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Comparison of Pre-test Mean Scores

Table 1 displays the results of the pre-test between two groups: Group 1 and Group 2. The pre-test was conducted to
measure the initial performance of the participants before the intervention or treatment.

Table 1. Groups 1 and 2 pre-test mean scores for Physics Academic Mindsets Scale

Components Groups Mean Std. t-value p-value F

(M) Dev.

Sense of Belonging 1 32.50 2.76 0.44 0.66 .365

2 32.20 2.55

Self-Efficacy 1 35.81 2.02 0.58 0.56 .599

2 35.50 2.19

Individual Mindset 1 22.97 2.55 -0.33 0.74 .665

2 23.17 2.08

Task Relevance 1 22.03 3.56 -0.29 0.77 2.094

2 22.27 2.66

PRE-TEST 1 113.31 4.31 0.17 0.87 .181

(PAMS) 2 113.13 4.26

The table shows the descriptive statistics of different variable for two groups. The variables include are Sense of
Belonging, Self-Efficacy, Individual Mindset, and Task Relevance. The mean scores in Sense of Belonging of Group 1
((M=32.50, SD = 2.76) and Self-Efficacy (M=35.81, SD= 2.02) components are higher compared to Group 2 (M=32.20,
SD=2.55, M=35.50, SD=2.19). But, in Individual Mindset (M=22.97, SD=2.55) and Task Relevance (M=22.03, SD=3.56)
for Group 1 is numerically lower compared to Group 2 (M=23.17, SD=2.08, M=22.27, SD=2.66). However, further
statistical analysis on the PRE-TEST (PAMS) shows p-value of 0.66 in sense of belonging, 0.54 in self-efficacy, 0.74 in
individual mindset, and 0.77 in task relevance, respectively. It means that there’s no significant difference between the
two groups, indicating that the groups are well-comparable before the intervention. The PRE-TEST (PAMS) scores for
both groups are also included in the table, the mean scores for Group 1 (M= 113.31, SD=4.31, t-value=0.165 with a p-
value of 0.866), indicating that there is no significant difference between the pre-test scores of this group. The F- value is
0.181, which suggests that the variance of the scores in Group 1 is not significantly different compared to Group 2. On the
other hand, Group 2 has a mean score of 113.13 with a standard deviation of 4.257. The t-value for the control group is
also 0.165 with a p-value of 0.866, indicating no significant difference between the pre-test scores of this group. The F-
value is 0, indicating that there is no variance between the scores of Group 2. Overall, the pre-test results suggest that the
initial performance of the participants of the two groups were comparable and there is no significant difference.

Comparison of Post-test Mean Scores

Table 2 shows the results of a post-test between the experimental and control groups. The post-test was conducted to
measure the performance of the participants after the intervention or treatment.

Table 2. Groups 1 and 2 post-test mean scores for Physics Academic Mindsets Scale

The table shows the descriptive statistics of different variable for two groups. The components include are Sense of
Belonging, Self-Efficacy, Individual Mindset, and Task Relevance. The mean scores in Sense of Belonging of Group 1
((M=32.91, SD = 2.35) and Self-Efficacy (M=36.50, SD= 2.17) components are higher compared to Group 2 (M=31.90,
SD=2.22, M=35.57, SD=2.13). While, in Individual Mindset (M=24.41, SD=2.26) and Task Relevance (M=22.34,
SD=2.95) for Group 1 is numerically lower compared to Group 2 (M=23.40, SD=2.09, M=22.83, SD=2.91).
Furthermore, results show that the mean scores for Group 1 (M=116.16, SD= 4.356, t-value=2.278 with a p-value of
0.028), indicating that there is a significant difference between the post-test scores compared to the pre-test scores. The
effect size, as measured by Cohen's d, is 0.655 which has a medium effect size. The F-value is 0.003, which suggests that
the variance of the scores in Group 1 is significantly different from that of Group 2. On the other hand, the mean scores
for Group 2 (M=113.70, SD=4.120, t-value= 2.282 with a p-value of 0.028) indicating that there is a significant
difference between the post-test scores compared to the pre-test scores. The effect size, as measured by Cohen's d, is 0.138
which has a small effect size. The F-value is 0, indicating that there is no significant difference in the variance of the
scores between the two groups. Overall, the post-test results suggest that the intervention or treatment has a significant
effect on the performance of both groups. However, the effect size of the Group 1 is medium, indicating a more
substantial improvement in their performance compared to group 2, whose effect size is small.

Components Groups Mean Std. t- p-value Cohen F

(M) Dev. valu ’s
(SD) e d
Sense of 1 32.91 2.35 1.73 0.044 0.44 .175
Belonging 2 31.90 2.22

Self- 1 36.50 2.17 1.71 0.047 0.43 .000

Efficacy 2 35.57 2.13

Individual 1 24.41 2.26 1.82 0.037 0.46 .501

Mindset 2 23.40 2.09

Task 1 22.34 2.95 -0.66 0.257 0.17 .002

Relevance 2 22.83 2.91

POST- 1 116.16 4.36 2.28 0.013 0.58 .003

TEST 2 113.70 4.12

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