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A Haunted House

A hunted house is a place that always gives a fearful vibe. Recently, I paid a visit to a haunted
house which is located in Sylhet. The place was full of entertainment because of its eyes caching
outlook, scary things and the moments I have experienced there.
Firstly, the place was very eye-catching as it was very well designed and awful at the same time.
It was a three storied building. The architecture of the building was so well thought. There were
some fancy flower vases where some faded flowers were kept. The furnishers were covered with
white cloths. A gigantic stair was inside the house from which I was not able to take my eyes off.
Everything inside the house were very aesthetic.
Secondly, the place was full of scary things. The house contained lights attached to the every
corner of the house but those were not enough to enlighten the whole house. As a consequence,
the house was pretty dark inside. After entering the house, I could smell something weird. It felt
like a smell of a rotten dead body. It scared me a lot. When I was inhaling or talking to anyone,
the air inside the house was giving me a slightly sour taste maybe because of the suffocating
atmosphere. Everything seemed very sticky while touching. There were so many spiders’ thread
and dusts on every corner of the house.
Thirdly, I experienced some moments that I will not forget ever. When I was walking inside the
house, I saw something huge at the corner of the house. It was growing and running. I rushed
there and found it climbing up the stairs. I thought of going there to see exactly what the thing
was. When I started climbing up the stairs, it began to shake and I got to hear some crackling
sound. At the top of the stairs, the mysterious shadow started roaring. A hissing sound was
coming right after it. I was so afraid that I couldn’t even walk a single step more and I instantly
lost mu consciousness.
To conclude, the haunted house was full of eye-catching and interesting things at the same time.
I have gained a very horrified and unique experience there. Overall, haunted houses gave me
much entertainment. Those who are strong enough and love to do adventures a haunted house is
a perfect place for them to pay a visit.

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