Opinion Essay

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- What is your opinion about this?
- What do you believe?
- To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Not only answer your side but
also express how much you agree)
- Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Some people think that companies should provide employees with exercise time
during the day.
Some people think that companies should provide employees with exercise time
during the day.
There are those who believe businesses ought to give their workers time during the
workday for physical activity.
Companies should allocate time during the day for employees to exercise,
according to some people.


Step 1: Analyze the question.
- Paraphrase the question
- List reasons for and against. Choose the side that you have more ideas.
- Back up your reason with clear examples
- Decide the structure of the essay
Step 2: Write your essay.
1. Rephrase the question
2. Thesis statement: State your opinion
- I totally/ strongly/completely agree with the statement + reasons
- I partly/ somewhat agree/ disagree with the statement + reasons
Reason 1 + examples
Reason 2 + examples

Body Useful expressions:

- The main reason why I believe …… is because …
- Another reason is ….

In conclusion, ….
Conclusion In short, …
(Summarize the main point & restate your position)
Sample writing question:
Some people say that city life has become more stressful and has no
advantage. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge. Write at least 180 words.
Many people argue that urban life causes more stress while offering little
advantages for its citizens. From my experience, I partially agree with this
opinion for the following reasons.
There are many reasons why living in big cities has its challenges and makes
people feel stressed, two of which are the high cost of living and the problems
related to commuting. First, the bills, treatment, accommodation, and food
that people in big cities have to pay are often more expensive than in other
areas. As a result, people are often overworked and stressed from the financial
pressure that they have to face in order to afford a good life. Furthermore,
commuting in many cities is an exhausting task filled with many urban
problems such as traffic congestion, inadequate infrastructure, noise, air
pollution, and so on. This can lead to a waste of people’s valuable time and
have a considerable impact on their mental health.
On the other hand, there are numerous advantages that should not be
overlooked. First of all, a city provides better education and career prospects.
Young people would thus have more options to choose from and have higher
chances of getting the desired job with a good salary.
This allows them to have better opportunities to not only enhance their
knowledge but also to change their life. In addition, in a city, access to high-
quality healthcare is easier than in remote areas where individuals have to
travel a lot to cure their illnesses. For example, in my district, there are more
than 5 different hospitals with all the services that a patient might need.
In conclusion, I believe that even though living in big cities causes stress and
anxiety, it has its benefits. It depends on people’s preferences and lifestyles to
decide whether the city is worth living in.
1. What is the main topic of this essay?
2. What is the author’s opinion about the statement? Underline the thesis
statement of the essay.
3. What are the two drawbacks of living in urban areas?
4. What are the two benefits of living in urban areas?
5. Find all the linking words used in the sample essay. (e.g. to begin with, …)

The introduction includes:
- A background sentence: introduce the topic or paraphrase the question:
+ It is a common belief that S + V + O.
+ Some/many people believe/argue that S + V + O.
- A thesis statement: state your opinion (e.g. completely agree or partly
+ From my experience, I somewhat/ partially agree with this opinion for
several reasons / the following reasons.
+ While there is enough evidence to support this opinion, I only partially
/ somewhat agree with it for several reasons / the following reasons.
Note: DO NOT give or discuss any specific reasons in your introduction.
- Topic sentences:
+ There are several/ many reasons why S + V + O.
+ It is true/ reasonable to a certain extent that S + V + O.
+ The main reasons why I agree/ disagree that S + V + O are N/ N phrase
1 and N/ N phrase 2.
- Supporting sentences:
+ Research shows that S + V + O.
+ Scientists have proved that S + V + O.
Example: Research shows that too much salt, which is often used as a common
seasoning, can increase the risk of chronic conditions.
+ This is mainly because S + V + O.
+ Due to / Because of + noun phrase, S + V + O.
Example: This is because excessive intake of salt can increase the sodium
levels in the blood, leading to many diseases.
+ For example, S + V + O.
+ For instance, S + V + O.
+ One example of this is + Noun/ Noun phrase/ Noun clause/ Gerund
Example: One example of this is high blood pressure.
+ As a result / Therefore, S + V + O.
+ S + therefore/ thus + V + O.
+ This could cause / This could lead to + noun phrase.
Example: High blood pressure makes the heart work harder. As a result, it can
lead to diseases of the heart such as heart attack.
Other transitions between sentences and paragraphs:
+ On the other hand,/ Nevertheless/ However, S + V + O.
+ Despite/ In spite of + Noun/ Noun phrase/ Gerund, S + V + O.
+ In addition,/ Furthermore, S + V + O.
- Restate your opinion/position and the main points:
+ In short/ In conclusion/ To sum up, I somewhat/ partly believe that S +
V + O.
+ In short/ In conclusion/ To sum up, I believe that although/ even though
S + can/may + V + O (+ for several reasons/in certain situations/areas), it
doesn't always hold true.
- Give your final opinion (a recommendation, a prediction, or a call to
+ If S + V + O, S1 + V1 + O1.
+ [Governments/ The society/ Companies/ Individual] should + V + O.
1. With an increasing number of people eating fast food/processed food, which
if eating too regularly can cause health issues, some people think that the only
solution is to ban it completely. To what extent do you agree?


In today's fast-paced world, many people rely on fast food and processed food
for their meals. However, these foods can have negative effects on our health
if consumed too regularly. Some people argue that the only solution is to ban
these foods completely. In this essay, we will explore the importance of
making healthier food choices without resorting to a complete ban.

Fast food and processed food are convenient and affordable, making them
popular options for many individuals. However, a complete ban might limit
choices for those who rely on them due to time and financial constraints.
Instead, we should focus on promoting healthier alternatives. Encouraging the
availability of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in schools,
workplaces, and local communities can make it easier for people to choose
nutritious options.

Education and awareness play a crucial role in addressing the issue. By

educating individuals about the risks associated with excessive fast food and
processed food consumption, we can empower them to make informed
decisions. Nutrition classes in schools and informative campaigns can teach
students and families about the importance of a balanced diet and the benefits
of whole foods.
Personal responsibility and moderation are also important factors. Rather than
banning these foods outright, we should encourage individuals to take
responsibility for their own health. Moderation is key – enjoying fast food
occasionally while making sure to incorporate healthier choices into our daily

In conclusion, while it is true that regular consumption of fast food and

processed food can lead to health problems, banning them completely may
not be the best solution. Instead, we should focus on promoting healthier
alternatives, educating individuals about nutrition, and encouraging personal
responsibility and moderation. By making these changes, we can improve our
overall health and well-being without sacrificing our freedom of choice. It is
up to each of us to make informed decisions and prioritize our health by
choosing nutritious options.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For a good life, mental
health is more important than physical health. Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.


The pursuit of a good life encompasses various dimensions, including both

mental and physical well-being. While some argue that mental health is more
important than physical health, I believe that both are equally essential for a
fulfilling and balanced life. In this essay, I will present reasons and examples
to support the notion that a harmonious integration of mental and physical
health is crucial.

Firstly, mental and physical health are interconnected, influencing and

complementing each other. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind.
Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting
sufficient rest and sleep are not only beneficial for physical fitness but also
have positive effects on mental well-being. Exercise releases endorphins,
which promote feelings of happiness and reduce stress. Furthermore, a
physically healthy body allows individuals to participate in daily activities,
pursue their passions, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Similarly, mental health plays a vital role in overall well-being. A sound mind
enables individuals to cope with challenges, maintain healthy relationships,
and find purpose and fulfillment in life. Prioritizing mental health involves
managing stress, seeking support when needed, practicing self-care, and
nurturing positive thought patterns. When individuals have good mental
health, they are more likely to make healthy choices and engage in behaviors
that promote physical well-being. Moreover, the impact of mental and
physical health extends to various aspects of life, including personal
relationships, productivity, and overall happiness. A person struggling with
mental health issues may find it challenging to maintain healthy relationships
and perform well in their personal and professional lives. Similarly, physical
health concerns can limit one's ability to engage in activities they enjoy and
hinder their overall quality of life.

In conclusion, both mental and physical health are integral components of a

good life. They are interconnected and mutually reinforcing, influencing
various aspects of our well-being and daily experiences. Striving for a balance
between mental and physical health is crucial for leading a fulfilling and
meaningful life. By nurturing both aspects of our well-being, we can enhance
our resilience, overall happiness, and ability to face life's challenges with
vigor and vitality.
3. Some people believe that money is the most important factor for achieving
happiness. However, others believe that happiness has nothing to do with
money. Agree or disagree?


The pursuit of happiness has been a topic of much debate, with differing views
on the role of money in achieving true happiness. While some argue that
money is the most important factor, others believe that happiness transcends
financial wealth. In this essay, we will explore why happiness goes beyond
money and provide reasons to support this perspective.

Agreeing with the notion that happiness has nothing to do with money, I
believe that true happiness stems from intrinsic factors rather than material
possessions. Firstly, strong relationships and meaningful connections are vital
sources of happiness. Genuine friendships, love, and support from family
members contribute to our emotional well-being and provide a sense of
belonging and fulfillment that cannot be bought with money.

Moreover, personal growth and self-fulfillment play a significant role in

achieving happiness. Pursuing our passions, discovering our strengths, and
achieving personal goals bring a deep sense of satisfaction and joy. The
process of self-discovery and continuous development leads to a meaningful
and purposeful life, irrespective of financial circumstances.

Additionally, happiness is closely intertwined with our mental and physical

well-being. Good mental health, emotional resilience, and physical vitality
contribute significantly to our overall happiness. Engaging in activities that
promote self-care, practicing mindfulness, and prioritizing our well-being
foster contentment and a positive outlook on life.

Furthermore, experiences and memories hold great value in our pursuit of

happiness. Engaging in meaningful experiences, such as traveling, exploring
new cultures, or simply enjoying quality time with loved ones, creates lasting
memories and a sense of fulfillment. These experiences provide a deeper sense
of happiness that transcends material possessions.

In conclusion, happiness is not solely reliant on monetary wealth. While

money may provide temporary comfort and opportunities, it is the intrinsic
factors that truly bring happiness. Strong relationships, personal growth, well-
being, and meaningful experiences are the key ingredients of a fulfilled and
joyful life. By focusing on these aspects, we can cultivate genuine happiness
irrespective of our financial situations. It is through nurturing our connections,
personal development, and embracing life's precious moments that we find
true and lasting happiness.
4. Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby.
Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Smoking poses risks not only to the smoker but also to those in proximity.
Consequently, a prevalent viewpoint is that smoking should be prohibited in
public places to mitigate these harmful effects. This essay will examine the
extent to which I agree with this perspective, providing reasons and examples
to support my stance.

I strongly agree that smoking should be banned in public places due to the
detrimental impact it has on both smokers and non-smokers. Firstly,
secondhand smoke contains harmful chemicals that can lead to various health
issues, including respiratory problems and cardiovascular diseases. By
implementing a ban, we can protect non-smokers, particularly vulnerable
groups such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with respiratory
conditions, from the dangers of inhaling secondhand smoke.
Moreover, a smoking ban in public places ensures the right to breathe clean
air, which is essential for everyone's well-being. All individuals should have
the opportunity to enjoy public spaces without being subjected to the risks and
discomfort caused by secondhand smoke. By prohibiting smoking in these
areas, we create healthier environments that promote a better quality of life
for everyone.

Furthermore, implementing a ban can have a positive impact on public health

by discouraging smoking and reducing its prevalence. Smoke-free policies
can serve as a catalyst for smokers to quit or reduce their smoking habits. It
also contributes to changing societal norms by discouraging the social
acceptance of smoking, particularly among impressionable individuals such
as young people.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the idea of banning smoking in public

places. Such a prohibition is necessary to protect the health of both smokers
and non-smokers, uphold the right to breathe clean air, and promote healthier
lifestyles. By implementing this ban, we take a significant step toward
creating a safer and healthier society for all.
5. Many people say that the internet is the most important invention ever. Do
you agree or disagree with this and if not, what do you believe to be more


The internet has undeniably transformed the world we live in, revolutionizing
communication, access to information, and various aspects of our daily lives.
While many argue that it is the most important invention ever, I respectfully
disagree. In this essay, I will explain why the internet is indeed a significant
invention, but I believe there are other inventions that hold greater importance.
The internet has undoubtedly had a profound impact on society. It has
connected people globally, facilitated instant communication, and opened up
a vast sea of information. It has transformed businesses, education, and
entertainment, making our lives more convenient and efficient. However, I
believe that there are other inventions that have had an even more significant
impact on humanity.
One such invention is electricity. Electricity powers our homes, industries, and
technological advancements. It is the backbone of modern civilization,
enabling countless innovations and improving our quality of life. Without
electricity, the internet itself would not exist. Therefore, I consider electricity
to be more important than the internet.
Additionally, medical advancements and healthcare innovations hold
tremendous importance. Vaccines, antibiotics, and medical technologies have
saved countless lives and alleviated human suffering. These advancements
have extended our lifespans, improved overall health outcomes, and enhanced
our ability to fight diseases. The impact of these medical inventions on human
well-being cannot be overstated.
While the internet has brought significant benefits, it also poses challenges
such as privacy concerns and digital dependency. These challenges remind us
that the importance of an invention should be evaluated holistically,
considering both its advantages and drawbacks.
In conclusion, while the internet is a remarkable invention that has
transformed the world, I believe that electricity and medical advancements
hold greater importance. Electricity is the foundation of modern life, and
medical innovations have greatly improved human health and well-being. By
acknowledging the broader spectrum of important inventions, we gain a
deeper understanding of the various contributions that have shaped our

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