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National Defense

"fr Defence nationale

The Best Pilot Syndrome
1 , .. . . .... . .. . . .... .. . . ... . . .. .The Best Pilot Syndrome
2 ..........Preventative Measures: Are we there yet? By Capt Pete Taylor and reproduced by the permission The "dust ball" also progresses nicely. He may fall down in
3 . . . . . . .... ... . . ... . .. . . .... . ..Expect the unexpected. . . of "Approach" Magazine(issue November 1989). Capt some areas, but with proper coaching, he picks himself up
Directorate of Flight Safety Taylor was the Force Safety Officer, COMNAVAIRLANT, and becomes the soul of the squadron . These two pilot
Electrical Barb-Wire?
Director of Flight Safety NAS Norfolk, VA . He previously was Aviation Safety categories interrupt more sleep, ready room movies and
5 . .. . . .... . .. . . .... .. .The Pilot who Rode One In., .
Col R. Bastien Coordinator for OP-05F Washington D.C. He's an A-7 slider times for COs than attack pilots shagging three wires
8 . ... . .... . .. . . .... ... .Going by the Book, Does Not pilot and former L50 and Air Boss. over his stateroom .
Guarantee SUCCESS - Everytime Capt .1 .S. Medves
any mishaps in Naval Aviation are attributed to Now we get to the "best pilot:" He never gets much attention

10 .. ..... . ....... . . ....... . ."VFR in IFR Conditions - Art Direction
CFSU(0)-C5 pilot error. Most of the time we can relate this "cause we're worried about the other guys :" He's the best .
Poor Risk Assessment" The squadron knows it, he knows it and he thrives on it!
Photographic Support error to inexperience, lack of proficiency, lack
11 ...... .Tow Plane and Glider - Happy Landings CF Photo Unit-Rockcliffe of situational awareness (what an overused buzzword) or As time passes, the rest of the squadron improves and climbs
Cpl K. Allan
some other malaise that infects less-talented pilots (you away from the lower danger zone . Boarding rates improve,
Departments Translation know, the bone heads) . the bolter pattern becomes a thing of the past, and more
4 . . .. . . . ... ... . . ... . ... . .... . .. . . .... .... . ... . .. . . . ..Good Show Official Languages green is displayed on the "greenie board:" It's tough to win
Much too often, the CO's comments on his MIR endorse-
6 ...... . ........ . ....... . ......... .....For Professionalism Printer ment will read, "This mishap is a travesty. LCdr. Sierra Hotel an engagement off the new guys, and CEPs get tight. The JOs
Kromar Printing Ltd. flash around newly won beer-bet chits with "his self's" name
12 . ... . .... . ... . .... ... . . ... . .. . . ....From the Investigator Winnipeg, Manitoba excels in all facets of airmanship . He is the most talented
13 . ... . .... . ... . .... ... . . ... . .. . . .Flight Comment would and best pilot in the squadron:' on them - in public! The skill gap on the "best pilot" is
The Canadian Forces closing; both his prominence
like to Hear from You Flight Safety Magazine If he's so talented and SH, and ego are threatened .
Flight Comment is produced 4 how come his name appears
times a year by the Directorate of on the marquee as "the guy The "best pilot" has been fly-
Flight Safety. The contents do not
who dunnit"? ing at the narrow edge of the
necessarily reflect official policy and
unless otherwise stated should not
envelope throughout the
be construed as regulations, orders Here's one scenario . Let's training and doing it well.
or directives . start with a Vn diagram >
He's been by himself at the
On the Cover : 440 Sqn CC138 near the Ad of pilot dynamics in a J
Contributions, comments and top and is expertly familiar
Astra ice cap. Photograph by Captain M . Evans criticism are welcome; the promo- )
tion of flight safety is best served by
squadron at the beginning Y with all envelopes and just
disseminating ideas and on-the-job of the turnaround cycle. how far to press this marriage
experience . Send submissions to : The "best pilot" or "his self" of man and machine.
Editor, Flight Comment (X) starts way ahead of the
Directorate of Flight Safety pack. Skill-wise he's already To reestablish the perceived
NDHQIChief of the Air Staff . loss of prestige, "his self"
there; he just has to tweak
Major-General George R. Peartes Bldg . begins to exceed these
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OK2 and peak .
Time envelopes, spiking into the
Telephone: (613) 995-7495 The average pilots, the "dust upper danger zone . He must
FAX: (613) 992-5187
balls," + start somewhere in the middle. They're weak in keep the gap between himself and his buddies for ego's sake.
Subscription orders should be
directed to:
some areas, better in others . They change relative positions Pullouts on weapon runs are lower, pressing for that good
Can4-a Publishing Centre, CCG, as training progresses and hit, 200-foot low levels at 100 feet or less; the 500-foot
Ottawa, Ont. K1A OS9
are watched to ensure no serious trouble spots occur. bubble shrinks to the "dust-off" mode, the gear handle is
Telephone: (613)956-4800
Annual subscription rate : for The weak pilot ( 0 ) is identified quickly, and he is moni- up as soon as the indexers come on - maybe the flaps, too.
Canada, $17.50, single issue $3 .00;
for other countries, $21 .00 US .,
tored very closely. He is given an extraordinary amount of Possibly a canopy roll or two slip in there. The margin for
Editor's Comment : single issue $3 .60 US . Prices do attention. The weak pilot seems to run the greatest risk of error is decreasing . Most of the time, "his self" gets away
not include GST Payment should having a major mishap .. .maybe! He's selectively scheduled
The article "SSSSSSSmokin' **** Is Flight Safety Universal?" printed on page be made to Receiver General for with it . When he doesn't, a Class A might happen .
8 in issue 5&6/1996 has caused concern as it was taken by some to be a Canada . This Publication or its with a strong leader. We ensure that his admin burden isn't
contents may not be reproduced too great so he can concentrate on flying; we fly him extra COs, pay attention to the signals, ready room talk, junior
negative comment on the professionalism of the Portuguese Air Force . This without the editor's approval .
day traps before he has that night go, and so on . Most of Officers Protective Association (JOPA) and other sources
was certainly not the intent of the article . Rather, it was intended to illustrate
to Canadian Forces personnel that, when deployed, they should not always
ISSN 0015-3702
the time he responds positively, and while he probably concerning "best pilots" and their endeavors. They need
expect other countries to apply the same flight safety practices that we do in will never develop into the "ace of the base," he becomes timely TLC as much as the weaker pilots, but their signals
Canada and that constant vigilance is required to protect our valuable a productive squadron member. are much harder to detect . "
resources . Any possible embarrassment to the members of the Portuguese Air
Force was unintentional and regrettable . "

Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 1

Preventative Measures: Expect the unexpected . . .
Are we there yet.? Electrical Barb- Wire.?
M Y,ately challenging day For that matter, how long has it been The truth is preventative measures are
im ar 70 degree crosswind, since the last time this happened? We tools which must be used and re-used. he crew and passengers were briefed, the weather
A 13 gusting 22 knots, and no .3 say, - there are those that have, and Ironically, although they are at the T was as good as it could be, the Twin-Huey was
of a four plane formation rolls onto those that will - but is this really the end of the occurrence report, they 1 ready and waiting for us to hit its starter
final approach after the pitch out right attitude? Preventative measures are the beginning of a safe operation. switch ; everything was perfect . It was
from a normal cross country deploy- will not stop accidents until we high- Preventative measures are the most 1500h and we were about to
ment to the United States . With less light them accordingly, and revisit important part of any flight safety
go back to Port-au-Prince (Haiti)
than ideal technique, the pilot lands them frequently. program. Regardless of our part in
to our temporary home:
his hornet with more crab into wind the flight safety process, we must
Now, as this article is written, 5 months hold them in the highest regard. United-Nations camp
than recommended, and immediately
feels a directional control problem after the above occurrence, another When preventative measures are for- Canargus . After spend-
with the aircraft pulling toward the hornet lands in the States, in a cross- gotten, accidents are remembered . " ing a few hours at
left . With a master caution, and wind, and departs the runway ; but one of the biggest
cockpit indications of a planing link this time the initial report (from a orphanagesin
failure, the pilot selects emergency different squadron), reflects a "B"
Haiti it was time
brakes, and provides a smoke show CATEGORY ACCIDENT . Not only
to fly down that
for the locals as he skids through a have we failed to prevent, but the
9000 ft mountain
few "S" turns and eventually stops initial trend indicates that the situa-
tion is getting worse! How many other and head her back.
90 degrees off runway heading. With
pilot-technique cause factors, the "personnel" cause factor occurrences
reflect this trend? And the count still So we took off, circled
preventative measures debriefed the
climbs . Why can't we prevent this? the camp twice to
proper crosswind landing technique
How can we call them preventative allow the camp pho-
to the incident Hornet Pilot as well
measures if these accidents continue tographer that we had
as the rest of the squadron pilots ; a
to occur? onboard to take a few
viable, but reactive solution for the
shots, and off we went .
incident squadron .
The camp was approxi-
mately 10 nm from our position, a
But how much weight was placed The aircraft was landed as soon as
very short trip . We elected to fly down situation, there was not much that we
on this "D" category incident possible at the closest suitable area :
the same valley that we took the day could have done to avoid this incident .
by sister Hornet squadrons? the airfield at camp Canargus . After
How long will it be before before on our recce trip . Altitude : As a pilot, I know that it is common
we shut down, we realized that it
this happens again? 400 ft, Heading: east. ETA: less than to think that accidents only happen
wasn't just a wire, but a 63 ft long
5 min, T's and P's in the green ...then to the other guy. This is not always
segment of barb-wire (!) that was
Bang! . .,What the heck was that? The true . Unfortunately, sometimes you
entangled around the rotor! It was
aircraft captain replied: I think we become someone else's "other guy":
later discovered that the local popula-
just hit a wire ... Still, there is one thing common to
tion of one side of the 600 ft wide
He was right, we just did. Yes, at 400 ft valley were using this "wire" to steal all accidents; they always occur when
AGL, in a valley that we were using electricity from one side to the other. you don't expect them . "
for the past four months, a valley that
This is definitely not something that
was recced often, and once just the anonymous
one would expect . Today, almost a
day before!
year went by and as I analyze the

2 Flight Comment No, 4, 1997 1 Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 3


The Pilot who

pl Marcil, an Airframe Technician with 434 (CS)
Squadron Greenwood, was performing a "B"
Ccheck on a CC 144 Challenger when he noticed
a peculiarity in the main landing gear wheel well area .
He observed that the left main landing gear shock strut
Rode One In . . .
upper attachment pin was protruding outboard slightly .
Upon further investigation in this very confined area, he

discovered that the attachment pin locking clip on the e should all bear one thing in mind when
inboard side of the strut was separated from the pin
we talk about a pilot who "rode one in :"
thus providing no safety value. Recognizing the serious-
ness of his finding, Cpl Marcil immediately notified his He called upon the sum of all of his knowledge
supervisors who raised an aircraft occurrence report .
and made a judgement. He believed in it so strongly
This aircraft had flown over 100 hours since it's last
that he knowingly bet his life on it .
periodic inspection . Throughout this time numerous
servicing and quality assurance inspections had been
That he was mistaken in his judgement is
carried out yet this fault had remained undetected .
Had this condition continued and the attachment pin a tragedy, not stupidity.
fallen out, catastrophic failure of the landing gear
would have occurred . As a result of this discovery a Every supervisor and contemporary who ever spoke

fleet wide Special Inspectlon(Sp was initiated and to him had an opportunity to influence his judgenment,
several additional aircraft were found to have the and so a little bit of each of us goes with every
same fault.
pilot we lose . "
Cpl Marcil's professionalism, outstanding attention to Corporal Mike Bernleithner
detail and dedication to flight safety prevented the - - ------ - ------- - ------
possible loss of an aircraft and crew. " from Avaition Safety Vortex 1197-
Author Unknown

n I May 1996, while undergoing Flight

Engineer training at 403 Squadron Gagetown,
0Cpl Bernleithner was tasked to pre-flight a Griffon
helicopter . During the pre-flight he discovered that the
number two tail rotor aft hangar bearing assembly retain-
ing bolts were only finger tight.

The aircraft had recently undergone a 300 hour inspection

at another squadron . Since this inspection the helicopter
had flown several training missions with 403 Squadron
and it is probable that during these missions the bolts
worked themselves loose. The coupling was in danger
of failure and would have led to immediate loss of tail
rotor authority and damage to the combining gearbox

Cpl Bernleithner's professionalism and acute attention to

detail prevented a possible catastrophic occurrence with
the loss of a valuable aircraft and crew. "

Corporal Paul Marcil

Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 5

4 Flight Comment No . 4,1997 1
Cpl Connolly immediately informed his superiors
Corporal Tristan Grech whereupon the aircraft was grounded and the inspection
Corporal Serge Hamel carried out.Cpl Connolly prepared the documentation
Corporal Peter Stryde for the unscheduled PI and because of the fact that the
aircraft log sets were inconsistent he, on his own initia-
tive, set up a data base to track lifed components to aid
Cpl Grech, Cpl Hamel and Cpl Stryde were refu- Servicing and Supply. Although primarily employed
elling a CC 130 Hercules when the refuelling hose on the PI crew, he worked extensive overtime verifying
broke completely soaking the fuel truck driver aircraft log sets for correctness .
and spilling approximately 100 litres of fuel on
the hot cement ramp . Additionally, he also acquired and actioned all out-
standing CFTO amendments which were still being sent
When the hose broke the aircraft and external Corporal Chris Connolly to Edmonton and not Haiti, initiated the disposal of a
power were immediately shut down and the Wing complete CH 136 Kiowa library sent to Haiti and liaised
Fire Department was notified . The technicians Cpl Connolly, an Airframe Technician with the Canadian
directly with the US Air National Guard for spares thus
then worked to contain the fuel spill and take Contingent United Nations Mission in Haiti, was updat-
expediting aircraft repairs.
the fuel truck driver to the nearest shower facility. ing the service records of a CH 135 Twin Huey when he
By adhering to all safety precautions laid out in noticed that the inspection time and the installation time Cpl Connolly's professionalism, dedication and atten-
Squadron Orders and 14 Wing's Emergency of one of the engines were identical. After verifying the tion to detail are indicative of an exceptionally high
Response Plan the three technicians contained information, he discovered that in actuality the engine standard in his approach to flight safety. "
a serious situation. was 129.6 hours past it's #4 Periodic Inspection(PI) .

Cpl Grech, CpI Hamel and Cpl Stryde's profes-

sionalism, alertness and expeditious response
prevented personal injury and averted a possible Corporal "Buff" Howard
catastrophic occurrence . "
Cpl Howard, an Armament Technician at 14 Wing
Greenwood, was observing the sequence of events
of co-workers who were conducting engine fire
extinguisher functional check training on a
CC130 Hercules aircraft .

Although all indications were normal and in accor-

Corporal Richard lefebvre dance with the functional check list, Cpl Howard,
through knowledge gained on his recent AVN OSS
While carrying out an after flight check (A Check) on a course, observed an anomaly with the position of the
CF18 Hornet, Cpl Lefebvre, an Instrument Electrical engine prop feather override switch which was not
Technician at 3 Wing Bagotville, noticed something unusual part of the functional check. Normally, when the fire
on the nose wheel oleo of an adjacent CF18 that was pulling handle is pulled, a circuit is completed that activates
out of the line . He attracted the pilot's attention who the feather pump which automatically feathers the
brought the aircraft to a stop. propeller. In this case the switch failed to properly
Inspection revealed two "wing lock pins" neatly rolled indicate this sequence had occurred . Following his
inside their red flag and positioned under the left nose gear observation he contacted his supervisor who referred
oleo tie down ring . The pins had been incorrectly stored this observation to a 413 Squadron trade specialist .
from a previous inspection and should have been detected The fault was isolated to the feather override switch .
during the pre-flight inspection and walk around . There Cpl Howard's professionalism, dedication and atten-
was significant potential for damage to the aircraft from tion to detail prevented a potentially serious flight
the two pins being dislodged due to airflow or cycling of safety occurrence . "
the landing gear.

Cpl Lefebvre's outstanding vigilance and timely action

prevented a potentially serious incident . "
("For Professionalism" continued on page 14)

6 Flight Comment No, 4, 1997 ~ Flight Comment No. 4, 1997 7

Going by the Book, After restarting #1 and #2 we commenced the taxi to the
active runway during which we detected an abnormal
odour in the cabin. We started a search for the source
and a quiet airport, therefore the crew and I felt that if a
serious failure manifested after take off, we could hastily
recover in Winnipeg with minimal difficulty.

Does Not Guarantee

which turned up nothing. The odour was not alarming,
Unfortunately the odour returned on climbout . Levelling
ie : not burning or electrical, but certainly not normal .
at 10,000 feet, we dumped each EDC individually in an
It was finally isolated when the ground air conditioning
attempt to isolate it, while backup planning for a return

SUCCESS - Every Time

was turned off, and abated. The EDCs showed no signs of
to Winnipeg began. Although the EDCs continued to
malfunction, leading us to believe there was a possible
indicate normal operation the odour dissipated rapidly
heat exchanger or fan problem . If a fan had failed it would
after dumping EDC #3, which again we felt signified an
be replaced by ram air in flight in any case . To this point,
air conditioning snag . We were not particularly concerned
nothing was serious enough to make us believe it might be
about single EDC operations, so we climbed and continued
aragraph 8 of the Incident message states : "No. 3 component that has no history of doing this and gives no hazardous to continue nor did the evidence correlate as a
uneventfully to Comox, carefully monitoring the MEAs
Generator Feeder Fault - No 3 Gen Off Light serious warnings in the cockpit, which in turn causes single problem. We had excellent weather, a light aircraft
and GASAs in case the second EDC took a vacation .l
P1 Illuminated . Reset procedures carried out which another malfunction of a totally unrelated system a few
indicated a No . 3 generator feeder fault. Closely monitored hours later, all of which remains unannounced by the We were astonished to discover the amount of damage
as operation continued. (All by the book) During turn appropriate fault detection system? Quite possible, as it to #3 engine when the cowls were lifted on the A check,
around in Winnipeg, an abnormal odour was detected turns out. Here is the emergency we didn't know we had: severe enough to require a QEC: the SR for this incident
using ground air conditioning . (Some 2 hours after the provides an excellent description of the gory details.
We cleared the Maritime frontal system shortly after Suffice it to say, it seems unbelievable that there was not
initial fault) This was rectified by dumping the Right
departure and the weather remained CAVOK thereafter to a fire warning.
Hand Engine Driven Compressor (EDC). Aircraft landed
the West Coast. Not long after visually on-topping
Comox without further incident . (Until they opened the Although we believed that we were doing everything cor-
Quebec City the ELECTRICAL POWER master caution
No .3 engine cowling) rectly, I have since asked myself a lot of questions regarding
light illuminated . A quick scan revealed that the GEN 3
Here is the story told by the Aircraft Captain in the hope OFF caution light was the culprit. Not too serious. The how we dealt with the situation. Were we lucky the outcome
that others may learn from his experience . Generator Reset Procedure was carried out which indicated wasn't worse? Maybe. Were we negligent? No . Could we
a possible feeder fault on generator #3 . Just to be certain, have been safer? Yes. At no time did I feel pressure that it
What appeared to be simply a non-threatening malfunc- was necessary to continue on to Comox, but neither did I
we reaffirmed the Reset Procedure with reference to the
tion of a highly redundant aircraft system slowly developed feel compelled to accept the inconvenience of shutting
A0Is, Part 3. The feeder fault was confirmed shortly
into a serious failure with very ambiguous warning signs, down in Winnipeg for an inspection that seemed unwar-
thereafter when the FE examined number 3 sup. panel in
the full danger of which was not apparent to us until after ranted based on the fault indications . What I didn't address
the MELC . The follow up for a feeder fault is "continue
we arrived at our final destination several hours later. If and suppressed reaction to, was the uneasiness that these
engine operation": Generator #4 had assumed the load, so
the incident had been a Flight Deck Simulator scenario, indications created while they remained unresolved . These
the crew and I felt comfortable continuing ; no problem
scenario, schemed up by an overzealous instructor, I would types of previously unseen and seemingly implausible fail-
unless another generator fell over. Still, I noted that the
have screamed "foul!" during the debrief. How plausible is ures are appearing more frequently of late . What I learned
last time I had encountered a feeder fault, the procedure
a situation involving the severe disintegration of an aircraft had been "Emergency shutdown as a result of this experience is that although there may not
unless a greater emergency exists" : be lights and sirens going off in the
we had RTBed on three engines that cockpit, you may still want to listen to
time . I couldn't recall the background the ones in the back of your mind
for the change in procedure. when the facts of the situation just
don't add up':
We arrived at our enroute stop
uneventfully in frigid clear Winnipeg One way of viewing AOIs is that they
weather to drop off our pax before are an accumulation of lessons learned
continuing on to Comox. We only shut over the life of the aircraft. What this
down engines #1 and #2 and started crew experienced was outside that
the APU to provide ground Air. We experience databank . Their handling
considered a complete shutdown to of the emergency IAW the established
inspect #3 engine and generator, but procedures did not achieve the
after some discussion decided that this expected result . When you are outside
would be unproductive . What could be the experience databank and if things
seen? We assumed the generator was do not seem right, use the most con-
mechanically sound as the GEN bear- servative approach . The last line of the
ing light had not illuminated (it wasn't Captain's story sums up the situation
burned out either) and it was a pun- very well . Our thanks to this AC for
ishing -35 degrees C outside with a sharing his experience that we all
windchill of -50 or lower. can consider how we might react in
similar situations . "

8 Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 9

"VFR 1*n IFR Conditions Taw Plane and
Poor Risk Assessment " Happy Landings
training flight on a VFR day
had been planned from
ACranbrook, B.C . to
his story took place during the Air Cadet Gliding on the approved grass strip (used as the gliding operations
Abbottsford, BC . However
Program Spring Pilot Proficiency check-outs . The area) . After landing, he taxied onto the hard surface run-
an IFR clearance was required to
Ttow aircraft, a Cessna L-19 Birddog, was being way (so as to allow the glider to land) and shut down the
execute a safe approach and
engine . Airport emergency crews responded to the tow-
departure at Cranbrook. An IFR 1111,N\ -40 flown by the region's check pilot, who was receiving his
plane, checked the situation, and departed when it was
flight plan had been filed well Spring proficiency checks from a Standards pilot attached
over an hour before departure. / with the Regional Cadet Air Operations Officer's staff. apparent that there was no further danger.
IFR airways were requested The L-19 was flown the first hour doing air-work profi- Investigation into the cause of the oil leak revealed that the
from the FSS after start-up. ciency checks and touch-and-go circuits . The next phase front hub oil seal was a 2-part felt pack seal, and that half
The FSS operator replied that
they were expecting several
~~V was dual check-outs on towing gliders . The first glider tow
to 2000 ft AGL proceeded normally.
of the packing had become pulled out, allowing oil to
escape under pressure, which was then thrown back onto
scheduled commercial arrival the windshield . It was replaced locally by an AME using a
and departures at Cranbrook. It was on the second tow, shortly after take-off (at approx one-piece rubber seal .
The crew was informed that up 100 ft AGL) that the tow pilot noticed that the windshield
appeared to be fogging up . He wiped the inside of the The towpilot's actions of continuing to climb to a higher
to an hour and one-half delay
windshield with his gloved hand, but could not remove altitude, and safer glider release area, instead of releasing
may be expected to accommodate
the "fogging" - it was then that he realized that it was the glider immediately, resulted in the safe recovery of the
the commercial traffic. A full day
OIL, not fog, that was obscuring his vision, on the outside glider and it's two crew . There was no immediate danger of
of training had been well planned
of the windshield . He informed the Standards pilot (in the the engine experiencing oil starvation - as per monitoring
and the entire crew was keen to start
rear seat) of this, checked the oil pressure and temperature the engine instruments - and the tow plane was also
the day. The FSS was informed a and it was determined that a climb was taken. There was an imagined
VFR departure would be utilized instruments (normal, unfluctuating reading), and imme- recovered safely. "
while proceeding to the YXC would pressure to continue the mission
followed by picking up the IFR diately informed ATC of
keep the aircraft clear of obstacles. without delays . A departure proce-
clearance airborne . his situation.
The aircraft was placed in a good dure is sometimes complicated and
After a VFR departure to 7000 feet climb through the solid overcast takes time and planning to be safe Since there was a glider
MSL, ATC was contacted and the layer. During the climb the validity and effective. Climbing through 7500 in tow, at low altitude,
clearance was received : "Expect clear- and safety of this impromptu depar- feet in cloud and near 10000 foot and the area below and
ance overhead the Cranbrook VOR": ture procedure was silently questioned mountains is the wrong time to ques- ahead were unsuitable for
The VOR was about 20 miles away by both the pilot and co-pilot. A tion an impromptu departure proce- release and glider landing
and in mountainous terrain. A min mutual discussion about the MEA dure . This uncertainty diverted the (parked aircraft, fence &
safe altitude of 10000 feet MSL was arouse and 14000 feet MSL was pilot's attention away from aviating, trees), the towpilot
required overhead the Cranbrook decided upon . As the aircraft causing the aircraft to fly through an informed ATC of his
VOR (YXC). That safe altitude was climbed through 10400 feet the navi- assigned IFR altitude . The entire pro- intention to continue
over 3000 feet through an overcast gator queried our clearance altitude cedure placed the crew at great risk climbing and initiate a
layer. After the controller was (which was 10000 feet) and an and was unnecessary in a training right turn so as to posi-
explained the dilemma we were immediate descent to 10000 feet was scenario . A very poor risk assessment tion the glider for a
cleared to the YXC at 10000 feet . commenced . After calling level the was undertaken by the Aircraft downwind release. At
aircraft was cleared to 14000 feet and Commander resulting in a faulty approximately 600 ft
It was expected that the published
the remainder of the training was decision to continue the flight into AGL, the glider released
departure procedure could be fol-
completed that day. IMC conditions while training . " on the downwind leg.
lowed, however inbound IFR traffic
conflicted with the procedure. The The towpilot reduced
The departure did not have a disas-
appropriate VFR map was consulted throttle to idle and
trous outcome although a great risk anonymous
descended for a landing

10 Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 - Flight Comment No. 4, 1997 11

From the Investigator

Aircraft Occurrence Summary Investigation

DFS 97101 The aircraft remained upright in the water and was towed
to the shoreline where it was lifted onto a barge several
Type: CH11301 hours later. It was then transported to 19 Wing Comox
Location: Oyster River BC via the barge initially and then by road . The ditching
(16NM NW of Comox) caused no fuselage or structural impact damage but most

DATE : 13 Jan 97
of the other aircraft systems were damaged by salt water
corrosion. Damage has been assessed as B Category and
Flight Comment
the aircraft has been shipped to Boeing Arnprior for would like to
repairs. Subsequent investigation by DFS and Quality
Circumstances Engineering and Test Establishment (QETE) revealed that hear from you !!!
CHI 1307 had been tasked by Victoria Rescue the No 1 generator had sustained a catastrophic failure
Coordination Centre (RCC) to search for a missing when the drive-end bearing failed . We know there are some great
person in the vicinity of Mitlenatch Island, 16 nm
experiences out there waiting to
north-west of Comox. At appro)cimately 1240 hours DFS Comments
(all times local) RCC stood down the mission when be told, so how about writing
Records indicate that there have been 15 mechanical gen-
the missing person had been located. The Aircraft
erator failures dating back to 1980 . All the failures have them down . How are you
Commander (AC) elected to take advantage of the
involved the "dash 1" and "dash 2" versions of the genera-
presence of the Coast Guard Vessel POINT RACE,
tor. The last two incidents having occurred in Trenton accomplishing your job or mis-
also involved in the search, to conduct some boat
and Comox in 1993 and 1994 respectively. All "dash I" Generator area
hoist-training . sion safely? Do you have a
and "dash 2" generators have been removed from service
At 1306 hours as they circled above the POINT and replaced with the "dash 3" version. It appears that "Lessons Learned War Story"
RACE setting up for the hoist, the lead Flight although recommendations were made by QETE in 1980
that others may benefit from?
Engineer (FE) reported a strong smell in the cabin. and 1994, follow up action has been lacking. DAEPM
He noticed that the smell was stronger towards the (TH) is currently investigating the situation to determine Any new technological advances
aft and went to investigate . The smell was getting where the problem exists . We were indeed fortunate that
stronger and it was accompanied by smoke. the outcome of this accident did not have more serious or new equipment that makes
Immediately, the AC directed the First Officer (FO) consequences . " your job or workplace safer?
to fly towards the nearest landfall . The FE opened the
rear upper hatch to ventilate the cabin, but Anything else you can think of
afraid that it was only feeding the fire he
that will help "get the word
closed it again. The smoke became thicker so
he re-opened the hatch. At that time massive out"! Pictures and/or slides with
smoke, sparks and flames were reported to
your submission are appreciated .
the AC .

Upon hearing this, the AC ordered the crew Do any Wings/ Bases/ Units/
to prepare to ditch. The FO began a distress Squadrons/ Sections/ etc . to
call to Comox Tower as the generators and all
unnecessary electrical equipment was being want be featured on the cover?
turned off. The AC then took control of the
helicopter and slowed it down to land on the We can be reached by fax, mail
water at 1308 hours. After ditching the crew
egressed the aircraft uninjured and climbed or telephone as listed on the
into a life raft which had been deployed by
inside front cover.
the SAR Techs. Fearing that the helicopter
may roll over onto them or explode, they
began to paddle away, they were almost CH 11307 on barge Let's hear from you !!!

immediately picked up by the POINT RACE. Maximum submersion point of CH11307

12 Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 1 Flight Comment No. 4, 1997 13

Corporal Yvon Fortin
Cpl Fortin, an Airframe Technician at 450 Squadron
St . Hubert, was carrying out an "A' Check on a
CH 135 Twin Huey helicopter when he discovered a
series of eight rivets loose on the left hand aft spar
11 cap of the vertical fm.
Captain "Ingy" Ingram Upon further in-depth investigation and inspec-
Capt Ingram, a pilot on 434(CS) Squadron tion of the entire tail section, Cpl Fortin discovered
Greenwood, was participating in an ADEX an additional twenty-nine rivets loose in the same
mission off the coast of Nova Scotia . During area . He reported his findings to his supervisor
his initial low level run he felt a slight vibra- who immediately informed the Aircraft Maintenance
tion in the aircraft . He terminated the run Officer. Had this situation gone undetected, the
and climbed to a safe altitude to assess the consequences could have been catastrophic as a
situation. major structural failure may have occurred .
Cpl Fortin's professionalism, initiative and atten-
Although there was no visible indication in the tion to detail prevented a possible serious flight
cockpit of any problem, Capt Ingram elected safety occurrence . "
to perform a controllability check. At 15,000
feet while selecting ancillaries, he experienced
a complete flap failure on the starboard side,
resulting in a severe asymmetric condition.
The aircraft violently pitched forward and
right. Immediate retraction of the functioning
flap prevented the aircraft from going com-
pletely out of control, however, the aircraft lost several thousand feet before
it was fully recovered . Had this event occurred on final approach, the flap
failure would probably have caused the loss of both aircraft and crew .
Capt Ingram's professionalism and superior airmanship prevented this
serious malfunction from possibly developing into a tragic occurrence . " Sgt Frey, an Aero Engine Technician with
407(MP) Squadron Comox, was tasked
to conduct a Quality Assurance(QA)
check on an CP140 Aurora that had just
completed a Periodic Inspection(PI) .
Corporal Gilles J.V Lemay
Prior to the QA inspection Sgt Frey was
Cpl Lemay, an Airframe Technician with 410 Tactical acutely aware of an incident which had
Fighter (Operational Training) Squadron, was tasked to occurred recently in which an engine 14th
change a tire on a CF188 Hornet. stage bleed air duct had failed from possi-
ble metal fatigue and work hardening.
After changing the tire, Cpl Lemay noticed that there
With this in mind, he was very particular
was excessive play between the crank assembly and the
with his inspection of the bleed air ducts
axle lever assembly. Through further investigation he
on this aircraft . During the inspection Sgt
determined that the gap was almost twice the maximum
Frey noticed an unfamiliar accumulation
allowed. He also discovered that the retaining hardware
of dust on and around the fuel lines and
for the axle lever had been improperly installed. His
other engine components surrounding a
sound trouble shooting resulted in the rectification
14th stage bleed air duct . in the course of
of a physically small discrepancy, but potentially
his inspection in a difficult area to view,
catastrophic problem.
he discovered additional cracked bleed
Cpl Lemay's professionalism, attention to detail and air ducts from the 14th stage compressor.
Sgt Frey's professionalism, extraordinary efforts and
alertness in detecting a problem with the main landing Sgt Frey's findings led to a local survey in which 9 of 40
perseverance identified a dangerous hazard which
gear axle lever assembly probably averted a serious flight ducts were found to be cracked and resulted in a fleet-
could have resulted in a very serious flight safety
safety occurrence . " wide inspection in which additional ducts were found
occurrence . "
to be cracked .

Flight Comment No . 4, 1997 15

14 Flight Comment No . 4,1997
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