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CHAPTER 4: LEADERSHIP TRAINING According to Swindell (2012), motivation

means the drive and ambition needed to

achieve our goals. We all need that extra
Human Behavior push at some stage of our life, whether it be
at work, in school, or home; or maybe to
According to, give up a bad habit or shed a few pounds.
human behavior is the "capacity of mental, We need motivation to get a job done and
physical, emotional, and social activities achieve a goal.
experienced during the five stages of a
human being's life-prenatal, infancy, Self-motivation can work for some people.
childhood, adolescence, and adulthood For example, if you are trying to lose some
weight, just imagine how you will look and
It includes the behaviors as dictated by feel when you can fit again in your smaller-
culture, society, values, morals, ethics, and sized clothes. An old photograph of a
genetics." slimmer you could help motivate you to
Encyclopedia Britannica (2012) states that keep going
human beings have a typical life course that If you work in sales, it is important to stay
consists of successive phases of growth, motivated to achieve your targets in order to
each of which is characterized by a distinct earn cash bonuses or even job promotion in
set of physical, physiological, and addition to commission.
behavioral features. These phases are
prenatal life, infancy, childhood, It is also easy to become demotivated. For
adolescence, and adulthood (including old example, you may be way off your sales
age). targets and you realize there is no chance
of reaching them, so you just give up.
Human development or developmental Negative people can demotivate you as
psychology is a field of study that attempts well.
to describe and explain the changes in
human cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
capabilities and functioning over the entire
Good Leadership
Leadership pertains to the qualities
exemplified by a leader. It also refers to acts
Motivation of leading or the "process of social influence
in which one person can enlist the aid and
Motivation encompasses the internal and support of others in the accomplishment of
external factors that stimulate desire and a common task." It is often said that some
energy in people to be continually interested people are good leaders while others are
in and committed to a job, role, or subject, not. But what is really the basis for judging
and to exert persistent efforts in attaining a one's capacity to be a good leader? From a
goal. It results from the interaction among follower's perspective, good leadership can
conscious and unconscious factors such as be attributed to qualities that make people
the (a) intensity of desire or need, (b) follow a leader. It would be great to have all
incentive or reward value of the goal, and these qualities, but not all leaders do have
(c) expectations of the individual and of them.
his/her significant others.
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD 6. Communication skills. Good leaders
LEADER are usually great orators and persuaders.
They can express their ideas clearly and
Here are ten essential characteristics of a
good leader. Do you think you possess
7. Persistence. Good leaders are
determined to attain their goals in spite of
1. Vision. Good leaders know where they
the obstacles and problems. They believe
want to go and they can motivate people to
that the benefits of attaining their goals
believe in their vision for their country,
outweigh the risks and hardships.
community, and family. Good leaders view
things as what they could be and not simply
as what they are.
8. Integrity. Good leaders mean what they
say. They walk the talk, practice what they
preach, and keep their promises. They are
2. Wit. Good leaders can make sound
judgments and decisions even during
crucial situations.
9. Daring. Good leaders are bold, willing to
take risks, and determined to chase their
3, Passion. Good leaders are very
dreams amid the reality of fear and
passionate and intensely obsessed in
uncertainty. Winston Churchill states that
whatever they are focused on, be it
courage is the virtue on which all others
business, sport, or hobby.
virtues rest.

4. Compassion. Good leaders show

10. Discipline. Good leaders observe self-
compassion for their supporters and
control and order. Where most people are
followers They possess exemplary coaching
easily distracted or dejected, good leaders
and development skills. While these leaders
manage to stay focused and steady
have goals to accomplish, they can still
regardless of the situation.
consistently care for their constituents. They
are not selfish individuals who think only
about their own wants and needs. They
have a heart for others.
1. Character is the quality of a person's
5. Charisma. Good leaders are captivating, behavior as revealed by his/her habits,
charming individuals who tend to draw thoughts and expressions, attitudes and
people toward them. It could be because of interests, actions, and personal
the way they talk, or carry themselves. They philosophies in life. Be a piece of the rock.
excel in building relationships and eliciting There are always two paths to choose from:
performance from their groups. character and compromise. Opt for
2. Charisma a special spiritual bestowed Transformational Leadership
temporarily by the Holy Spirit on a group or
Bass (1990) explains that transformational
an individual for the general good. It is an
leadership is a form of leadership that
extraordinary power in a person, group, or
occurs when leaders broaden and elevate
cause, which takes hold of popular
the interests of their employees, when they
imagination and wins popular support.
generate awareness and acceptance of the
purposes and mission of the group, and
they stimulate their employees to look
3. Commitment engages one to do
beyond their own self-interest for the good
something as a continuing obligation. It is
of the group.
state of intellectual and emotional
adherence to some political, social, and
religious theory of action.
Transformational leaders have a clear
collective vision, and most importantly, they
manage to communicate it effectively to all
4. Communication is a two-way process of
employees. By acting as role models, they
reaching mutual understanding, in which
inspire employees to put the good of the
participants do not only exchange (encode-
whole organization above self-interest. They
decode) information but also create and
also motivate employees to be more
share meaning. The meaning of
innovative, and they themselves take
communication is in the and not in what is
personal risks and are not afraid to use
said or how it is said.
unconventional (but ethical) methods to
achieve the collective vision.

5. Competence indicates a sufficiency of

knowledge and skills that enable someone
This form of leadership goes beyond
to act in a wide variety of situations. It is the
traditional forms of transactional leadership
capacity of a person to understand a
that emphasizes corrective action and
situation and to respond to it accordingly
mutual exchanges and rewards only when
and reasonably. A core competency is
performance expectations are met.
fundamental knowledge, ability, or expertise
in a specific area. Transactional leadership relies mainly on
centralized control. Managers direct most
activities by telling each person what to do,
6. Courage is the quality of the mind that when to do it, and how to do it.
enables a person to face difficulty and
Transformational leaders, on the other
danger without fear. It begins with an inward
hand, trust their subordinates and give them
battle. It is making things right, not just
enough space to breathe and grow.
smoothing them over. It inspires
commitment from followers.. Life expands in
proportion to one's courage.
TRANSACTIONAL AND 5. Engenders the trust and respect of
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP his/her followers by doing the right thing
rather than simply doing things right
6. Instills pride in employees
Transactional leadership is based on power
that makes use of rewards and coercion to 7. Talks most about important values and
deliver benefits to members (patronage), or beliefs 8. Considers the moral and ethical
to force or instill fear as illustrated by consequences of decisions
colonization, vote-buying, and similar
9. Seeks different perspectives when
solving problems 10. Encourages
employees to challenge old assumptions
and to think about problems in new ways
Transformational leadership or real
leadership starts from the recognition of 11. Spends time teaching and coaching 12.
what Considers each individual employee's
different needs, abilities, and aspirations
13. Is compassionate, appreciative, and
the members need and the steps toward
responsive to each employee and
achieving these needs, and relating rewards
recognizes and celebrates each employee's
to effort. The leader acts as a role model.
He/She lives out values, demonstrates
personal qualities, is approachable and
accessible, and accepts pressure to
perform. The leader treats people as
individuals and involves many in decision-
making, seeks to empower and give
maximum freedom, and is concerned with
developing members collectively and 1. Charisma. The leader's charisma or
individually. idealized influence is envisioning and
building confidence, and he/she sets high
standards to be followed.
BEHAVIORS OF A 2. Inspirational motivation. The leader's
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER inspirational motivation provides followers
with challenges and meanings/reasons for
1. Is articulate in creating compelling vision
engaging in shared goals and undertakings.
of the future
3. Intellectual stimulation. The leader's
2. Uses stories and symbols to
intellectual stimulation moves followers to
communicate his/her vision and message
question assumptions and generate more
3. Specifies the importance of having a creative solutions to problems. 4.
strong sense of purpose and a collective Individualized consideration. The leader
mission treats each follower as an individual and
provides coaching, mentoring, and growth
4. Talks optimistically and enthusiastically
and expresses confidence that goals will be
The qualities of transformational leadership Moving from transactional leadership to
can be found at different levels: transformational leadership requires a shift
community, national, and even global in leadership functions.
communities, and in various sectors of
the society.
1. People are taking more responsibility for
The leaders are able to translate their vision
their own decisions. This situation requires
and commitment into institutional practice.
the leaders to provide conditions for
Transformational leadership is non-
creativity and develop fewer levels of
hierarchical in structure and participatory in
leadership-flatter structures,
the processes. It is characterized by high
moral and ethical standards in each of the
aforementioned components.
2. Leaders concentrate on strategy to help
people respond to the changing world. In
this context, transformational leadership is
critical for an organization. The primary
processes, and institutions appears as
leader needs to come from the ranks of
members. Leadership cannot be left to the
A. Transformation of values executives. The organization must grow its
own leaders.
✓ from power as dominion to power as

✓ from war and conflict to peace Transformational leadership has three types
of functions: task functions, team functions,
✓ from efficiency consideration to equality and individual functions. There has to be
and equity (balance between genders) balance among the three functions.

✓ from growth to sustainability

✓ from "winner take-all norm to sharing and 1. Transformational leadership and task
caring functions:

B. Transformation of processes ✓ Defining the tasks-involves others

✓from hierarchical to participatory ✓ Making the plan-involves others

✓from corrupt to clean ✓ Allocating the tasks-involves others rather

than the leader giving out tasks
✔from secretive to transparent
✓ Controlling the tasks-uses peer pressure
✓from burdensome to empowering and self-control rather than being
disciplinary ✓ Checking the performance-
more self-management within the
C. Transformation of institutions transformational approach

✓ from bureaucratic to egalitarian, ✓ Adjusting the plan-with group review

responsive, and accountable.
2.Transformational leadership and team
• Support active leaders
✓ Setting the standards-involves the group
✔actively support leaders continuously and
✓ Enforcing discipline not to place them in positions and leave
them there
✔ Promoting team spirit

✓Encouraging and motivating

Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control
✓ Developing sub-leaders There has to be awareness of the
✓ Communicating with the group has to be framework through which transformational
open and honest leadership must operate, emphasizing that
an active and informed membership is
✓ Training-lifelong learning process critical to effective leadership
everyone needs to undergo

Students A leader has wholehearted faith

3. Transformational leadership and and belief in the rightness of a cause. A
individual function. leader who shows his/her full support to an
organization indirectly tells the members to
✓ Attending to personal problems do the
✓Praising individuals, enhancing confidence 1. A leader should be energetic,
✔Giving status pride sympathetic, friendly, and understanding to
ensure the enthusiastic cooperation of
✓ Using abilities of the people within the followers.
organization-training as a continuing
process 2. He/She should have confidence in
knowing and doing his/her job to gain the
✓ Involving individuals in decision-making confidence of followers.
3. He/She should be an example to

Leadership Development
• Develop a pool of leaders

✓ find people with basic leadership qualities

✓ widen the "catchment area"

✓assure a democratic process

• Provide knowledge and skills

✓build leaders personal capacities

✔ recognize this as a lifelong process

SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE then can you evaluate, probe, give advice,
PEOPLE ADOPTED FROM SEVEN and interpret his/her feelings.
6. Synergize.
1. Be proactive.
The whole is greater than the sum of its
Covey (2007)
parts. More tasks can be done if all things
Proactive means being able to take within reach are maximized and utilized.
responsibility for your life. You have the Synergize is the habit of creative
freedom to choose your behavior and cooperation. Better results can be produced
response to stimuli. Use your creativity and as a group than as individuals.
have some initiative. You are the one in
7. Sharpen the saw.
What you have learned a couple of years
back will have become outdated. Many
2. Begin with the in mind. things evolve and develop so fast that you
need to update through various food-for-the
Know where you want to go. When making
brain resources. A sense of humor is vital to
plans and decisions, see to it that the time
relieve tension and boredom as well as to
and effort that will be spent conform to what
defuse hostility. Effective leaders know how
you want to achieve. Envision your goal and
to use humor to energize his/her followers.
make it happen.
Humor is a form of power that provides
some control over the work environment
even as it fosters camaraderie.
3. Put first things first.
Practice self-management. Know your
priorities. TEAMWORK
Teamwork is the process of working
collaboratively with a group of people in
4. Think win-win. order to achieve a goal. It is often a crucial
Look at life as a cooperative arena, not a part of a business as it is often necessary
competitive one. Enter agreements or make for colleagues to work well together and try
solutions that are mutually beneficial and their best in any circumstance. Teamwork
satisfying to both parties. means that people will try to cooperate by
using their individual skills and providing
constructive feedback, despite any personal
conflict between individuals. Teamwork
5. Seek first to understand, then to be
brings people together for a common
purpose or goal and subordinates the needs
As the saying goes, "The best way to of individuals to the needs of the group.
understand is to listen." The practice of Many management gurus define team as a
empathy governs this habit. It is about group of individuals passionately committed
putting yourself in someone else's shoes. to their end goal. When groups have
By listening to a person's explanation, only common goals, teamwork is vital to
success. Teachers expect teamwork among
students, employers expect employees to  Time management is perhaps most
function effectively as a team; and most essential for the person who runs a
organizations convene teams to handle business of his her own or not.
problems or projects. Therefore, it is Managing work and home
important to learn teamwork skills even if responsibilities under the same roof
you prefer to work independently. takes a special type of time
management. An important aspect
of time management is planning
What does teamwork look like in action? ahead. Sometimes, successful time
Basically, group members focus on the management involves putting in
goal. They put aside individual differences more time at the outset in order to
and petty grievances to get the job done. reorganize one's life. Though many
They show passion for the project and each time management books and
contributes to its success. teachings differ in their suggestions,
most agree that the first step in
efficient time management is to
TIME MANAGEMENT organize the workspace. Even if
one's schedule is well ordered but if
The succeeding sections have been the office and filing systems are a
adopted from the writing of Paulla Estes disaster, time will be wasted trying to
edited by Niki Foster (May 28, 2012). work efficiently in a disorderly place.
 Time management is the art of
arranging, organizing, scheduling,
and budgeting one's time for the After cleaning, purging, and reorganizing
purpose of generating more effective the home or office, the next step in time
work and productivity. There is an management is to look at all the activities
abundance of books, classes, one participates in during a week. Every last
workshops, day-planners, and detail should be written down, including the
seminars on time management, time it takes to shower, dress, commute,
which teach individuals and attend meetings, make phone calls, clean
corporations how to be more the house, cook dinner, pick up the children
organized and productive. Time from school, take them to after-school
management has become crucial in activities, and cat cals. Also time for
recent years, thanks to the 24/7, entertainment or exercise, such as driving to
busy world in which we live. the gym, going for a walk, watching
television, or surfing the Internet.

 Time management is important for

Often, when individuals write down every
everyone. While time management
last activity, they find that there is very little
books and seminars often place their
time left for sleeping. The end result is that
focus on business leaders and
many activities must be pared down,
corporations, time management is
eliminated, consolidated, or delegated.
also necessary for students,
Prioritizing activities on a scale of one to
teachers, factory workers,
three one being the most important and
professionals, and homemakers
three being the least-can help with this task.
1. Identification of alternative solutions.
Lastly, good time management involves 2. Evaluation of possible options to
keeping a schedule of the tasks and determine which one meets the decision
activities that have been deemed important. objectives.
Keeping a calendar or daily planner is
3. Selection of the best option after an in-
helpful to stay on task, but self-discipline is
depth evaluation
also required. The most efficient to-do list in
the world will not help someone who does
not look at or follow his/her own daily
planner. Involvement in Decision-making
Every group has to make a decision at one
time or another and all the members have to
Of course, the other side of the argument is make a commitment to choose the best
to remember to live. Get on top of your time option available. The following are the
management, get organized, and stay on different types of involvement in making
task, but live your life. Schedule some time decisions:
off every day and at least one day off each
week. Be organized, but do not be a slave
to time management. 1. Consensus or agreement involves
compromising various possibilities after all
opinions have been heard. Disagreements
DECISION-MAKING and minority viewpoints are discussed fully.
Everyone feels free to express
 Decision-making is a process that
himself/herself. This method helps build
involves selecting the most logical
understanding, unity, cooperation, and
choice from among two or more
options. An example is deciding
whether to move to a new
apartment, to live with the in-laws, or
stay in the same apartment. Making 2. Majority voting is considered the most
a decision is instrumental in the effective way to make a decision. However,
survival and prosperity of human one may lose the interest or loyalty of the
beings. The right choice is what sets members of the minority who voted against
an average individual from the rest. the decision, especially if they feel their side
Although the ability of making the was not heard.
correct decision within a short span
of time is a highly valued trait, we
cannot simply follow a set of 3. The minority is not consciously
patterns when deciding on a course organized, but a few powerful personalities
of action at all points in time. There dominate the group, often unconsciously.
are different types of decision- These people later wonder why the others
making that we do depending on the are apathetic.
situation at hand. Consider the
following in decision-making:
4. The silent consensus of some groups
leads to unanimous decisions. This type of
involvement in decision-making is rarely 4. Hidden agenda or secret motive can
applied when tackling important issues. hinder decision-making for reasons a
Unanimous agreement is sometimes member-does not share with the group.
assumed when some members do not want
5. Blundering methods include using rigid
to disagree and have chosen to stay silent.
procedure that leaves little room for
expressing differing views, substituting
personal opinions for adequate information,
5. The clique is a small group whose
and disregarding proper consultation or
members plan beforehand to get their way
in decision-making. Because they are better
organized than those who disagree, they 6. Inadequate leadership restricts the
are often successful in getting/having their expression of opinions and discussion on
own way in resolving an immediate issue, issues. Leaders fail to provide assistance in
but they bring a spirit of rivalry, rather than selecting appropriate methods for decision-
cooperation, to the group. making or are insensitive to the factors that
cause difficulty in the group.

6. The handclasp happens when one

person makes a suggestion and another 7. Clash of interest occurs when different
commends it. Without further discussion, groups or individuals within an organization
the matter is decided. Resentment, have opposing interests.
however, surfaces later on.
7. The one-person decision is quickly
made, but later when the decider needs free
or voluntary support from others to
implement the decision, he/she might find
trouble getting it.
8. The plop occurs when a group makes a
decision by not making a decision at all.
Someone makes a suggestion, but it is
dropped or junked altogether and no one
pays any attention to it.

1. Fear of consequences brings division and
2. Conflicting loyalties of one person as a
member of different groups frequently leads
to divided loyalties about decisions.
3. Interpersonal conflicts and personal
differences evoke various feelings among
members, which interfere with sound
CHAPTER 5: FUNDAMENTAL OF GROUP groups that affect job satisfaction and
DYNAMICS effectiveness. Lewin shows that different
kinds of leadership attitudes produce
different responses in groups.
Group is defined as two or more persons
engaged in a social interaction. This implies
that each member of a group is aware of the A group is composed of individuals who
other members and their influence. Some have come together to accomplish a
psychologists consider this definition too particular task or goal. Group dynamics
general and prefer to limit the use of the refers to the attitudinal and behavioral
term group to a collection of individuals who characteristics of a group. In a group, the
find their association with one another members share consciousness of
rewarding. Others say that a group exists membership and interaction. A group is not
only when the individual members have a mere collection of individuals but an
developed status and role relationships with aggregate of personalities acting and
respect to one another. Still others insist interacting with one another in the process
that the individuals must have a common of living. To be a member of a group, one
goal in order for them to be considered as a must participate in its common life and
group. activities. Group dynamics form the
structure of a group and how its members
The existence of any group is assumed to
depend on the participation and satisfaction
of the individuals comprising it. Concepts of Social Group
San Juan and Centeno (2011) present that
"psychologically, man is said to be a rational
Group Dynamics
being; politically, he is a political and power-
The social process by which people interact seeking being; theologically, he is a
in a small group and in a face-to-face religious, God-seeking being, and
manner is called group dynamics. Dynamics sociologically, man is a gregarious social
comes from the Greek word dunamis which being seeking the company of other social
means "force." Group dynamics then refers beings. The saying "No man is an island"
to the study of the forces operating within a explains that a person cannot live
group. satisfactorily by himself/herself alone.
His/Her very existence and the satisfaction
of his/her needs and wants, as well as
Forces Found in Small Groups his/her happiness, depends to a large
degree upon his/her association with other
There are two important historical people.
landmarks in understanding small groups.
These are the research of Elton Mayo and
his associates in the 1920s and 1930s, and Special Properties of Groups
the experiments conducted in the 1930s by
Kurt Lewin, considered as the founder of the The special properties of groups are
group dynamics movement. According to illustrated by a simple lesson in
Mayo, workers tend to establish formal mathematics, as in one plus one equals
three. This is a logical error in the world of 1. Interaction is the pattern of mutual
mathematics. In the world of group influence (physical, verbal, non-verbal,
dynamics, however, this is rational. In a emotional, etc.).
group, there is no such thing as merely a
2. Structure is a stable pattern of
composition of two people. It is their
relationship that makes it three. For
instance, salt (sodium chloride) has different  Roles deal with the behavior
properties from the sodium and the chlorine expected of members in a given
elements that form a group to make it (San position.
Juan & Centeno, 2011).  Norms are the rules that identify
and describe appropriate behavior.
 Inter-member relations are
Group types are classified as formal or influenced by authority and
informal in nature. Formal work groups are communication.
established by an organization to achieve its
goals. 3. Goals are the reason for existence.
4. Perceived groupness is the extent in
which members see themselves as one
TYPES OF GROUPS (common fate, similarity, proximity).
Groups are generally classified as follows: 5. Dynamic interdependency occurs when
1. Primary group is characterized by the members are active, energized, vibrant,
and changing 6. Motivation focuses on
intimate face-to-face association and
cooperation among its members. It personal needs which when attained-lead to
fundamentally forms the social nature and
ideals of an individual. It involves sympathy
and mutual identification which is a form of
natural expression (San Juan & Centeno, KINDS OF FORMAL GROUPS
2011). Formal groups are divided into the following:
2. Secondary group consists of members 1. Command groups are specified by the
who are aware and cognizant of personal organizational chart and often composed of
relationships, but they do not feel that their a leader and the members who directly
lives are bound with one another except in report to him/her.
time of social crisis. The members may be
separated from one another by distance or Example: An academic department
by a lack of personal physical contact. consisting of a chair and faculty members
Nevertheless, they can share their interests
through correspondence, press, radio,
telephone, or other means (San Juan & 2. Task groups consist of people who work
Centeno, 2011). together to achieve a common task.
Members are brought together to
accomplish a narrow range of goals within a
Characteristics of a Group specified time.

Here are the important characteristics of a Examples: Ad hoc committees, project

group: groups, standing committees
organization and members can invite others
to join from time to time.
3. Functional groups are created by an
organization to accomplish specific goals
within an unspecified time frame. They
Meeting is convened for different purposes.
continue to function even after their goals
Some are for information, advice, decision-
have been achieved.
making, negotiation, coordination, and
Example: A sales and marketing creative thinking. A committee holds a
department specific type of meeting in which members
have been delegated authority with regard
to the problem at hand.
I. Interest groups usually continue over
A meeting of five people seems to be
time and may last longer than general
preferred for typical situations (Davis 1982).
informal groups. The goals and objectives of
A smaller group sometimes has difficulty
interest groups are specific to each group
functioning because conflicts of power
and may not be related to organizational
develop. If membership rises above seven,
goals and objectives.
communication tends to become centralized
Example: Students who come together to because members do not have adequate
form a study group for a specific class opportunity to communicate with one
another (Evangelista 1992).
2. Friendship groups are formed by
individuals who enjoy similar social
activities, political beliefs, religious values,
or other common bonds. Members enjoy
each other's company. A person cannot live alone; he/she needs
the company of others. By nature a social
Examples: Students who have an exercise
being who needs to form a group, a person
group or who meet for at so-called jamming
has his/her own community. Aside from
3. Reference groups are composed of permanent groupings, there are also
people who are evaluated for social temporary ones such as the various
validation and social comparison. Social organizations in society, which may be
validation allows individuals to justify their religious, economic, or political in nature.
attitudes and value while social comparison
Forming a group is important to every
helps individuals evaluate their own actions
human being because he/she needs a
by comparing themselves with others.
companion for the rest of his/her life.
However, regulation must be imposed and
followed for the smooth existence of any
Informal groups are formed naturally in group.
response to the common interests and
shared values of individuals. They are
created for purposes other than the
accomplishment of organizational goals and
do not have a specified time frame. Informal
groups are not designated by an
CHAPTER 6: DIMENSION OF the infection through mosquitoes or blood
DEVELOPMENT: HEALTH AWARENESS products while they are still febrile.

Communicable Diseases Here are some Prevention of Dengue

common infections diseases:
The best way of prevention is to avoid being
bitten by mosquitoes. Take note of the
following tips:
 Dengue
1. Use mosquito nets and insect repellent.
Hawker et al. (2007) mention in their book
that dengue fever is a febrile disease 2. Put screens on doors and windows.
caused by one of four closely related virus
3. Refrain from going outdoors during the
serotypes of the genus Flavivirus, family
time of the day when mosquitoes are most
Flaviviridae. Each scrotype is sufficiently
different that there is no cross-protection,
and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes 4. Remove stagnant water. Cover water
(hyperendemicity) can occur. Dengue is containers and change water in flower
transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti vases frequently.
mosquitoes that are found in the tropics.
They tend to bite just after dawn and just
before sunset. However, it has been  Malaria
observed that they can bite and spread
infection at any time of day. Incubation Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease
period is from 3 to 15 days. that is widespread in tropical and
subtropical regions, including the
Philippines. It is "commonly associated with
Signs and Symptoms of Dengue poverty but is also an effect of poverty and a
major hindrance to economic development"
Dengue is manifested by a sudden onset of (Engelkirk, 2007).
high fever with severe headache and
muscle and joint pains, myalgia and
arthralgia. It is also called breakbone fever Malaria, according to Engelkirk (2007) in
or bonecrusher disease. The patient may Burton's Microbiology for the Health
develop dengue rashes that are Sciences is one of the most common
characteristically bright red petechiae. infectious diseases and enormous public-
These usually appear first on the lower health problems." It is caused by protozoan
limbs and chest and spread to cover most of parasites of the genus Plasmodium. The
the body. The patient may suffer from most serious forms of the disease are
gastritis, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, caused by Plasmodium falciparum and
or diarrhea, Plasmodium vivax, but other related species
can also infect humans. This group of
human-pathogenic Plasmodium species is
Mild cases of dengue, where no rash is usually referred to as malaria parasites
present, can be misdiagnosed as flu or (Hawker et al., 2007). They are transmitted
other viral infection. Patients can pass on by female Anopheles mosquitoes.
Signs and Symptoms of Cholera Aside from
diarrhea, the patient may also experience
Signs and symptoms of Malaria
nausea, vomiting, fever, and muscle
The parasites multiply within the red blood clamps.
cells and cause anemia, high fever, chills,
nausea, headache, diarrhea, and in severe
cases, coma and death. Prevention of Cholera
Follow these precautions to reduce the risk
of contracting cholera:
Prevention of Malaria
1. Wash hands with soap and water
Malaria can be prevented by avoiding
frequently and throughly,
mosquito bites through the use of mosquito
nets and insect repellent, spraying 2. Drink safe water only.
insecticides, and draining standing water
3. Eat food that is completely cooked.
where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
4. Avoid raw food, street food, and any food
from suspicious sources. 5. Observe proper
No vaccine is currently available for malaria. hygiene and sanitation at all times.
Preventive drugs must be taken
continuously to reduce the risk of infection.
 Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
Avian influenza is an infection caused by
 Cholera
avian influenza A viruses found chiefly in
Cholera is an acute intestinal infection birds, but infections can occur in humans.
caused by ingestion of food or water The risk is generally low to most people
contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio because the viruses do not usually infect
cholerae. It has a short incubation period humans. However, confirmed cases of
lasting from less than one day to five days. human infection have been reported since
It also produces an enterotoxin that causes 1997. Most cases of avian influenza
copious, painless, and watery diarrhea that infection in humans could have resulted
can quickly lead to severe dehydration and from direct contact with infected poultry or
death if treatment is not promptly given. contaminated surfaces. H5N1 is a
Vomiting also occurs in most patients particularly deadly strain of bird flu that can
(Hawker et al., 2007). infect humans and other mammals.

The incubation period of cholera according Signs and Symptoms of Avian Influenza
to Hawker, et al. (2007) is from six (6) to
Symptoms of avian flu in humans include
forty-eight (48) hours, but there are reported
fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle
cases of people being infected during the
aches. Some people may also experience
period of diarrhea and up to seven (7) days
nausea, vomiting, pneumonia, diarrhea, and
others severe and life threatening
complications, depending on which virus
has caused the infection.
H1N1 is a subtype of the influenza A virus
and is the most common form that infects
Prevention of Avian Influenza
people. Certain strains of H1N1 are
Consider these precautionary measures to endemic in the human population and cause
prevent infection: periodic flu outbreaks. It was an H1N1 flu
virus that was responsible for the 1918 flu
1. Wash hands or use alcohol-based hand pandemic which killed 50 to 100 million
sanitizer to avoid infection of all kinds. people at the end of World War I and into
2. Stay away from farms and live animal 1919.
3. Cover mouth and nose when coughing or Here are important facts about swine flu
1. Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused
4. Cook chicken throughly. Do not eat raw by influenza viruses that infect the
eggs. 5. Avoid cross-contamination. Do not respiratory tract of pigs and result in nasal
use the same utensils for both raw meat secretions, barking cough, decreased
and other kinds of food. appetite, and listless behavior.
2. Swine flu viruses may mutate (change),
H1N1 so that they are easily transmissible among
H1N1 is a flu virus that is also known as the
swine flu. Scientists call the HINI virus a 3. The 2009 swine flu outbreak was due to
"quadruple reassortant" virus because it the HINI virus and was first observed in
contains two genes found in flu viruses Mexico.
which circulate among pigs and two genes 4. Two antiviral agents, zanamivir (Relenza)
found in flu viruses which circulate among and oseltamivir (Tamiflu), have been
birds. The HINI virus is passed from person reported to help prevent or reduce the
to person just like other flu strains. But not effects of swine flu if taken within 48 hours
by eating pork. at the onset of symptoms.

What sets the HINI virus apart from other Signs and Symptoms of Swine Flu
seasonal flu viruses is that studies have
shown it to cause more severe symptoms in Symptoms of swine flu to humans are
people younger than 25 years of age while similar to those of ordinary flu: fever, cough,
people over 60 years old have some sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body
immunity against it. aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Some
people may experience vomiting and
Most cases of flu caused by HINI are mild.
However, there have been cases of severe
complications in people with other medical Prevention of H1N1
conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes,
The best way to avoid influenza infections is
heart disease, kidney disease, and asthma.
through vaccination.
Almost all vaccines have some side effects. distinct diseases and are caused by
Common side effects of HINI vaccines are different species of bacteria.
typical of the vaccines.
They are as follows:
Diagnosis of typhoid fever is made when the
1.Flu shot: Soreness, redness, minor salmonella bacteria is detected with a stool
swelling at the shot site, muscle aches, low- culture. Typhoid fever is treated with
grade fever, and nausea. These do not antibiotics. Approximately 3 to 5 percent of
usually last for more than 24 hours patients become carriers of the bacteria
once infection becomes an acute illness.
2. Nasal spray: runny nose, low-grade fever,
vomiting, headache, wheezing, cough, and
sore throat
Patients with acute illness can contaminate
The nasal spray vaccine contains live virus the surrounding water supply through stool,
that has been altered to hinder its ability to which contains a high concentration of the
replicate in human tissue. People with a bacteria. Contamination of the water supply
suppressed immune system should not get can, in turn, taint the food supply. Some
vaccinated with the nasal spray. Also most patients suffer a very mild illness that goes
vaccines that contain flu viral particles are unrecognized. These patients can become
cultivated in eggs, so individuals with an long-term carriers of the bacteria. The
allergy to eggs should not get the vaccine bacterium multiplies in the gallbladder, bile
unless tested and advised by their doctor ducts, or liver and passes into the bowel.
that they are cleared to obtain it. The bacteria can survive for weeks in water
or dried sewage (Hawker et al., 2007).

 Typhoid Fever
Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever
Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid, is an
acute illness most often caused by the People with typhoid fever usually have a
Salmonella typhi bacteria or the Salmonella sustained high fever. Chest congestion
paratyphi, a related bacterium that usually develops in many patients, and abdominal
leads to a less severe infection. The pain and discomfort are common. The fever
bacteria are deposited in water or food by a becomes constant. Other symptoms include
human carrier and are then spread to other poor appetite, headache, body aches and
people in the area (Hawker et al., 2007). lethargy. Improvement occurs in the third
and fourth weeks for those who do not
experience complications. About 10 percent
Typhoid is common worldwide and has of patients have recurrent symptors
received various names such as gastric (relapse) after feeling better for one to two
fever, abdominal typhus, infantile remittent weeks. Relapses are actually more common
fever, slow fever, nervous fever, or in individuals treated with antibiotics.
pythogenic fever. The name typhoid means
"resembling typhus" and comes from the
neuropsychiatric symptoms common to
typhoid and typhus. Despite this similarity of
their names, typhoid fever and typhus are
Prevention and Treatment of Typhoid The pressure of the circulating blood
Fever decreases as blood moves through arteries.
arterioles, capillaries, and veins. Blood
Typhoid fever can be prevented by drinking
pressure generally refers to arterial
safe water only, improving sanitation. and
pressure, i.e.. the pressure in the larger
eating well-cooked food while it is still hot.
arteries, the arteries being the blood vessels
Washing the hands often and keeping the
which take blood. away from the heart.
surroundings clean will help stop the spread
of infection,
Blood pressure consists of two numbers:
the systolic pressure (when the heart beats)
Two vaccines, one injected and the other
and the diastolic pressure (when the heart
given orally, are available. These are
relaxes). The systolic pressure is the
recommended especially to people in high-
number above the diastolic pressure.
risk areas. Typhoid fever is treated with
antibiotics that kill the salmonella bacteria. 1. Normal Blood Pressure
Prior to the use of antibiotics, the fatality
Blood pressure reading 120/80 or lower is
rate was 20 percent. Death occurred from
considered normal.
overwhelming infection, pneumonia,
intestinal bleeding, or intestinal perforation. 2. High Blood Pressure
With antibiotics and supportive care,
mortality has been reduced to 1 to 2 Blood pressure reading 140/90 or higher is
percent. With appropriate antibiotic therapy, considered high. If one or both numbers are
there is usually improvement within one to usually high, you have high blood pressure
two days and recovery within seven to ten or hypertension.
days. 3. Low Blood Pressure
Blood pressure that is too low is known as
The carrier state, which occurs in 3 to 5 hypotension. High Blood Pressure Range
percent of those infected, can be treated Systolic pressure (mmHg)
with prolonged antibiotics. Often, removal of
the gallbladder, the site of chronic infection, 210
will cure the carrier state.
Here are some non-communicable but
Diastolic pressure (mmHg)
dreaded diseases:
Blood pressure refers to the force exerted
by the circulating blood on the walls of blood
vessels. It is one of the body's vital signs.
Normal Blood Pressure Range 40
Systolic pressure (mmHg) 33
120 Pressure Range
110 Borderline low blood pressure
Diastolic pressure (mmHg) Too low blood pressure
120 Dangerously low blood pressure
100 For most people who are suffering from
hypertension, there is no obvious cause
why their blood pressure is high. This
Stages of High Blood condition is called essential hypertension
and it is especially important that their blood
Pressure pressure is kept under control.
Stage 4
Stage 3 Prevention of Hypertension
Stage 2 Changing your diet and lifestyle can do
Stage 1 much in managing blood pressure
1. Quit smoking.

Pressure Range 2. Limit the intake of alcoholic beverages.

High normal blood pressure 3. Lose weight if you are overweight.

Normal blood pressure 4. Exercise and eat well-balanced, nutritious

meals that are low in fat, salt, and
Low normal blood pressure cholesterol but high in fiber.
Low Blood Pressure Range

Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension

Systolic pressure (mmHg) General signs of high blood pressure
include headache, dizziness, pounding in
ears, and nosebleed. These symptoms
60 typically do not occur until high blood
pressure has reached an advanced and
50 even a possibly life-threatening stage.
Diastolic pressure (mmHg)
 Cardiovascular Disease 10. Having high cholesterol level

High blood pressure increases the risk of  Heart Attack

coronary artery disease, also called
A heart attack causes permanent damage
atherosclerosis, High blood pressure puts
to the heart muscle due to loss of blood to
added force against the artery wall. Over
the heart. Some heart attacks are sudden
time. this extra pressure can damage the
and intense; however, most heart attacks
arteries. These injured arteries tend to
start slowly with mild pain and discomfort.
become narrow and hardened by fatty
Generally, heart attacks involve discomfort
deposits. They block the flow of blood to the
in the center of the chest that lasts more
heart and cannot deliver enough oxygen to
than a few minutes or that goes away and
the other parts of the body.
comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable
Other causes of cardiovascular disease are pressure, squeezing,. fullness, or pain.
as follows: Shortness of breath may occur, as well as
nausea or lightheadedness. It is vital to get
1. Smoking-Cigarette smokers are at a
help immediately if any of these symptoms
greater risk than pipe and cigar smokers.
but all forms of tobacco are proven to be
detrimental to the heart's health.
2. Diabetes  Stroke
3. Overweight - Persons who have an The brain requires unobstructed blood flow
excess body fat are at a higher risk than to function. Very high, sustained blood
persons of normal weight. pressure will eventually cause blood vessels
to weaken. Over time, these weakened
4. Diet high in saturated fat and salt
vessels could break, and blood could leak
into the brain. The area of the brain that a
being fed by these broken vessels start to
5. Family history - Children of parents who die, and this will cause a stroke. In addition
developed heart disease before the age of if a clot blocks a narrowed artery, blood
55 have a higher risk of developing heart ceases to flow and a stroke will occur.
6. Lack of exercise
Symptoms of a stroke include sudden
numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or
7. Age -Risk of heart disease increases leg, especially on one side of the body,
over the age of 45 in males and over 55 in confusion, trouble in speaking, poor vision
females. and sudden severe headache,

8. Too much drinking-People who take

two alcoholic drinks per day are at risk.

9. High blood pressure

Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases Insulin makes it possible for the cells to take
in the glucose.
Here are some tips on how to keep your
heart healthy:
1. Quit smoking Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the
pancreas. After eating, the pancreas
2. Control diabetes, blood pressure, and
automatically releases an adequate quantity
cholesterol level.
of insulin to move the glucose present in the
3. Exercise regularly. blood into the cells. As soon as glucose
enters the cells, blood glucose levels drop.
4. Eat a diet that is rich in fiber and low in
salt and saturated fat.
5. Maintain a healthy weight. In a person with diabetes, the quantity of
glucose in the blood is too elevated
6. Manage stress. (hyperglycemia) because the body does not
produce enough insulin, produces no
insulin. or has cells that do not respond
 Diabetes properly to the insulin that the pancreas
produces. This results in too much glucose
Diabetes, also referred to as diabetes
building up in the blood. This excess blood
mellitus, describes a group of metabolic
glucose eventually passes out of the body
diseases in which the person has high blood
through the urine. So, even though the
glucose or blood sugar, either because
blood has plenty of glucose, the cells are
insulin production is inadequate, or the cells
not getting it for their essential energy and
in his/her body do not respond properly to
insulin, or both. Patients with high blood
sugar will typically experience frequent
urination (polyuria), excessive thirst
(polydipsia), and increased appetite

Type I Diabetes
Diabetes is classed as a metabolism The body does not produce insulin. This
disorder. Metabolism refers to the way the type is also referred to as insulin-dependent
body uses digested food for energy and diabetes, juvenile diabetes, or early-onset
growth. Most of what is eaten is broken diabetes. People usually develop type 1
down into glucose. Glucose is a form of diabetes before their 40th year, often in
sugar in the blood. It is the principal source early adulthood or teenage years.
of fuel for the body.
When food is digested, glucose makes its
way into the bloodstream. The cells use Type 1 diabetes is nowhere near as
glucose for energy and growth. However, common as type 2 diabetes. Approximately
glucose cannot enter the cells without 10 percent of all diabetes cases are type 1.
insulin. Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to
take insulin injections for the rest of their
life. They must also ensure proper blood-
glucose levels by carrying out regular blood  Cancer
tests and following a special diet.
Cancer is a class of diseases characterized
by out-of-control cell growth. There are over
100 different types of cancer, and each is
Type 2 Diabetes
classified by the type of cell that is initially
The body does not produce enough insulin affected.
for proper function, or the cells in the body
do not react properly to insulin (insulin
resistance). Approximately 90 percent of all Cancer harms the body when damaged
cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type. cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or
masses of tissue called tumors (except in
the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits
Some people may be able to control their normal blood function by abnormal cell
type 2 diabetes by losing weight, following a division in the bloodstream). Tumors can
healthy diet, doing plenty of exercise, and grow and interfere with the digestive,
monitoring their blood glucose levels. nervous, and circulatory systems and they
However, type 2 diabetes is typically a can release hormones that alter body
progressive disease. It gradually gets worse functions. Tumors that stay in one spot and
and the patient will probably end up having demonstrate limited growth are generally
to take insulin, usually in tablet form. considered to be benign..

Overweight and obese people have a much More dangerous or malignant tumors form
higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes when two things occur:
compared to those with a healthy body
1. A cancerous cell manages to move
weight. People with a high level of visceral
throughout the body using the lymph
fat also known as central obesity, belly fat,
systems, destroying healthy tissue in a
or abdominal obesity, are especially at risk
process called invasion.
Being overweight or obese causes the body
to release chemicals that can destabilize the 2. A cancerous cell manages to divide and
body's cardiovascular and metabolic grow, making new blood vessels to feed
systems. The risk of developing type 2 itself in a process called angiogenesis.
diabetes increases with age, particularly
when aging put on weight and become less
physically active. Those with a close relative When a tumor successfully spreads to other
who has type 2 diabetes and those of parts of the body and grows, invading and
Middle Eastern, African, and South Asian destroying other healthy tissues, it is said to
descents are at a higher risk of developing have metastasized. This process itself is
the disease, including men whose called metastasis, and the result is a serious
testosterone levels are low, condition that is very difficult to treat.
Physicians and researchers who specialize
in the study, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of cancer are called oncologists.
Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that cancer in those locations. Skin cancer
grow uncontrollably and do not die. Normal (melanoma) is often marked by a change in
cells in the body follow an orderly path of a wart or mole on the skin. Some oral
growth, division, and death. Programmed cancers present white patches inside the
cell death is called apoptosis, and when this mouth or white spots on the tongue.
process breaks down, cancer begins to
form. Unlike regular cells, cancer cells do
not experience programmatic death and Other cancers have symptoms that are less
instead continue to grow and divide. This physically apparent. Some brain tumors
leads to a mass of abnormal cells that grow tend to manifest early as they affect
out of control. important cognitive functions. Pancreas
cancers are usually too small to produce
symptoms until they induce pain by pushing
against nearby nerves or interfere with liver
function to bring about a yellowing of the
skin and eyes called jaundice.
There are five broad groups of cancer,
Symptoms can also appear as a tumor
grows and pushes against organs and blood
1. Carcinomas are characterized by cells vessels. For example, colon cancers lead to
that cover internal and external parts of the constipation, diarrhea, and changes in stool
body such as lung, breast, and colon. size. Bladder or prostate cancers affect
bladder functions such as more frequent or
2. Sarcomas are characterized by cells that infrequent urination.
are located in the bone, cartilage, fat,
connective tissue, muscle, and other
supportive tissues.
As cancer cells use the body's energy and
3. Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the interfere with normal hormone function, it is
lymph nodes and immune system tissues. possible to cause fever, fatigue, excessive
4. Leukemias are cancers that begin in the sweating, anemia, and unexplained weight
bone marrow and often accumulate in the loss. However, these symptoms are
bloodstream. common in several other maladies as well.
For example, coughing and hoarseness can
5. Adenomas are cancers that arise in the point to lung or throat cancer as well as
thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and several other conditions.
other glandular tissues,
When cancer spreads or metastasizes,
additional symptoms can be noted in the
Signs and Symptoms of Cancer newly affected area. Swollen or enlarged
lymph nodes are common and likely. When
cancer spreads to the brain, patients may
experience vertigo, headaches, or seizures
Cancer symptoms are quite varied and
le the lungs cancer may cause coughing
depend on where the cancer is located,
and shortness of breath. The liver may
where it has spread, and how big the tumor
become enlarged and cause jaundice;
is. Some cancers can be felt or seen
bones become painful and brittle or break
through the skin. For instance, a lump on
the breast or testicle can be an indicator of
Prevention of Cancer
The following are essential measures to
help prevent cancer.
1. Quit smoking and drinking to significantly
lower the risk of several types of cancer,
most notably in the lung, throat, mouth, and
liver. The earlier you quit, the better.
2. Stay in the shade and protect yourself
with a hat, shirt, and sunscreen when under
the sun, to prevent skin cancer.
3. Diet is an important part of cancer
prevention since what we eat has been
linked to the disease. Follow recommended
diets that are low in fat and rich in fresh
fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
A systematic screening will help detect
small irregularities or tumors as early as
possible even when there are no clear
symptoms yet. Breast self-examination,
mammograms, testicular self-examination,
and Pap smears are common screening
methods for various cancers.

A person can only take proper precautions
regarding communicable and non
communicable diseases if he/she is aware
about them.
His/Her familiarity with the said diseases will
enable him/her to adopt certain lifestyle
modifications, like avoidance of alcoholic
beverages, to avoid diseases and stay
healthy as he/she performs his/her various
functions in life.
Health is wealth and a person's good health
is crucial to his/her being a successful
person who has the opportunity to maximize
his/her potentials in order to achieve all
his/her goals in life.

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