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College Essay

Itaru Murayana Mr. Heil Computer application 10 August 2011 Table of contents Exploratory Research situations ........................................................................................................... 3 Case studies .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Collage essay Outline I. Introduction II. Research Methods A. Research B. Photo C. Photo shop

Collage essay Raymund Shin 27-8-10 Am Lit College Essay Where are you from? Im from Korea. Korea? You mean Kim Jung Ill Korea? No no South Korea. Whats the difference? Taking a stab at ones identity can be somewhat unbearable; its not just harassing but very frustrating because of the intentions behind the curtain of the offenders mind. I am, however, typically tolerant of such offense. I dont care too much for trivial issues. As long as I am not mentally effected by a statement, I usually never care. One day, however, I was struck. My heart was mortally wounded. One ordinary sunny day, a couple years back, I, a chubby little child, as usual, was spending time surfing on the web out of boredom. With a bank sheet of mind, I saw a link to a video titled, The Top Ten Ugliest Cars in the World. I wasnt particularly into cars at the moment, but I was curious, How ugly can cars actually look? I clicked on the link and soon enough the cars were presented. I was astonished because apparently I did not have to look far from where I was to see the ugliest car in the world. .and finally, the ugliest car in the world: Ssangyong Musso. Ssangyongit is a Korean automotive company. The worst of it all was that I had to agree. In my mind, the description eye-candy was absent.

Collage essay I havent recognized that I possessed pride in my motherland until I was struck with the nation-belittling label. My patriotism was put through torture. For days I could not but ponder on the idea that my country was lacking. I, for the very first time, really hated something; I hated depravity. Our country, due to its heavily industrial background forced by war in the past, lacked the artisans that allow the production of aesthetically disciplined products for the worldwide market. I put this aside my life for a long time. There was just nothing I could do about it, I was just another sheet of paper inn the pile. That was what my young and shallow mind concluded for the while. The older I became, the more I learned about myself. Because I had a tendency to be somewhat of a pessimist as a youngster, as you may have noticed, although some of my friends would argue that I was simply criticizing works, I regularly practiced the art of critiquing. This may very like be a major downfall, however, I found it to be the on contrary for me. I found imperfection was my motivation: motivation to advance. I always tried to figure out how to make things better. This included myself. I was often insecure and unconfident of myself because of my idleness, which was clearly reflected by my grades in school. The problem was that I wasnt the only one seeing this. I was occasionally attenuated in fervent debates by my poor academic achievements. I detested this. I had to change; I need to change. I did this so by, instead of resisting education during summer breaks, I embraced it and made my summers what you might call a catch-up session. In two years I made a couple birdies and was up to par. Drawing, which has been a hobby I practiced during classes ever since

kindergarten, began coming in handy in numerous occasions in school. Drawing was a requirement in numerous projects and homework, it helped me very easily pass a 5

Collage essay required fine arts credit, and it also boosted my confidence because I apparently portrayed a bit of talent. I could not stop. Drawing had significantly increased the value of me as an individual, I became very educated in its field, and it also became a colossal portion of my life. By this time, I knew I was going into the arts. I just didnt exactly know what genre I would settle with. I didnt have a particular appetite for cars. Somehow, I managed to encounter a

popular computer game by the name of Need For Speed. I was absorbed by it. As I played about a half of its entirety I noticed that I wasnt playing for the races. I was playing for the cash prizes that allowed me to tune the cars that I possessed within the game. I had found out that I loved the aesthetics of cars. The conclusion I had made as a young child struck me. I saw the seemingly

random puzzle pieces of my life come together in a single thought: My patriotic sorrow, my critiquing habit, my talent in drawing, and passion for cars. I could make a difference. I could salvage my country from the belittling label. There was no question for me of what path my baby steps for my future career would be--Automotive design.

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