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Final Report 411530501 馮舒庭 職治一

I will write the movie about “The Theory of Everything”. This story tells the man,
Stephen Hawking , studies in the college. All the way from childhood to adulthood,
he is very smart and met his girlfriend in college but his seemingly smooth life, he
met the disease” Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”. The doctor even assured Stephen
may live only two years and poor speaking ability but his girlfriend, Jane, promises to
stay with him. In the process of fighting the disease, she believes that continuous
persistence will surely overcome the disease, so despite the hard life, she still takes
good care of him, and of course Stephen has lived for more than two years. Later,
with the help of everyone and the power of technology, he was not under the control
of the disease and still achieved good results in his professional field. In this movie, it
wants tell me the disease about” Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”. First, the disease’s
early symptoms are effect the patient’s gestures and arms then progressed down to
his legs. Second, the prognosis may cause difficulty in swallowing and speaking and it
even has breathing problems. Finally, it would lead to death. According to
epidemiological statistics, most of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patient cant live over
2 or 3 years. In the movie, Hawking had lived with ALS for 53 years. Although
Hawking can live more than 2 or 3 years or even more than 10 years, he must faces
with more treatment. He received tracheal intubation treatment first. After that, he
accept tracheostomy. Therefore, Hawking had gradual loss of speech. Because of this
situation, most patient decline tracheostomy to avoid medical futility. Although
Hawking cant speech, he still has the way of talking with other. First, he also can use
the computer to communicate others. Second, he can use the spelling card by
choosing letters to talk with other. After, through the help of computer engineers, he
can use the new technology products which also can input text and turn it into
I think if I am a patient which is “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”, I have some
thoughts. First, I don’t want people to treat me as a disadvantaged group because of
this. I hope people treat me as a normal person and don’t treat me special because
of my personal problems. Second, I will work hard to live because I believe that my
disease has consumed a lot of energy in my family. If I give up on myself or commit
suicide, it will only waste what others have paid for me. Only by living well can Inot
let others what I paid for was in vain. Third, I still believe in my ability. Although I am
not as convenient as others in life, I think that as long as I sincerely hope to improve
myself and try to increase my ability, I will not limit my own achievements because of
Next, I have some sentence I like.
First, “However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and
succeed at. While there’s life, there is hope.” (Address at the 2012 London
Paralympics.) This sentence makes me know I actually have a lot chances in my life
and no matter how bad life is, as long as I seize every opportunity to becomegood or
every opportunity to stand up, we may succeed at a certain moment.
Second, “Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my
mind I am free.” I admire his attitude towards the disease like this and he does not
complain himself. I believe that Hawking must happily lives in the world because of
his optimism and I think this is something we should learn from.
Third, “My advice to other disabled people would be: Concentrate on things your
disability doesn’t prevent you from doing well and don’t regret the things it
interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” This sentence is very
reasonable. In theory, the spirit and the body are two different things but I think is
too difficult to be unaffected. Although I think it is too difficult, I still hope I can do it
if I have physical defect.
Forth, “When one’s expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates
everything one does have.” I very much agree with this sentence because I have lived
with this idea since high school so I can understand it very well. Although it is
impossible to achieve “no expectations” in terms of grades, at least in terms of living
material, interpersonal communication, I think I use this way, and I become very
Fifth, “People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.” My
own experience is that if a person complains a lot, not only does he have no friends
around him but he even attracts friends who always complain, his life will only
become darker and darker; on the contrary, he should keep kind thoughts in his
ordinary life and learn how to say” Thank you ‘, I will gradually increase my positive
energy, and I will definitely make many friends who are equally optimistic, and my
life will unknowingly have a lot of positive energy.
Sixed, “I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I am not
afraid of death, but I am in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first.” This
sentence was once mentioned in a general education class. The teacher said” Life is
short, cherish the few decades you can live.” I deeply realized that a person’s life in
the entire universe is only a few years. For the operation of the universe, human life
is nothing at all, and all things have life and death. Therefore, as long as you live with
your best every moment in life, you are worthy of yourself, and death is nothing,
because you have no regrets.

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