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Sociology Topics

1. Marxism /
2. Functionalism /
3. Interactionism /
4. Feminism /
5. Consensus v Conflict Approach /
6. Analysing data
7. What is a family
8. Types of family
9. Alternatives to the family
10. How might an individual’s family and household settings change over the course of their
11. Links between families, households, ethnicity, and social class (data)
12. Family diversity – Rapoports
13. Families on a global context (communes, kibbutzim, one-child policy)
14. Functionalist perspective on families
15. Parsons view on families
16. Marxist perspective on families (Zaretsky)
17. Feminist perspective on families (Delphy and Leonard)
18. Conjugal Roles in the family
19. Symmetrical family
20. Criticisms of the symmetrical family
21. Power distribution in the family
22. Conventional families
23. Parent-child relationships change
24. Wider family relationships change
25. Changes that are taking place in family structures
26. Trends in lone-parent families
27. Changes that are taking place in fertility
28. How marriages differ in a global context
29. Changing patterns of marriage
30. Changing patterns of divorce
31. Consequences of divorce
32. Contemporary social familial issues
33. Economic and selective roles of education
34. Socialization, social control and political roles of education
35. Formal v informal education
36. Functionalist perspective of the education system
37. Parsons view of the education system
38. Marxist perspective of the education system
39. Historical changes in the British education system
40. Contemporary Britains education system
41. State v Independent sector for education
42. Vocational education and alternative forms of provision
43. 1988 Education Act
44. Marketisation in education
45. How New Labour developed educational policy after 1997
46. Academies and free schools
47. How can social class affect achievement
48. How material factors affect achievement
49. How can parental attitudes affect achievement
50. How might the school affect achievement
51. What is the influence of streaming and subcultures on achievement
52. How does Willis view the counter-school culture
53. Females and educational achievement
54. Differences in subject choice between males and females
55. Performance of female compared to male students
56. Ethnicity and educational attainment
57. The influences of social class and cultural factors
58. The importance of the school environment to educational success for ethnic minorities
59. Skills activity

1. States of matter
2. Evidence for particles
3. History of the atom
4. Atoms
5. Atomic structure
6. The arrangement of electrons in atoms
7. Atoms and isotopes
8. Atoms into ions
9. Ionic bonding
10. Covalent bonding
11. Bonding in metals
12. Giant ionic structures
13. Simple molecules
14. Giant covalent structures
15. Giant metallic structures
16. Nanoscience
17. The periodic table
18. Alkali Metals
19. Transition elements
20. Halogens
21. Trends
22. Useful metals
23. Iron and steels
24. Reactivity series
25. Displacement reactions
26. Metal carbonates
27. Electrolysis
28. Changes at the electrodes
29. The extraction of aluminum
30. Electrolysis of brine
31. Electroplating
32. Electrolysing copper sulfate solution
33. Acids and alkalis
34. Making soluble salts from metals or insoluble bases
35. Making salts by neutralization or perception
36. Chemical equations
37. Relative masses and moles
38. Percentages by mass and empirical formulae
39. Equations and calculations
40. Titrations
41. Titration calculations
42. Volumes of gases


1. Animal and plant cells

2. Eukaryotes and prokaryotes
3. Specialised cells
4. Tissues and organs
5. Organ systems
6. Diffusion
7. Osmosis
8. Active transport
9. Cell division, growth, and differentiation
10. Cell division in sexual reproduction
11. Stem cells
12. Cell growth and cancer
13. Exchanging materials
14. Breathing and gas exchange in the lungs
15. Artificial breathing aids
16. Aerobic respiration
17. The effect of exercise on the body
18. Anaerobic respiration
19. The circulatory system and the heart
20. Helping the heart
21. Keeping the blood flowing
22. Transport in the blood
23. The immune system and blood groups
24. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
25. Catalysts and enzymes
26. Factors affecting enzyme action
27. The digestive system
28. Making digestion efficient
29. Exchange in the hut
30. Making use of enzymes

1. Nouns, Articles, Adjectives
2. Adverbs, Quantifiers/Intensifiers
3. Pronouns
4. Regular and Irregular forms of verbs (incl. reflexive verbs)
5. All persons of verbs, sing. and plu.
6. Negative forms
7. Interrogative forms
8. Modes of address: tu, vous
9. Impersonal verbs
10. Verbs followed by an infinitive, with or without a preposition
11. Dependent infinitives
12. Present tense (Présént)
13. Perfect tense (Passé Compose)
14. Imperfect tense (L’imparfait)
15. Near Future (Futur Proche)
16. Simple Future (Le Futur Simple)
17. Conditional (Conditionnel)
18. Pluperfect use of depuis with present and imperfect tenses
19. Passive voice
20. Imperative
21. Perfect infinitive
22. Present participle
23. Subjunctive mood
24. Conjunctions (co-ordinating & subordinating)
25. Numbers, quantity, dates, and time
26. Life in the town and rural life
27. Holidays, tourist information, and directions
28. Services
29. Customs
30. Everyday life, traditions and communities
31. School life and routine
32. School rules and pressures
33. School trips, events and exchanges
34. Work, careers and volunteering
35. Future plans
36. House and home
37. Daily routines and helping at home
38. Role models
39. Relationships with family and friends
40. Childhood
41. Environmental issues
42. Weather and climate
43. Travel and transport
44. The media
45. Information and communication technology
46. Special occasions
47. Hobbies, interests, sport and exercise
48. Shopping and money matters
49. Accidents, injuries, common ailments and health issues
50. Food and drink

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