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An algebraic expression is a constant, a variable, or a combination of

Remember that numbers multiplied to form a product are called factors of such
indicated operations involving constants and variables
product. Unless otherwise indicated,here are certain products of polynomials
called special products that occur frequenctly and should be recognized. In these
When an algebraic expression is written as the sum of other algebraic
special products, x and y represent variables and a, b, and c represent constants.
expression, each of the expression is called a term. Example (e) above can
The products can be verified by performing the multiplications.
be written as the sum

Special Products
An algebraic expression consisting of one term that is either a constant or a
product of a constant and a variable or variables raised to an integral
The Product of Two Binomials of the Form (ax + b)(cx + d)
exponent is called a monomial.
ax + b)(cx + d) = acx2 + adx + bcx + bd = acx2 + (ad + bc)x + bd
Any sum of monomials is called a polynomial. A polynomial consisting of two
terms is called a binomial, and a polynomial of three terms is called a
trinomial. Some examples of binomials are 2x –1, 2x²+ y,6– y3

Note that the exponents of the variables are all positive integers. Some
examples of trinomials are 2x²– 5x + 3, a + 2b + 3c, and 4 – xy + x2y³, E
cannot be considered a trinomial because of the term which is equal to is
not a monomial. A polynomial 3x – 4y + 7xy – 8 is a polynomial of four



Addition of Polynomials

To find the sum of two or more polynomials, we simply combine like terms, add their
numerical coefficients and copy the common literal coefficients. Here we observe the rule
on adding signed numbers

Subtraction of Polynomials

To subtract one polynomial from another polynomial, we simply change the sign of the
subtrahend and add the polynomials following the rule in adding signed numbers.

Multiplication of Polynomials

When a number is taken as a factor and is multiplied by itself several times, the product is
called the power of the repeated factor.

Division of Polynomials

To divide algebraic expressions, we will consider the fourth law of exponent.

To divide algebraic expressions, we will consider the fourth law of exponent.

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