Unit 17 - Incomplete Records

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Marking Rubric

Unit no: 17 Topic: Incomplete records

Able to evaluate and prepare income statements and

statements of financial position from incomplete records by
incorporating adjustments for incomplete records.

Able to assess and calculate sales, purchases, gross profit by

applying the techniques of mark-up, margin and inventory
turnover to arrive at missing figures.

Able to analyse and correct errors by means of journal

entries and comment on the effect of correction of errors
on a statement of financial position.

Able to analyse the disadvantages of not maintaining a full


set of accounting records


Able to state the meaning of statement of affairs.


Able to explain the circumstances in which a statement of

affairs is prepared.

Able to interpret the reason why it is not satisfactory to

measure profit by changes in capital.

Teacher’s Evaluation:

Instructions for students: Please highlight the skills that you have securely achieved in consultation with your
teacher and set a target for yourself.


NYA = Not yet achieved; A = Achieved; A & E = Achieved & Exceeded

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