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Future time

(present continuous, will, be going to, present simple)
"N. .VjfA!
Present continuous J
For the form of the present continuous, see Unit 1.
Use Example
Arrangements We’re driving to Berlin this weekend.
* Things we want to do in the future but have not arranged are called 'intentions’. We do not use the
present continuous for intentions. We use be going to instead.
/ fm becoming-aivexplorei when I grow up. ¥
« We do not use the present continuous for predictions. We use will or be going to instead.
/ Do you think you're enjoying your trip to Berlin next week?

Q will
+ bare infinitive
statement negative question I
l/you/he/she/it/we/they will (11) l/you/he/she/it/we/they will not Will l/you/he/she/it/we/they go I
go ... (won't) g o ...
Use Example
? Facts about the future The new airport will be the biggest in Europe. fcc
Predictions You'll have a great time in the Bahamas.
Offers and requests We'll help you get ready for your holiday.
Decisions made now I know! I'll go to China this summer.

* With offers which are questions, we use Shall • We do not use will for arrangements.
with I and we. / We'll visit my grandma this weekend.
/ Shall I drive you to the airport?

(Q b e g o in g to y
be going to + bare infinitive &

statement negative question

I am ('m) going to travel ... I am ('m) not going to travel ... Am I going to tra vel...?
He/she/it is ('$) going to travel He/she/it is not (isn't/ 's not) Is he/she/it going to travel...?
going to travel ...
You/we/they are ('re) going to You/we/they are not (aren't/ 're not) Are you/we/they going to tra vel ..
---------------- m
| Use Example
Intentions I’m going to become an explorer when 1grow up. H

Predictions (often with evidence we can see) It's going to rain, so take an umbrella. w
Facts about the future The new airport is going to be the biggest in Europe.
*? M

Present simple J ----------------

For the form of the present simple, see Unit 1,

Use Example
Timetables My plane leaves at six.
P re s e n t c o n tin u o u s , will, de gang to, p re s e n t s im p le Unit 7

A | Look at S helley’s d ia ry and use the prom pts to w rite sentences. Use the c o rre c t
fo rm of the present continuous.

1 On Monday, she
meet Alison - Friends
2 On Tuesday, she
go shopping - Mum

3 On Wednesday, she
catch tram - Brighton

spend day - Charlie in

4 On Thursday, she
w Brighton
■&, m**>-
catch train - home - 5 On Friday, she
10 am
■ - Sj 'A
j 'V

t¥o?K Dad’s snop - alt

6 On Saturday, sne
morning '

B i C om plete using w ill or shall and the verbs in the box. You m ay have to use som e
negative fo rm s.

be • come • find have * lend • live • take • visit

1 This year, more than a million to u ris ts ..........................................our local area.

2 I’m sure w e ..........................................your bag soon. Where did you last see :t?
3 y o u some money until Saturday?
4 Everything on the menu looks delicious! Erm ... I ..........................................Chicken Kjev, please.
5 I to the Dus station, if you like.
6 One day, people..........................................on Mars in special buildings.
7 No, there ........................................any problems with delivering your new furniture next week.
8 w e six to help you get things ready for dinner?

C j C om plete using the c o rre c t fo rm of be g o in g to and the verbs in b ra cke ts. You
m ay have to use som e negative fo rm s.

1 When I grow up, I ..........................................(play) guitar in a rock group!

2 Rick and M a rk..........................................(start) going to the gym twice a week.
3 Lauren........................(tell) her mum about what happened?
4 I ..........................................(look) on the Internet for information about snowboarding.
5 No, N adine..........................................(invite) everyone from class - just her close friends
6 H a rry........................(be) ready on time or not?
7 Careful! Y ou..........................................(break) something with that ball1Go outside!
8 I ..........................................(lie down) for half an hour. Call me at six o'clock.
Unit 7 G r a m m a r

D j C o m p le te usin g th e c o rre c t p re s e n t s im p le fo rm of th e verbs in th e box.

arrive • com e • leave • take

Tm so excited about m y holiday! My plane ( 1 ) ............................................. the a irp o rt here at
nine o’clock and we ( 2 ) ............................................. in Paris tw o hours later. We then
( 3 ) ............................................. the train from the a irp o rt to the city. We'll have a great
week, and then we ( 4 ) ............................................. back on the 1 7 ^ . I can’t wait!'
-- .................. ltl ,fgggggjKtm

C irc le th e c o rre c t w ord or ph rase.

1 O scar says he is d o in g / w ill do the washing-up after dinner.

2 I'm a bit scared because I am s e e in g / w ill s e e the dentist this afternoon.
3 What a re you g o in g to do / do you do this evening?
4 S h a ll you te ll / W ill you te ll Rupert I'm sorry about yesterday?
5 My dad w ill g row / is g o in g to g ro w a beard, but my m um doesn't like the idea.
6 I have to revise tonight because we a re having / w ill have an exam tom orrow .
7 I a m r e m e m b e r in g / w ill r e m e m b e r this day fo r the rest of m y life!
8 Do you go / A re you g o in g to Australia next Christmas?
9 I'm sure you a re p a s s in g / w ill pass your driving test. Don't worry.
10 If you want me to, I w ill c o m p la in / a m g o in g to c o m p la in to the m anager about it.

C h oose th e c o rre c t answ er.

1 ‘Have you made plans fo r the summer?'

‘Yes.......................... to Spain.'
A We'll go B We're going C We go
2 ‘We’re m oving house tom o rro w .'
‘R eally? with the furniture.'
A I help B I'm helping C I'll help
3 ‘Do you need this paintbrush?'
‘Ah, ye to me, please?'
A Do you pass B Will you pass C Are you passing
4 ‘What do you want to be when you grow up, Stevie?'
‘........................ a scientist. That's what I want to do, anyway.'
A I be B I'm going to be C I'm being
5 ‘John is a better player than Martin, isn't he?'
‘Oh, ye s...........................the m atch tom orrow , I expect.'
A He'll win B He wins C He's winning
6 ‘The w eather has been terrible, hasn't it?'
‘Yes, I th in k ........................ again later.'
A it's going to rain B it's raining C it rains
Review 2 Unit 7 3 B
4 B
5 A
1 progress 1 is meeting Alison at Friends 6 A
2 exam Cafe
3 favour 2 is going shopping with her mum
4 skill 3 is catching the train to Unit 8
5 heart Brighton
6 instance 4 is spending the day with
7 mark Charlie in Brighton 1 in
8 fact 5 is catching the train home at 2 on
10 am 3 at
6 is working in her dad's shop 4 V
ifS all morning 5 on
9 (r)ubbed out 6 in
10 (r)ip up 7 at
11 (c)ross/out 8 on
1 will visit
12 (l)ook up
2 will find
13 (r)ead out 3 Will/lend
14 (p)ointed out 4 will have 1 in
15 (w)ritten down 5 will take 2 at
6 will live 3 in
C 7 won't be 4 in
16 instructor 8 Shall/com e 5 on
17 reference 6 in
18 beginner 7 on
19 division 1 am going to play 8 on
20 incorrect 2 are going to start
21 bravery 3 Is/going to tell
22 education 4 am going to look 1 in
23 memorial 5 isn't going to invite 2 at
6 Is/going to be 3 in
24 silence
7 are going to break 4 on
25 simplify
8 am going to lie down 5 in
m 6
26 A 1 leaves 8 at
27 C 2 arrive
28 C 3 take
29 B 4 com e
1 to
30 B
2 to
31 D
3 at/in
32 C
1 will do 4 at
33 A
2 am seeing 5 to
3 are you going to do 6 to
4 Will you tell 7 in
34 in 5 is going to grow 8 on
35 about 6 are having 9 in
36 about 7 will remember 10 to
37 about 8 Are you going
38 of 9 will p ass
39 with 10 will complain
1 at
40 with 2 in
41 with M 3 on
42 of/about 1 B 4 on
43 in 2 C 5 in


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