Unit 1 Vocab

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Unit 1 Vocab

Part 1
1. A teacher took accountability when she was always out of the classroom causing her
students to never learn.
2. One of my teachers did an authentic assessment used to give us a multiple-choice test
and a written response test at the end of each of her units.
3. An older teacher of mine who could speak Spanish used to talk in Spanish to the
Spanish-speaking students who had trouble understanding English.
4. The Board of Education often chooses standards
5. An old principle used to sit in classes for certification.
6. A teacher used to always talk about classroom climate.
7. An old teacher used to always go through the content standers at the beginning of every
8. Another teacher went through the curriculum at the beginning of the school year and put
it in our syllabus.
9. We used to do distance learning in the covid era.
10. One of my old teachers was bad with equity.
11. I had exceptional learners in my old art class.
12. I had an old friend who used to have an IEP.
13. My mom is learning about pedagogy.

Part 2

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