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Paulrotica 2

It has been many years since the incident. My body, feeble and weak, unable to move even a
single muscle. Bound to this chair with belts and zip-ties I am broken, paralyzed. I sometimes think
back to that night when my festering bed sores are acting up. I was left for the rats and thought for
certain I would die there, forgotten and decrepit, lying on the ground completely torn to shreds by my
brother, my lover. Though I was wrong to think that he could feel any sort of emotion for my sad flabby
pale smelly ugly self. In my final moments I thought all was lost, there was no meaning left in this life
for me. When I had finally closed my eyes and accepted my fate I heard a familiar sound, panting. My
dog, Dandelion had found my tarnished body. He lapped up some of the drying fluids from my
shredded anus before he himself entered me. However, something strange happened while he was
pumping his doggy fluids into me. My dog looked me in the eyes, something my brother never did. I
knew right then and there that this beast was my only friend in this world. After he had finished, into
my mouth so I could keep my strength, he bit into my foot and dragged me out into the open air. The
cool breeze blew through my combover as the last strands of hair neatly fell out and away from my
scalp. Dandelion continued to drag me along the dew covered grass until we were both under the
trailer. Specifically underneath my parents bedroom where I had the pleasure of hearing them bang
almost Every. Single. Night.
Under the trailer I remained for months, slowly regaining my strength by eating bits of garbage
and what little scraps of food my dog would bring me. The fuckings were frequent, the dog having the
lust of an animal, but the dick of a man, and the loving gaze of a life partner. It wasn't long before I fell
madly in love with him, memories of my brother slowly fading into the broken shatters of my mind. I
learned to speak again with much effort, my vocal cords stitching themselves back together though not
entirely back where they were. For only two words could rip themselves from my throat, “B—buh---
Baybe Ruuth” I cried in agony, blood spurting from my mouth with every syllable. I cried these words
out over and over again, hoping someone, anyone, could hear me. It was quite difficult however
because if I got too loud Dandelion would shove his throbbing cock into my mouth to quiet me. I
believe he thought that I was crying for more of his delicious, and nutritious, semen. At least he stayed
by my side. Eventually I was heard.
Dainty steps, like one a cherub would make while walking through a rose garden, came closer
to my nursery. I heard a familiar voice call out, “Is anyone there.” Compared to the rough panting of
my dog, and my mother at night, this voice was akin to angels singing. Her silken words caressed my
ears and I knew if I didn't call out now they would be forever lost. “BAHBEE ROOOOTH!!!” I wailed
over and over and over again hoping that the mysterious voice would come find me. Suddenly, light
filled my eyes, and beauty like no other graced my failing vision. “Paul, is that you?” said the woman,
who I could now identify as the holy visage that was Kathrine. Her steps, light and floaty. Her ass
bubbly and bouncy, each cheek moving independently of the other. As if each of her buns were waving
to me. I moaned and came immediately, the first time in months since the barn. She looked at me not
unlike one would look at a cat which had been recently hit by a car. A slight grimace from the smell
told me that she could sense the piles of shit that completely filled and overflowed from the tattered
remains of what was once a plush diaper. Unwilling to touch me, or even get close, she made a phone
call. Soon afterwords a hazmat team had gathered to collect my broken form and just like that I was
sitting alone in a hospital bed. A get well soon card was next to me, covered in kisses and nudity
pictures, from my mom, Kathy. Again months has passed as I was properly nursed back to a semblance
of health. I could utter simple words now and I could even blink too which was a relief because my
eyes had turned into raisinetts after all that time. The hospital staff deemed me healthy enough to
finally return home. Sadly I didn't have any insurance because my mother never considered me her
child, so the best I could afford in wheelchair technology was a plastic fold out chair with shopping cart
wheels attached to it. To prevent me from any unnecessary movement I was belted to the chair and my
head was tied to it with many zip-ties. At last, I could go home.
Once the hospital staff, which included my mother, realized that no one loved me enough to
come get me they called a taxi. I hadn't enough money for the fair, but the dark cab driver didn't seem
to mind as he has other forms of payment on his mind. The black driver pulls into a secluded area and
crawls into the backseat with me. He is surprisingly gentle with my wasting body, almost hesitant. His
voice, like a chain smoking gravel driveway whispered into my ear, “I've never done this before, but
I'm sure we can make it work.” He lifted me up with his strong mandingo arms and dropped me onto
his ridged veiny black dick. Smooth at first but his member kept scraping my scars, threatening to tear
the stitches out. Overcome with ecstasy he roughly turns my head towards him for a passionate kiss. I
might as well have been a bucket of fried chicken with how I was sitting there while his funny lipped
mouth lapped all over my face. Eventually he squirted his chocolate puddin into my hole and he looked
more ashamed than anything else, to think he could be brought down as low as to fuck a white ass bitch
such as myself. The kindly negro man pulled up to my house and unceremoniously pushed me out onto
the dirt and my wheelchair quickly followed. Out from the trailer came my younger brother Johnathan
playfully skipping his way towards me. It had been almost a year since I had seen his fair hair and rosy
cheeked self, he was still an innocent boy. Unaware of the evil lurking just below the surface of his
pudgy skin. “Now now Pawl, yew gotta go inside.” He helped me into the chair and then into my
home. Sadly the boy is a bit of a retard because he parked me facing a corner of the room where I was
left like that for....I have no idea. There was nothing to break the monotony, until one fateful night.
I had thought that I could be broken no more, that my spirit was already crushed into oblivion.
Oh how wrong and stupid and ugly I was, and still am. After yet another game of count the pores in the
wall (20,312 to be exact) I heard a rumbling tumbling this way. Bursting through the door came my
brother and another. I can tell it is him due to his moaning and groaning that sent shivers down my
crippled spine. It must have been yet another one of his one night stands, he was always so good at
scoring sluts, almost like he didn't even have to try. This whore in particular sounded quite different
from the lot he usually brings in. For I knew who this was no matter how hard I wanted to disbelieve it.
“OH, OH KATHERINE!” my brother growled, ringing my ears as I felt soft hands tightly gripping my
shoulders. Then the shaking began. Relentless as it was, her voice piercing my eardrums like a banshee
getting stabbed, which in a way she was. Due to the overwhelming force my brother generated with his
thrusts my head repeatedly slammed into the wall. Which was fine by me because it allowed me to do
the one thing I could not do on my own anymore. Cry.
I sat in my forgotten chamber for many years. The only company I had was my friend
Dandelion, and the occasional bang my brother would bring in to fuck over my degenerated body. For
due to years of not moving my body had atrophied into a nearly skeletonesque form. Sometimes I could
feel the presence of Johnathan standing behind me in the dead of night. At first it felt like he was just
watching over me but as the time went by I could feel a more sinister bite to the air. I could tell even
without looking at him that he had tacked on considerable mass as his shadow would overtake me,
completely eclipsing the one bare lightbulb in the room. One day I think curiosity got the better of him
as I felt his large hands grip my chair and slowly turn me around. I could finally see the kind of man
Johnathan had grown into. The body of adonis, as if chiseled from marble shimmered in the dull light.
His hair, long and flowing like a river of golden silk fell past his shoulders and rested on his tight pecs.
However, despite his body looking like one of the gods, his face was completely unchanged. It was as
if time stood still for his cheeks were still as rosy as the day he brought me into this hell. He leaned
down to look at me with a satisfied glare and quickly turned to leave the room. I caught sight of his ass,
looking more like two closed fists bumping together.
Days passed, but my brother's visage was burned into my mind like an unholy brand. That child
was evil I just knew it. I began to fear for my safety as my mind raced through the possibilities of what
could happen in my hole of squalor and filth. As day turned to night I began to have a rotten pit form in
my stomach, my parents were out of the house and my brother was visiting Katherine for one of her
weekly gangbangs. I heard footsteps slowly approach the door, they could only belong to the one
person remaining in the house with me. He stepped into the room and stared me down, this wasn't the
mischievously naughty look that I had received from my brother so many times his eyes
were filled with malice and he looked at me like he was looking at some sort of prey. Like something to
be conquered. He slowly closed the door, draping his silhouette over the room until we were both
shrouded in darkness. I blinked adjusting my eyes to the dimmed light and I realized that Johnathan,
the sweet young child, was completely naked. An erection, bigger than all of the ones I have ever seen
in my years of gay pornography studying, extended out towards me...reaching. Before I could utter
even a single word he lept upon me knocking the air out of my lungs. He straddled me, wrapping his
legs around my chair and bouncing up and down, trying to excite me. He ran his tongue up my neck,
tracing the acne the entire way up until he reached my earlobe where he gave a nibble. I could finally
speak, and with all the strength I could muster I yelled at him, “GET OFF ME JOHNATHAN!” the
room shook with my fury but sadly it had almost the opposite effect. It merely caused the young man's
eyes to glow with rage. He gripped my beard and slung me effortlessly onto the hard wood floor,
busting my face and remaining teeth apart. He ripped off my old shitty encrusted diaper and I knew I
was exposed. The smell of old shit and piss filled the room quickly and it caused the lad to vomit all
over me. Thought I don't know if this was unintentional as it gave him no pause, he scooped some of it
up and lathered his dick with it. I knew this was going to be painful so I did the only thing I could, I
closed my eyes. They were promptly shot open due to the overwhelming mass of this obelisk of a penis
forcing it's way into my unprepared behind. I felt his hair tickle my backside as he began to thrust. Oh
god the thrusting, it was as if someone was trying to pull me apart lengthwise. I could keep silent no
longer, I cried in agony a mere mouse compared to the lion roars that my brother was letting out. The
noise attracted visitor though, I heard scratching on the door and a faint whimper. The fucking abruptly
stopped as Johnathan mercifully exited me which gave a sound not unlike a foot being pulled out of the
mud. “Oh we have someone to watch me play with you Paul.” He opened the door and Dandelion
rushed into the room. Johnathan opened his arms to greet the pooch but the dog ignored him and his
eyes landed on me. I, for the first time years felt a semblance of hope, maybe this dog can understand
my pain and help me. He quickly rushed to me and licked excitedly at my face, lapping up my tears I
knew I would be okay with him next to me. As I stared into this canine's eyes a hand came down and
grabbed his snout, barely a whimper could escape Dandelion before another and grabbed his lower jaw
and cracked it open swiftly breaking his jaw. With one massive thrust Johnathan's colossal wiener
speared completely through my dog's anus and burst through his mouth, poking me in the face. The dog
was no more but a shiskabab in which my dear brother forced me to suck on the head. Dandelion's eyes
met mine one last time before the life faded from them. I was now giving head to my brother while
making out a deceased canine. It was a horror that I could not even fathom and any semblance of sanity
had left me right then and there. In that moment I became one with Johnathan's dick, I needed it. I
begged for it to release his pent up fluids into my mouth. For the final seconds before he blew I thought
back on my sad pathetic shitty excuse for an existence and thought to myself, “eh not bad.” Johnathan
with One. Last. Mighty. Roar blew his load straight through my head and my brains splattered on the
wall behind me.


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