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Animal Riddles – Criss cross puzzle

2. I am a farm animal, I am bigger than a dog and I am pink.
4. I am slower than a horse, I am bigger than a pig, I eat grass, I give milk.
5. I live in Australia, I am bigger than a rabbit but I jump very high and I am very strong.
7. I am a snake I am poisonous and I dance on the sound of a flute.
9. I live in the jungle, I eat fruits, I am as smart as a human, humans are my cousins.
12. I live in the savannah, I am faster than a lion, I have spots on my back.
13. I am bigger than a donkey, I am faster than a dog, people ride on my back.
15. I am sometimes as big as a human, I live in the forest, humans say I love honey.

1. I am smaller than an elephant and I live in the water. I have big teeth and big nostrils.
3. I am the king of all animals, I live in the savannah.
6. I am a very big bird, bigger than a chicken, bigger than a turkey, bigger than an eagle, the biggest bird of all but I can't fly.
8. I am taller than a horse - I am the tallest of all the animals actually - I eat leaves, I am peaceful.
10. I am bigger than any other animals, I have two long teeth called tusks, I live in the savannah and I AM the king of all the animals.
11. I live in the forest, my horns are lager than a cow's, I eat grass and leaves.
14. I am a farm animal, I am smaller than a cow, I am white and wear wool on my back.


Animal Riddles – Criss cross puzzle

2. I am a farm animal, I am bigger than a dog and I am pink.
4. I am slower than a horse, I am bigger than a pig, I eat grass, I give milk.
5. I live in Australia, I am bigger than a rabbit but I jump very high and I am very strong.
7. I am a snake I am poisonous and I dance on the sound of a flute.
9. I live in the jungle, I eat fruits, I am as smart as a human, humans are my cousins.
12. I live in the savannah, I am faster than a lion, I have spots on my back.
13. I am bigger than a donkey, I am faster than a dog, people ride on my back.
15. I am sometimes as big as a human, I live in the forest, humans say I love honey.

1. I am smaller than an elephant and I live in the water. I have big teeth and big nostrils.
3. I am the king of all animals, I live in the savannah.
6. I am a very big bird, bigger than a chicken, bigger than a turkey, bigger than an eagle, the biggest bird of all but I can't fly.
8. I am taller than a horse - I am the tallest of all the animals actually - I eat leaves, I am peaceful.
10. I am bigger than any other animals, I have two long teeth called tusks, I live in the savannah and I AM the king of all the animals.
11. I live in the forest, my horns are lager than a cow's, I eat grass and leaves.
14. I am a farm animal, I am smaller than a cow, I am white and wear wool on my back.
Animal Riddles – Criss cross puzzle

2. I am a farm animal, I am bigger than a dog and I am pink.
4. I am slower than a horse, I am bigger than a pig, I eat grass, I give milk.
5. I live in Australia, I am bigger than a rabbit but I jump very high and I am very strong.
7. I am a snake I am poisonous and I dance on the sound of a flute.
9. I live in the jungle, I eat fruits, I am as smart as a human, humans are my cousins.
12. I live in the savannah, I am faster than a lion, I have spots on my back.
13. I am bigger than a donkey, I am faster than a dog, people ride on my back.
15. I am sometimes as big as a human, I live in the forest, humans say I love honey.

1. I am smaller than an elephant and I live in the water. I have big teeth and big nostrils.
3. I am the king of all animals, I live in the savannah.
6. I am a very big bird, bigger than a chicken, bigger than a turkey, bigger than an eagle, the biggest bird of all but I can't fly.
8. I am taller than a horse - I am the tallest of all the animals actually - I eat leaves, I am peaceful.
10. I am bigger than any other animals, I have two long teeth called tusks, I live in the savannah and I AM the king of all the animals.
11. I live in the forest, my horns are lager than a cow's, I eat grass and leaves.
14. I am a farm animal, I am smaller than a cow, I am white and wear wool on my back.

4. a 5. třída:
Kopie stačí do dvojic (křížovka a zadání)


Cobra brcoa
Sheep eephs
Lion oinl
Pig igp
Cow wco
Horse resho
Bear reba
Deer dere

Ústně začít brainstorming animals (jakákoliv), pak přímo ke křížovce: Část jako přesmyčky - začít cow a pig, dlouhá slova jako hangman, poté nechat doplnit
ve dvojicích křížovku.

Dle času pak mohou hrát pantomimu, že si vyberou z těch zvířat - ztížení, děti to musí nejenom uhodnout, ale správně vyspelovat.

Pokud stále čas - otázka odpověď: Have you got … (animal)? yes I have/no I havent , do you want to have…-why?
igp brcoa
resho eephs
reba dere

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