Week 5 Extra

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ISEE ENGLISH CENTER WEEK 5- August class – Extra class

Part 1
- Let’s talk about your house.
1. Which room do you like the best in your house.
Frankly speaking, I love my bed room the most because it gives me the feeling
of safety and comfort. Whenever I get into my bedroom I feel relaxed and
2. What do you usually do in that room?
Well. I usually listen to music, and watch my favorite shows in my bedroom,
sometimes I read books or do yoga. It helps me let my hair down.
3. If you buy a new furniture for that room, what will you buy?
Well, if I can buy a new item for my bedroom, It must be a new TV with
internet connection, because my old one is out of order now, and a new one
will help me let my hair down effectively.
- Random questions
1. Do you like strict or easy teacher?
Frankly say, I prefer easy teacher to the strict one because I feel comfortable
when I learn with them. Sometimes strict teachers make me scared and don’t
like that subject.
2. Do you and your friends like the same celebrity?
Well, I and my friend adore the same singer that is …………… we usually listen
to …. Songs together. And we plan to enjoy the show of that singer together in
the future.
3. Do you like cooking?
4. Do you like cooking at home or eating out
5. What is your favorite food?
Part 2
Topic 1: One of your friends need to earn money to pay for her student life, so
she wants to do part time job. Which job do you think she should take: a tutor,
a waitress and a shop assistant.
The first reason is that if my friend works as a waitress it is suitable for
my friend because she hasn’t got experience. Moreover, Thanks to it, she can
learn many skills such as ……………………………………………………………………………………

The second reason is that if my friend chooses to work in a restaurant

or coffee shop, she can widen her relationship easily because there are a lot of
people there, she can make friend, share and learn from her new friends.

ISEE ENGLISH CENTER WEEK 5- August class – Extra class

Besides, the 2 other options are good but I don’t choose becoming
a tutor because my friend doesn’t like teaching.

and I don’t go for becoming a shop assistant because she is not good at
managing things

In short, working as a waitress is my final decision.

Test 2: Your friend wants to make an advertisement for his English center. Do
you think where should he advertise: on the internet, on television or on the

The first reason is that if my friend uses the internet to advertise, it
will be effective. because almost all people from all age now can access the
internet and use google or social network every day. Therefore, the
advertisement will reach the customers quickly and easily.
The second reason is that if my friend uses the internet it is not only
convenient but also economical, because the fee for advertisement on the
internet is cheaper than on radio or TV, it is even free when people share the
post on the internet.
Besides the 2 other options are good, but I don’t choose TV and
Radio because they are both expensive and unsuitable because people don’t
really like listening to radio and watching TV now.

In conclusion, the internet is my final choice.

Test 3: Your friend is serving in military now and you want to send him
a gift. There are 3 items to go for: a book, a game console and a diary.
Which one is the best choice? (12,1,25,7)

ISEE ENGLISH CENTER WEEK 5- August class – Extra class

The first reason is that it is convenient for me to buy because I can

purchase it easily the book stores. Besides, there are many kinds of the covers
to go for. Moreover, it is al so economical.

The second reason is that it is meaningful for my friend because he can

write his days in army and keep it as a beautiful memory of the young when he
finishes his service

Besides, the 2 other options are good but, I don’t choose the book
because I don’t know what kind of book he likes.

and I don’t go for a game console since/because it is expensive and he cannot

play it while he is in the soldier camp.

In short, the diary is my final choice.

Topic 4: Your school club is planning to invite a famous person to have a

presentation for the whole students. In your opinion, which one should they
invite: a famous singer, a CEO of a company, or a successful student of the
The first reason is that students of this school will be motivated
because they can meet a real successful person from school. Besides, the
guest also understands the students well; therefore, he can give an attractive
talk to all of the audiences.

The second reason is that it is easy to invite if school club choose an

old student from school, because the school have information of the former
students, and the old student is usually willing to help the school to develop;
therefore, a former student will be a reasonable choice.

Besides, the 2 other options are good but I don’t choose inviting a
singer because is so expensive and hard to contact.

And I don’t go for a head of company because they don’t have time and may
not understand the young well.

In short…….

Part 3
ISEE ENGLISH CENTER WEEK 5- August class – Extra class

Topic 1: People are stimulated to cycle to work because of these reasons.

Keeping fit Save money

to work
Protecting the Your own
environment idea

The first advantage is that if people travel to work by bike, they can get
in shape and stay healthy, because cycling is also a way of exercise. It improves
heart fitness, and increase the muscle mass. Besides, we also get better mental
The first advantage is that if everyone goes to their office by bike, it will
help protect the environment because unlike cars or motorbikes, bikes release no
smoke / greenhouse gases. This will help reduce the air quality.
The first advantage is that if people go to work by bike, they will
probably save money because they don’t need to pay for fuel. Moreover, the fee
for repairing is very cheap. Besides, they don’t even need to pay for parking slot
or insurance
In conclusion, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Topic 2: School should improve their students’ self-study skill:

Better academic Better time

performance management
Your own
Independence idea

The first advantage is that if students have self-study skill, they can
learn better and easier because they will find the solution themselves for most of
the tasks or problems. This will help them widen their knowledge actively.
ISEE ENGLISH CENTER WEEK 5- August class – Extra class

The second advantage is that if students have self-study skill, they can
manage/control their time better because they plan their jobs clearly and
smartly; therefore, they can save their time to do other things.
The final advantage is that if students have self-study skill, they will be
more independent, because they will actively spend time on the topic they like or
what they want to learn with their own pace.
In conclusion, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Topic 3: There are many factors that affect the young in choosing their job:

Comfortable Long and

working place paid holidays
An ideal
Your own
High salary idea

It is true that to find a job the young must consider many factors such as
salary, working conditions and good policies. This will be analyzed below.
First of all, salary is one of the most important factors in choosing job
because one need to have a suitable salary with their effort and experiences,
besides salary will motivate the young in working as well as staying longer with
the job.
Secondly, people will choose the job if it has friendly and comfortable
environment. For instance, it will be less stressful when the boss is easy or open-
minded. Besides, friendly colleagues will help employees feel comfortable.
Moreover, modern facilities will help the workers finish their task easily and
In addition to salary and working environment, good policies in
vacation also a considerable factor in finding job. One will choose a company
which let them have more days off or at least they still get salary if they don’t go
to work because of emergency cases

ISEE ENGLISH CENTER WEEK 5- August class – Extra class

In conclusion, there are many factors to consider when applying for a job such
as salary, working environment and policies, so the young should be careful to
find out the most suitable job.

Topic 4: Teachers should apply more games in class.

Fun/ Attraction
An ideal
Creativity Your own

It is said that there are many benefits if teacher use educational games in
classroom. This will be analyzed below.

The first advantage is that if teachers use educational games in class,

it will improve interaction because the activities in game gives students more
chances to practice and most of the students like playing game, so students
will feel more confident in learning as well as playing

The second reason is that students as well as teachers will enhance

their creativity when they use game in class. Because educational games give
challenges to students, they have to find their way to solve problems; besides,
students will improve problem- solving skill, and learn how to work in team
while they are finding the answers for the challenges.

The final reason is that if teachers use educational games in class, the
classroom/ class atmosphere will be more fun. We all know, educational games
help students focus on the lesson better because students don’t feel the study
pressure. Especially, if teachers use game to teach children the class may
happier and friendly.

In conclusion, ……………………………………………………………………………………………


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