English Task

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Part Off Speech(Kata Klasifikasi)

Dosen Pengampu:

Rupina Holidazya M.Pd


Nim 230603064

Kelas 1/D PPI(Pemikiran Politik Islam)

Introductory Session

1 Noun (Kata Benda)

Noun is a word that shows the name of a person, the name of a place, or the name of an object
or everything that is objectified.

Example: 1.This room is so clean (ruaangan ini sangatlah bersih)

2.I will go to library alone (aku akan pergi ke perpustakaan sendirian)

2 Pronoun(Kata ganti)

Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun or noun phrase.

Example: 1.What is difference between those two mango (apa perbedaan dari kedua mangga

2.I am glad to see you again (saya senang bertemu denganmu Kembali)

3 verb(kata kerja)

Verb is a word that describes an action,course of action condition,or experience of something.

Example: 1.Adi runs alone(Adi berlari sendiri)

2.I wacth the movie(saya menonton filmnya)

4 Adjective(Kata Sifat)

Adjective is a word used to describe a noun

Example: 1.The sky is very pretty(Langitnya sangat indah)

2.The student was very diligent (Siswa itu sangat rajin)

5 Adverb(Kata Keterangan)

Adverb is a adverbs of manner tell us how something happened.

Example:1. He surely knows what happened (dia pasti tahu apa yang terjadi)
6 Preposition (preposisi)

Preposition is a conjunction that is placed before a noun to indicate position, direction, time,
place, and so on.

Example:1. Please sit next to carlos (silakan duduk di sebelah carlos)

2. I have work on campus (Saya ada tugas di kampus)

7 Conjuntion (Konjungsi)

Conjuntion function to connect words with words phrases with phrases and clauses with

Example:1. I will go back here before the rain go down (Saya akan Kembali sebelum hujan turun)

2. I couldn’t come becausethere was an event at home (Saya tidak bisa datang karena ada
acara di rumah )

8 Interjection (Kata seru)

Interjection is a spontaneous words spoken to express feelings or thoughts that arise suddenly.

Example:1. yippie!! I like this book (yippie!! aku suka buka ini)

2. wow!! You are so beautiful today (wow!! Kamu cantik sekali hari ini)

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