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A Comparative Study of the Binary
Logistic Regression (BLR) and Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) Models
for GIS-Based Spatial Predicting
Landslides at a Regional Scale

Jie Dou, Hiromitsu Yamagishi, Zhongfan Zhu,

Ali P. Yunus and Chi Wen Chen
This teaching tool is to present how to generate the landslide susceptibility
maps using binary logistic regression (BLR) and artificial neural network
(ANN) methods at a regional scale. The study area is one of most
landslide-prone areas in Japan. First, the landslide inventory data from the
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
(NIED) were randomly partitioned into two parts: training and testing
data. Then, 10 m DEM data and geology map were analyzed to extract the
landslide predisposing factors. Next, the susceptibility maps were
produced in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. Then,
the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) was used to assess the model
accuracy. Validation results show that both of two methods can be
obtained with acceptable results. The maps can provide useful information
for the future planning of hazard mitigation.


Landslides susceptibility Logistic regression (LR)

Artificial neural network (ANN) Predisposing factors

Hazard map Osado of Sado Island

1 Introduction........................................................ 140 2.2 Landslide Inventory .......................................... 141
2 Case Study and Data......................................... 140 2.3 Landslide Predisposing Factors........................ 143
2.1 Case Study Area ............................................... 140 3 Methods............................................................... 143

Z. Zhu
J. Dou (&)  C.W. Chen College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal
Center for Spatial Information Science, University of University, Beijing, China
Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
e-mail: A.P. Yunus
Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University,
H. Yamagishi Aligarh, India
Shin Engineering Consultant Co.Ltd., 2-8-30,
Sakaedori, Shiroishi-ku Sapporo 003-0021, Japan C.W. Chen
National Science and Technology Center for Disaster
Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 139

K. Sassa et al. (eds.), Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide
Interactive Teaching Tools,
140 J. Dou et al.

3.1 Binary Logistic Regression (BLR)................... 143 the most commonly used methods for the
3.2 Back-Propagation for Feed-Forward Artificial assessment of probability of landslide occurrence
Neural Network (ANN).................................... 145
4 Implementation of Landslide Susceptibility at medium and regional scales. The advantage of
Mapping .............................................................. 146 BLR over other multivariate analysis methods is
4.1 Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using BLR that it is independent on data distribution and can
Mode ................................................................. 146 handle a variety of data sets such as continuous,
4.2 Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using ANN
Model................................................................ 147 categorical, and binary data. One of the signifi-
4.3 The Validation of the Landslide Susceptibility cant advantages of ANN is that it imposes less
Models .............................................................. 150 restrictive requirements with respect to the
5 Conclusion .......................................................... 150 available information concerning the character of
References .................................................................. 150
the relationships between the processed data and
the type of distribution. It has robustness to deal
with noisy or incomplete patterns and high fault
1 Introduction
tolerance compared with LR (Shi et al. 2012).
Furthermore, ANN is a complex and flexible
Japan is subject to several types of natural disasters
non-linear statistical method as Kanungo et al.
that include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic erup-
(2006) noted the method can obtain high pre-
tions, and typhoons. In addition, it is also suscep-
diction accuracy for a classification, particularly
tible to numerous landslides, owing to geologic
with adequate samples. In this study, we use
settings called a subduction zone. Therefore, most
these two methods to produce LSM.
of the rocks have been affected by faulting and
The outline of the teaching tool is shown in
folding considerably. In addition, Japan is located
Fig. 1. We first prepare the predisposing factors,
at temperate monsoon climate zone, and then much
such as slope, aspect, etc. Then the BLR and ANN
rains are documented in the rain seasons association
model are used to create landslide susceptibility
with typhoon. This trend is expected to continue
maps. Finally, the accuracy is estimated using the
and may increase in the future with the influence of
Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) and
unplanned urbanization and economic develop-
historical data. This tool provides a common
ment, deforestation. To mitigate from landslide
useful way to create landslide hazard maps for
disasters, susceptibility, hazard, and risk must be
future planning of risk mitigation.
prepared (Turner and Schuster 1996). Hence, pre-
dicting landslide has become an important and
challenging issue in the risk mitigation research
2 Case Study and Data
(Chang and Chao 2006; Dou et al. 2014, 2015a,
2015b; Zhu et al. 2015, 2016).
2.1 Case Study Area
The landslide susceptibility maps (LSM) de-
lineate the earth’s surface into zones of varying
The study area is located in a mountainous region
degrees of stability based on the evaluated sig-
of Sado Island of Niigata Prefecture, in the Japan
nificance of the conditioning factors inducing
Sea (Fig. 2). Sado Island is composed of two
instability. LSM plays an important role in risk
parallels, elongated ridges approximately north-
mitigation. LSM also provide an important basis
east (NE) to the southwest (SW) as shown in
for the measure aimed at decreasing the risks
Fig. 2, which are locally named Osado and
associated with landslides (Ayalew et al. 2005;
Kosado and cover approximately 856 km2. In
Dou et al. 2014).
this tool, we concentrate on the Osado Island.
In literature, binary logistic regression
Climate is humid, subtropical with warm sum-
(BLR) and artificial neural network
mers and cold winters. The average temperature
(ANN) methods are considered to be the two of
is 13.7 °C and the annual precipitation is
A Comparative Study of the Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) … 141

Fig. 1 Flowchart shows overall methodology adopted for this tool

approximately 1550 mm (Yamagishi 2008). The susceptibility may also be influenced by rainfall,
elevation varies from sea level to 1172 m with a snow melting, geology, slope aspect, and slope
mean of 333 m. The highest point of the island is angle.
the peak of Mt. Kimpoku in Osado. The geology
of the island is Neogene terrestrial and marine
volcanic: rhyolitics (dacitics) and andesitics, 2.2 Landslide Inventory
associated with pyroclastics and rhyolitic intru-
sives. Most of the coastal slopes are rugged The first step is to build the landslide inventory
rocky, and some shores are recently formed map. In this tool, a total of 825 known landslides
semi-consolidated and unconsolidated sand and (Fig. 4) was first obtained for the model devel-
gravel. Consisting principally of mountains, hills, opment; these landslides were interpreted by the
and upheaved benches and active faults, study landslide experts at the National Research Insti-
area is prone to landsliding and debris disasters tute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
(Yamagishi 2008). In the Osado area, the land- (NIED), Japan. NIED has been producing these
slides are triggered mostly by rainfall and partly landslide inventory since the year 2000 from the
by snow melting. The landslide types are mostly interpretation of multiple aerial photographs. The
deep-seated, translational and rotational slides as landslides are depicted as boundary polygons in
shown in Fig. 3, excluding the rock falls. Most of GIS shape file format and are available at NIED
the deep-seated landslides are inventoried in the archives. It is observed from the landslide
rhyolitics and dacitics. The landslide inventory map that most landslide areas are
142 J. Dou et al.

Fig. 2 False color composite

3D view of the study area

greater than 0.01 km2. The total area of land- dominant landslide areas (Guzzetti et al. 2002).
slides is about 57 km2, and accounts for In this tool, we show that the landslide inventory
approximately 15% of the Osado area. The areas from NIED offers further strong support for the
of all the mapped landslides display a frequency theory that landslide frequency-area statistics are
distribution that can be described by a power law power law for landslides that exceed a smallest
for approximately three orders of area with a length scale. The exponent of the power law (1.6)
good fit (R2 = 0.95) (Fig. 5 in Osado). In this indicates that the large landslide areas are
study, the landslide distribution was examined dominant.
only for medium to large landslides Different sampling strategies are available to
(2.34  103–8.48  105 m2) with a significant construct the reliable landslide susceptibility
rollover value (1.13  104 m2). The power law maps. Several previous researches preferred to
can be used to examine and describe the use ‘points’ to represent the spatial location of
A Comparative Study of the Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) … 143

Fig. 3 Examples of
identified major landslide
types in the Kosado Island:
a rotational slide that severely
damaged the agricultural
roads, b translational slide in
the hilly terrains that carved
the dense vegetation

landslides (Tien Bui et al. 2012). Dai and Lee with landslide occurrence. Hence, we extract
(2003) delineated only the source areas during these six predisposing factors to produce the
the landslide susceptibility assessments and landslide susceptibility mapping.
excluded both the transport and the deposition Additionally, the source data for the landslide
zones of existing landslides. Comparisons of predisposing factors may vary in their scale and
such sampling strategies are however beyond the affect the accuracy of landslide susceptibility
purpose of this research. Here, we adopted one of models. To be commensurate with the diversity
the most popular methods- the polygon of land- of the data source and difference in the scales, we
slide to represent the spatial location (Yalcin converted all the factors to a raster format with a
et al. 2011). For building models, the landslide resolution of 10 m.
inventory was randomly partitioned into two
groups: a training dataset (70%) and a validation
dataset (30%). 3 Methods

3.1 Binary Logistic Regression (BLR)

2.3 Landslide Predisposing Factors
Binary logistic regression (LR) is one of the most
Landslides occurrence are influenced by the frequently used multivariate analysis methods for
interaction of topographic, hydrological and creating landslide susceptibility mapping models.
geological factors (Costanzo et al. 2012; Dou The dependent variable in the LR method is a
et al. 2014), therefore, the selection of the pre- function of the probability and can be computed
disposing factors is considered to be a funda- as follows (Lee and Pradhan 2006):
mental step in the susceptibility modeling. P
According to the previous studies (Ayalew expð bxÞ
PðY ¼ 1jxÞ ¼ P x ð1Þ
et al. 2005; Dou et al. 2015d; c) in this study, 1 þ exp ð bxÞ
these six predisposing factors including slope
angle, slope aspect, drainage density network, where P is the estimated probability of landslide
distance to the geologic boundaries, distance to occurrence and ranges from 0 to 1; Y is an
fault and lithology (Fig. 6) have high relationship indicator variable, X is the independent
144 J. Dou et al.

Fig. 4 a Landslide inventory map for the study area overlaying the aerial ortho-photographs provided by the
randomly divided into two groups overlaid the shaded Midori Net Niigata and Sado city acquired in 2005. The
relief (10 m DEM): training dataset and validation yellow line is the primary slide and blue line is secondary
samples: b the enlargement of a landslide location one

variables,X = (x0 ; x1 ; x2 ; . . .xn Þ,x0 ¼ 1; b is

regression coefficient.
To linearize the mentioned method as well as
remove the 0/1 boundaries for the original
dependent variable, the estimated P(probability)
is transformed by the following formula:
0 P
P ¼ ln ð2Þ

The alteration is referred to as the logit

transformation. Theoretically, the logit transfor-
Fig. 5 Probability distribution of landslide areas in the
Osado Island
mation of binary data can ensure that the
A Comparative Study of the Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) … 145

Fig. 6 Landslide predisposing factors: a slope angle, b slope aspect, c drainage density, d lithology, e distance to
geological boundaries, and f distance to faults

dependent variable is continuous and the logit where, b0 is the constant or intercept of the for-
transformation is boundless. Moreover, it can mula, b1 ; b2 ; . . .bn represents the slope coeffi-
ensure that the probability surface will be con- cients of the independent parameters, x1 ; x2 ; . . .xn
tinuous within the range [0, 1]. Using the logit in the logistic regression and e is standard error.
transformations, the standard linear regression
models can be obtained as follows:
3.2 Back-Propagation
for Feed-Forward Artificial
0 P Neural Network (ANN)
P ¼ ln
¼ b0 þ b1 x 1 þ b2 x 2 þ    þ bn x n þ e ð3Þ ANN has also been successfully implemented for
evaluating landslide susceptibility by several
146 J. Dou et al.

researchers (Zare et al. 2013; Dou et al. 2015e). these weighted sums through a non-linear/linear
Our tool focuses on a particular type of ANN function, e.g., log-sigmoid, purelin, or
model, known as a back-propagation neural tan-sigomid (Prasad et al. 2012). The details can
network. Back-propagation neural network be referred to the reference (Dou et al. 2015d).
(BPNN) algorithm is used in the feed-forward
ANN. This is typically used to train the network
among the different types of ANN models 4 Implementation of Landslide
including radial basis function (RBF), general Susceptibility Mapping
regression neural networks (GRNN), and proba-
bilistic neural networks (PNN). The BPNN 4.1 Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
algorithm is simply a gradient-descent algorithm Using BLR Mode
(also called a generalized delta rule) that uses to
minimize the total error or mean error of target In this tool, the forward stepwise logistic
computed by the neural network. This algorithm regression approach was used to incorporate
is a neural network that is composed of three predictor variables with a main contribution to
layers, input, hidden, and output. The structure of the presence of landslides, using the SPSS 20
a typical three layer BPNN is displayed in Fig. 7. software. In the training dataset 578 landslides
The input layer propagates components of a represented the presence of landslide points and
special input vector after weighting synaptic were assigned the value 1. In agreement with the
weights to each node in the hidden layer. Each equal proportions of landslide and non-landslide,
hidden layer computes outputs corresponding to the same number of non-landslide points were

Fig. 7 An example of
structure of a typical
three-layer feed forward Inputs Hidden Neurons Output Neurons Output layer

BPNN Elevation yh1(u) yo1(u)

Slope angle yh2(u)

Slope aspect yh3(u)

Total Curvature yh4(u)

Plan curvature yh5(u)

Landslide susceptibility

Profile curvature yh6(u)


CTI yh8(u)

Drainage density
Distance to drainage
network yh10(u)

Density of geological yh11(u)

Distance to geological yh12(u)
Distance to fault yh13(u)

Lithology yh14(u) yon(u)
A Comparative Study of the Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) … 147

Table 1 Coefficients, statistics of the factors and the multi-collinearity diagnosis indexes for variables used in the
logistic regression equation
Predisposing factors Coefficient S.E. Wald df P-value Exp Collinearity
(B) statistics
Tolerance VIF
Slope angle 1.209 0.193 39.364 1 0 3.351 0.977 1.023
Slope aspect 0.283 1.574 0.032 1 0.085 1.327 1 1
Drainage density 0.123 0.429 0.082 1 0.077 1.131 0.999 1.001
Lithology 0.879 1.564 1.442 1 0.023 0.153 0.994 1.006
Distance of geological 0.853 0.571 0.013 1 0.093 2.347 0.973 1.028
Distance to faults −0.441 0.888 0.247 1 0.061 0.643 0.988 1.012
Constant 0.791 0.121 42.699 1 0.000 2.206

randomly sampled from the landslide-free area select the number of hidden neurons, we ran-
and assigned the value 0. domly set the neurons and run the 10 times of
The result is shown in Table 1. It shows that network to choose the average value of R2 for
all the predisposing factors have a P-value less reducing the effect of initial value in the BP
than 0.1, indicating a statistical correlation network. From Fig. 9, when the number of hid-
between factors and the susceptibility of land- den neurons is 10 that R2 has the highest values
slides at the 90% confidence level. Additionally, (0.96) as shown in Table 2. Hence, the numbers
it is necessary to examine the effect of correlation of hidden neurons were selected as 10. The
because logistic regression is sensitive to structures of the networks required in the BPNN
collinearity among the independent variables. were constructed as 6-10-1
The variance inflation factor (VIF) and tolerance (input-hidden-output). The weights between the
(TOL) are widely used indexes of the degree of layers were obtained by training the BPNN net-
multi-collinearity. A VIF value greater than or work to compute the contribution of each
equal to 5 and a TOL value less than 0.2 indi- landslide-conditioning factor. To test the stability
cates a serious multi-collinearity problem of the BPNN model, it was iterated ten times,
(O’brien 2007). In this tool, both of these indexes each with a random set of landslide data selected
were calculated (Table 1), the maximum VIF and from the entire data pool. The results were found
minimum TOL were 1.028 and 0.973, respec- to be similar. The standard deviation was 0.0032.
tively. Therefore, there is no multi-collinearity Hence, the random samples did not have a sig-
between these variables in the study. nificant influence on the results. In this case, the
Lastly, the regression coefficients of the pre- average values were computed only to interpret
dictors were imported to generate the landslide the results.
susceptibility map (Fig. 8) in GIS. The map of When the BPNN reached the minimum
classes are also applied the natural break classi- RMSE values (0.001), the entire study area was
fication to divide the boundaries of each class. fed into the network to assess the landslide sus-
ceptibility mapping. The weights for minimum
error were recorded in the process and weights of
4.2 Landslide Susceptibility Mapping each factor were determined for the study area.
Using ANN Model The set of landslide index values obtained in
each pixel were then converted to raster in GIS
In this tool, the three layers of the BPNN were environment. We used the six factors (slope
simulated using the Matlab R2012a software. To angle, slope aspect, drainage density network,
148 J. Dou et al.

Fig. 8 LSM maps produced by the BLR method. Maps maps (b). Referred to the Fig. 4b, we can see that the
indicate the spatial probability of landslide occurrence in landslides locates in the extremely high areas
six classes (a). The right map is enlargements of the LSM

Fig. 9 Number of hidden

neurons influences the back
propagation network:
coefficient of determination
R2 has the largest value (0.96)
when the number of hidden
neurons is 10
A Comparative Study of the Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) … 149

Table 2 Results of 10 times running the back propagation network model for selection of the number of hidden
Number of hidden neurons Coefficient of determination (R2)
Minimum Maximum Average
3 0.67 0.93 0.83
4 0.73 0.95 0.86
5 0.68 0.92 0.84
6 0.64 0.91 0.86
7 0.76 0.94 0.87
8 0.69 0.92 0.85
9 0.63 0.94 0.89
10 0.84 0.97 0.96
11 0.78 0.96 0.93
12 0.74 0.95 0.92

Fig. 10 LSM maps produced by the BPNN method. LSM maps. At the right map, the black is the main scarp
Maps indicate the spatial probability of landslide occur- and the blue line is the almost dissected crown
rence in six classes. The right map is enlargements of the
150 J. Dou et al.

distance from the geologic boundary, distance to different from 0.5 because the p-value is 0.00
fault and lithology) to produce the landslide implying that the BPNN classified the group
susceptibility mappings as shown in Fig. 10. significantly better than by chance.

4.3 The Validation of the Landslide 5 Conclusion

Susceptibility Models
Landslide susceptibility mapping is essential to
It is critical to verify the accuracy of any prediction describe the propensity of a landslide in the area.
model. Without the validation, the predicted The LSM maps were then produced by applying
model and LSM maps lack in the necessary sci- both the BLR and BPNN methods for the pre-
entific significance (Chung and Fabbri 1993). disposing factors. Both methods can achieve the
LSM results can be validated using the known acceptable results. In addition, we noticed that
landslide locations. For the verification, the total the maps prepared from using BPNN can obtain
landslides were divided into two groups, training a bit higher accuracy than BLR. This result is
data, and validation data. We verified the accuracy well agreement with the other researchers. This
of the BLR and BPNN model using a receiver tool may be used to tackle similar issues of
operating characteristic (ROC) curve. landslide hazard mitigation in other susceptible
A ROC plot of sensitivity (true positive rate is areas in any landslide-prone countries.
the portion of false positives out of the total Additionally, the results of such studies can
actual positives) and 1-specificity (false positive provide helpful information for the disaster
rate is the portion of false positives out of the managers, and for the decision makers in the
total actual negatives) was made for the model landslide-prone area. These maps can be useful
validation (Swets 1988). The area under the ROC for them to select the suitable spatial locations to
curve (AUC) can characterize the quality of a implement reconstruction and urban develop-
forecasting system by describing the system’s ment landslide prevention and mitigation within
ability to correctly predict the occurrence or the hilly terrain (Hadji et al. 2013). The urban
non-occurrence of a predefined event (Swets planners can use such maps to avoid develop-
1988). The AUC value varies from 0.5 to 1.0. An ment in landslide threatened areas; the practice
ideal model has an AUC value of 1.0. For the will represent the most efficient and economic
proposed model, the AUC value (0.82) was way to decrease future damages and loss of lives.
higher using BPNN than 0.78 using BLR model
(Fig. 11). Moreover, the AUC is significantly Acknowledgements We would like to express our deep
appreciation to Midori NET Niigata and Sado City for pro-
viding the ortho photographs of Sado Island and the NIED
for providing the landslide data. Here, Dou highly appreci-
ates Dr. Takashi Ougchi’s and Dr. Yuichi S. Hayakawa’s
guidance and support from the University of Tokyo.


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