Passive Vs Active

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5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet GRAMMARIST 2 W e Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet 'pon? My editor lags every bit of passive voice in all my writing. But why do so many people his blog post, I'l discuss the differences between the two voices and give tips on how to use ‘vexamples to see how each voices used in a sentence. te Voice? ‘when you see a sentence where the subject performs an action. This keeps the sentence active cr in sentences written in the passive voice, the subject receives the action. Active vs. Passive Voice ACTIVE VOICE PASSIVE VOICE The subject ofa sentence takes The subject of a sentence receives action, usually by performing an é “se ‘action or mal Pee ormg et ‘action instead of performing it. EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: She is writing this essay. _ This essay is written by her. — — Subject & Vero Verb & Subject grammar ‘The Purdue Online Writing Lab uses the active and passive voice to show examples ofthe two ways of writing in English. Generally, | consider the active voice style of writing to be more direct and engaging, while the passive voice is more subdued and impersonal. Inactive voice. the sublect ofa sentence takes action. usually by performing an action or making a statement, In this format. the Tn 1s! 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice -Diference, Examples & Worksheet For example: “She is writing this essay" Here, the subject is “she,” the person who i taking action. The verb hereis “is writing, indicating that she is doing something by typing this essay herself. Inpassive voice, on the other hand, the subject ofa sentence receives action instead of performing it Let's tum the previous active voice sentence into 2 passive voice one. It would sound something lke, "This essay is written by her.” So, when should you use the active or passive voice? That depends on your purpose and intended audience. Typically speaking. However, most writers use active voice whenever possible ast tends to be more direct and dynamic than its counterpart. Active and Passive Voice Usage ‘Active voice and passive voice are two different ways of constructing sentences. In general, active voice is used to focus attention on the subject of the sentence, while passive voice puts more emphasis on the object. Active voice is considered more direct and engaging, making it a popular choice among writers, However, there are also times when passive voice is preferable. For example, if| want to make my writing sound more objective or detached, | might use the passive voice. Insome cases, using passive voice can make your writing seem more formal or academic. That's because, in the passive voice, we don’t necessarily care who is doing the action. Afterall, the later is the most important part ofthe idea Examples of Sentences with Active and Passive Voice hips: igrammaristcomigrammariacive-volee-passve-voica! 216 5724123, 11-1 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet ACTIVE VOICE PASSIVE VOICE ‘ The ball was | kicked the ball. kicked (by me). Here are some passive and active sentences to help you understand how to use each in writing. The majority of sentences in fiction are written in active voice, but some genres, and even other kinds of writing, prefer passive. Active Voice Sentences + knew | couldn't hold that bag anymore; it was way too heavy. + Candace didn’t pick up the package yesterday morning. + Candace bought a new laptop. Passive Voice Sentences + The task wasn’t carried out ay the trainees. *+ Your phone was broken by Candace. + The debt was paid + This movie was not well received by the audience. + She will be remembered How Can You Tell Active or Passive Voice? ‘Writing in the active or passive voice can sometimes take time to tell which one you are using. In general, the active voiceis shorter and more straightforward, while the passive voice tends to be longer and more complex. One way to distinguish between the two is, by looking at the subjects of your sentences.! ans 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice -Diference, Examples & Worksheet Additionally, a key characteristic of passive sentences is an auxiliary verb like “was,” indicates that an action has already occurred or will be completed in the future. have been,” or “will ave been.” This often So if you want to write clearly and concisely, it's best to stick with the active voice whenever possible. But if you need to convey a sense of continuity or permanence, switching to the passive voice may help achieve your intended effect. Ler exemplify + The police caried out the mission successfully ‘Thisis the ative voice because the subject ofthe sentence “police” carries out the action + The mission was carried out successfully by the police. Since the subject “police” receives the action "was caried ou" the sentence above is written in passive voice. Should | Use Passive or Active Voice? Itdepends on the context, in my opinion. While active voice isthe better choice, some situations and contexts are better off writen or spoken using passive choice. In certain situations and contexts, passive voice is considered more appropriate than active, One of the most common times to use passive voice is when the speaker or writer wishes to avoid assigning blame or responsibility for an action, as in “Mistakes were made” Inthese cases, a more direct statement such as "Someone robbed the bank on Friday night" might appear accusatory, Additionally, passive voice can be useful when the focus of a sentence needs to remain on the receiving end of an action rather than the doer, such as_n sentences like “The package was delivered today” or “The building was destroyed by fre” Overall, while it can sometimes seem less direct or engaging, there are many situations in which using passive voice is ultimately the best choice “There are many situations and contexts where using active rather than passive voice is best. One such context is when clarity and directness are important. Writing in an active voice will allow you to convey a sense of urgency or significance, especially when presenting new information or sharing a strong opinion. hips: igrammaristcomigrammariacive-volee-passve-voica! ans 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice -Diference, Examples & Worksheet ‘This can be especially useful in presentations, public speeches, and news articles, where itis crucial to quickly draw the reader's attention and keep them engaged. Another context where active voice can be particularly advantageous is when writing on technical subjects that may require more complex vocabulary or detailed explanations. Using more descriptive verbs and nouns in active voice can help make these concepts easier for the reader, allowing them to focus better on the text’s key points. Here are some examples of side-by-side passive voice vs. active voice: + Active voice: Islammed the door shut. + Passive voice: The door was slammed shut (by me) + Active voice: Sarah took the car to the repair shop. + Passive voice: The car was taken to the repair shop (by Sarah) How Do You Change a Sentence from Passive to Active? You can take several steps to change a sentence from passive to active voice. First, you need to identify sentences that are written in passive voice, These sentences will typically use a form of the verb “tobe,” such as, was,’ or have been.” You should also identify the object of the sentence and determine whether it comes before or after the verb, You may want to consider whether the sentence’s subjectis clear and if there isan obvious agent that can be used instead. Once you have identified a passive sentence, you can transform itinto an active one. Typically, this involves rewriting the entire ‘sentence to focus on an agent rather than simply describing an action or event. For example, you might start by removing words like “by” or “with” from your original sentence and replacing them with appropriate pronouns, such as “he” or he” You may want to consider restructuring the sentence to more clearly describe the subject and direct object involved, Let's take a look at some clear examples: + Passive voice: That window was smashed into pieces by those kids next door. + Turned into active voice: The kids next door smashed the window into pieces. ‘And another example: + Passive voice: This proiect can be completed by any DNer. hips: igrammaristcomigrammariacive-volee-passve-voica! 516 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice -Diference, Examples & Worksheet Why Is Active Voice Better Than Passive? ‘There is longstanding debate in the writing community over which voice is better: active or passive, While both have their pros and cons, the overwhelming consensus among writers is that ative voiceis the preferred choice, for several key reasons. First, since active voice emphasizes who is performing an action, itresults in more dynamic and engaging writing, Using active rather than passive voice makes it easier to anticipate what will happen next in apiece of writing. ‘The passive voice is usually considered “luf’ and can lead to confusion. Even so, there are situations where passive voices a better choice. For example, passive voice isa better option ifyou are a journalist reporting a crime and don't know who did it. "A car was stolen downtown last nigh Finally, because active voice uses simpler sentence structures than passive voice, it allows writers to better manage the flow of information and keep their readers engaged. Whether writing fiction or nonfiction, choosing your words carefully and using active rather than passive voice will always produce more powerful and engaging writing Active and Passive Voice Rules “There are two main types of voice in writing: active and passive. Active voice is better when the subject ofa sentence acts, and passive voice is used when the subject of a sentence experiences an action being done to them. In general, itis usually better to use active voice than passive voice. Itis because active voice typically produces clearer, more concise sentences that are easier for readers to understand and engage with, Additionally, sentences written in active voice tend to be more direct and less wordy than those in passive, Because of these benefits, most writing instructors will tell you to always use active voice over passive when possible. However, there are times when the passive voice may be appropriate, particularly if you want to emphasize the object of your sentence or highlight the emotions or feelings experienced by your subject. Final Thoughts Remember that active voice conveys a clear message without adding unnecessary words to your text. However, there are situations. ‘that cal for passive voice use, especially when it’s not important who did the action, but the action itself (or the result) is what matters. [hope helped you understand the difference! hips: igrammaristcomigrammariacive-volee-passve-voica! 6s 5724123, 11-1 0M Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet PASSIVE VS. ACTIVE VOICE WORKSHEET. Download Printabl Explore More search, QQ) RsHow au O8 Oa ow Ow Oe On © Paesvevoice- Urge, FasveVDceSeceerSestPssheolee ——PrapostoneofPlce+ Coordinate and Subjnctve ood- ——_kentibingSublect lees Workeheet_—(thPamablePOF) Checkers ane Defton, amples... Cumlitve Adjective... Osfintion,cramples...._snaPredeatesit Help Us Improve!! m8 5724123, 11-11 0M Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet Please Tell Us iy for some good news?! ans 5724728, 11:14 AM! Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet ons 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet! 1016 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet! nis 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet! 126 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet! 1316 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples & Worksheet! 14115 5724728, 11:14 AM Passive vs. Active Voice -Diference, Examples & Worksheet ist Name malades Subscribe to our newsletter Get grammar tips straight to your inbox hips: igrammaristcomigrammariacive-volee-passve-voica! 19116

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