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Sexual Disorder


SEXUAL DISODERS • Feelings, thoughts and perceptions that cause
• It refers to the difficulty experienced by an sexual problems.
individual or couple during any stage of a normal • Negative feelings for the partner or shame for
sexual activity including physical pleasure, desire, one’s own body,
preferences arousal or orgasm. • Unpleasant events of the past
• Fears and restraints related to sex.
PHASE II EXCITEMENT • May be values and standards that you have
PHASE III ORGASM received in your education
PHASE IV RESOULUTION • Traumatic events or the behavior of the partner
• Stress factors
Phase I. Desire
• Sexual activity occurs in response to verbal, I. GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER
physical and/or visual stimulation • Strong feelings of being born with the wrong
• Sexual fantasies can also bring about these gender.
desires. Incidence
Phase II. Excitement • One out if 11,900 men and one out of 30,400
• This is the phase of sexual arousal and erotic women
• Physiological changes occur Types
1. Transsexualism
Male response: penile tumescence and erection
Female changes: vasocongestion in the pelvis, vaginal • Discomfort regarding one’s anatomic sex and a
feeling that it is inappropriate to one’s perceived
lubrication and expansion, and swelling of the external
• The person will be preoccupied with the wish to
Phase III. Orgasm get rid of one’s genitals and to adopt the sex
• Peaking of sexual pleasure, with release of sexual characteristics of the other sex.
tension and rhythmic contraction of the perennial 2. Gender identity disorder of childhood
muscles and reproductive organs.
• Similar to transsexualism with a very early age of
Women is marked by simultaneous rhythmic contractions onset.
of the uterus, the lower third of the vagina, and the anal
sphincter. 3. Dual role transsexualism

Men a forceful emission of semen occurs in response to • Being sexually aroused by fantasies about
rhythmic spasms of the prostate, seminal vesicle, vas and wearing clothes of the opposite sex.
urethra. 4. Intersexuality
Phase IV. Resolution • The patients have anatomical or physical features
• Creating a sense of general relaxation of the other sex (Turner syndrome, congenital
• Well-being, and muscular relaxation adrenal hypoplasia)
• If orgasm does not occur, resolution may take 2-6
Effects: GID can cause depression and other misery
hours with irritability and discomfort
• Refractory period TREATMENT
1. Transsexual Gender Identity Disorder
Classification of Sexual Disorder • Psychotherapy (Changing the feelings)
I. Gender identity disorder • Sex reassignment surgery, (SRS) (Changing the
II. Psychological and behavioral disorders associated with body)
sexual development and maturation. 2. Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood
III. Paraphilias • Help the child avoid peer ostracism and
IV. Sexual Dysfunctions humiliation, be comfortable with is or her own sex
• Avoid the development of adult gender dysphoria.
• Anomalies of the body MATURATION
• Irritations of the vagina that cause pain when Homosexuality
making love
• Operations on the genitals 1. Obligatory homosexuality

Psychological Factors • Only homosexuality

Sexual Disorder
• No heterosexuality 6. Fetishism – getting sexually arouses by non-living and
generally not sexually arousing objects. (e.g., shoes,
2. preferred homosexuality lingerie, soft fabrics, etc.)
• Predominant homosexuality 7. Transvestites – gets sexually aroused by fantasies
• Occasional homosexuality about wearing clothes of the opposite sex.
3. Bisexuality 8. Exhibitionism – getting sexually aroused by the idea of
• Equal to homosexuality and heterosexuality showing the genitals to an unsuspecting stranger to
achieve orgasm. (Usually a female child or adult)
4. Latent homosexuality
9. Other paraphilia
• Only heterosexuality
• Telephone scatologia – getting sexually aroused
• Fantasies of homosexuality
by fantasies about harming or humiliating others
TREATMENT through the phone.
For seeking a change in sexual orientation • Necrophilia – getting aroused by fantasies about
sexual activities with corpses.
• Behavior therapy, aversion therapy (rarely used), • Partialism – getting aroused by fantasies about
covert sensitization, supportive psychotherapy, certain body parts.
etc. • Zoophilia – getting aroused by fantasies about
For seeking removal of distress only sexual activities with animals.
• Coprophilia – getting aroused by fantasies about
• Antidepressants and benzodiazepines. feces.
• Klismaphilia – getting aroused by fantasies about
Referred by others
injecting liquids via the anus.
• No treatment and treat as early as possible. • Urolagnia – getting aroused by fantasies about
• A paraphilia is a recurring sexually exciting Social consequences
fantasy, impulse or behavior related to non-human • Feelings of shame, contempt or anger towards the
objects e.g., things, fabrics, designs, the suffering person are very frequent.
or humiliation of oneself or the partner, children or
other non-consenting persons. Treatments
1. space can be created for the development of the
Incidence paraphilia
• No statistics available, much more frequently in • In this case patients get tips for getting I contact
men than women. with fellow sufferers and accepting themselves.
These disorders include: 2. On the other hand the paraphilia can be suppressed so
1. Sadism – getting sexually aroused by fantasies about that it occupies a smaller and more controllable place in
doing psychological or physical harm to a victim. This can the life of the person.
mean getting aroused by humiliating another person, who
consents to this, using pain causing material during sexual
contact, for example whisps or chains. The person with
whom there is sexual contact is often a sexual masochist. Biological Treatment
2. Masochism – getting sexually aroused by fantasies 3. Focused on blocking or decreasing the level of
about being humiliated, beaten, tied up or otherwise circulating androgens
tortured. Sadism is getting sexually aroused by incurring
humiliate, beating tying up or otherwise torturing • Testosterone synthesis or block androgen
Sado-Masochism is the combination of sadism and
• It decreases the libido.
masochism in a complementary manner.
Psychoanalytical therapy
3. Voyeurism – getting sexually aroused by fantasies about
secretly watching others permission during sexual 4. Therapist helps the client to identify unresolved conflicts
activities, undressing or being naked. Watching and traumas from early childhood.
pornography not included.
5. Thus, relieving the anxiety that prevents him or her from
4. Pedophilia – getting sexually aroused by a child in pre forming appropriate sexual relationships.
puberty or child younger than 13 years old.
Behavioral Therapy
5. Frotteurism – getting sexually aroused by touching and
rubbing oneself against another non-consenting person 1. Aversion therapy – involve paring noxious stimuli, such
(usually other sex) e.g., crowded place and buses. as electric shocks and bad odors, with the impulse which
then diminishes.
Sexual Disorder
2. Behavioral therapy – includes skills training and by expressed dissatisfaction with sexual
cognitive restructuring in an effort to change the behaviors (e.g., voyeurism, trasvestism)
individual’s maladaptive belief. • Low self esteem related to rejection by peers as
evidenced by difficulty accepting positive
IV. SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS reinforcement; self-negating verbalization;
• Sexual dysfunction is a significant disturbance in inability to form close personal relationships.
the sexual response cycle, which is not due to an • Disturbed personal identity related to parenting
underlying organic cause. patterns that encourage culturally unacceptable
behaviors for assigned gender as evidenced by
Causes statements of desiring o be of the opposite
• This needs certain hormones and the right touch. gender; exhibiting behaviors culturally associated
• Hormonal disorders with the opposite gender.
• Certain medication and depression can block this • Impaired social interaction related to social and
stimulation. culturally unacceptable behaviors evidenced by
peer rejection and identification with members of
Psychological Factors the opposite gender.
• Finding your partner unattractive
• Having negative thoughts about making love
• Recalling unpleasant fantasies about making love
• Negative emotions
• Stress and fears

Social Causes
May be problems between the partners.
• Communication problems (one wants to sleep, the
other feels rejected by this)
• Struggle for power between the partners.

Common Dysfunctions are:

• Frigidity – absence of desire for sexual activity
• Impotence – inability to have or sustain penile
erection till the completion of satisfactory sexual
• Premature ejaculation – ejaculation before the
completion of satisfactory sexual activity for both
• Non-organic vaginismus – an involuntary spasm
of lower 1/3 of vagina interfering with coitus.
• Non – organic dyspareunia – pain in the genital
area of either male or female during coitus.

Both men and women
• There are no standard treatments for a reduced
interest in sex.
• Counseling about reduced desire in stressful
situations like death, unemployment, being
childless, disease of the partner, or stress at work.
• If all sexual interest has disappeared, the
hormonal regulation should be examined.
Other therapies include:
• Psychoanalysis
• Hypnosis
• Group psychotherapy
• Behavior therapy
Nursing Intervention for Client with Sexual Disorder
• Sexual dysfunction related to depression and
conflict in relationship; biological or psychological
contributing factors to the disorder evidenced by
loss of sexual desire or function.
• Ineffective sexuality patterns related to conflicts
with orientation or variant preferences evidenced

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