant role in higher education in the United States. An even stronger pattern is shown by the
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities with 103 US universities in the World's Top 200
The 2006 American Community Survey conducted by the United States Census Bureau found
that 19.5 percent of the population had attended college but had no degree, 7.4 percent held an
associate degree, 17.1 percent held a bachelor's degree, and 9.9 percent held a graduate or
professional degree.
Educational attainment in the United States is similar to that of other developed countries.
Colleges and universities in the U.S. vary in terms of goals: some may emphasize a vocational,
business, engineering, or technical curriculum while others may emphasize a liberal arts
curriculum. Many combine some or all of the above.
Students can apply to some colleges using the Common Application. There is no limit to the
number of colleges or universities to which a student may apply, though an application must be
submitted for each.'
Graduate study, conducted after obtaining an initial degree and sometimes after several years
of professional work, leads to a more advanced degree such as a master's degree. After additional
years of study and sometimes in conjunction with the completion of a master's degree, students
may earn a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or other doctoral degree.
Only 8.9 percent of US students receive postgraduate degrees, and most, after obtaining their
bachelor's degree, proceed directly into the workforce.
28. Not any other country has higher-ranking universities and institutions than the US does.
A. True B. False C. No information
29. Higher education in the USA is the same as that in China.
A. True B. False C. No information
30. Each student can apply to only one college or university.
A. True B. False C. No information
31. Students can continue studying to get a more advanced degree after working for some years.
A. True B. False C. No information
32. After getting their bachelor's degree, most US students continue their studies.
A. True B. False C. No information
Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of the given word.
33. Although Kevin did not have any ……………. qualifications, he had a lot of practical
experience. (ACADEMY) => ACADEMIC
34. Having two majors can …………. your employment potential. (BROAD)=> BROADEN
35. Maria wants to take a gap year after her secondary school …………. (GRADUATE) =>
36. Most universities are now offering courses to help students to improve their …………. skills.
37. How long is your medical …………………. in this hospital? (INTERN) => INTERNSHIP
38. A bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in the UK usually require three and one year of
Rewrite the sentences, using the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.
39. The graduate students started arriving at four o’clock. They are still arriving.
→ The graduate students have been arriving since four o’clock.
40. The graduate students started arriving at four o’clock. They are all in the lecture hall.
→ The graduate students have all arrived in the lecture hall since four o’clock.
41. She started her research project last month. She’s still doing it.
→ She has been doing her research project since last month.
42. They visited this college in 2009, 2012 and 2014. (three times)
→ They have visited this college three times.
43. He attended two online vocational courses: one in 2012 and the other in 2013. (twice)
→ He has attended two online vocational courses twice.
44. The British Council established IELTS a long time ago. It still uses this test as an
international standardised test of English for non-native English language speakers. (for)
→ The British Council has been using IELTS as an international standardised test of English
for non-native English language speakers for a long time.
45. I started discussing my research proposal with my professor at the beginning of my course.
We’re still discussing it.
→ We have been discussing my research proposal with my professor since the beginning of
my course.
The benefits of distance learning or education (100 words)


I.VOCABULARY: Words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in Vietnam
II.GRAMMAR: Participle and to – infinitive clause
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. citadel B. dynasty C. palace D. availability
2. A. relic B. heritage C. complex D. area
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the position of primary
stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. ecosystem B. catastrophe C. diversity D. relationship
4. A. excavation B. activity C. experience D. discovery
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
5. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex includes both natural and _______ sites.
A. traditional B. heritage C. cultural D. national
6. A lot of visitors to Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park are keen on cave _______.
A. exploration B. discovery C. cruising D. preservation
7. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park provides a lot of valuable information about the earth's
A. archaeological B. ancient C. architectural D. geological
8. Taj Mahal is considered to be a masterpiece of _______ style in design and construction
A. architectural B. geological C. imperial D. preserved
9. The _____ will last for several years as scholars believe that there are still relics buried in
this site.
A. conservation B. construction C. excavation D. recognition
10. Here are some of the things _______ when visiting a heritage site.
A. to avoid B. avoid C. avoiding D. to be avoided
11. Visitors should avoid shops _______ unusual relics from the area.
A. sell B. selling C. to sell D. to be sold
12. Many of the items such as rings, key chains, or souvenirs are made of unusual shells or
unique stones illegally _______ from the protected areas.
A. removing B. to remove C. removed D. to be removed
13. If you buy stolen relics, you will help to create a black market, _______to further destruction
of the heritage site.
A. led B. to lead C. lead D. leading
14. The final thing _______ is to admire the corals from a distance and not to break off any
pieces to take home as souvenirs.
A. remembering B. to remember C. remembered D. remember
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Six out of seven Ancient Wonders did not (15) _____ to this present day. Human demands
urged poets, writers, and historians to seek “replacements” for the fallen (16) ____. Some proposed
a new list for the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. (17) ____ argued that ancient civilizations,
which the Greeks did not know, erected monuments that should have been included in the original
list. (18) ____ such as the Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal in Agra, and the Temple of Angkor in
Cambodia are a few examples.
Like the ancient list, the new one includes fascinating monuments and structures that changed
the existing landscape. However, (19) ____ single list won unanimous approval among historians,
artists, and architects.
15. A. exist B. live C. appear D. present
16. A. houses B. villas C. monuments D. accommodation
17. A. Other B. Others C. Another D. Each other
18. A. Wonders B. Building C. Feats D. Blocks
19. A. any B. not C. no D. neither
Read the two passages carefully and choose the correct answer.
For thousands of years, the largest structures on Earth were pyramids: first the Red Pyramid in the
Dashur Necropolis and then the Great Pyramid of Giza, the only remaining Wonder of the World.
The largest pyramid ever built, by volume, was the Great Pyramid of Cholula, in the Mexican state
of Puebla. This pyramid is considered the largest monument ever constructed anywhere in the world
and is still being excavated. The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian pyramids – huge structures
built of brick and stone, some of which are among the largest man-made constructions. Pyramids
functioned as tombs for pharaohs. In Ancient Egypt, a pyramid was referred to as mer, literally “place
of ascendance.” The Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built in 2560 B.C., is the largest in Egypt and
one of the largest in the world. Until Lincoln Cathedral was built in 1300, it was the tallest building
in the world. The base is over 230 meters in area. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and
the only one of the seven to survive in modern times. The Ancient Egyptians capped the peaks of their
pyramids with gold and covered their faces with polished white limestone.
20. Which pyramid still remains in Egypt?
A. the Red Pyramid C. the Great Pyramid of Cholula
B. the Great Pyramid of Giza D. all of them
21. The Egyptian pyramids were built of _______________.
A. stone and gold C. stone and limestone
B. gold and limestone D. brick and stone
22. The Great Pyramid of Giza _________________.
A. was built in 1300 C. is not as high as Lincoln Cathedral
B. was not the largest in Egypt D. is higher than Lincoln Cathedral
23. Which pyramid is one of the seven wonders of the world?
A. the Great Pyramid of Giza C. the Great Pyramid of Cholula
B. the Red Pyramid D. none of them
24. Gold was put on the ________________ of the Egyptian pyramids.
A. face C. top
B. foot D. angle
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
25. My Son Sanctuary is a large complex of religious relics comprising more than 70 architectural
works such as towers, temples, and tombs.
A. royal B. precious C. holy D. valuable
26. In addition to exploring the caves and grottos, and seeing its flora and fauna, visitors can also
enjoy mountain climbing.
A. flowers and plants B. plants and animals
C. plants and vegetation D. flowers and grass
27. The balance and harmonious blending of various elements contribute to Taj Mahal’s unique
A. successful B. agreeable C. tasteful D. fitting
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
28. Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demolished in the early 20th century.
A. put out B. pulled down C. rebuilt D. pulled up
29. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the famous man-made wonders of the world.
A. artificial B. natural C. modern D. eternal
Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of the given word.
30. She has taken part in several ………. of Roman settlements across Europe. (EXCAVATE)
31. I always wanted to go on an …………. dig. (ARCHAEOLOGY) ARCHAEOLOGICAL
32. The country has a rich ………………………… heritage. (CULTURE) – CULTURAL
33. The opportunity to travel is one of the main ………… of this job. (ATTRACT)
34. Janet is very interested in historic …………... (PRESERVE) PRESERVATION
35. The main …………. material of this park is granite. (GEOLOGY) GEOLOGICAL
36. Do you prefer mountain climbing or cave ………………...? (EXPLORE) EXPLORATION
Rewrite the sentences replacing the relative clauses with participle or to-infinitive
37. Some of the relics that were found at the archaeological site of the Central Sector of the
Imperial Citadel of Thang Long belong to the Ly Dynasty.
→ Some of the relics found at the archaeological site of the Central Sector of the Imperial
Citadel of Thang Long belong to the Ly Dynasty.
38. The Japanese Bridge that was built in the early 1600s became a main tourist attraction in Hoi
→ The Japanese Bridge built in the early 1600s became a main tourist attraction in Hoi An.
39. Tourists should avoid purchasing unusual relics that were illegally removed from protected
heritage sites.
→ Tourists should avoid purchasing unusual relics illegally removed from protected heritage
40. He was the last emperor who ruled both parts of the empire.
→ He was the last emperor to rule both parts of the empire.
41. We visited an ancient house that overlooks the Thu Bon River in Hoi An.
→ We visited an ancient house overlooking the Thu Bon River in Hoi An
42. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is the 8th World Heritage Site in Viet Nam that has
been recognised by UNESCO.
→ Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is the 8th World Heritage Site in Viet Nam to be
recognised by UNESCO.
43. We walked on the bridge which connects the two parts of the heritage site.
→ We walked on the bridge connecting the two parts of the heritage site.
44. . Disney World is a famous amusement park. It is located in Orlando, Florida, USA
→ Disney World, located in Orlando, Florida, USA , is a famous amusement park.
45. Do you know the policeman? He is coming toward us.
→Do you know the policeman coming toward us?

One of the world heritage sites in Vietnam you admire most. (100 words)


I. VOCABULARY: words and phrases related to city life in the future

II. GRAMMAR: question tags, conditional sentences type 0
Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. different B. terrorist C. contrary D. domestic
2. A. future B. burden C. device D. certain
3. A. development B. security C. pessimistic D. particular
4. A. threaten B. appear C. modern D. instance
5. A. experience B. technology C. environment D. optimistic
Choose the underlined part that differs in pronunciation in each question.
6. A. dweller B. detect C. technique D. collect
7. A. inhabitant B. geography C. radiation D. available
8. A. ancient B. concern C. associate D. special
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
9. City ________ can enjoy better health care than people living in the countryside, but they are
usually busier and more stressed because of the city’s fast pace of life.
A. dwellers B. inhabitants C. infrastructure D. ancestors
10. It's urgent to upgrade the city's transport ______ because almost all roads get flooded after
heavy rain.
A. system B. movement C. means D. infrastructure
11. We will need new technologies to generate energy and use it in clean and safe ways, only
from fully _________ sources.
A. replaced B. controlled C. renewable D. endurable
12. “Can you recommend a good guest house in this area?” – “____”
A. I know. I prefer a B and B round the corner.
B. Yes, there's a nice B and B round the corner.
C. Wow! It's very kind of you to ask me.
D. Let's stop at the first hotel we find.
13. If you see Karen, ____ you ask her to call me?
A. shall B. will C. do D. would
14. If you bully someone, you ____ them to do things against their will.
A. will force B. forced C. force D. would force
15. Nothing frightens you, ___________?
A. does it B. doesn’t it C. do they D. don’t they
16. Don't forget to write to me soon, ____?
A. wouldn’t you B. couldn’t you C. can you D. will you
17. There will be powerful network of computers which may come from a single computing
_______ that is worn on or in the body.
A. device B. machinery C. equipment D. vehicle
18. In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost.
A. companies B. services C. supermarkets D. farms
19. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. speed B. expectation C. improvement D. treatment
20. Someone who is _______ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in
A. powerful B. optimistic C. stagnant D. pessimistic
Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting.
21. John 'd better not speak to me like this again, would he?
22. She has learnt French words for hours, but she still doesn't remember all of them.
23. Many optimist people have made predictions about the positive impact of the increasing
mechanization on human life.
Choose the best sentence that can be made from the words given.
24. Just imagine / human life / be like / 20 years.
A. Just imagine how human life will be like for 20 years.
B. Just imagine human life will be like in 20 years.
C. Just imagine what human life will be like in 20 years.
D. Just imagine that human life will be like since 20 years.
25. I hope / we / able / solve the problems / over population and pollution.
A. I hope whether we are able to solve the problems, those are overpopulation and pollution.
B. I hope if we will be able to solve the problems, which are overpopulation and pollution.
C. I hope that we will be able to solve the problems of overpopulation and pollution.
D. I hope when we will be able to solve the problem for over population and pollution.
26. Cancers and AIDS / untreatable / now / be cured successfully.
A. Cancers and AIDS, which are untreatable now, will be cured successfully.
B. Cancers and AIDS, they are untreatable now, will be cured successfully.
C. Cancers and AIDS, that are untreatable now, will be cured successfully.
D. Cancers and AIDS, which are untreatable now, they will be cured successfully.
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be replaced by solar cars, which have been
around for a while, but with recent developments in solar car design and the measurement of
photovoltaic cells becoming smaller, the dream of a truly efficient solar car is more reality than
fantasy. A solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells, which convert
sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy. As a source of energy on earth, there is nothing like
the sun: in a mere one thousandth of one second (.001), the sun emits enough energy to fulfill our
planet's energy needs for the next 5,000 years. It is a staggering fact, and an exciting one. Since the
energy from the sun is responsible for renewable resources such as wind, tides, and heat, solar
energy seems to offer the brightest future for not only cars, but for the entire energy crisis. Despite
the appearance that solar energy may be the least feasible among the current crop of alternative
fuel propositions, new solar powered devices and more specifically solar powered cars are
beginning to be developed. How do solar cars work?
The photo-voltaic cells absorb photons from sunlight. This action generates heat, which the
cells then convert into electrical energy and stores in an on-board battery. This process of
conversion is called the photovoltaic effect. Not surprisingly, such a vehicle has zero emissions,
and is very environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, at the moment, photovoltaic cells are
extremely inefficient, yet as time progresses the efficiency of these cells will grow. This will make
solar energy and solar cars the fuel and car of the future-a closer reality.
27. According to the text, _______.
A. up to now, we have designed some solar C. we have not produced any solar cars yet.
B. solar cars have been very popular for D. solar cars are not as much appreciated as
many years. other kinds of car.
28. A solar car is supplied power from _______.
A. gas B. petrol C. photovoltaic cells D. electricity
29. Which can’t help us to solve the problem of energy crisis?
A. wind B. tide C. the sun D. heat from the moon
30. According to the text, _______.
A. no powered solar devices have been developed so far.
B. besides solar car, we have also developed solar powered device.
C. solar energy plans are more feasible than wind energy plans.
D. tide can supply more energy than the sun.
31. The photovoltaic effect is _______.
A. the process of operating a solar car
B. the process of absorbing photons from the sun
C. the developing of solar cars and solar powered devices
D. the converting of heat from the sun into electricity
Complete these sentences with the correct question tags.
32. The global population is growing towards nine billion by 2050, _________________?
33. By 2050, between 70 and 80 per cent of the world's population will live in cities, ________?
34. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecommuting, _________________?
35. Tianjin, the eco-city in China, has focused on ensuring all its structures qualify as green
buildings, ________?
36. Chicago is dedicated to being a green building leader, ______________?
37. I believe nothing will slow the development of Danang, _____________?
32. isn’t it 34. didn’t she? 36. isn’t it
33. won’t it 35. hasn’t it 37. will it
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (38) _____ between the human
and the machine. All body (39) _____ will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human
(40) _____ with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce
fake people. We will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves (41) _____ we will appear
to be alive long after we are dead. Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our
spirit, including our (42) _____ and thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as (43)
_____ as we want. It might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a spirit transfer, they will
figure out how to do them automatically. So, we will be able to reside within whichever duplicate we
want, whenever we want.
38. A. variety B. change C. difference D. appearance
39. A. region B. place C. role D. parts
40. A. brain B. limb C. skull D. liver
41. A. such B. as C. so D. but
42. A. experience B. memories C. actions D. health
43. A. long B. far C. much D. soon
Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentences type 0 or 1
44. You press this button to stop the machine.
If you press this button, the machine stops.
45. Write your paper more carefully or the teacher can’t read it.
If you don’t write your paper more carefully, the teacher can’t read it.
46. Please come before 8 a.m., otherwise, you can’t meet her.
If you don’t come before 8 a.m., you can’t meet her.
47. Tell her the truth when you see her tomorrow.
Tell her the truth if you see her tomorrow.
48. I hope it is sunny tomorrow because I can go to the beach then
If it is sunny tomorrow, I can go to the beach.
* WRITING: about 100 words:
Your predictions about a future city in Vietnam.
I. VOCABULARY: words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity
II. GRAMMAR: reported speech with conditions, reported speech with to – infinitives and
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. nutrition B. reducing C. consumption D. contribute
2. A. healthy B. disease C. measure D. death
3. A. anxiety B. longevity C. dietary D. resident
4. A. urban B. workout C. factor D. purchase
Choose the word which has different stress pattern.
5. A. relieve B. immune C. consume D. healthy
6. A. expectancy B. meditation C. longevity D. nutritious
7. A. remedy B. principle C. medicine D. obesity
8. A. lifestyle B. disease C. substance D. treatment
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
9. In addition to a nutritious diet, a ________ lifestyle can boost your health and increase
your life expectancy.
A. stress-free B. sugar-free C. cholesterol-free D. anti-ageing
10. Your body may not be able to fight infections naturally if your ________ is weakened.
A. natural remedy B. immune system C. nutrition D. life expectancy
11. Science has shown that many types of chronic diseases are ________ to people's bad
eating habits.
A. given B. attributed C. contributed D. caused
12. Maria was warned ________ too much caffeine.
A. to drink B. drinking C. against not drinking D. not to drink
13. Hoa reminded Lan ____ some groceries on the way home.
A. buying B. to buying C. buy D. to buy
14. Huong told me that if she ____ strong tea, she usually starts feeling dizzy.
A. drank B. drinks C. will drink D. has drunk
15. Anna said that if she ____ a lot of fast food, she could become overweight.
A. consumes B. consumed C. will consume D. would consume
16. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years.
A. Living standard B. Longevity C. Life skills D. Lifeline
17. Too much fast-food consumption can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease.
A. being underweight B. being overweight C. malnutrition D. fitness
18. Here are some precautions for us to take when doing different types of physical activities.
A. safety measures B. safety levels C. safety rules D. safety factors
19. Doctor said that if he practiced _____ every day, he could keep his mind stress-free.
A. immune system B. meditation C. acupuncture D. a diet
20. Sleep, rest and relaxation can slow down the ________.
A. ageing process B. life expectancy C. cholesterol D. health
21. A __________ makes the body more efficient and enhances the body's ability to respond to stress.
A. fitness B. morning exercise C. training D. workout
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
22. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases.
23. Your body may not be able to fights infections naturally if your immune system is
24. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I can't sleep.
25. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
Our human body is made up of many muscles. All these muscles work together to help
you move. They form the muscle system. 650 muscles are wrapped around your bones. They
basically cover the bones like a blanket. Muscles are fastened to the bones by tough bands.
These bands are called tendons. You can see your tendons when you wiggle your finger.
Moving your fingers back and forth makes your tendons move.
These muscles around the bone must be told when to move. They are controlled by your
thinking. If you want to walk, talk, or smile, you send a message to the brain. Your brain picks
up the message. It receives it and processes it. Then it sends out an electrical signal through
the nerves. The nerves make connections until the signal reaches the proper muscle. This signal
tells a muscle what it has to do. The muscle simply does exactly what the brain tells it to do.
When you jump, hundreds of muscles work to help you do that.
Muscles work all the time. They even work when you are fast asleep. They keep your
body firm and strong. Therefore, it is important to be in good shape. You need to stay healthy
so that your muscles can remain powerful too. One thing that muscles need is good food.
Muscles develop when they have protein. Milk, eggs, red meat, fish, and beans are rich in
protein. A healthy diet includes these food types. Muscles also need to be exercised to remain
firm and toned. Regular exercise makes your muscles bigger, strengthens your heart and lungs
and makes you more flexible. Good ways to exercise our walking, swimming, cycling, dancing
or playing soccer. These activities improve your stamina. If you have good stamina, you can
keep going for a long time without getting tired.
26. What is the topic word of paragraph 1?
A. Muscles B. The muscles system C. Bones D. Tendons
27. The word “wiggle” in paragraph 1 means______
A. spin B. raise C. move D. cross
28. In what order does the following happen?
A. Processed message, nerve connection, electric signal, execution.
B. Execution, electric signal, nerve connection, processed message
C. Execution, nerve connection, electric signal, processed message
D. Processed message, electric signal, nerve connection, execution.
29. What are two things muscles need to stay strong?
A. Protein and walking B. Milk and eggs
C. Protein and good exercise D. Sleep and good food
30. What does the author think about regular swimming?
A. It makes you stronger and flexible.
B. It helps you to keep going for a long time without getting tired.
C. It is better than walking and dancing.
D. It is not as good as playing soccer.
Fill in each blank with one word in A, B, C or D.
If you’re lazy and not in good physical shape, then Dr. Guang Yue, an exercise physiologist,
has come up with a theory that might be of (31) _________to you. His (32) _________ discovery is
that the strength of our muscles can be improved without the need for physical activity. No longer do
we have to go for long swims or have hard workouts in the gym. It may seem improbable, but he says
we can (33) ________ up our muscles simply by thinking about exercise.
In Dr. Yue’s research, volunteers imagined they were moving their little fingers sideways, and
found that the power of (34) __________ was enough to increase strength in those finger muscles.
Then he asked volunteers to (35) __________ to themselves that they were moving their arm muscles
in five training sessions a week. Remarkably, these volunteers experienced a rapid increase in the
strength of their arms.
But sports psychologists say that, while this research is significant, muscle strength is only one
aspect of exercise, and we shouldn’t (36) __________ aerobic activity. We still need to look after our
hearts by taking exercise that (37) ___________ our heart rate to 70% of its maximum for 20 minutes,
three times a week. It would be (38) ___________ if people thought that exercise was useless, and
that they could keep fit while slumped on a sofa just thinking about exercise.
31. A. fascination B. appeal C. interest D. attraction
32. A. main B. extraordinary C. individual D. dear
33. A. develop B. grow C. build D. spread
34. A. idea B. thought C. brains D. mind
35. A. persuade B. pretend C. expect D. convince
36. A. cut out B. throw away C. look over D. switch off
37. A. jumps B. climbs C. leaps D. raises
38. A. anxious B. concerned C. worrying D. panicking
Report each statement. Make changes, if necessary.
39. ‘If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you won't be able to sleep well.’
Tom's father told him if he goes(went) to bed on an empty stomach, he won’t (wouldn’t) be
able to sleep well. ( changed/ unchanged)
40. ‘If you work too much and don't rest, you will weaken your immune system.’
My mother warned me that if I work(worked) too much and don’t rest, I will( would) weaken
my immune system. ( changed/ unchanged)
41. ‘If you follow my advice, your health will be much better.’
Ann's doctor told her that if she follows(followed) her/ his advice, her health will( would)
be much better. ( changed/ unchanged)
42. ‘If children don't get enough calcium, they won't grow strong and healthy bones.’
My grandmother explained that if children don’t get enough calcium, they won’t grow
strong and healthy bones.
43. ‘If I consumed a lot of fast food, I could become overweight.’
Alice said that if she consumed a lot of fast food, she could become overweight

Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
44. People can increase their life ________if they have a healthy diet. (EXPECT)
45. We shouldn’t eat so many kinds of food at dinner because some kinds of foods are so
_________, which make you uneasy. (NUTRIENT) => NUTRITIOUS
46. You can boost your health by leading a __________ life. (STRESS) => STRESS-FREE
47. After giving birth to my daughter, I had to follow a special diet and joined a fitness class
for __________ people. (WEIGHT) => OVERWEIGHT
48. The injection is quite ____. You won’t even feel the needle going in. (PAIN)

What people should do to stay healthy (100 words)


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