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Definition 1-11 Moreover, a decomposition is unique

although the proof of this fact is too advanced

A, h, and c are integers such that a •
for this discussion. Specifically, a composite
b = c.
number can be expressed as a product of
A and b are called factors or divisors
prime factors in one and only one way,
of c, and c is a multiple of a or b.
except for the order of the factors. Thus 60
Thus, 2, 3, and 5 are factors of 30, as are — can also be expressed as 15-4 = 5 • 3 • 4 = 5
6 or —15. We recall (Problem 4) that an even • 3 • 2 • 2.
integer is any integer which has 2 as a factor
Two integers are called relatively prime or
(or is a multiple of 2).
prime to each other if they contain no
If we define an odd integer to be any integer common prime factors. We shall consider
which is not even, it is possible to express factors again in a more general way in Article
any odd integer as 2k - 1, where k is the 3-5.
integer. The integer —8 is even since —8 = Definition 1.12
2 • —4, while 9 is odd since 9 = 2-4+1
Rational Numbers:
All positive integers except the number one
may be classified as either composite Rational numbers are numbers that can be
numbers or primes. expressed as fractions, where both the
numerator (the top part) and the denominator
A positive integer is called composite if it is
(the bottom part) are whole numbers, and the
different from one and can be expressed as
denominator is not zero. For example,
the product of two or more positive integers,
numbers like 1/2, 3/4, and 5 are rational
which are its factors. In certain cases, some
because they can be written as fractions with
of these factors may be equal.
whole numbers on the top and bottom.
For example, 4, 6, 9, and 12 are composite, Irrational Numbers:
for 4 = 2 • 2, 6 = 3 • 2, 9 = 3-3, and 12 = 3 • 2
• 2. In fact, every even integer greater than 2 Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot
is composite. be expressed as simple fractions. They have
never-ending decimal representations that
A positive integer is called prime if it is
do not repeat in a regular pattern. Examples
different from one and is not composite. In
of irrational numbers include the square root
other words, it can be expressed as a
of 2 (√2), the number π (pi), and the number
product of two positive integers only in the
e. These numbers go on forever without
trivial way in which one factor is itself and the repeating the same digits.
other the integer one.
Decimal Representations:
Examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, and
7. The decomposition of any composite Any rational number can be written as a
number, that is, the expression of such a decimal, which is a number with a decimal
number as a product of prime numbers, is point. Some decimal numbers stop after a
most important. Such a decomposition is certain number of digits (like 1/4, which is
always possible, since each factor which is 0.25), and these are called terminating
composite can be expressed as the product decimals. Others, like 1/3 (which is
of smaller factors, and ultimately the factors 0.3333...), go on forever with a repeating
will all be prime. Thus, 60= 12-5 = 4-3-5 = 2- pattern and are called repeating or periodic
2-3-5. decimals.
Proof of Irrationality: rational numbers are quite handy for math
Proving that a number is irrational means
showing that it cannot be expressed as a 1-6 Equality.
simple fraction. This often involves assuming
We recall the definition which concerned the
the opposite (that it can be expressed as a
equality of two sets. The equality relation in
fraction) and then finding a contradiction. For
general, we shall assume, is reflexive,
example, to prove that √2 is irrational, you
symmetric, and transitive (see Problem 14,
can assume it can be written as a fraction
Article 1-2). Specifically, for all elements a, b,
p/q, where p and q are whole numbers with
and c of F:
no common factors. If you follow the logic,
you'll find that this assumption leads to a Axiom E1. Reflexive property for equality: a
contradiction, showing that √2 cannot be = a.
Axiom E2. Symmetric property for equality: If
Real Numbers: a = b, then b = a.
Real numbers are a bigger set that includes Axiom E3. Transitive property for equality: If
both rational and irrational numbers. Real a = b and b = c, then a = c.
numbers can be represented as decimals,
whether they terminate or go on forever. In addition, we shall assume the addition and
They cover all possible numbers on the multiplication properties.
number line. Axiom E4. Addition property for equality: If a
Usefulness of Rational Numbers: = b and c = d, then a + c = b + d.

Rational numbers are quite useful because Axiom E5. Multiplication property for equality:
they can be involved in mathematical If a = b and c ≠ d, then a * c ≠ b * d.
operations like addition, subtraction, Finally, we shall assume that any quantity
multiplication, and division. They are closed may be substituted in any expression for an
under these operations, which means the equal quantity.
result of these operations with rational
numbers is also a rational number. We do not intend to belabor what is basic to
the idea of equality but rather wish to point
Irrational Approximation: out precisely what assumptions we do make,
Even though irrational numbers cannot be and we shall ordinarily use them henceforth
expressed as simple fractions, we can without specific comment.
approximate them with rational numbers. For There are two main types of equations in
example, the approximation 1.414 is used for mathematics, the identity and the conditional
√2. While not exact, it's close enough for equation. These two have many of the same
many practical purposes. properties but differ in meaning. Let us
So, in simple terms, rational numbers are like distinguish between them.
fractions, while irrational numbers are those Definition 1-13.
with never-ending, non-repeating decimals,
and real numbers encompass both. The An identity is a statement of equality which
proof of irrationality involves assuming the holds true for all permissible values* of the
opposite and finding contradictions, and letters involved.
The permissible values are all those values
for which both sides of the equation are
defined. Each such identity will be denoted
by the symbol =, in order to emphasize its
nature. The following simple examples will
help to clarify the concept.
Illustration 1: x + 2 + 5 - 4 - x = 3 holds for
all values of x.
Illustration 2: x^2 - 4 = (x + 2)(x - 2), where
x^2 represents x times x, holds for all values
of x. This statement may be checked by
substituting any value for x in both sides of
the identity, and it is proved in Article 3-4.
The conditional equation is more commonly
Definition 1-14.
The conditional equation is a statement of
equality which holds true for some but not all
permissible values of the letters involved.
One is usually required to solve such an
equation, that is, to find all possible values
(the solution) for which the equation is true.
Later, we shall discuss the solving of
equations, but now let us consider the
following examples.
Illustration 3: x + 2 = 4 is a conditional
equation since it is true only for x = 2.
Illustration 4: x^2 - 7x + 12 = 0 is a
conditional equation since it is true only for x
= 3 or 4. Any other value substituted for x in
this equation will not satisfy it.
The use of the symbol = for an identity and of
= for a conditional equation emphasizes the
distinction between the two types of

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