Newsletter - Snake Prevention

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Loulo Gold Mine / Mine d’Or de Loulo Environmental Management System (EMS)

Communication and Reporting (EOP5)


Monthly Newsletter
Environment and Community


J U N E 2 0 2 1

Prevention against Snake
REQUIREMENT Here we have a fair population of puff adders, some python, and cobras

1.Descriptions 3.Risk factors in Snakebite What to do after a snake bite

Season: Snakes are more active in ?
There are hundreds of species of the warmer, summer months, more
Law No. 95-004 of 18 snakes in the world, but only a small toward the end. Try to identify the snake, from its color,
size, shape of his head and his method
January 1995 on forest percentage of them are poisonous,
Time of day: Snakes are more of attack.
causing bites. Other suffocates their
resources management active at sunset to night time in the
prey before swallowing them. dark between 06:00pm to 09:00pm. Loosen the clothes of the victim and, if
necessary, carry the victim to a secure
2.Types of venomous snake
Housing: Doors and windows place, in the shade if possible.
bites must be properly secured to prevent
Snakes with cytotoxic venoms: af- snakes from entering through the The victim must remain quiet, calm and
Law No. 95-031 of 20 immobile, as any movement increases
fect and destroy cells, Painful, progres- holes.
March 1995 on wildlife blood flow and accelerates the
sive swelling Ex :
and habitat manage- Viper (Dangala)
4.In case of confrontation with a transport of the venom to the heart.
ment condition; snake: Secure the members, but DO NOT
Do not panic. blocks blood flow, unless you are cer-
tain that the venom of the snake in
Do not try to capture it without train- question is neurotoxic.
Other Law... ing and adapted equipment.
Take the victim to the clinic as
soon as possible.
Snakes with haematotoxic venoms: In case of snake bite called
affect blood flow down to the tissues – these numbers:
Bleeding Ex :

Boomslangs 66 74 18 89_ emergency / 66

75 00 92_ Dr Fomba / 66 74
Snakes with Neurotoxic venoms: 18 84_ Dr Soumare
affect the nervous system –Progressive
Our biodiversity policy for-
Snake pliers, pickaxe, container bids us to kill any wild ani-
and safety glasses. mal on the site .
Contact the environment team

66 75 96 71 ou 66 74 77 83
weakness progressive Ex : 5.What should not be done after
a bite?
Keep on moving or shaking the vic-
Switch off the surface of the wound
or try to suck out the venom

Leave the victim alone

Soak the injured spot in a solution,

Ref no. EOP5/FORM02 Rev.01 Approved by: Moussa I Kante Date: 28/04/2016

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