Learning Material VII Air Cycle Refrigeration System

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VII. AIR-CYCLE REFRIGERATION SYSTEM LEARNING OUTCOME Analyze, explain, and draw the schematic diagram with the corresponding PV and TS diagram of the two types of air cycle refrigeration system. Cooler n DQ Ecsite water out Fo Motor [Eevotng water 2 Jo Motor Peerrerreerty i f Reteigeratr oor fl f i a Closed or Dense-Air Open-Air System System The air cycle refrigeration system is the only air-cooling process developed for wide commercial application in which a gaseous refrigerated fluid is used through out the cycle. Compression is accomplished by a reciprocating or centrifugal compressor. Evaporation and condensation are replaced by sensible cooling and heating of the gas. An air cooler is used in place of a condenser and a refrigerator in place of an evaporator. The expansion valve is replaced by an expansion engine or turbine. This type of refrigeration cycle is ideal for air craft because itis ight in weight and reauires less space compared to a compression refrigeration cycle but it is less efficient. Two types of Air-Cycle System: 1. Closed or Dense-Air System - The air refrigerant is contained within the Piping or component parts of the system at all times and with the refrigerator usually maintained at pressures above atmospheric level. 2. Open-Air System - The refrigerator is replaced by the actual space to be cooled with the air expanded to atmospheric level, circulated through the cooled room and then compressed to the cooler pressure. v ‘The Ideal Air-Refrigeration Cycle Process 1-2: Isentropic Compression Process 2-3: _lsobaric Heat Rejection Process 3-4: _Isentropic Expansion Process 4-1: lsobaric Heat Absorption Analysis of the cycle: 1. Refrigerator 4 1 mi Lise m Ts Refrigerator | 7 oS Refrigerating Capacity, Qe = mep(Ti Ty. KW Where: m = mass flow rate of air, kg/sec. Specific heat of air at constant pressure = 1.0062 ki/ka-k 2. Cooler re _ Ss. m <1 Cooler |< bh he Heat Rejected, Qe = mep(Ts~ Tx), KW 2 xen 2020 3. Compressor Q) Isentropic Compression c} Compressor Clearance Pla Vs= Ov owe Vo * Vi= Wo Wea -ovs Vat CVs = cv ou T+ Clearance Volume 4, Expander 4g} Isentropic Expansion b) Polytropic Expansion nm, I-n c) Expander Clearance = CV Ve vs “ C8 Ve = Wave Ve= C= ve v Vat Vi = Cvs L ve = —O = Clearance Volime 5. Net Work Woe = We~ We 6. Coefficient of Performance cop. Rafgerating Capac Example: 1. A75-KW refrigeration load is to be cared by an air refrigerating system with a discharge pressure of 1,370 kPa and a refrigerator pressure of 345 kPa. Compression and expansion processes are polytropic with n = 1.37. The pressure at the start of expansion is 1344 kPa and the temperature is 32°C. Air temperature leaving the refrigerator is 0°C and entering the compressor is 5°C. Clearance for both compressor and expander is 5%. Determine (a) the piston displacement of the compressor and expander, (b] the net work and{c) the COP. Given: 5 Pa Piston Displacement, Vo in m/sec From the PV and TS diagrams, PV Diagram TS Diagram Piston displacement of compressor, Voc 6 xen 20 Voc = Vi- Vs Solve for Vi and V3 Py = 345 kPa T=0+273= 273K Ty = 5 +273 = 278K P2= 1,370 kPa Ta = Ty = 32 + 273 = 305K Considering process 1-2, Polytropic compression process 278 Ta C2] Ta = 403.452 K Considering process 3-4, Polytropic expansion process, Telfer)" 13 Ps: ast 1.2305 [5] 1,344 Ta = 211.252 K Refrigerating effect, Qe =m ep (T - Ts) Qe 75 kJ/sec “ep(i-T) 1.0062 kJ/kg-K (273 = 211.252) K m = 1,207 kg/sec Piv; = mT) Vy = MRD _ (1.207 kg/sec} (0.287 ki/kg-K){273 K) eR 345 KPa Vi = 0.274 m3/sec PIV! = Pave Me} lL Pt vi ~ Pa 1 1 7 137 Pi 345 = vil] = 0.274m%sec e [ | " (255) Vo = 0.100 mi/sec PVs = mRTs MRTs _ (1.207 kg/sec) (0.287 kJ/kg-K} (305 K} Py 1,344 kPa V3 = Vs = 0.079 mi/kg Voc = Vi-Vs = 0.274 m*/kg - 0.079 mi/kg Piston displacement of expander, Voe From the PV diagram of expander, PV Diagram Vor = Va- Vo Solve for Ve PaVa= mRTa Vee MRIs _ (1.207 kg/sec} (0.287 ki/kg-K) (211.262 K) Pe 345 kPa Va = 0.212 mi/kg Vor = 0.212 m/kg - 0.100 ms/kg Net Work of the cycle, Wner in KW. Wner = We - We Where: We = Compressor work Expander work We = 17-1 17 w, (345) (0.274) 370 -4 © 1-137 345 We = ~ 115.292 kW The work of compression has a negative value because the work is done on the compressor. 9 xen 20 We = Expander work Pos Jf Pa 4] T=n )| Ps __(1,344)(0.079) ~ 1=1.37 We 88.204 kW The work of expansion has a positive value because the work is done by the expander. Wnt = We- We = 115.292 — 88.204 Refrigerating capacity, Qe in kW = mep (Iv—T4) = (1.207 kg/sec) (1.0062 kJ/kg-K) (278 ~ 211.252) K Qe = 81.064 kW Coefficient of Performance, COP Ge_ _ 81.064 Wnet 27.088

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