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HILLARC.MOORE,I1,INHUS CAPACITY DOCKET NO. see. AS DISTRICT. ATTORNEY. FOR THK PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE 19° JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT ‘versus PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, LOUSIANA BOARD OF PARDONS STATE OF LOUISIANA, ‘PETITION FOR PRELIMINARY AND FERMANENT INJUNCTION NOW INTO COURT, twough unsigned counsel comes Pttonr, Hilla. Moore, 1, ins epi as Dist Anomey fr the Pash of Est Bulan Rouge (Peon, who respoatfllyreque Preliminary an Penanen Ijin probing the Louisiana Road of Paros fom vsling Loss lw as wel athe Bors on plies, by consiering ant eating or hein twenty (20) aimey and imgroenty sited pplictons for clemency ition any stor pubic meting und the sting them fo expetdhewings on Octobe 3, Noventer 8 13 and 27,2023 witout proper puleaton or aequte invention. These soplcton elt f inmates with dest etees, most of whom wee convicted fr Benous ime ht occured inthe 19805 an 19905, ad none of whom ae shee fr execution. OF the rent (20) appision et fr hein thre (3) ofthe spliaton perso iames who were soit in Fast Bion Roape Parish in cscs handled by he Ofer of the Dist Axomey Quincy Bro, Hen Broadway and Todd Wesingse! DEFENDANT 1 ane Defendant een is the Louisiana Board of Pardons (th Boas), so known a the Bud of Puss and Pao the Board of Pardons and Commies om Pl, which is 8 sat sen wit the Deparment of Publi Say and Corcions. Ser La. RS. 36:408(C) ‘VENUE 2 ‘Ven proper inthis cou under La RS, 110A the Bardia state agen. 7 7s Fm a Fr Ce cite i it Ba Rage Fh depos ‘Syn of Mr Tasca st wns ean Ne Cone SSESpIA aU ce indy Os ey ene darn end ea BACKGROUND 3 “The Boa mens of which are apo by the Governor? ls the allowing powers ith spect clemency spieatne: ‘To decide whether to gnot_or deny a braig 1 an applicant fo ‘xnnteileneny fr pee eons any th tc detcrined byte ard” 22 EAC 8 105 To recommen othe Gover a say of xeon, inoling conducting hens criterions on the mater. 22 LAC PIV, 213 ta ‘Tomake ecommendntosf lemency othe Gover. !2 LAC PAV, § 208: La Gant nt Ms AOKI) ba BS PI “The Gove powers wih respect lemeney ra flows: 1 “Toran eprieves operons convict foes agaist he te." La. Const. a V.5SEKIE ‘To “commute setenes” or gat parions, tut ony “upon favorable reeonmeniaton of th Bord of Pardons La Cows a TV, § MEX) La RS. ISSA) ‘To grnt or deny he Boats econmeniaton oflemensy.22 LAC LV, § 208; ‘To appoint ve (5) members of the Bord al members except he ward, who Sewer ean ex offeo member in eetain cuss) and desipate te ‘Haima. Cont art IVs § SEN2) La RS 1535721 “To aroveruleegulatonsprocedures for clameney acptd by the Board. La RSS sand “Togrncastay ofeecton when an exceton dats i mending, wich doesnot rere ecormeniaton by the Bord 22 LAC PV, 23, “The Gave’ poms with eps aplictons or lene (a oppo orepines st exc) ily dependent vpn a recommendation bythe Hoard 5 ows wand he Boa’ rogulations and piss rest numerous equements forte lmeney aplication ree All applistions mat be stmitein aconance wit [2 LAC PV, § 2051722 TACT V, § 2048). The rpsaions impose sever foal ao pocedunl ‘reson clemency apes, nding the Fling ‘4 The aplication mt be sips aon he oss form. 22 LAC Pt. § 2A lactated aplicans mst ata hie ison rsa cont repr the Sonate of 8 conection fer verging ihe eomducl ep aD Fanta RS. 18572, applicants sentenced to deth must attach protet deve appeal dia.” BILAC EY, § 2050040) and ©. Foreaptal ess, the application must be submited wihin one yar af the sei the prisoner's ret appeal 22 LACPLV.§ 2040)" 22, The Baden equa ovo to etm, grantor deny ech aplication for a emery hevng. which Would requte he alimaive volo a leat four (3) ‘Bout members See La RS. 1572 I) and22 LAC PV, § 2110) call aston ofthe toad shal eae the favorable voto at est fur mers othe bss"). ‘Gea or denying an application for camer ering an ston fe Bead RS. 15:5721(€ provides tt [he bord shall most onegully scheduled diel te purpose a evieng td aking acon on spition for pardons edn bee” {Unter Louisiana Open Mesings La La RS. 4211-509. COML, this ote mus tke pace at «propery noice pbc mtg. Se lo La RS. 15372 10D) All metgs fe bard hl be open oe publi): La RS, 15573 CAM sess of the Boal of Pdos hal be pbc", La RS. 421MAand La RS. 42:19 (roving pubic ice eee) * 1. The primary purpose ofthe OMI "isto prot izes for srt decisions ‘mai without any opprtity for public pu In sodance with this pss the ONL proves: ‘A Every meeting! of any pubic dy shal open tothe Public ules closed pursuant © RS. 4216, 7,ce18 Fach lic body al be robbed orm ling ay ‘manner pox voting proses cet ati oan) ‘her mens occa tnt of ie Chae, All oes mode by mens of puicbow hal be ‘vn sean abl Be ecard the mists rua ‘ero wtes pocestings ofthe boy, whch sal , Exop scoo! Hoa, which sal be sabato RS, ‘2:15, ac ple body confucting meng whichis ‘hbjot to the notice equremens af S214) all ‘low a publ comment peda ay point inte meting ‘orn ston on spend em upon Wich a 8 F aLAC rg Sai hy inbral h n ne ‘Gang or deg ns i ir one ps ra or nds coed “Bonn Bu gear Sh S01 153s gp. 1. ug eat bows ExEnemenen spot pins ate" ae’ mgwnngompan he Oe Per HbSn¢ a Cane even he pe aren yh Bw pans lm htt Ss nad pr se ee » re Se tenet ney ein mst + Teebetsusi Bf avdns, 209082 aay C2221, 8 el ded Ma 29200 wi ‘rd tot Ca oD 25341 ag Lemma Sn of Sip of aden Se ‘Somes sn ergometer ame soy Sane te eatin ah Ha Hee ce St alabaster nevi a lw OM jpn’ ie bt at SC 980 p. 4a oy. Cw S82, elo on 25 tt} 79 S86. te en. The goveming bay may adopt reasonable les, nd etictions egarng such commen ped” Aste Diss ome for he 1th ui Distt, Peover stato “thoied enforce the OMI in tha dit See La RS. 422500). The eushed “Louans Board of Paons Adminsrstive Acton Heating Vote Sheet” evidences the Bods wt dovurentsion when deciding 1 _pantan plcat for lameney aque for aheaing eset ning ‘wher be aplication comple with th Board's regulation and pole ‘esrb above an compid wih hove yet dndine et fete 22 TAG PLV,§ 208) and Bowed Policy 2208-901." |. Typically, the Board ataches a sbex tthe minutes of esting which ‘Mibiuative sevew was steht veg te pplicats consdered {nthe numberof appisatons for which» hing was etme, granted (dnd making ava ocr how each Bead sme vlad nthe esos theron. 3. Ones the Board decides t grant requ for Heting, the a father reiement ia mst be met fre he platon maybe for aig 4 Afr evening the aplication (ad diag to retum, grantor deny a ‘earng he Board mat oi spit fhe con ake. See Hour iy cans bo. 1 Within ninety (0) days of sch mitice to the aplcan, the applicant mast provide tthe Boar po of averement te adverse mt ele The mame ofthe appli, Dt the appar as api fr clemency fr the ‘rovico of te chm commited sri tt any comments may be died to {Be Boa 22 LAC PV, § 209(8). Te advertisment mst be pushed in the ofl joumal ofthe pach whew the ons secured nthe 3) sparate dys ina thirty (0 petnd of ine, = RS. 15357240, 22 ERCHVGE ZORA) Hod Poy 02-2050 POL!" ad All documents regu by 22 LAC Pt, § 203 must be recived and the lst’ mst be completa. 22 TACPUV, § 2110) 4. Only ater somliane withthe hove sondons ining the non pcton “nd lavesigaron einen ay the sr ge an pica ar nec) foe Tein 5. Thera, the Rod ust provide nie ofthe ering a east ay (6) days iro bering, ote desire, be pple vin Cre Vici Senses areata the Departmen of Publi Say and Corrections nay ther Insta pany. 22 LAC PV, § 211(C). Addon, be appropriate dsc Morey tte aiid and given "ample opprtniy¥o slend he sesso ‘ich ani pplication sl be conical" (La RS. 5 974(BK) an th Board ‘mt make remoabl eff to comtct te victim ort svi faaly tember of tevin (La RS. 1374012), | Importantly, Pane, as isct Avomey, i ppialy provided with a ‘slot oneachclemeeyaplicss tat e mymewningily Drs in the posse and Teper the re of te Sate and he 1 Sic Blo euro ars Meng nou ren nate ‘Spelt piney omar iSeara cep vie C= etn ro Pr, Br Peer 030-00 Egy Coy Coan (Sack So SSH TE apes peaeesep omen 2000005 704 tne idtony md 2050 fp ng Men Mt 3), aw agent pln compos 5800 30POL Apne ig see pe ends vic, nclaing the aplicans ditinay recon, mic ‘ecards for purges of responding to cla th Satan i i ot ‘wuaed tse eo lege ment anor med Sfseny, and tet

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