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Machine-Learning Predictions of High Arsenic and High Manganese

at Drinking Water Depths of the Glacial Aquifer System, Northern
Continental United States
Melinda L. Erickson,* Sarah M. Elliott, Craig J. Brown, Paul E. Stackelberg, Katherine M. Ransom,
James E. Reddy, and Charles A. Cravotta, III
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sı Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Globally, over 200 million people are chronically exposed to arsenic
(As) and/or manganese (Mn) from drinking water. We used machine-learning (ML)
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boosted regression tree (BRT) models to predict high As (>10 μg/L) and Mn (>300
μg/L) in groundwater from the glacial aquifer system (GLAC), which spans 25 states
in the northern United States and provides drinking water to 30 million people. Our
BRT models’ predictor variables (PVs) included recently developed three-dimen-
sional estimates of a suite of groundwater age metrics, redox condition, and pH. We
also demonstrated a successful approach to significantly improve ML prediction
sensitivity for imbalanced data sets (small percentage of high values). We present predictions of the probability of high As and high
Mn concentrations in groundwater, and uncertainty, at two nonuniform depth surfaces that represent moving median depths of
GLAC domestic and public supply wells within the three-dimensional model domain. Predicted high likelihood of anoxic condition
(high iron or low dissolved oxygen), predicted pH, relative well depth, several modeled groundwater age metrics, and hydrologic
position were all PVs retained in both models; however, PV importance and influence differed between the models. High-As and
high-Mn groundwater was predicted with high likelihood over large portions of the central part of the GLAC.

Geogenic arsenic (As) and/or manganese (Mn) contamination
Hampshire have standards of 5 μg/L As.34,35 Standards for
Mn typically reflect aesthetics or human-health risk. In the
of groundwater can limit drinking water availability in aquifers United States, there is no primary Mn drinking water standard,
around the world.1−10 Globally, over 200 million people are nor does WHO have a standard; however the USEPA lifetime
chronically exposed to As and/or Mn.11−13 Inorganic As health advisory (HA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) health-
exposure is linked to increased risk of cancer (skin, liver, based screening level (HBSL), and the standard of the Indian
kidney, bladder)14−19 and to noncancer adverse health Bureau of Standards is 300 μg/L.36−38 WHO has a health-
outcomes (immune, nervous, pulmonary, reproductive, car- based value of 400 μg/L,33 and Canada has a maximum
diovascular).11,15,20−23 Manganese is an essential element, but acceptable concentration of 120 μg/L Mn;24 the State of
infants and children exposed to higher concentration Mn in Minnesota has a Health-Based Value of 100 μg/L for infants,
drinking water may suffer adverse survival, neurological, and and recommends the USEPA HA of 300 μg/L for older
intellectual outcomes (infant mortality, intelligence, memory, children and adults.39 Although exposure to lower concen-
attention, motor function, hyperactivity).4,24−28 Groundwater- trations may have risks, in this paper, we define high
quality models can provide important decision-making concentrations as >10 μg/L for As (USEPA, WHO standard)
information to drinking water managers and others. Con- and >300 μg/L for Mn (USEPA HA, USGS HBSL).
tinuous, single-domain deterministic models, however, are High As concentrations in groundwater adversely affect
often impractical for modeling expansive, hydrogeologically drinking water quality in geologically diverse aquifers in
complex aquifer systems that provide large populations with Europe, Africa, and North and South America, and particularly
drinking water. Southeast Asia.2,13,40−45 In unconsolidated aquifers, high As
Regulatory and nonregulatory standards or other bench-
marks provide human-health context with which to evaluate
groundwater As and Mn concentrations, but standards differ Received: October 6, 2020
among jurisdictions. For example, As standards range from 5 Revised: March 23, 2021
μg/L in Denmark29,30 to 50 μg/L in Bangladesh.31 The U.S. Accepted: March 24, 2021
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and World Health Published: April 6, 2021
Organization (WHO) As standards lie within that range, at 10
μg/L.32,33 In the United States, New Jersey and New
Not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published
2021 by American Chemical Society
5791 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 1. Hydrogeologic setting of the glaciated area of the conterminous United States. (a) hydrogeologic terranes (Table S1), (b) median depth
of domestic wells (presented in Figure A299), and (c) median depth of public supply wells (presented in Figure A299).

has primarily been attributed to release via dissolution of iron High Mn has been attributed to acidic conditions and
(Fe) and Mn hydroxides under Fe- or Mn-reducing reductive dissolution of Mn,6,48,83,84 river-derived dissolved
conditions2,46−48 and desorption at alkaline pH.2,10,48−50 organic carbon (DOC),85,86 and the oxidation of ammonium
Dissolved oxyanions, such as arsenite (AsIIIO3−3) and arsenate in agricultural areas,87,88 which can decrease pH and enhance
(AsVO4−3), tend to be weakly sorbed and partly immobilized Mn mobility to a significant degree.6 In the United States, high
by sorption to hydrous FeIII and MnIII−IV oxides at the acidic Mn concentrations are most commonly found in the drinking
pH range (4.5−6.5) of natural groundwater. In the alkaline pH water aquifers in the Northeast, upper Midwest, and
range (7.5−9.5), sorption of As anions generally decreases with Mississippi River Valley.6 Models predicting Mn occurrence
increasing pH and is accompanied by corresponding increases in groundwater find that aquifer, rainfall, land use, hydrologic
in dissolved As concentration. In the United States, As is properties, and soil type are influential in predicting high
commonly found at high concentrations in many important Mn.7,89 Fewer Mn models are found in the literature, however,
bedrocks and unconsolidated drinking water aquifers.51−53 compared with the number of As models.
High-As solid-phase source material is not necessary to cause The glacial aquifer system (GLAC) is a collection of aquifers
high-As groundwater. Rather, geochemical factors such as composed of late Pleistocene/Holocene sediments90 that
redox condition or pH are often the important drivers of As underlies parts of 25 states across 1.87 million km2 of the
mobilization processes.54−61 Consistent with known As northern tier of the formerly glaciated area of the
mobilization processes, recent predictive models for As- conterminous United States (Figure 1a). The GLAC is the
affected aquifers in Southeast Asia and elsewhere have found single largest source of U.S. domestic and public drinking
factors or variables related to redox condition (e.g., ground- water, supplying about 30 million people,91,92 but because of
water age, organic carbon, Fe, depth) and pH (e.g., soil its expanse and heterogeneity, the depth interval used for
chemistry, precipitation, hydrologic position) to be influential drinking water supply wells significantly varies spatially (Figure
in predicting As occurrence or hazard.13,41,42,54,61−76 1b,c). Arsenic and Mn are the two contaminants most
Around the world, important drinking water aquifers are also commonly found at high concentration in groundwater of
adversely affected by high Mn concentrations.3,6,8,12,53,67,77−82 the GLAC,58,92 and the GLAC hydrogeological and geo-
Similar to As, groundwater geochemical factors like redox chemical setting shares some important characteristics to
condition and pH can influence Mn mobilization.3,6,79,81,82 deltaic and other unconsolidated, As and Mn-contaminated
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

aquifers in different parts of the world: late Pleistocene/ in the study area during the Pleistocene (≈2.5 million to
Holocene age, complex layering of aquifers and aquitards, and ≈12 000 years ago), and most aquifers are composed of
geochemical controls on contaminant occurrence or mobi- materials from the late Pleistocene (≈22 to ≈12 000 years
lization. Redox condition and pH have been demonstrated to ago). Ice contact sediments and outwash are present in
influence the mobilization of As and Mn in unconsolidated and extensive areas of the Midwest; those types of sediments are,
bedrock aquifers around the globe3,6,79,93−95 and in the GLAC however, generally confined to valleys in the Northeast and
specifically.58,92 Northwest. At land surface, about 60% of glacial sediment is
Arsenic and Mn mobilization processes are related to till.101 Adjacent to the current Great Lakes and in former
spatially distributed predictor variables that can be incorpo- glacial Lake Agassiz (northwestern Minnesota and eastern
rated into machine-learning (ML) models, and models can Dakotas), lacustrine sediments were deposited in proglacial
then be used to map areas likely to have high As and high Mn. lakes.90 Across the GLAC, regional median thicknesses of
Groundwater age is a key factor relating mechanistic increased sediment range from 6 to 45 m, but the maximum thickness is
water−rock interaction processes with desirable predictor more than 500 m in the Northwest. Quaternary sediments
variables such as anoxic condition, pH, flowpath length: as generally contain <10% coarse material, and about 80% of
the distance from a recharge area increases, groundwater age, coarse material lies 25−40 m below land surface. Many (42%)
pH, ionic strength, total dissolved solids, As, Mn, and Fe of the wells are confined by at least 7.5 m of overlying fine-
generally increase while dissolved oxygen (DO) decreases. grained materials. The rest are confined by thinner layers of
In this study, we demonstrate the use of ML to estimate the fine-grained material or are unconfined. Most drinking water
occurrence of As and Mn at concentrations of human-health well depths are 10−50 m.92
concern throughout the GLAC through the process of Given the nature of glaciofluvial processes and the numerous
statistical learning.96 Our models use a novel set of predictor glaciations, predicting subsurface geometry and lithology of
variables, which characterize multiple three-dimensional buried sediment is difficult in the GLAC. A “hydrogeologic
aspects of the groundwater flow system,97 redox condition,98 terrane” classification system (terrane; Figure 1a, Table S1,
and pH,99 to estimate the occurrence of high As and high Mn. Figure S1) has been previously defined on the basis of the
We also include typical measured or interpolated ML predictor overall thickness of Quaternary sediment,101 the predominant
variables, such as aquifer texture and thickness (e.g., percent texture of the geologic materials at land surface,102 the
coarse material), precipitation, and soil chemistry (e.g., C- predominant modes of glacial deposition, and the age of
horizon As, Mn). The novel GLAC-specific predictor variables deposition.90 Two principal caveats apply: within a delineated
provide new, three-dimensional, mechanism-related informa- terrane, there is substantial hydrogeologic variation, and
tion relevant to predicting As and Mn.97−99 Estimates of high terrane boundaries are highly generalized. The terrane
As and high Mn in three dimensions throughout the GLAC classification system gives context to water availability and
were not previously available. quality.90
This study illustrates the utility of using ML to predict the Because of the heterogeneity of the GLAC, the typical
probability of high As and high Mn in an aquifer system whose depths of drinking water wells vary across the study area by
size and complexity precludes the use of single-domain, well use (domestic or public) and by location (Figures 1b,c
process-based modeling approaches. We also demonstrate a and S1). Not surprisingly, median depths of water supply wells
successful approach to significantly improve ML predictions are generally shallower in terranes with thin glacial sediment,
for imbalanced data sets; ML can result in models biased to the for example, in some eastern and western parts of the study
majority class.100 Our As data were highly imbalanced with area, and in southwest Wisconsin (e.g., terranes 1A, 1F, 1G,
only about 10% of samples having high As, and imbalance is 1D). Conversely, in the central and western coastal parts of the
common for environmental data sets. Across the study area, we study area, where the glacial sediment is thick, water well
present 1 km spatial resolution maps of predicted probabilities depths tend to be deeper (e.g., 1G, 2E, 3B, 4B).
of high-As and high-Mn groundwater and calculated
uncertainty at the depths of domestic and public supply
wells. Our results can be used to identify areas where elevated
As and Mn Concentrations in Glacial Aquifer Wells. A
concentrations of As and Mn are likely to occur but where little total of 10 001 As and 14 565 Mn measurements and
data are available, so additional monitoring may be prioritized. associated well locations and depths were compiled from
These findings can also inform water managers on the three data sources: a collection of state and local groundwater
availability of drinking water supplies, well drillers on improved ambient monitoring programs (collectively grouped and given
well siting (shallower or deeper), and plant operators on the acronym “GWAM”), U.S. Geological Survey National
treatment needs and strategies (co-occurrence of contami- Water Information System (NWIS),103 and U.S. Environ-
nants). Finally, our modeling methodology could be used in mental Protection Agency Safe Drinking Water Information
other areas where high concentrations of As and/or Mn in System (SDWIS).104 The maximum and most common
groundwater-derived drinking water supplies are known detection levels were both 10 μg/L for As and were 100 and
human-health concerns. 10 μg/L, respectively, for Mn; therefore, all nondetect values

A brief description of the GLAC hydrogeologic setting is
fell below model thresholds. The three data sources provided
data collected 1988−2018 across the study area (Supporting
Information Table S2, Figure S2). Most sites had one
provided here; detailed descriptions are provided in past measurement; if more than one measurement was available
publications and references therein.90,92,101 The glaciated for a site, the most recent value was included in analyses (more
United States includes Quaternary sediment of glacial detail in the Supporting Information). Final data sets used to
(Pleistocene), postglacial (Holocene), and nonglacial (resid- predict high As and Mn across the GLAC are available online
uum) materials. Multiple glacial advances and retreats occurred in a USGS Data Release.105 We predicted the probability of
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Environmental Science & Technology Article

high As (>10 μg/L is an event100) and Mn (>300 μg/L is an model parameters: number of trees, interaction depth, and
event) concentrations in groundwater using boosted regression shrinkage. For both As and Mn, data were divided into training
tree (BRT) with a Bernoulli distribution.100 and testing data sets for model training and testing,
A subset of 4486 groundwater sites in the GLAC106 were respectively. Testing data, used for evaluating model predictive
used to compute Eh values for samples and plot them on Eh− performance, consisted of a random subset of 20% of the
pH diagrams of the As, Fe, and Mn stability fields. PHREEQC original data set. To avoid overfitting, which can result in poor
v.3.1 (WATEQ4F database)107,108 was used to compute predictive performance, the As and Mn models were tuned
thermodynamic aqueous species distributions and saturation using the training data set and 10-fold cross validation.118
with respect to selected minerals (mackinawite (FeS), pyrite Cross validation was implemented to optimize sensitivity for
(FeS2), Fe(OH)3(a), pyrolusite, manganite, rhodochrosite, and As and accuracy for Mn. From cross-validation (CV) results,
pyrochroite). Potential sulfide concentrations for reducing the model with the highest sensitivity for As (to reduce bias
samples were computed using measured aqueous iron toward nonevents for this imbalanced data set100) and
concentration (assumed Fe+2) in equilibrium with pyrite or accuracy for Mn (balanced data set) was identified (CV
mackinawite.109 Eh and pe are equivalent electrochemical models). Simpler models (less complex tuning parameters)
descriptions of redox potential for a system in equilibrium.110 within 1 standard error of the CV models were identified (1SE
However, waters at low temperature rarely achieve redox models). Tuning parameters were considered less complex if
equilibrium,111 so no single value of Eh or pe can be used to the number of trees, interaction depth, or shrinkage decreased.
represent the redox state.108,110 Thus, to ascertain the possible Simpler 1SE models can sometimes generalize to new data
range of redox conditions of groundwater samples in this better than the CV model without sacrificing overall predictive
investigation, Eh estimates were computed using the Nernst power.119 The 1SE model selected for As had a combination of
equation with activity ratios for several redox pairs:108,110−112 the highest sensitivity and predicted prevalence that most
water/oxygen (H2O/O2), methane/carbonate (CH4/CO3−2), closely matched the data. The 1SE model selected for Mn had
and sulfide/sulfate (H2S/SO4−2). The Eh for the H2O/O2 a combination of the highest accuracy and highest predicted
redox pair was computed using both the standard equilibrium prevalence. We further simplified the 1SE model by selecting a
expression (2H2O = O2 + 4H+ + 4e−; log K −86.08) and the more parsimonious set of predictor variables using recursive
relation of Sato113 (log K −45.54), which indicates a lower feature elimination (RFE) within the R caret package (v. 60−
equilibrium potential at a given pH than the standard log K 86116). The RFE method performs backward feature selection
and is generally consistent with that for the reaction H2O2 = within a 10-fold cross validation and then ranks the predictor
O2 + 2H+ + 2e−. variables in order of importance based on their average
Model Variables. Predictor variables considered for initial predictive power within the model. For Mn, we selected the
model development were compiled from publicly available data RFE model resulting in a combination of the highest accuracy
sets. From the variables that were initially considered, those and highest predicted prevalence. For As, we selected the RFE
with ≥50% missing values, little variance, or high correlation model resulting in a combination of the highest sensitivity and
(r2 ≥ 0.90) to other predictor variables were removed prior to highest predicted prevalence.
model tuning. Considered predictor variables included aquifer BRT model performance was evaluated by comparing model
properties, soil geochemistry, hydrologic position on the estimates of the probability of high As or high Mn to measured
landscape, and estimates of groundwater age (Supporting concentrations. Performance measures were the confusion
Information Table S3; example maps Supporting Information matrix metrics of sensitivity, specificity, total accuracy, and
Figure S3). Novel predictor variables included recent three- predicted prevalence of high concentration; kappa; and area
dimensional models of groundwater age,97 redox condition98 under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).
(as indicated by low DO or high Fe), and pH.99 Values for Sensitivity is the percent of correctly classified events (true
predictor variables were extracted for each well using ESRI positives). Specificity is the percent of correctly classified
ArcGIS Desktop software114 depending on source format nonevents (true negatives). Total accuracy is the total
because the source data for predictor variables included percentage of correct classifications. Predicted prevalence of
discrete and continuous data in both vector and raster formats. high concentration compared to data set prevalence of high
A point extraction method was used to assign variable concentration is an indication of model performance.120 The
attributes directly to each well for all vector data and raster Kappa statistic (κ) is a measure of model estimates that
data having a cell resolution greater than 1 km. A zonal analysis accounts for randomness; κ can range from 0 (no agreement)
method was used to assign variable attributes to each well for to 1 (perfect agreement).121 AUC is an indication of model
raster data having a cell resolution of 1 km or less. A 500 m performance at all classification thresholds, and values of AUC
radius zone around each well was used to evaluate the variable range from 0.5 (no predictive power) to 1 (perfect model).
raster. Percent categories were computed for discrete raster Estimated probabilities greater than 0.5 were assigned to be
data, and summary statistics were computed for continuous above the model concentration threshold for the Mn model.
raster data. In the case where the mapped predictor variable The probability threshold selected for the As model was 0.2,
was missing information around a well, no value was assigned. which was the threshold that maintained model specificity and
Model Development. We developed BRT Bernoulli total model accuracy while also increasing model sensitivity
distribution models to produce three-dimensional probabilities given that the As data set was imbalanced100 (additional detail
of high As (>10 μg/L) and high Mn (>300 μg/L) across the is provided in the Supporting Information).
GLAC. A brief description is provided here; additional detail is We calculated confidence intervals to map prediction
presented in the Supporting Information. Analysis was uncertainty across the GLAC using bootstrapping methods.122
completed using the gbm (v. 2.1.5115) and caret (v. 6.0− Briefly, the training data was resampled with replacement to
86116) packages using R (v. 4.0.0117) in Rstudio (v. 1.2.5042). create 199 bootstrapped training data sets, and a model was fit
BRT model tuning consisted of 630 combinations of the to each bootstrapped data set. Predictions were made with
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

each new model, for a total of 199 sets of predictions. evaluated several methods (described in the Supporting
Percentile prediction intervals were calculated using quantile Information) to improve model predictive performance.
indices and a significance of 0.10. The difference between the Based on the evaluation, we chose to use estimated
lower (5%) and upper (95%) percentile predictions was then probabilities greater than 0.2 to assign a prediction as being
calculated to obtain the width of the confidence at each grid above the model concentration threshold. This alternate
cell across the GLAC. probability threshold improved model sensitivity by 13%
Mapping Estimated High As and High Mn. Predicted while decreasing total accuracy by only 1%, compared to using
probabilities of high As (>10 μg/L) and Mn (>300 μg/L) were 0.5 as the probability threshold to assign an event. The selected
mapped across the GLAC at a 1 km scale using the RFE RFE model for As had 79 predictor variables, and this simpler
models. The model is three-dimensional because several model had the same total accuracy (90%) and a 2% increase in
influential predictor variables are three-dimensional (age sensitivity (51%) compared to the CV model, an illustration of
metrics, predicted redox conditions, and predicted pH). For a simpler model having better predictive performance. The
predictor variable source rasters with a higher resolution than 1 predicted prevalence of high As (10.7%) virtually matched the
km, we used the gdalwarp utility123 with a bilinear resampling observed prevalence in the data set (10.5%). The AUC was
method to generate 1 km resolution versions of the source 0.85 and κ was 0.46, indicating moderate to good model
rasters. We created and presented maps of predicted performance. Our model had similar sensitivity and better
probability grids at domestic and public supply well depths overall accuracy, AUC, and κ than a regional-scale As BRT
(Figure 1b,c) as they vary across the study area. model developed with a balanced data set (≈40% As > 10 μg/

L) in the central part of the study area.75
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The selected RFE model for Mn had 55 predictor variables.
This simpler BRT model resulted in total accuracy of 83% and
Model Selection and Performance Metrics. The sensitivity of 70%, only a 1% decrease in accuracy compared to
following model selection and performance discussion will the CV model and no decrease in sensitivity. The AUC was 0.9
focus on the testing data set, which evaluates model predictive and κ was 0.62, both of which indicate good model
performance with new data. Model parameters and perform- performance. The predicted prevalence of high Mn was
ance metrics for the CV, 1SE, and RFE models are presented about 2.5% lower than the observed prevalence of high Mn in
in Supporting Information (Table S4). Performance metrics the data set, and all models underpredicted high Mn to the
for the RFE models are presented in Table 1. same degree. Compared to a BRT model of high Mn in the
Because of the imbalanced As data set and known predictive Central Valley of California,89 the sensitivity of our model was
performance challenges with imbalanced data sets, we higher, a result of our data set being more balanced. The
Central Valley model data set had <7% of samples with Mn >
Table 1. Final Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) 300 μg/L, and typical BRT models have low sensitivity with
Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) Threshold Model data sets imbalanced with a high proportion of nonevents.
Parameters and Evaluation Metrics Model Variables. The 20 most influential predictor
BRT threshold model variables and their relative importance are shown in Figure
2. All predictor variables retained in the final models are
group description As > 10 μg/La Mn > 300 μg/La
described in Table S3, and the relative importance of each
model number of trees 4500 2500 retained model variable is provided in Table S5. Several of the
parameters tcb 10 10 most influential variables are common between the As and Mn
lrb 0.014 0.01 models, including two variables related to the predicted
training data ROCc 0.99 0.96 likelihood of anoxic condition (ProbHighFe100, ProbLow-
set kappa (κ)d 0.94 0.78 DOpt5) and predicted pH (Pred_pH), relative well depth
sensitivity (%)e 99 82 within the saturated thickness of the aquifer (RelativeDepth),
specificity (%)f 99 95
and distance to an eigth-order stream divide (DSD8).
total accuracy (%)g 99 90
Average available water capacity (AWC), average available
predicted prevalence 12.2 (11h) 31 (33.1h)
(%) water storage in the 0−25 cm soil horizon (AWC25), and soil
testing data set ROC 0.85 0.9 bulk density (SoilBulkDens) were three of the four most
kappa (κ) 0.46 0.62 influential variables for predicting the occurrence of high As.
sensitivity (%) 51 70 Estimated recharge (EstRecharge), baseflow index (BFI), and
specificity (%) 94 90 precipitation (PRISM_ppt) were three of the four most
total accuracy (%) 90 83 influential predictor variables for predicting the occurrence of
predicted prevalence 10.7 (10.7) 30 (32.6) high Mn. Differences in these top influential predictor variables
(%) are related to differences in As and Mn mobilization
mechanisms, such as weathering rates, which can be affected
As event threshold is 0.2 and tuned to optimize sensitivity; Mn event by redox chemistry and pH and can be further explored using
threshold is 0.5 and tuned to optimized accuracy. btc, number of partial dependence plots (PDPs).
interactions; lr, shrinkage parameter. cReceiver operator characteristic Partial dependence plots (PDPs) help qualitatively evaluate
curve, the ratio of the true positive rate to the false positive rate,
the relations of predictor variables to the model estimates.
integrated over a range of probability thresholds. dKappa statistic, an
indication of the agreement between observed and expected PDPs represent the partial dependence of the model estimate
accuracies. eSensitivity, percent of correctly predicted non-events. on the predictor variable of interest, after accounting for the
Specificity, percent of correctly predicted events. gPercentage of average effect of all other model variables.124 In parts of the
samples that are correctly classified. hActual prevalence of high predictor variable space with sparse data, however, the
concentration in dataset. relations depicted by PDPs may not be accurately
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 2. Normalized relative influence of the 20 most influential model predictor variables for the final As and Mn recursive feature elimination
(RFE) Boosted Regression Tree models (see Table S3 for variable descriptions and references). AWC, average available water capacity; AWS25,
average available water storage in the 0−25 cm soil horizon; DSDN (N = stream order), distance from the Nth-order stream divide; LPN (N =
stream order), lateral position to the Nth-order stream; BFI, baseflow index; PRISM_ppt, mean annual precipitation; and TWI, topographic
wetness index. Normalized relative influence for all predictor variables (Table S5).

represented.125 PDPs can also illustrate the variable influence increases the likelihood. These factors are related to slowing
on the predicted probability of high Mn or high As that is more the rate of recharge and flow, increasing water−rock
complex than linear increase or decrease relations. interaction and groundwater age, all of which contribute to
Predicted anoxic condition, predicted pH, and other conditions that promote As mobilization. Several variables
predictor variables are common to both models (Figures 3 describing groundwater age or proximity to streams of various
and S4−S7), but their prediction responses differ as illustrated sizes were also influential (e.g., DSD2, FrctnYngWtr,
in the PDPs: mechanistic differences are noticeable from StrmDensity), which is consistent with findings by others
model results. For example, as the probability of anoxic studying As-contaminated aquifers in Southeast Asia and
condition increases, the likelihood of high Mn and high As elsewhere.63,75,127−129 Increasing soil As concentration is also
both increase. The response of increased probability of high related to increased probability of high As in groundwater, but
Mn, however, starts with 0.2 predicted probability of high Fe, increasing predicted nitrate concentration in groundwater is
and with any predicted probability of low DO. In contrast, the related to a decreased probability of high As in groundwater
increased probability of high As begins at 0.5 predicted (Figure S5).
probability of high Fe and 0.2 predicted probability of high DO The probability of high Mn increases as the distances to
(Figure 3). These differing responses of the As and Mn model
large stream divides increase (DSD8, Figure S6), indicating
predictions to predicted anoxic conditions are consistent with
that Mn concentrations increase approaching large rivers.
Mn mobilization occurring earlier in the progression from oxic
Similar relations to increased Mn and proximity to rivers and
to anoxic conditions compared to Fe, if As is primarily
mobilized with Fe from oxyhydroxides, as in the case in the streams have been noted in the United States, South America,
GLAC.3,92 Likewise, the probability of high Mn decreases with and Southeast Asia.6,85,94,130 Precipitation had a nonmonotonic
increasing values of predicted pH from about 6.5 to 8, possibly relation to the probability of high Mn, with precipitation about
due to precipitation of MnCO3 or adsorption by Fe oxides; 500 mm per year coinciding with the highest predicted
however, the probability of high As increases with pH from 7 probability of high Mn, and no relation above about 600 mm
to about 8, consistent with desorption of the oxyanion species per year (Figure S6). Recharge less than approximately 100
at alkaline pH.126 mm per year was associated with the highest predicted
Soil and aquifer characteristics related to water retention probability of high Mn, steeply decreasing to no relation above
capacity influence the probability of high As. A soil bulk about 200 mm per year (Figure S6). These relations may relate
density (SoilBulkDens) increases from about 1.5 to 1.7 g/cm2 to the balance between lower pH rainwater (tending to
or estimated vertical hydrologic conductivity (GD_TexVer- mobilize Mn) with oxidized rainwater (tending to precipitate
tHydCond) increases from 0.05 to 0.5 m/day each decreases Mn) entering and interacting with shallow aquifer sediments
the likelihood of high As, and an increase in the available water and shallow groundwater. Increasing concentrations of soil Mn
capacity (AWC) from about 0.1 to 0.2 volume fraction are also related to an increased probability of high Mn.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 3. Partial dependence plots (PDP) for three influential model predictor variables for the final As and Mn recursive feature elimination
(RFE) Boosted Regression Tree models. (a, b) Anoxic condition as indicated by the probability of high Fe, (c, d) anoxic condition as indicated by
the probability of low dissolved oxygen, and (e, f) predicted pH. Data deciles are denoted with tick marks. PDPs display the average model
prediction as the variable of interest is varied over a range of values. The relations depicted by PDPs may not be accurately represented where data
are sparse. Additional PDP plots are provided in Figures S4−S7. Units are provided in Table S3. Predicted anoxic redox conditions and predicted
pH are among the most influential predictor variables for both As and Mn. The character of the influence, as indicated by the PDP plots, however,
differs between the prediction of the probability of high As (a, c, e) and the prediction of the probability of high Mn (b, d, f).

Mapping Estimated High As and High Mn. BRT themselves depth-dependent. Predicted high As is more
models for high As (Figure 4) and high Mn (Figure 5) were common at public supply well depths than at domestic well
used to make predictions to 1 km2 grids at drinking water depths; predicted high Mn is more common at domestic well
depths estimated by depth surfaces of public supply well depths than at public supply well depths. These observations
depths across the GLAC (depth surfaces for domestic wells are consistent with the differences in known As and Mn
shown in Figure S8). In some areas, the depth of drinking mobilization mechanisms.3,6 High Mn is commonly predicted
water supply is similar for public supply and domestic wells in the central part of the GLAC and in proximity to streams
(Figures 1b,c and S1), but there are areas where the depth of and rivers (Figures 5 and S8). High As is also commonly
public supply wells is deeper than domestic wells. Well depths predicted in the central part of the GLAC, but over a smaller
tend to be deeper in central portions of the study area, where proportion of the area compared to high Mn. These findings
glacial sediment is thick (Figure 1b,c). The influence of well are consistent with past studies,3,52,53,58,92,131 but mapped
depth on the predicted likelihood of high As or high Mn is results also call attention to areas in which there are currently
reflected in the maps in part because the influential variables, few groundwater-quality sample results availablebut which
predicted redox condition, pH, and groundwater age,97−99 are may have physical and geochemical conditions conducive to
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 4. Modeled probability of high As indicated by As > 10 μg/L, (a) predicted probability at public supply depth surface (Figure 1, Table S1),
and (b) prediction uncertainty category (Table S6) for public supply well depth. Maps for domestic supply well depths (Figure S8).

Figure 5. Modeled probability of high Mn indicated by Mn > 300 μg/L, (a) predicted probability at public supply well depth surface (Figure 1,
Table S1), and (b) prediction uncertainty category (Table S6) for public supply well depth. Maps for domestic supply well depths (Figure S8).

groundwater-quality problems from As or high Mn (e.g., we caution against using results on a small, local scale. Regional
terrane 1E). Our models and maps represent water quality in predictions of likely high As and Mn concentration conditions
the GLAC only, so known areas of high-As groundwater in can indicate a general likelihood of some contaminant
bedrock wells are not reflected (e.g., northeastern portions of concentrations in groundwater, but predictions at any scale
terrane 1A, with notable high As in bedrock aquifers132,133). are not a substitute for sampling water quality at individual
Quantification of Model Uncertainty and Model wells.
Limitations. Although BRT and other ML techniques are A primary limitation of our study is data availability and data
becoming more common in modeling water resources-related quality, as is true with any model. The As and Mn data used as
variables, quantitative assessment of uncertainty is rarely response variables to develop the models were collected for
seen.134,135 In each 1 km2 map grid, we calculated 90% other purposes. Arsenic and Mn concentrations were not
confidence prediction intervals (lower, 5%; upper, 95%) as monitored equally across the study area; therefore, the data
measures of model uncertainty, and we add context and density of constituents is not equal across the study area. We
relevance to prediction intervals using uncertainty categories performed a practical degree of quality assurance during data
(Table S6). Comparisons between predicted probabilities and compilation; exhaustive quality assurance was outside of the
associated prediction intervals were used to categorize the scope of the study. Because the factors that control high As and
likelihood of exceeding the threshold (0.2 for As; 0.5 for Mn) high Mn conditions differ between aquifer systems, models
for each cell (Figures 4b, 5b, S8b, and S8d). The areas with developed for the GLAC are not directly transferable to
predictions of high As and high Mn (terranes 2E, 3B) have another region because model training and application
varying levels of confidence. Model predictions have higher environments must be similar enough for successful model
uncertainty in areas where the likelihood of high concentration transferability.136 The BRT modeling method we use, however,
is predicted to be high, but the data density is low. is transferable to any type of aquifer setting with available
These models and maps were developed using predictor spatially distributed predictor variable and response variable
variable data sets available at the large, subcontinental scale, so data. Although accurate predictions may be produced with
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 6. Eh−pH diagrams for (a) Fe and (b) Mn, showing aqueous speciation for As in the background. Assumed activities are ∑Fe = 10−6.0,
∑Mn = 10−5.26, ∑S = 10−4, ∑C = 10−3, and ∑As = 10−6.854, with speciation varied as a function of pH and redox. Dashed polygon delineates zone
of likely Eh−pH conditions for groundwater samples from the glacial aquifers in the United States. Point symbols are measured pH and computed
Eh. Black circles indicate Eh computed for the water/oxygen (H2O)/(O2) redox pair (2H2O = O2 + 4H+ + 4e−; log K −86.08); orange dots
indicate Eh computed for the water/oxygen (H2O)/(O2) redox pair using logK −45.54;113 green symbols indicate Eh for methane/carbonate
(CH4)/(CO3−2) redox pair (CO3−2 + 10H+ + 8e− = CH4 + 3H2O; log K 41.071); and red crosses indicate Eh for sulfide/sulfate (H2S)/(SO4−2)
redox pair (SO4−2 + 10H+ + 8e− = H2S + 4H2O; log K 40.644) assuming sulfide at equilibrium with mackinawite. Eh computed using
PHREEQC;107 diagram created using Geochemist’s Workbench (GWB12).147 Both programs used WATEQ4F database.108

predictor variable data sets that are complete, many predictor also help provide more holistic geochemical information for
variable data sets exhibit gaps in coverage. Lack of data (for water treatment.
example, lack of detailed three-dimensional geologic mapping) The GLAC groundwater has a wide range of pH and
also restricts the pool of potentially useful predictor variables. estimated redox characteristics, from oxic conditions where
Uncertainties inherent in the individual predictor variables and arsenate (H2AsO4− or HAsO42−) predominates to anoxic
spatial variation in predictor variable importance were not conditions where arsenite (H3AsO30) predominates, with
assessed but are quantified in the calculated prediction associated variations in stabilities of Fe and Mn species and
intervals. Finally, there is growing evidence that season, solids (Figure 6). Hydrous FeIII and MnIII−IV oxides, in
climate, and other factors can cause temporal geochemical particular, can act as sources and sinks for As and Mn. In
changes in groundwater quality,133,137−141 evident in our oxidizing systems, the hydrous FeIII oxides play an important
models as the dominant predictors (EstRecharge, BFI, and role in AsIII−V adsorption, while hydrous MnIII−IV oxides can
PRISM_ppt) for the Mn model; however, temporal changes contribute to AsIII adsorption and oxidation.143,144 Under
are not considered in this study, and our estimates represent moderately oxidizing conditions (Figure 6a, orange dots),
past climate averages. sorption processes can limit the mobility of arsenate and
Relating Model Predictor Variables to As and Mn arsenite, particularly at low pH; however, sorption efficiency
Geochemistry. Understanding how variables in regional generally decreases with increasing pH with potential for
groundwater-quality prediction models might relate to the substantial release of sorbed As at pH > 7.5.2,10,48−50 Likewise,
under suboxic to reducing conditions (Figure 6, red and green
aquifer geochemistry is important to help elucidate mobi-
symbols), the reduction of FeIII and MnIII−IV hydroxides can
lization/attenuation processes and may also provide insight to
mobilize sorbed As with corresponding increases in dissolved
improved well siting (shallower or deeper) or possible
Fe and Mn concentrations. Concentrations of dissolved
treatment needs and strategies (co-occurrence of contami- phosphate, sulfate, carbonate, and silica can affect aqueous−
nants). Concentrations of As and Mn in the GLAC are related solid equilibrium boundaries and the distribution of aqueous
to groundwater pH and redox among other predictor variables, and surface species of As, Mn, and Fe.
including natural sources (e.g., As and Mn in C-horizon soils, In contrast with As oxyanion species, dissolved manganese
which are indicators of geologic parent material142), soil predominates as a cation (Mn+2) (Figure 6b) that tends to be
properties and recharge rates, aquifer properties, and the poorly adsorbed and relatively mobile at acidic pH, whereas at
various saturated thickness, water−rock interaction, and alkaline pH, aqueous Mn can form MnHCO3+ species and be
groundwater age variables (Figures 2 and S4−7, Tables S3 attenuated by precipitation of MnCO3 or by adsorption onto
and S5). hydrous FeIII and MnIII−IV oxide surfaces.6,48,84 Under highly
Both predicted redox condition and predicted pH of oxidizing conditions, the precipitation of MnIIIOOH (man-
groundwater are influential predictor variables in our models ganite) and MnIVO2 (pyrolusite) could limit aqueous Mn
(Pred_pH, ProbHighFe100, ProbLowDOpt5). These variables concentrations (Figure 6b). In suboxic to anoxic groundwater
indicate geochemical conditions that can affect the attenuation settings, the reduction of MnIII−IV oxides coupled with
or mobilization of aqueous As and Mn, mainly by adsorption oxidation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Fe+2, AsIII,
and desorption or precipitation and dissolution processes, as and NH4+ liberates Mn+2.110,112,145
illustrated by the complex relation of As species with Fe and The importance of pH as a predictor variable for elevated As
Mn aqueous and solid phases (Figure 6). These variables can and Mn concentrations (Figures 2 and 3e,f) is apparent for
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 5791−5805
Environmental Science & Technology Article

aquifers lacking calcareous minerals that can buffer pH. The S6); partial dependence plots for Mn > 300 μg/L model,
low pH values could result from oxidation of naturally predictor variables with relative influence 13−24 (Figure
occurring organic carbon, sulfide minerals, or ammonium (in S7); modeled probability of high As indicated by As >10
agricultural areas).88,146 McMahon et al.6 surmised that μg/L (Figure S8) (PDF)
ammonium oxidation can decrease pH and enhance Mn Generalized characteristics of Quaternary sediments
mobility. In our setting, Mn concentrations in poorly buffered (Table S1); summary of data used to predict the
terranes (1A, 1G & 4A) are significantly higher (Wilcoxon probabilities of high arsenic and high manganese (Table
rank sum test, p = 0.004) in samples with pH < 6 as compared S2); predictor variables included in boosted regression
to those with pH ≥ 6, and in these areas, nitrate concentrations tree (BRT) model development (Table S3); perform-
are inversely related to pH (Spearman’s rank ρ = −0.45; p < ance metrics (Table S4); relative influence of predictor
0.001). These findings are consistent with past studies6,58,92 variables (Table S5); uncertainty category based on
and indicate that poorly buffered areas of the GLAC with pH < predicted probability (Table S6) (XLSX)

6 may be susceptible to elevated Mn concentrations regardless
of redox condition. AUTHOR INFORMATION
Implications for Complex Unconsolidated Drinking Corresponding Author
Water Aquifers. The GLAC hydrogeologic setting shares Melinda L. Erickson − U.S. Geological Survey, Mounds View,
some important characteristics to deltaic and other high-As Minnesota 55112, United States;
and high-Mn unconsolidated drinking water aquifers: late 1117-2866; Phone: 763-783-3231; Email: merickso@
Pleistocene/Holocene age, complex layering of aquifers and
confining units, low-As sediment concentrations, and geo-
chemical controls on As and Mn mobilization. Some of the Authors
variables that were found to be most influential in our models Sarah M. Elliott − U.S. Geological Survey, Mounds View,
represented characteristics describing properties of the geo- Minnesota 55112, United States
chemical evolution of groundwater, aquifer materials, and soil Craig J. Brown − U.S. Geological Survey, East Hartford,
geochemistry. Few groundwater Mn models exist, but recent Connecticut 06108, United States
models for As-affected aquifers in Southeast Asia have Paul E. Stackelberg − U.S. Geological Survey, Troy, New York
elucidated similar influential factors and variables (ground- 12180, United States
water age, organic carbon, aquifer, depth, etc.) related to Katherine M. Ransom − U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento,
modeled As hazard in aquifers.13,41,42,54,63,67,69−74,76 Similar, California 95819, United States
related geochemical mobilization mechanisms pertain to high James E. Reddy − U.S. Geological Survey, Ithaca, New York
Mn. In many cases, known influential water-quality parameters 14850, United States
such as pH, Fe, and DO are not mapped across a study area, so Charles A. Cravotta, III − U.S. Geological Survey, New
these important water-quality parameters cannot be considered Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070, United States;
as model predictor variables. Instead, proxy variables (e.g.,
depth, thickness, and textural components of glacial materials Complete contact information is available at:
and soil chemistry) substitute for measurable physical or
geochemical causes of high As (or high Mn) because the
predictor variable proxies were mapped across a study area. Funding
Predicted anoxic conditions and predicted pH were among the This work was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey National
most influential predictor variables in our model, demonstrat- Water-Quality Assessment Project (NAWQA), a component
ing that spatially distributed (mapped) estimates of these of the National Water Quality Program.
important geochemical drivers can simplify, benefit, and
strengthen predictive contaminant models. Translating geo-
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
chemical understanding of As and Mn mobility to quantifiable
Data may be obtained from the USGS ScienceBase data
variables for modeling could continue to improve predictions
release;105 summary of data used to predict the probabilities of
and potentially help identify safer groundwater supply options
high arsenic and high manganese across the U.S. glacial aquifer
in the United States, Southeast Asia, and elsewhere.


sı Supporting Information
Reviews by Melissa Lombard, Joe Ayotte, and Jim Tesoriero
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at (USGS) and four anonymous reviewers (Environmental Science & Technology) greatly improved the final manuscript.
Additional method details; well construction box plots, Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive
domestic and public wells by terrane (Figure S1); purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.

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