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The Characteristics
D of Electricity

Lightning flashes around

transmission lines
carrying electricity to

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Static charges collect on surfaces and

10 remain there until given a path to escape.
10.1 Exploring the Nature of Static Electricity
10.2 The Transfer of Static Electric Charges DI

10.3 Electrostatics in Our Lives

Current electricity is the continuous flow of

11 electrons in a closed circuit.
11.1 Current, Potential Difference, and Resistance
11.2 Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits
11.3 Ohm’s Law DI

We can reduce our electrical energy

12 consumption and use renewable energy
resources to produce electrical energy.
12.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy
Resources for Generating Electricity
12.2 Reducing Our Electrical Energy Consumption DI

Unit Task
In your Unit Task, you will evaluate methods of local
electricity generation that could be used as backup
sources for the regional power grid. Your investigations
into the characteristics of electricity, methods of
conserving electrical energy, and methods of providing
electrical energy will help prepare you for your task.
Essential Question
How can we use local resources to generate electricity
in a dependable, environmentally friendly way?

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Toronto was one of many cities that were without electricity during the 2003 blackout.
Some places in Ontario now celebrate Blackout Day on August 14 to remind people of
how important it is to conserve energy.

Imagine what it would be like to live in a world without
electricity. Now, count to nine. In a mere nine seconds, that
scenario came true. On August 14, 2003, at 4:11 in the afternoon,
50 million people in Ontario and the northeastern United States
were plunged into the largest electrical blackout in North
American history. Elevators stuck between floors, subways were
in blackness, traffic lights stopped working, and television screens
and computer monitors went dark.
Electrical generating Electricity is often generated far from cities and is distributed
stations from Ohio along a network that includes electrical generating stations,
to Ontario shut transmission lines, and distribution stations. This huge,
down, leaving interconnected system of electricity networks is called the
50 million people “energy grid.” Ontario, New York, Michigan, and other
in the dark. Why? northeastern provinces and states are part of the eastern
interconnection grid.
Electricity cannot be stored for long after it is generated, so all
parts of the grid must maintain a balance of supply and demand.
If a transmission line or generator is overloaded, that part of the

390 UNIT D The Characteristics of Electricity

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energy grid is disconnected automatically and the electricity is

sent along alternative paths. One cause of problems in an energy
grid is transmission lines that touch trees so that the electricity
moves through the trees into the ground instead of along the wire.

Preventing Future Blackouts

On August 14, a series of events, including human error, high
demand, lines touching trees, automatic shutdowns, and failures
of alarm systems, resulted in a huge surge of electricity in the
grid. Within seconds, 256 electrical generating stations from Ohio
to New York to Ontario shut down as a protective control. It took
almost two full days to get all the generating stations back in
operation and electricity restored to all the affected areas.
This blackout raised difficult questions that could only be A transmission line is automatically
disconnected from the grid when it
solved by government and electrical industry experts from both touches treetops or other objects.
Canada and the United States working together. How did the
blackout happen? What can be done to prevent such a blackout
from occurring again? These are very complex questions to
By working cooperatively, groups from the two countries
successfully figured out the answers to these questions. Now,
because of their hard work, the electrical grid is safer and better
able to deal with a similar situation. Smaller, local blackouts do
occur from time to time. But the knowledge learned from the
mistakes of previous large blackouts helps reduce the chances of
such a large-scale blackout happening again.

D1 STSE Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment

Electricity Concept Map

Electrical energy is often in the news. You have Now is your opportunity to get a sense of how
probably read or viewed reports about the costs your pieces of knowledge about electricity fit
and benefits of producing energy from renewable together.
and non-renewable sources. You might be 1. As a class, create a concept map about
practising some ways to reduce electrical energy electricity. Start with the word “electricity” in
consumption and achieve electrical savings in the centre of a large piece of chart paper.
your home. And you can probably describe the
2. Add categories, terms, concepts, and
importance of electricity to your daily life.
sketches to the map, making links between
the parts that are connected.

Exploring 391
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Static charges collect on surfaces

10 and remain there until given a path

to escape.

392 UNIT D The Characteristics of Electricity

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Skills You Will Use

In this chapter, you will:
Sparks flash from the centre of a plasma ball to the • investigate the transfer of static electric charges by friction,
point of contact where a hand touches the ball. contact, and induction
• predict the ability of different materials to hold or transfer
electric charges
• plan and carry out inquiries to determine and compare the
conductivity of various materials
• apply knowledge and understanding of the safe operation
of electrical equipment

Concepts You Will Learn

In this chapter, you will:
• learn about the differences between electrical insulators
and conductors
• explain how materials allow static charges to build up or to
• analyze the design of technological devices that improve
electrical efficiency or protect other devices by using or
controlling static electricity

Why It Is Important
Static electricity is part of our daily lives. By understanding
how charges build up and discharge, we can avoid problems
caused by sparks and make use of static electricity to
improve our lives.

Before Reading
Determining Importance
Preview the subheadings and illustrations in Chapter 10.
Which topics and illustrations are familiar? Which topics
and illustrations are unfamiliar based on your
background knowledge and experience? The unfamiliar
topics and illustrations represent the information that is
most important for you to learn. Create a list of learning
goals for this chapter based on the information that
represents new learning for you.

Key Terms
• conduction • conductor • electrical discharge
• electron • electron affinity • friction • induction
• insulator • static electricity

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 393
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10.1 Exploring the Nature of Static Electricity

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• Solid materials are charged by

the transfer of electrons.

• When an atom gains electrons,

it becomes negatively charged.

• When an atom loses electrons,

it becomes positively charged.

• Electrons can be removed from

objects through friction.

• Particles with unlike charges

attract each other, and
particles with like charges repel
each other.

• Electrical insulators and

conductors are materials
categorized by how freely they
allow electrons to move.

Figure 10.1 Electric charges cause strands of hair to repel each other and be attracted to the

A Shocking Experience
On a cold winter day, you have probably pulled a sweater off over
your head or removed your hat and felt your hair flying up. Or
maybe you have reached to touch a doorknob or the door handle
of a car and received an electric shock. These examples and hair-
raising experiences like the one in Figure 10.1 are caused by
electric charges. Electric charges are charged particles that exert
an electric force on each other. These charged particles are very
small. In fact, there are millions of them on each standing hair in
the picture above.
The accumulation or gathering of even larger numbers of
electric charges can lead to some impressive electrical displays.
Think back to the last time you observed a lightning storm. The
large, bright flashes of lightning look like the small electric sparks
you may have seen when touching the doorknob or taking off
your sweater. In fact, they are the same thing, just different in
size. These are all examples of static electricity.

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D2 Quick Lab
Characteristics of Electric Charge
A characteristic is a distinguishing trait or quality of a 4. Turn one balloon so that its rubbed surface faces
substance or object. away from the other balloon. Again bring the
balloons together. Record your observations for
Purpose steps 3 and 4.
To observe the characteristics of electric charge
5. If your classroom has a Van de Graaff generator,
your teacher will demonstrate the following
experiments by putting the materials for each
experiment in place and then turning on the
Materials & Equipment generator. Record your observations for each
• confetti or gelatin powder experiment.
• plastic drinking straw (a) Tape one end of the thin paper strips to the
• 2 balloons Van de Graaff generator.
• Van de Graaff generator (b) Place a stack of three aluminum pie plates on
• thin paper strips the Van de Graaff generator.
• clear adhesive tape (c) Place a clear plastic cup full of polystyrene
• 3 aluminum pie plates “popcorn” on the Van de Graaff generator.
• clear plastic cup with lid Put a loose-fitting lid on top of the cup.
• polystyrene “popcorn” (d) Attach a metal rod to a lab stand, and place it
• metal rod and lab stand close to the Van de Graaff generator.

6. Return everything you used to the areas

Procedure designated by your teacher.

1. Read through the procedure steps, and make Questions

predictions about what you think will happen in
7. (a) Which objects were attracted to each other?
each step. Record your predictions.
(b) Which objects were repelled or pushed away
2. Sprinkle some confetti or gelatin powder in a
from each other?
small area on your desk. Push a plastic drinking
straw through your hair several times, and bring it 8. How did your observations compare with your
close to the confetti or gelatin powder. Record predictions for each step?
your observations. 9. What do you think caused the movements that
3. Inflate two balloons, and knot the ends. Rub one you observed?
side of each balloon on your hair or clothing.
Hold the balloons by the knots, and bring the
rubbed surfaces slowly together. Observe the

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 395
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Electrically Charged Particles

You may recall from earlier studies that an element is a pure
substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. An
element is made up of tiny particles called atoms. An atom is the
smallest part of an element with the element’s properties. Within
an atom, there are three types of smaller particles: protons,
neutrons, and electrons. Protons and electrons are electrically
charged particles. Protons have a positive electric charge (+), and
electrons have a negative electric charge (–). Neutrons have no
electric charge, so they are neutral. The protons and neutrons are in
the nucleus at the centre of the atom. The electrons are outside the
nucleus (Figure 10.2).
Although they contain electrically charged particles, atoms are
neutral. The number of protons in the nucleus equals the number
of electrons around the nucleus, so the number of positive and
negative charges is equal. This makes an atom neutral.

neutron proton


Figure 10.2 Each atom is made up of protons and neutrons inside the nucleus and electrons
in the area around the nucleus.

Static Charges
Objects can become charged when electrons move from one object
W O R D S M AT T E R to another. The electric charge that builds up on the surface of the
“Static” is from the Greek word object is called a static charge or static electricity. The charges
statikos, meaning causing to stand.
are “static” because they remain very nearly fixed in one location
The word “stationary,” which means
not moving, is based on the same on the surface of the object until they are given a path to escape.
Greek word. An object that has more electrons than protons is negatively
charged. An object that has more protons than electrons is
positively charged. You can group objects according to three kinds
of charge: positive, negative, and neutral. If a neutral object obtains
extra electrons, the object becomes negatively charged. If a neutral
object loses electrons, the object becomes positively charged.

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Friction and the Movement of Electrons W O R D S M AT T E R

“Electricity” comes from the Greek
All solid materials are charged by the transfer of electrons. How word elektron, meaning amber, which
do atoms lose or gain electrons to become electrically charged? is fossilized tree resin (Figure 10.3).
Amber has been used for thousands
One common cause of electron transfer is friction, which occurs of years to study static electricity.
when objects rub against each other.
Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of two
surfaces in contact. When two objects rub together, the force of
friction can remove electrons from one object and cause them to
transfer to the other object. As one object loses electrons, the
other object gains them, as shown by the amber and fur in
Figure 10.4.
If you count the electrons in Figure 10.4, you will notice that
no electrons are lost during the process of charging. They are
simply transferred. The position of the positive charges does not
change during the process of charging.
Figure 10.3 Amber is fossilized tree
resin. This piece of amber contains
bugs that were living on the tree and
got caught in the amber.


neutral neutral negative positive

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10.4 The amber and the fur are electrically neutral (a). If you rub the amber with the
fur, electrons transfer from the fur to the amber (b). As a result, the fur becomes positively
charged and the amber becomes negatively charged (c).

It’s important to remember that the transfer of the charges from

one object to another is possible because the two objects are
rubbing against each other. Both objects are neutral before they
are rubbed together. They become charged as a result of the
For any charging procedure, it’s important to keep in mind
that new electric charges are not being created. The electrons in
each object are just being rearranged within the object or
transferred to another object.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 397
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Electron Affinity Table 10.1 A Triboelectric Series

Tend to lose (+)
Different substances have different electrons
human hands (dry)
abilities to hold on to electrons.
The tendency of a substance to glass

hold on to the electrons is called human hair

electron affinity. nylon
Table 10.1 lists a series of cat fur
selected materials in order of
their electron affinity. You will
notice that the higher the material
is in the list, the greater the steel

tendency for that material to lose wood

electrons. amber
This means that if you rub ebonite
together two materials listed in plastic wrap
the table, you can determine Tend to
gain Teflon®
which material will be positively electrons
charged and which material will
be negatively charged. For
example, if you rub nylon and steel together, the nylon will
become positive and the steel will become negative. The nylon
will lose electrons, because it is higher in the table. The
electrons from the nylon are transferred to the steel, making
the steel negative.
This table is referred to as a “triboelectric” series. The term
comes from tribos, a Greek word meaning to rub.
Note that there can be a slightly different order for materials
Suggested Activity • such as fur or wood depending on which type of animal the fur is
D3 Inquiry Activity on page 402 from and which type of tree the wood is from.

Learning Checkpoint

1. Where are electrons in the atom?

2. What does “static” mean in “static electricity”?
3. What happens when two objects made out of different materials are
rubbed together?
4. What term describes an atom’s tendency to hold on to electrons?
5. In each of the following pairs, state which one is more likely to give up
(a) wood or human hair
(b) plastic wrap or steel
(c) cotton or silk

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Laws of Attraction and Repulsion During Reading

You may have heard the expression “opposites attract” in Visualizing and
discussions about people. This is definitely true for electric Picture Mapping
charges (Figure 10.5). Scientists studying the interaction of Good readers use the strategy of
objects have observed that when a positively charged object is visualizing to understand the
important details of a large
brought close to a negatively charged object, the two objects
amount of complex information.
attract each other. When two objects with the same charge are
One way to visualize is to create
placed close together, the objects repel each other. a picture map. Using the
information about the laws of
attraction and repulsion, begin
drawing pictures to represent
the information provided in this
Opposite charges attract. section. Add to your picture
map as you read about electrical
insulators and conductors.

Figure 10.5 If you increase the amount of

charge on objects, the attraction or
Like charges repel. repulsion also increases.

As a result of many scientific investigations, scientists have

established the following laws of static electric charges.
• The law of attraction states that particles with opposite
charges attract each other.
• The law of repulsion states that particles with like charges
repel each other.

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb was a French physicist who
worked with electric charges and made several important
discoveries (Figure 10.6). He showed that when two charged
objects are placed closer together, the attraction or repulsion
increases. When the charged objects are moved farther apart,
the attraction or repulsion decreases. In his honour, the metric
unit for electric charge is named the coulomb (C). One
coulomb equals 6.24 × 1018 electrons added to or removed from Figure 10.6 Charles-Augustin de
a neutral object. Coulomb (1736–1806)

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 399
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Electrical Insulators and Conductors

Another way to group materials is by their conductivity.
Conductivity is the ability of materials to allow electrons to
move freely in them. Materials that hold onto their electrons and
do not allow them to move easily are called electrical insulators.
An electrical insulator is a solid, liquid, or gas that resists or
blocks the movement of electrons, as shown in Figure 10.7. Dry
wood, glass, and plastic are all examples of electrical insulators.
An insulator can hold a static charge because static charges
remain nearly fixed in place.

- -
- + +- -+ + + -
- - + +
+- + + + + -
- - - +
- - + -
+ +- - + +
- +-
- + - +
(a) Insulator: The electrons (–) are bound (b) Conductor: The electrons are not as
tightly to the nuclei (+) so they resist tightly bound to the nuclei. They can move
movement. away from the nuclei.
Figure 10.7 Electrons in an insulator cannot move freely. Electrons in a conductor can.

Materials that allow electrons to change positions are called

conductors (Figure 10.8). Conduction is the movement or
transmission of electrons through a substance. Examples of
conductors include the metals copper and aluminum.
Some materials allow only some movement of electrons.
This is the category of materials called fair conductors. In a fair
conductor, the electrons do not move as freely as in a
conductor, but they are not held almost in place as they are in
an insulator.

Figure 10.8 The metal wire in the

electric fence allows electrons to
move. The plastic insulator resists the
movement of electrons.

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Table 10.2 gives some examples of conductors, fair conductors,

and insulators. There are variations within each category, as some
materials are better or poorer conductors than others.

Table 10.2 Conductivity of Selected Materials

Conductors Fair Conductors Insulators

copper water with dissolved rubber

aluminum moist air wood

iron human body plastic
mercury carbon pure water
other metals soil metal oxides, such as rust

Water as a Conductor
Notice in Table 10.2 that water is an insulator only if it is pure.
However, most water has dissolved minerals in it, so its
conductive properties change and it becomes a fair conductor.
This is why you do not want to be in a lake during a
thunderstorm. If lightning hits the water, the electric charges
from the lightning will spread out through the water and cause
you serious or fatal injury. This is also why you should not use
water to try to put out an electrical fire (Figure 10.9). You also
need to take care not to operate electrical appliances near water Figure 10.9 Use an all-purpose fire
or with wet hands. extinguisher for an electrical fire.

Learning Checkpoint Take It Further

A Faraday cage is an enclosure
1. (a) What does the law of attraction state? made of conducting material that
(b) What does the law of repulsion state? protects its contents from electric
charges. Find out how airplanes,
2. What is a coulomb? cars, and even some specially
3. Define “electrical insulator.” designed clothes can act as
Faraday cages. Start your research
4. What does “conduction” mean? at ScienceSource.
5. (a) Name two examples of good conductors.
(b) Name two examples of fair conductors.
(c) Name two examples of insulators.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 401
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DI Key Activity

D3 Inquiry Activity Skills Reference 2  Adapting or extending

 Drawing conclusions

Investigating Static Electricity

Question 4. Bring one of the charged vinyl strips close to the

What is the effect of charged objects on each other suspended acetate strip. Make sure the two strips
and on neutral objects? do not touch each other. Record your observations.

5. Place the beaker upside down on the desk or

table. Place the watch glass on top of the beaker
as shown in Figure 10.10. Balance the ruler so it
Materials & Equipment is lying flat and centred on the watch glass. Bring
• 2 vinyl strips • beaker a charged vinyl strip near, but not touching, one
• clear adhesive tape • watch glass end of the ruler. Record your observations.
• ring stand • wooden ruler or
• paper towel metre stick

• 2 acetate strips

1. Copy the following table into your notebook to
record your findings. Give your table a title.

Hanging Approaching
Object Object Predictions Observations

charged charged Figure 10.10 Balance the ruler on the watch glass on top
vinyl vinyl of the beaker.

charged charged
6. Bring a charged acetate strip near one end of the
acetate acetate
ruler. Record your observations.
charged charged
acetate vinyl Analyzing and Interpreting
ruler charged
7. Usually, charged vinyl is negative and charged
acetate is positive. How does this information
ruler charged explain your observations?
Skill Practice
2. Tape one end of a vinyl strip to the ring stand so 8. Describe how you would modify the procedure in
the strip hangs down. Rub the hanging vinyl strip this activity so that you could identify the type of
with the paper towel to charge it. Then, rub the charge on a charged object.
other vinyl strip with the paper towel, and bring
that vinyl strip close to the suspended strip. Forming Conclusions
Record your observations in your table.
9. Write three statements that summarize your
3. Repeat step 2, using the two acetate strips and observations.
the paper towel. Record your observations.

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Key Concept Review 11. Copy this chart into your notebook. For
each pair, predict which substance becomes
1. (a) Draw a diagram of an atom that has more positively charged and which becomes
four protons, five neutrons, and four more negatively charged when the two
electrons. substances are rubbed together. Use
(b) Label each particle with its name and Table 10.1, A Triboelectric Series on
whether it is positive (+), negative (–), page 398, to help you make predictions.
or neutral.
Charged Pairs
2. (a) What is friction? Becomes More Becomes More
Positively Negatively
(b) Explain how friction can be used to Pairs Charged Charged
transfer electrons. Use two substances
cotton, steel
from the triboelectric series in Table
10.1 on page 398 in your answer. cotton, silk
human hair,
3. Explain why this statement is false: “A human
neutral object contains no charge.” hands (dry)

4. State the two laws of static electric charges. Teflon®,

5. Where are static charges held? glass,
plastic wrap
6. Why might a plastic rod that contains a
large number of electrons not have a static
charge? 12. Make a list of five different ways in which
you experience static electricity in your
7. (a) What is the difference between a own life.
conductor and an insulator?
13. (a) While fishing in an aluminum boat in
(b) What is an example of a conductor?
the middle of a lake, you notice storm
(c) What is an example of an insulator? clouds forming nearby. Why is it a good
8. (a) What is the difference between a idea to get to shore as fast as possible?
conductor and a fair conductor? (b) Would your answer change if the lake
(b) What is an example of a fair conductor? somehow became filled with distilled
water with no ions present in it?
9. Why can you not use water to put out an Explain why or why not.
electrical fire?
Connect Your Understanding 14. What are two questions about static
10. Do two identical objects become statically electricity that you would like to explore
charged when you rub them together? further?
Explain why they do or do not. For more questions, go to ScienceSource.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 403
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10.2 The Transfer of Static Electric Charges

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• Electroscopes are instruments

that detect static charge.

• In charging by contact, an
orginally neutral substance
gains the same charge as the
charged object that touched it.

• In charging by induction, an
originally neutral substance
gains the opposite charge to
the charged object.

• Neutral objects are attracted to

charged objects.

• Grounding an object transfers

electrons between the object
and the ground, making the
object neutral. Figure 10.11 The bits of paper are attracted to the statically charged comb.
• An electrical discharge occurs
when charges are transferred
quickly. Charged Objects
What does dust on a computer screen have in common with
paper on a comb (Figure 10.11)? In both examples, there is
attraction between objects with unlike charges. You may have
noticed a similar effect when you unpack a box containing
polystyrene packing foam and the little pieces of foam stick to
your skin and clothes. Polystyrene is very low on the triboelectric
series and becomes charged very easily.
How do you know when an object is charged? Rather than
testing whether the object sticks to something else, you can use
an electroscope, which is an instrument that can detect static
charge. The electroscope was first invented in 1748 by a French
clergyman and physicist named Jean Nollet.
A metal-leaf electroscope has two very thin metal pieces,
called leaves, suspended from a metal rod (Figure 10.12 on the
next page). The metal rod is attached to a top plate or metal knob.
When a charge is transferred to the plate or knob, the charges
spread out over the whole structure, including the leaves. The
greater the charge, the greater the separation between the leaves.
An electroscope is one of the devices that can be used to study
static electricity. The study of static electric charges is called

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D4 Quick Lab
Using an Electroscope

Purpose 4. Charge the glass, acrylic, or acetate rod by

To determine what happens to an electroscope when rubbing it with the silk fabric. Repeat steps 2
different charged objects are brought near it and 3 using this charged rod.

Part 2 — Pith-Ball Electroscope

Materials & Equipment
• plastic comb or straw or ebonite rod
5. Charge the comb or straw by running it through
your hair, or rub an ebonite rod on a wool
• metal-leaf and/or pith-ball electroscope
• glass, acrylic, or acetate rod
• wool sweater
6. Bring the charged object near the pith ball but
do not touch it (Figure 10.13). Record your
• silk fabric

7. This time, touch the pith ball with the charged

Procedure object. Then, touch it again. Record your
Part 1 — Metal-Leaf Electroscope observations.

1. Charge the comb or straw by running it through 8. Charge the glass, acrylic, or acetate rod by
your hair, or rub an ebonite rod on a wool sweater. rubbing it with the silk fabric. Repeat steps 6
and 7 using this charged rod.
2. Bring the charged object near, but not touching,
the top of the electroscope (Figure 10.12).
Observe the motion of the metal leaves. Then,
move the object away and observe the leaves 9. What role did friction play in this activity?
again. Record your observations. 10. With your group, explain what happened in Part
3. This time, touch the charged object to the top of 1, using your knowledge about charges. Assume
the electroscope. You can rub the object along your object had a negative charge placed on it.
the top of the electroscope if necessary. Observe 11. With your group, explain what happened in Part
the motion of the metal leaves. Then, move the 2, using your knowledge about charges. Assume
object away and observe the leaves again. your object had a negative charge placed on it.
Record your observations.

Figure 10.12 Metal-leaf electroscope Figure 10.13 Pith-ball electroscope

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 405
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Detecting Static Charge

In order to predict what charge is transferred to an electroscope,
you can use a standard set of charged objects, such as ebonite and
glass. Ebonite is a hard rubber material that is low on the
triboelectric series and readily accepts electrons. When ebonite is
rubbed with fur, it becomes negative (Figure 10.14). Glass is high
on the triboelectric series and tends to give away electrons. When
glass is rubbed with silk or plastic, it becomes positive, as shown in
Figure 10.14.

Figure 10.14 To test unknown charges, you can use the known charges on an ebonite rod (a)
and a glass rod (b).

When a negatively charged rod is brought near a neutral

electroscope, the electrons in the electroscope are repelled by the
rod. The electrons move down into the leaves of the electroscope.
Suggested Activity • The leaves are now both negatively charged, so they repel each
D5 Quick Lab on page 412 other and move apart (Figure 10.15). When the negatively
charged rod is taken away, the negative charges in the
electroscope are no longer repelled, so they move throughout the
leaves, stem, and knob. The leaves drop down, and the
electroscope is neutral again.

–++–+ ++

–+ +

–+ +
– – Figure 10.15 The leaves are
+– –+ +
–+ not separated in the neutral
–+ –+ –+ – electroscope (a). The leaves
–+ –+ –+
–+ repel each other when they
–+ –+ – – – – are charged negatively or
(a) (b) positively (b).

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Charging by Contact
During Reading
As you learned in section 10.1, electrons can be transferred
Understanding Terms
through friction. Electrons can also be transferred through and Concepts
contact and conduction. You can charge a neutral object by
A Frayer quadrant can help you
contact when you touch it with a charged object. Charging by understand a term or the
contact occurs when electrons transfer from the charged object concept it represents. Divide a
to the neutral object that it touches. The neutral object gains the rectangle into four sections, and
same type of charge as the object that touched it because the put the term or concept as the
electrons move from one object to the other (Figure 10.16). rectangle’s title above it (e.g.,
Charging by Contact). In the top
left section, write a definition of
the term using your own words
and words from the text. In the
top right section, write facts
––+––+–+– related to the term. In the lower
left section, write examples of
the term from the textbook. In
the lower right section, write
non-examples of the term.
–+ +
–+ – +–

–+ –+
–+ – + +
– –+

(a) (b)
Figure 10.16 (a) When a negatively (b) When a positively charged object touches
charged object touches a neutral object, a neutral object, electrons move from the Suggested Activities •
electrons move to the neutral object, neutral object to the positive object and make • D6 Inquiry Activity on page 413
making it negative. the neutral object positive. • D7 Inquiry Activity on page 414

Induction is the movement of electrons within a substance
caused by a nearby charged object, without direct contact – –
+ + +
between the substance and the object. – –
+ –
If you rub a rubber balloon on your hair, electrons will + + + –
– – + –

transfer from your hair to the balloon, making the balloon – + + – –
– – +
negative. The charges stay in a nearly fixed, or static, position on + + – –
– –
+ –
the balloon because rubber is an insulator. When you bring the + + –
– – + –
negatively charged balloon near a neutral wall, the negatively +

– +
charged electrons on the balloon repel the negative charges on the – –
wall, making that part of the wall a positive surface. The balloon Figure 10.17 The negatively charged
balloon has induced a positive charge
is said to induce a charge on the wall because it charges the wall on the wall’s surface without touching
without contacting it (Figure 10.17). the wall.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 407
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Charging by Induction
When you charge an object by induction, you use a charged object to
induce a charge in a neutral object and then ground the charged object
so it retains the charge. This newly charged object has the opposite
charge to the charge on the charging object. Grounding is the process
of connecting a charged object to Earth’s surface. When you connect a
charged object to the ground, you provide a path for charges to travel
to or from the ground. Figures 10.18 and 10.19 show the process of
charging by induction. Grounding occurs in diagram (b).

– –
– – –

+++ +++ – ++

+ + +
+ + – +

– + + – +
– –
– –
+ – + +
– + – + +
– –
– –

Figure 10.18 (a) When a negatively charged (b) When you ground the neutral (c) When you remove the ground
object comes near a neutral electroscope, you provide its and the charged object, the
electroscope, it repels the electrons with a path away from electroscope is left with a
electrons in the neutral the repulsive influence. Some positive charge because it has
electroscope. electrons leave the electroscope. lost some electrons.

– –
– – –

–++–+ – – +
– –+–+–+ –––+
+ –

– – – –
– + – – –
+ – +
– – –
+ + + + + +
– – – –
+ + –+
+ + – +
– – –

Figure 10.19 (a) When a positively charged (b) When you ground the neutral (c) When you remove the ground
object comes near a neutral electroscope, you provide a path and the charged object, the
electroscope, it attracts electrons for electrons to go toward the electroscope is left with a
in the neutral electroscope. positive influence. negative charge because extra
electrons are trapped on it.

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Learning Checkpoint

1. What does an electroscope detect?

2. In the contact method of charging, what charge does a neutral substance
gain compared to the object that touched it?
3. In induction, what charge does a neutral substance gain compared to the
object brought near it?
4. What is the difference between charging by contact and charging by
induction in terms of electron transfer?
5. What is grounding?

Electrical Discharge
Once an object is charged, the charges are trapped on it until they
are given a path to escape. When electric charges are transferred
very quickly, the process is called an electrical discharge. Sparks
are an example of electrical discharge (Figure 10.20).
Have you walked across a carpet and reached for a doorknob
only to be shocked when you created a spark (Figure 10.21)? Figure 10.20 When a spark
When you shuffle your feet in slippers or socks on a carpet, occurs, the air becomes a passage
electrons are transferred through friction and you build up a for the electrons to travel. Collisions
between moving electrons and air
static charge. When your hand reaches toward the neutral particles release light and can also
doorknob, the excess electrons transfer due to induction. make a crackling sound.

Transfer of charge
from girl to door


Transfer of charge
from carpet to girl

Figure 10.21 When electrons jump between your hand and a

doorknob, you can receive a surprising shock.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 409
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Lightning is an example of a very large electrical discharge caused
by induction. In a thunderstorm, a charged area, usually negative,
builds at the base of the cloud (Figure 10.22 (a)). The negative
charge at the base of the cloud creates a temporary positive area
on the ground through the induction process (Figure 10.22 (b)).
When enough charge has built up, a path of charged particles
forms (Figure 10.22 (c)). The cloud then discharges its excess
electrons along the temporary path to the ground, creating a huge
spark — lightning (Figure 10.22 (d)). This discharge creates a
rapid expansion of the air around it, causing the sound of

electrons electrons

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 10.22 Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity.

It is interesting to note that air is normally an insulator. If it

were not, lightning would occur every time that clouds formed.
For lighting to occur, charges in the clouds must build up to the
point where the air cannot keep the charges separated from the
ground. At this point, the air stops being an insulator and
becomes a fair conductor, resulting in a lightning strike.
Earth is a donator or receiver of charge and is so large that
overall it is not affected by the electron transfer of huge lightning
strikes. As a result, the ground is always considered neutral.

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Electrostatic Generators Take It Further

Scientists use several devices in the laboratory to study how static Sometimes, lightning strikes start
charges create lightning and other phenomena, such as the static from the ground and go to a
cloud. There are also cloud-to-
that affects clothes coming out of the dryer. cloud lightning strikes. Find out
Early electrostatic generators were called “friction machines” more about different types of
because they used direct contact between different surfaces to lightning. Create a visual display of
your findings. Use ScienceSource
create charged areas. A glass sphere or cylinder was rubbed as a starting point.
mechanically by a pad to charge it up.
More recent machines, such as the Van de Graaff generator,
create charge through friction between the roller and belt and
then transfer the charge to a large metal sphere, as shown in
Figure 10.23.

charge collector

metal sphere

Teflon™ roller

rubber belt

insulating support

nylon roller

Figure 10.23 (b) The static charge on a Van de Graaff generator
has a hair-raising effect on these students.


Figure 10.23 (a) This Van de Graaff generator is set up so its dome
is negatively charged. A Van de Graaff generator can also be
charged positively by using different roller materials.

A Wimshurst machine creates charges on two slowly

rotating disks with metal strips placed around the disks
(Figure 10.24). The charge is built up using induction
between the front and back plates as the disks turn in
opposite directions. The excess charge is collected by
metal combs with points near the turning disks. Figure 10.24 The Wimshurst machine uses
induction to build up charge and create sparks.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 411
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D5 Quick Lab
Charge Sorter
Materials that tend to lose electrons are higher on a 4. Use a charged ebonite rod to test the charge on
triboelectric series. Materials that tend to gain the electroscope by bringing it near the knob.
electrons are lower on a triboelectric series. Do not touch the rod to the electroscope
(Figure 10.25). Observe the motion of the leaves.
5. Record the charge of material A.
To sort materials based on their ability to hold on to
6. Ground the electroscope by touching it with
static charge
your hand. Then, charge the electroscope
using material B.
Materials & Equipment
• materials such as fur, silk, aluminum, paper towel, 7. Use a charged ebonite rod to test the charge on
leather, wood, amber, hard rubber, Styrofoam®, the electroscope by bringing it near the knob.
plastic wrap, vinyl (PVC) and Teflon® Do not touch the rod to the electroscope.
• metal-leaf electroscope Observe the motion of the leaves.
• known charged object, such as an ebonite rod 8. Record the charge of material B.
rubbed on fur to create a negative charge
9. Repeat steps 3–8 for each pair of materials.

CAUTION: Some people are allergic to fur. Questions

10. Which materials were good electron receivers
Procedure and would appear lower on a triboelectric series?
1. Make a table like the one below to list your 11. Which materials were good electron donors and
materials, predictions, and results. Give your would appear higher on a triboelectric series?
chart a title. Record your predictions.
12. Create a triboelectric series by listing the
Prediction Actual materials you used in order, according to their
Materials of Charge Charge
electron affinity.

1. fur silk

2. fur aluminum

3. silk aluminum

4. silk paper

Record your predictions for what charge each
material in each pair will have when the
materials are rubbed together.

3. Rub together the first pair of materials, A and B.

Then, touch material A to the knob of the
electroscope to charge the electroscope.
Figure 10.25 To test the charge on the electroscope, bring the
charged ebonite rod near it. Do not touch it.

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D6 Inquiry Activity Skills Reference 2 

Making predictions
Observing, and recording

Charging by Contact

Question 4. Rub the ebonite rod with the fur again. Bring it
What charge does the electroscope gain compared to near, but not touching, the top of the
the charging rod? electroscope. Record your observations using a
labelled diagram.

5. Charge the glass rod by rubbing it with silk. Bring

the glass rod near, but not touching, the top of
the electroscope. Record your observations using
Materials & Equipment
a labelled diagram.
• ebonite rod • glass rod
6. Touch the top of the electroscope with your hand.
• fur • silk
• metal-leaf electroscope Trial B
7. Repeat steps 2–4 using a glass rod charged with
CAUTION: Some people are allergic to fur. silk. Use a charged ebonite rod in steps 5. Repeat
step 6.

Procedure 8. Return all materials to the areas designated by

your teacher.
1. Make a table like the following to record your
predictions and observations. Give your table a
Analyzing and Interpreting
title. Record your predictions.
9. (a) Explain why the leaves moved when the
Motion of Leaves ebonite rod touched the electroscope in step 3.
Predictions Observations (b) What charge was left on the electroscope?

Trial A ebonite rod 10. (a) Explain why the leaves moved when the glass
touching rod touched the electroscope in step 5.
ebonite rod (b) What charge was left on the electroscope?
11. How do your predictions compare with your
glass rod
Trial B glass rod 12. In terms of charge movement, explain in words
touching and diagrams the effect of:
glass rod (a) an identically charged rod near the electroscope
(b) an oppositely charged rod near the electroscope
ebonite rod
near Skill Practice
13. Explain how you would find the charge of an
Trial A unknown material.

2. Charge the ebonite rod by rubbing it with the fur. Forming Conclusions
3. Brush the ebonite rod against the top of the 14. Write a summary statement about the charge the
electroscope. Record your observations of the electroscope gains and the charge of the
electroscope leaves using a labelled diagram. influencing rod.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 413
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D7 Inquiry Activity Skills Reference 2  Gathering, organizing, and
recording relevant data from
 Interpreting data/information to
Charging by Induction identify patterns or relationships

Question 4. Remove your hand from the electroscope, and

What charge does the electroscope get compared to then move the ebonite rod away. Observe what
the charging rod? happens to the leaves of the electroscope.
Record your observations.

5. Bring a charged ebonite rod near the electroscope.

Record what happens to the electroscope leaves.
Materials & Equipment
6. Bring a charged glass rod near the electroscope.
• ebonite rod • fur Record what happens to the electroscope leaves.
• glass rod • metal-leaf
• silk electroscope Trial B
7. Repeat steps 2–5 except start by charging a glass
CAUTION: Some people are allergic to fur. rod against silk in step 2. Use a charged ebonite
rod for step 6.

Procedure Analyzing and Interpreting

1. Make a table like the following. Give your table a
8. (a) Compared to the original rod that was brought
title. Record your predictions.
near the electroscope, what charge did the
electroscope end up with?
Motion of Leaves
Trial (b) How do you know?
Predictions Observations
9. Explain what happens to the electrons in the
Trial A ebonite rod
electroscope when your hand touches the
ebonite rod
near 10. (a) Why did you have to remove your hand first
glass rod before you moved the rod away?
(b) What would have happened if you had moved
Trial B glass rod the rod away and then your hand?
glass rod Skill Practice
11. How else could you ground the electroscope?
ebonite rod
Forming Conclusions
Trial A 12. Summarize the method of charging by induction
by using diagrams labelled with the motions of
2. Charge the ebonite rod by rubbing it against the

3. Bring the ebonite rod near the electroscope. Be

careful not to touch the rod to the electroscope.
While you hold the rod there, touch the top of the
electroscope with your hand.

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Key Concept Review 8. (a) Why do the leaves of the charged
electroscope shown below move farther
1. How are lightning and a spark similar? apart if a rod with the same charge is
brought near?
2. (a) How do objects become negatively
charged using the contact method? (b) Why would the leaves move closer
(b) How do objects become positively together if the rod had the opposite
charged using the contact method? charge to the electroscope?

3. Explain how a substance becomes + +

temporarily charged by induction when a +
charged object is brought near.

4. Explain how to charge an object

permanently using induction.

5. Using a sequence of labelled diagrams,

explain how a positive balloon will stick to
a neutral wall. Under each diagram,
describe the motion of the charges. + +
+ +

Connect Your Understanding

Question 8
6. (a) How does the process of grounding
occur when you receive a spark from 9. A person walks across a carpet, touches a
touching a metal shopping cart? metal doorknob, and receives a shock. If the
(b) How does the process of grounding same person were carrying a metal rod, she
occur during a lightning strike? would not experience a shock when
touching the doorknob. Why?
7. What would change about the way an
electroscope worked if its metal knob were 10. Suppose a five-year-old child asks you to
replaced with a plastic knob? explain why there is lightning. Write a
simple explanation that you could share
metal knob with the child. You may wish to include a

11. What are two things about static electricity
that you know now but you did not know
before you started this chapter?

Question 7 For more questions, go to ScienceSource.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 415
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10.3 Electrostatics in Our Lives

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• Lightning rods are used to

prevent damage to buildings.

• Grounding static charges

can help prevent sparks near
flammable fuels.

• Paint sprayers work better if

the object and the paint have
different charges.

• Photocopiers use electrostatic

principles in their operation.

• Grounding wires prevent

damage to electrical

• Electrostatic precipitators work

by creating charged waste
particles and using
electrostatic attraction to
remove the particles. Figure 10.26 Lightning can strike tall buildings repeatedly during a storm. The CN Tower
(extreme right of photograph) is struck by lightning more than 70 times a year.

Lightning Storm Awareness

On a hot and humid summer night, lightning strikes a building in
Toronto (Figure 10.26). Along with the lightning, there would
have been loud claps of thunder. You may have noticed that as a
storm moves closer, the time between lightning and thunder
decreases. This occurs because lightning travels very fast, at the
speed of light. Thunder travels much more slowly, at the speed of
sound. If you see lightning and hear thunder at the same time, the
storm is right above you.
Summer storms are common in Ontario and across Canada,
but many people do not know what to do in these extreme
weather conditions. Lightning storm safety begins by watching
for towering cloud formations that signal developing storms.
Lightning can strike up to 15 km from where it is raining. As a
guideline, if you can hear thunder, you are in striking distance
and should look for shelter.
Safe shelter includes a large building because it will be
properly grounded if there is a strike. Cars, school buses, and
other vehicles are also safe places, provided that the windows
are rolled up and you do not touch metal parts of the vehicle.

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If no safe shelters are available, you should avoid the highest

point of land because lightning tends to hit these areas. Remain
in a safe place for about 30 minutes after the last thunderclap.
A dangerous place to take shelter during a lightning storm is
under a tree, as the tree may be the highest point in the area. This
makes it more likely to be struck by lightning. Also stay away
from objects that conduct electricity, such as bicycles,
lawnmowers, and golf clubs. Summertime presents a higher risk
of being struck by lightning both because there are more lightning
storms and because more people are outdoors participating in
activities such as baseball, swimming, fishing, and boating.
Lightning strikes cause about six deaths per year in Canada
and result in injuries to about 60 people. All of these could be
prevented if everyone follows the few careful steps just described
as the storm approaches.

D8 STSE Quick Lab

Lightning: Facts and Fiction

Purpose Questions
To separate lightning facts from lightning fiction
2. What was his hair standing up an indication of?

Procedure 3. (a) Holding a steel bar when the lightning struck

would almost certainly be lethal. Why?
1. As a class, read the following true account of one
man’s close encounter with a lightning strike. (b) Would it make any difference if the steel bar
Then, discuss the questions that follow. being held had one end in the ground when
lightning struck? Explain why or why not.
A man was digging post holes in a large open 4. Describe the path the lightning may have taken
field. One of the tools he was using was a 2 m
to result in blackened ground and a melted end
steel bar, which he used to pry rocks from the
ground. He was working in stormy weather
of the steel bar.
and wanted to finish a bit more work before 5. What could the man have done differently in
taking cover.
order to be safer during the storm?
Suddenly, he could feel the hairs on his
arms and legs begin to stand up. He threw the 6. Describe how to keep safe if you find yourself
steel bar as hard as he could and dove for the outside during a thunderstorm.
ground. Then, he heard a deafening blast of
sound. The lightning strike missed him, and he 7. If you find yourself out in the open during a
ran for cover. thunderstorm, you should crouch, keep your feet
Later, after the storm, he went back to the close together, and stay on your toes.
site. The ground around the bar was
blackened, and one end of the bar appeared (a) Why should you crouch on your toes?
to have melted.
(b) Why should you keep your feet close together?

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 417
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Lightning Rods
When lightning strikes a tree, the sap inside the tree conducts
the electricity down to the ground. In the process, the tree heats
up and expands very rapidly, resulting in an explosion and fire
(Figure 10.27).
If the tree had been wet on the outside and dry on the inside,
the electricity might have followed a different path to the ground
and left the tree unharmed. Or if there had been a conductor, such
as a metal rod, that was slightly taller than the tree and that was
connected to the ground, the lightning strike could have followed
the conductor safely to the ground and left the tree unharmed.
A lightning rod is a metal pole with a wire attached to it that
runs down to the ground. The main purpose of a lightning rod is
Figure 10.27 A tree burned by
lightning to provide a point removed from the main structure of a building
where a stream of electrically charged particles is more likely to
form. The stream of electrically charged particles is highly
conductive, so if lightning strikes in the area around the building,
it is much more likely to strike the lightning rod (Figure 10.28).
This decreases the total amount of electric charge in the building,
which makes it less likely to be struck by lightning. If lightning
hits the lightning rod, the flow of electrically charged particles is
directed harmlessly down to the ground so the building is not
damaged, as shown in Figure 10.29.

Figure 10.28 The point on top of this rod
weather vane is a lightning rod. insulated

Figure 10.29 The lightning rod

redirects the electrical strike away
from the barn and harmlessly into the ground rod

418 UNIT D The Characteristics of Electricity

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Grounding Static Charges on Vehicles During Reading

Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other. The Determining the Key Idea
surfaces may be solids, such as silk or glass, or they may be fluids, Good readers synthesize details
such as air or water. Automobiles and airplanes build up charge from a text to determine the key
through friction between the vehicle’s outer surface and the air. A idea. To do this, you make
simple way to prevent static build-up on a car is to use a ground connections among the important
strap (Figure 10.30). However, dragging a strap along the ground ideas in the text, asking yourself
the question “How does this
would not be a practical solution for airplanes.
information connect to that
Airplanes have needle-like projections located in various information?” As you read pages
places on the wings and plane body, as shown in Figure 10.31. 418 to 420, ask yourself how the
The force of repulsion between charges becomes so strong around information on one page
a point that charges will disperse into the air from the point. connects to the information on
another page. What is the single
key idea presented on these

Figure 10.30 Some drivers use a Figure 10.31 These needle-like rods on the
grounding strap to prevent static charges wing of an airplane disperse static charges
from building up on their cars. into the air.

Static Charges and Flammable Materials

Static charge build-up is particularly dangerous when
using flammable materials (Figure 10.32). When
airplanes are fuelled, the very explosive fuel moving
through the nozzle creates a build-up of static charges.
If the nozzle comes too close to the plane’s body, a
spark could ignite the fuel. In order to prevent this
from occurring, the nozzle and fuel truck are
connected to the ground. Sparks are also dangerous
near the gas pumps at service stations. It is a good idea
to ground yourself at a service station by touching a
metal door handle before you slide across the seat to Figure 10.32 The nozzle and fuel truck must be grounded
exit a vehicle. before refuelling an airplane begins.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 419
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Reducing Static Charges in the Home

You can use your knowledge of static charges to help you
understand how to reduce charges. For example, static charges
are built up when different types of insulators, such as nylon
and polyester, rub together. This is why clothes made of different
materials often stick together when they come out of a clothes
dryer (Figure 10.33).
More charges build up in dry air, such as during winter,
because dry air acts as an insulator. Moist air is a fair conductor,
so fewer charges build up on humid days. If you remove clothes
from the dryer before they are completely dry, there will be fewer
charges on them.
Figure 10.33 You can reduce the
Sometimes, people add an antistatic dryer sheet to a clothes
build-up of static charges by drying dryer. The dryer sheet adds a thin layer of waxy chemicals to the
only the same types of materials at
surface of clothes so there is less friction between the surfaces
one time.
and therefore fewer unlike charges to attract each other.
Sparks caused by static charges can damage sensitive
electronic equipment. People who work with this type of
equipment take special care to reduce the risk of sparks. For
example, carpets can cause static build-up.
Ways to reduce the risk of static sparks from
carpets include:
• using an antistatic mat for your feet
• increasing the moisture in the air by using a
• spraying the carpet with antistatic spray
• wearing an antistatic wrist strap
(Figure 10.34)
• removing the carpet from the computer room

Figure 10.34 This computer technician wears an antistatic wrist strap to

reduce the build-up of charges.

Learning Checkpoint

1. What is the function of a lightning rod?

2. How is charge build-up reduced on airplanes?
3. Why is a ground strap a necessary safety feature when transferring fuel?
4. What are three different methods for reducing charge build-up in clothes
5. What are four different methods for reducing charge build-up in a
computer room with a carpet?

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Making Use of Static Charges

Static electricity can be a nuisance when it causes flyaway hair or
sparks in your living room. It can be extremely dangerous when it
occurs near flammable materials or electronic equipment.
However, static electricity can also be useful. Our ability to
control and direct static electricity has allowed us to design
technological devices that make use of it to improve our lives.

Spray Painting
If you have ever tried spray painting, you may have found it to be a
challenging job. The paint comes out in a mist, and you lose a lot
of paint because it doesn’t all land on the object you’re trying to
paint. The paint comes out of the spray gun at a high speed, so the
paint particles bounce off the object being painted, wasting paint.
Electrostatics can help! Figure 10.35 shows a worker making
use of electrostatics to paint a car. The paint coming out of the
nozzle gains a negative charge through friction. The surface of the
car has been given a positive charge. Unlike charges attract, so the
paint is attracted to the surface of the car. There is less waste due
to bounce and overspray, and the finish is smooth and uniform.

Figure 10.35 Industrial sprayers such as those used to paint cars and boats take advantage of
the laws of static charges.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 421
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Take It Further Photocopying

Laser printers make use of The word “photocopy” means to copy using light. Figure 10.36
electrostatics in the printing shows the typical steps involved in photocopying, including the
process. Find out how a laser
printer works. Start your research
role of electrostatics.
at ScienceSource.

Step 1 Step 3
A positive charge is created on the drum. The Plastic particles and toner (ink) are sprayed onto
drum is an insulator, but it becomes a conductor the drum. As the particles come out of the
when exposed to light. For this reason, it is called sprayer, they get charged negatively. The
a photoconductor. negatively charged toner sticks to the positively
charged areas on the drum, creating a copy of
the original paper.

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⫹ ⫹
⫹ ⫹ ⫹

Step 2
The image on the paper to be photocopied is
projected onto the drum. Where the light hits the Step 4
drum, the area becomes conductive, loses its A sheet of paper is pressed against the drum and
charge, and becomes neutral. The dark areas heated. Heat and pressure cause the toner to fuse
remain positively charged. to the paper. In some photocopiers, the paper is
also charged to help the toner stick to it.

page to
be copied



⫹⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫹⫹ ⫹ Step 5
⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹⫹ ⫹
⫹⫹ ⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹ The paper is still charged and may be warm when

it comes out of the photocopier.

Figure 10.36 A model of a photocopying process

422 UNIT D The Characteristics of Electricity

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Environmental Applications
An electrostatic precipitator makes use of the laws of static Suggested Activity •
D11 Quick Lab on page 425
charges to clean air (Figure 10.37). The gas discharged from a
factory can contain tiny particles of pollutants, called particulate
matter. One way to clean the gas before it is released is to send it
through pipes that charge the particulate matter negatively. The
gas then moves through an area that has positively charged plates.
The positive plates attract the negative particles and remove them
from the gas. These collector plates are cleaned periodically to
keep the system running efficiently. Industrial plants that
produce cement, steel, lumber, and petrochemicals use similar
techniques to remove dust from the air.
We also use electrostatics in processes that purify and sort
materials, such as ore separation in mining, plastics and paper
recycling, and the settlement of fine particles suspended in water.

clean gas out


(metal plates)

polluted gas in grounding wire

Figure 10.37 An electrostatic precipitator uses static

solid waste collection electricity to remove particulates from gases in buildings or
industrial sites.

D9 STSE Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment

Advertisements for Static Control Products

If you have a problem with flyaway hair, clothes 2. Are these products essential for everyday living?
sticking together in the dryer, or dust that will not Why or why not?
stick to a mop, chances are there is a consumer 3. (a) What do advertisers say about static in their
product that has been designed to help you. messages to try to convince you to buy their
Discuss the following questions with your group products? Is this information accurate?
and record your answers.
(b) Do you think they are successful in
1. Give examples of products that help consumers convincing people? Explain your answer.
with static control.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 423
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D10 Quick Lab

Make Your Own Photocopier
Imagine painting your name on a piece of paper 3. Add cocoa or flour to the dish. Jiggle the dish in
using a paint that attracts electrons. Suppose you order to spread the cocoa or flour evenly.
then rubbed the paper with fur, causing your painted
4. Using a minimum of tape, attach the edge of the
name to gain a negative charge. You could sprinkle
circle to the outside of the lid.
cocoa or flour on the paper and the neutral cocoa or
flour would be attracted to the charged paint. The 5. Using the wool cloth, gently rub the lid area
cocoa or flour would stick to your name, spelling it showing through the paper for about a minute,
out in black or white. This is basically how a as shown in Figure 10.38.
photocopier works. In this activity, you will investigate
a variation of this technique.

To investigate the principles of photocopying

Materials & Equipment

Figure 10.38 Rub the lid gently.
• paper and scissors • clear adhesive tape
• plastic petri dish and • cocoa or flour
lid 6. Carefully remove the stencil. Put the lid on the
• wool cloth

7. Turn the dish upside down while holding the lid.

CAUTION: Never eat anything in science class.
Then, turn it right side up.

8. Remove the lid. Record your observations.

1. Cut a paper circle the size of the petri dish.
9. What did you observe in step 8?
2. Turn the paper into a stencil by cutting out a
simple symbol such as a diamond or your initial. 10. How would you explain your observations?

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D11 Quick Lab

Make Your Own Precipitator
An electrostatic precipitator uses static charges to
separate particles in order to purify and sort materials.

To study how an electrostatic precipitator works

Materials & Equipment

• paper towels
• ground pepper Figure 10.39 Pull the paper towel across the table slowly.

• flour
• salt
4. Clean the balloons and recharge them. Repeat
• lint
step 3 with the remaining particles on the towel.
• 3 balloons
5. Clean up your work area. Wash your hands
CAUTION: Never eat anything in science class.
Procedure 6. (a) Which particles were the easiest to pick up?
1. Lay a long piece of paper towel on a table. (b) Which particles were difficult to pick up?
Sprinkle pepper, flour, salt, and bits of lint on the Explain why.
paper towel.
7. What happened to the ability of the balloons to
2. Inflate and tie off three balloons. Charge the pick up particles as time went on?
balloons by rubbing them against your hair or a
8. Why do you think this method is used to remove
sweater. Hold the balloons above the table but
particulate matter from the air?
not directly above or touching the paper towel.
9. What factors would affect the efficiency of a
3. Have a partner pull the paper towel across the
table slowly under the balloons (Figure 10.39).
Observe which materials are taken up and how
much of the material is left.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 425
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Key Concept Review 10. When spray paint is applied to a car, the
paint has a negative charge and the surface
1. Why is it not a good idea to take shelter of the car has a positive charge. Some
under a tree in a thunderstorm? processes use a negatively charged paint
and a grounded object. Explain why this
2. (a) What are the three parts of a lightning
also works.
protection system for a building?
(b) What is the function of each part? 11. Flowing fluids, such as water, oil, and air,
produce static charge. Why is it not as
3. What causes the static build-up on moving important to create static charge safety
vehicles such as cars and airplanes? rules for handling flowing water as for
4. Large trucks that carry flammable liquids handling air or oil?
often have a metal wire or chain that drags 12. Suppose you have a static charge problem at
on the ground. Why? home. Your clothes stick to your body, there
5. Sometimes, finished photocopied paper will are socks stuck to your sweater from the
stick to you. Explain why. dryer, and you always get a shock from
touching a doorknob after walking across
6. Name four applications that use your carpet. Suggest ways you can reduce
electrostatic principles. or eliminate these and similar problems.

13. Explain the importance of protecting

Connect Your Understanding
computer equipment from static discharge.
7. Why does Earth not become charged when
many people in the world ground objects? 14. Explain how eliminating static electricity
would hinder the performance of a spray
8. How can neutral pollutant particles be painting device.
made attractive to the charged plate in an
electrostatic precipitator? 15. Suppose a building had a lightning rod that
was not connected to a ground rod by a
9. The technician in this photo is using a tool conducting wire. Would this set up still
that has insulated handles. Why is this provide protection from lightning strikes?
important for working on electronic Explain.
16. Which device that makes use of static
electricity has the greatest effect on your
life? Why?

For more questions, go to ScienceSource.

Question 9

426 UNIT D The Characteristics of Electricity

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S C I E N Ceverywhere

Deep Brain
This device is sometimes called a
“pacemaker for the brain.” A pacemaker is
an implanted device that supplies electric
signals to the heart to help it beat regularly.
A brain pacemaker causes deep brain
stimulation. It stimulates the brain by
sending electric impulses to target areas
deep within the brain. These electric
impulses interfere with naturally occurring
electric impulses in the brain that cause
uncontrolled shaking, called tremors, in a
patient. Tremors are a symptom of several
conditions, including Parkinson’s disease.
Tremors can prevent people from walking,
feeding themselves, or even just being able
to sit still.

This X-ray shows how deeply the two

electrodes are placed inside the brain. The
electric signals are generated by a small
device implanted in the patient’s chest,
near the shoulder. The electric circuits are
programmed using a computer that
contacts the device using radio signals. This
Before receiving the deep brain-stimulating means the electric impulses can be
device, this patient was unable to control his adjusted with the device implanted in the
arms and was unable to speak clearly. With his patient’s body. Using special magnets,
new implants sending electric signals to his brain, patients or their doctor can even turn the
he is able to use his steady hand to enjoy a hot cup of deep brain stimulator on or off.
coffee without worrying about spilling it and burning himself.
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k Knowledge and understanding t Thinking and investigaion
c Communication a Application
5. (a) Describe how to leave an object
positively charged using the induction
method. k
Key Concept Review (b) Describe how to leave an object negatively
1. (a) What are the possible interactions charged using the induction method. k
between two charged objects? k 6. How would you ground an electroscope?
(b) How do a charged object and a neutral
7. (a) Define electrical discharge. k
object interact? k
(b) What is a real-life example of an
2. Explain the role of friction in creating a electrical discharge? k
charged object. k
8. Describe a device that uses static electric
3. (a) Two neutral objects, A and B, were charges. Include a labelled diagram as part
rubbed together, resulting in object A of your answer. c
being charged positively. What is now
the charge on B? k 9. Describe a device that protects other devices
by controlling static electric charges. Include
(b) How do you know? k
a labelled diagram as part of your answer. c
(c) Which object, A or B, is likely higher on
the triboelectric series? k
Connect Your Understanding
(d) How do you know? k
10. Explain why a positively charged balloon
4. For the following three electroscopes, will stick to a wall just as easily as a
explain which way the leaves will move negatively charged balloon. t
when a charged rod is brought near.
Explain your reasoning. t 11. Would the humidity (moisture content) of
the air make a difference in the
photocopying process? Explain. t

+ + – – – –
+ – –

+ + + + – –
– – + + – –

(a) (b) (c) Question 4

428 UNIT D The Characteristics of Electricity

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12. Suppose you had a plastic lightning rod that 21. What materials could be woven into a
was the same size and design as a metal polyester carpet to prevent a static charge
lightning rod. Would the plastic lightning from building up on a person walking
rod work better than, the same as, or not as across the carpet? Explain the reasons for
well as a metal lightning rod? Explain your your choice. a
answer. t

13. Would a negatively charged balloon stick to

a metal wall as easily as to a wooden wall? 22. What information from this chapter
Explain why it would or would not. t surprised you or was not what you
14. You have an unknown material that expected? Explain why. c
becomes charged when you rub it with silk. 23. (a) How would you rate your participation
You also have a negative ebonite rod and a in the labs you did in this chapter? c
positive glass rod. How can you determine
(b) How could you improve your
the charge of the unknown object? t
participation? c
15. If lightning hits a car, the effect is minimal.
Explain why. a

16. Two identical objects are both charged After Reading

positively, but one object has about twice as
Reflect and Evaluate
much positive charge as the other object.
What would happen to the charges when Revisit the key learning goals that you set in the
Before Reading activity at the start of this chapter.
the two objects are brought together?
How did the During Reading strategies help you to
Explain your answer. t
accomplish your goals? Write a paragraph that
17. (a) How would using a humidifier in a summarizes how the reading strategies assisted
home affect static charge build-up? a your learning. Compare your paragraph with a
partner’s. Add any new insights you gained from
(b) Would you need to use a humidifier reading your partner’s reflection.
more in the summer or the winter?
Explain. a

18. Explain two different actions that could Unit Task Link
cause static charges to build up on a Storing large amounts of electricity is very difficult.
computer. a This means that electricity is usually generated as
it is being used. Generating facilities increase and
19. If you wrap plastic wrap on a glass bowl,
decrease the amount of electricity they produce
the plastic wrap will cling to the bowl. Use
depending on how much electricity the
your understanding of static charge to
community is using at any given time. Explain how
explain why. a an electrical grid connecting many different
electrical generating sources and several
20. You run a brush through your hair and
communities provides a dependable source of
wonder if it has become statically charged.
electricity. Brainstorm a list of different ways of
Design a test that allows you to determine if
generating electricity. Sort them from most
the brush has a charge. t
important to least important. Share your ideas with
your class.

Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape. 429

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