2021-22-S4-Exam 2-Math CP 1 2

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Section A(1) (35 marks)

1. Factorize
(a) 4 x 2 + 12 xy + 9 y 2 ,
(b) 4 x 2 + 12 xy + 9 y 2 − z 2 . (3 marks)

a 7 4 x
+ 12
+ 9 yz

( 3
y )
2 x +

b) 4x
+ 12
+ 9y "
( 2x + 3 )z

= (2 x + 3 E ) ( 2 x + 3 + z )
y y
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2. Make h the subject of the formula k = +h. (3 marks)

K =
塔 th
— 全式乘 5

5 bk
: 4 H 5 - +

5 k =
4 +
4 b

4 h =
4 -

5 k



3. (a) 0
Round up 12.6543 to the nearest ten.
(b) Round down 12.6543 to 2 significant figures.⼀

(c) Round off 12.6543 to 1 decimal place. (3 marks)

a ) 20 b ) 12 0 ) 12

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2021-22-S4-2nd Term Exam-Math CP-Q&A Book 2

⑥ 4. Let x , y and z be non-zero numbers such that x : y = 3: 4 and y = 5z . Find
2x + 3y
2y − z
. (3 marks)

λ= 3 =
4 15
= =


E 5 1 4
y 20
= = =

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5. A straight line L1 with x − intercept 4 is parallel to the straight line L2 : 6x − 3 y + 7 = 0 . Find the equation
of L1 . (3 marks)

0 :
+ ⼦
6 x 32 =


y ⼆⼀比哥
Y = 2x +

Y = 2x

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 a−4  4 b3 
6. Simplify   and express your answer with positive indices. (3 marks)
 a−2 
 
4 8


⼀三 )

(照 ]
4 8

“ “
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7. The cost of a wallet is $120 . The percentage profit is 25% if the wallet is sold at its marked price.
(a) Find the marked price of the wallet.
(b) If the wallet is sold at a discount of 10% on its marked price, what is the new percentage profit?
(4 marks)

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2021-22-S4-2nd Term Exam-Math CP-Q&A Book 4

8. Figure 1 shows an obtuse-angled triangle ABC .

(a) By using the Heron’s formula, find the area of ABC .

(b) Hence, find the value of h . (4 marks)

31 + 11
+ Area …

fOABC = 32 ( 32 -

31 ) ( 32 -

223 ( 32 -

Y )

= 6
f 20

32 =
82 . 0 cmr (h 3
Sig .

lig )

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

9. The following table shows the distribution of the number of movies watched by a group of 50 people.

(a) Find the mean, median and standard deviation of the distribution.
(b) The are 10 more data recorded. All of them have watched 2 movies. Find the increase/decrease in the
median of the distribution. (4 marks)

a) Meaa =
3 .

74 Medrar = 4 6
= , 02 Lb 3
sigfig .

b) New media = 3

by 1 ,

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10. Solve the following equations.
(a) 3x+1 − 2  3x = 9 .
2 1

(b) 3x 3 + 5 x 3 − 2 = 0
(5 marks)
" *
as -

23 :
3 .

2 .

3 =

x x

6 =
3 =

λ = 2

号 的
b) 3x + 5 2 0

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2021-22-S4-2nd Term Exam-Math CP-Q&A Book 6

SECTION A(2) (35 marks)

 y = x 2 − 3 x − 7 —
11. It is given that the simultaneous equation  have two distinct real solutions, where m is a
 y = 2 x − m + 1 —
(a) Find the range of values of m . (3 marks)
(b) For the largest integral value of m , solve the simultaneous equations in (a). (2 marks)

) Sub ①ma

下 1
λ -

3x -
2 x -

m +

x 2 -5 x
8 -
+ )
= 0

O 70

(t) | ( 11 - m

8 + )

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25 + 32 m > o

m h

b) m =
Swbm =

14 τ nh ③ ,

2 -

5 x

( 8114 ) =

λ -
5 x 061 -

( x

3) ( x

- 2
= 0

X = 30 r

Nhenx = =
^ -

3 ( ) 2

下 = -

2 2

whn x = 3 3 -

3 ( 3 ) 下 :



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12. Sandy bought some pens for $384 in a shop last week. The shop reduces the selling price of each pen by
$1.2 this week. If Sandy buys the pens this week, she can get 16 more pens with the same amount of money.
Find the selling price of each pen after the reduction in price. (5 marks)

luf $
Mieorigmd 逝⼀ sening price be x .

- 16

1 . 2
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2021-22-S4-2nd Term Exam-Math CP-Q&A Book 8

13. Two cars P and Q leave town C at noon. Car P travels at 80 km/h to town A and car Q travels

to town B . The true bearing of C from A is 060 and the true bearing of B from C is 140 . Town
B is due east of town A . At 2:00 p.m., cars P and Q arrive at A and B respectively.

160 km ( 52 -
2162915 ⼦


2 - .

m .

) 3i

(a) Find the average speed of car Q in km/h. (3 marks)
(b) Find the distance between A and B . (2 marks)

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) m
= m


AB = wlle 3
rilis )

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14. In the figure, L : 2x − y − 8 = 0 is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment AB , and it cuts AB at M .


8 =


(a) Find the equation of AB . (2 marks)

(b) Find the coordinates of M . (2 marks)
(c) Find the coordinates of B . (2 marks)
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时 Mv =

⼀弄 = 2

2 M .
= ×

MmBl _

y “
x + 2
= c ) B ( m n

+= 5
b) x +
y 9 -



y 8


y 2

Swb ③ ①

n 1

x + U 2x

88 t o

x =
5 BCZ 1 )

S和 lb x
= f iw [

U 5) -

M ( 8, 2 )

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2021-22-S4-2nd Term Exam-Math CP-Q&A Book 10

15. Let f ( x) = ( x + 3)2 ( x + a) + b , where a and b are constants. When f ( x) is divided by x + 3 , the
remainder is 7 . It is given that f ( x) is divisible by x + 2 .
(a) Find the values of a and b . (3 marks)
(b) Mary claims that only one of the roots of the equation f ( x) = 0 is a rational number. Do you agree?
Explain your answer. (3 marks)

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16. The following stem-and-leaf diagram shows the weights (in g) of 20 fruits sold in a supermarket.

(a) Find the mean, median and the range of the weights of the 20 fruits. (3 marks)
(b) The weights of another four fruits are combined with the above data to form a set of 24 data. It is found
that the weights of the four newly-added fruits are x g , y g , 146 g and 147 g , where x , y are
integers. The mean of the weights of the four newly-added fruits is 124 g .
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(i) Find the mean of the weights of the 24 fruits.
(ii) Is it possible that the range of the weights of the 24 fruits is the same as the range obtained in (a)?
Explain your answer.
(5 marks)

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SECTION B (35 marks)

④ 17. It is given that z = (k + 3i)(−2 + i) , where k is a real number.

Express z in the form of a + bi , where a , b are real numbers.
If z is a purely imaginary number, find the value of k .
(2 marks)
(1 mark)

(k + 3 T ) E 2 + T )

= -

K + KT T
6 + 3 Ti

2 K + IKT -

6 T -

( 2u
13 +
(k 6 )

, -

) 2 k 3 0
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K ⼆是

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⑧ 18. The graph in the figure shows the linear relation between log3 x and log9 y . It is given that the intercepts on
the vertical and horizontal axes are 3 and −2 respectively. Express the relation between x and y in the
form y = Ax k , where A and k are constants. (4 marks)

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19. It is given that  and  are the roots of the quadratic equation x2 + kx − k − 5 = 0 .
(a) If ( + 1)( + 2) = −3 , show that  = 2k . (3 marks)
(b) Hence, find the value(s) of k . (2 marks)

α+β= (

们 β+ 2 ) 3 α+ 1 ) ( = -

αβ= k
αβ+ 2 α+ 33

+ 2


αβ+ ( α+β ) +α= 5


11 -

k -

5 +α =

Ek -

α= 2 K
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b) α 2
k α - k
- 5 =

( 2 k)
+ k(2k ) - |

- 5

4K 2 + 2 KV - - 5
6K 2
- K

- 5

( 6 k+ 5) ( k-1 )

K =

告 or k =

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sin 30 cos120
20. (a) Show that the equation + = 2 can be written in the form of
1 + sin(270 −  ) 1 + cos(360 −  )
a cos2  + b cos + c = 0 , where a , b and c are constants. (3 marks)
sin 30 cos120
(b) Using (a), solve + = 2 for 0    360 . (Give the answers correct
1 + sin(270 −  ) 1 + cos(360 −  )
to 1 decimal place.) (2 marks)
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21. In this month, there are two tests in a class, Mathematics test and Science test. In the Mathematics test, Peter
and Mary get 65 marks and 45 marks respectively. Their standard scores in the Mathematics test are 1.2 and
−0.8 respectively.
(a) Find the mean and the standard deviation of the Mathematics test. (3 marks)
(b) Peter gets 70 marks in the Science test. The mean and the standard deviation of the Science test are 65
marks and 8 marks respectively. In which test does Peter perform better? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
(c) A student in class with 53 marks in Mathematics test leaves the school. How will be the change of the
standard score of Peter in the Mathematics test. (2 marks)
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22. In the figure, ABC is a triangular playground with AB = 3k m , BC = (12 − k ) m and ABC = 30 ,
where 0  k  12 .

(a) (i) Express the area of the playground in terms of k .

(ii) By using the method of completing square, find the greatest area of the playground.
(4 marks)
(b) When the area of the playground is maximized, a pavement is to be build along the boundary of the
playground. Find the length of the pavement. (3 marks)
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(c) Find all value(s) of k such that the playground is in the shape of an isosceles triangle. (4 marks)

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