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PART 1 ESSAY (240-280 words)

Summarise and evaluate key points of two texts.
1. Analyze main ideas of the two texts
2. Use your own words and your opinion about the ideas of the texts.
3. Concise summary of the key points
4. Possible counter-arguments and points writer has failed to consider
5. Say how far you agree or disagree with the points in the texts

Paragraph 1
The texts consider the controversial issue of… / Both texts support the idea that…
The first text advocates… / The first mentions the necessity….
The second text, on the other hand, says that… / The second text considers the benefits…

Paragraph 2
The first text outlines the benefits of… It gives examples of… It points out that…

The first text suggests avoiding… It warns against the…

Paragraph 3
The second text argues that…. It focuses on… It concludes that….

The second text suggests that… It outlines the….

Paragraph 4
In my opinion, there are weaknesses in both arguments. I think that…. On the whole,
therefore, I agree with the first/second text that

In my opinion, the first text does not make a convincing argument. It makes particular
mention of… However, it completely ignores the…
I agree that we should…. At the same time, we should recognise that… The second text
makes a better case. It acknowledges that…

In conclusion, I think… We should….

REPORT (280-320 words)

ESSAY (Discursive)

ESSAY (set text)

ARTICLE (formal)

ARTICLE (semi-formal)

LETTER (personal experience)

LETTER (factual information)


1. Give a title
2. Describe the location
3. Describe the ambiance
4. Describe the service
5. Describe the food
6. Say whether you would recommend and why

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