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Carnarvon Elementary School

3400 Balaclava St, Vancouver, BC, V6L 2S6

Tel: 604-713-5396

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Your child has shown interest in participating in Cross Country during the 2023 Fall season. Participation in sports
such as Cross Country provides students with opportunities to stay physically active and work on sportsmanship.
Parents and Guardians, please note that students must arrange their own transportation to and from the mini and Dinal
meets offsite. Transportation will not be provided by the school.

While this is an exciting opportunity for our students to participate in athletics, it is very important that our students adhere to
the Carnarvon School Code of Conduct and Athlete Code of Conduct. Please, support your child in meeting these expectations.
Thank you for your support and for encouraging your child to participate in Cross Country this year. We are looking forward to
a great season!

Carnarvon Cross Country Coaches

Time/Location for Mini Meets

All mini meets will begin around 3:30 p.m.
Mini-Meets: All mini-meets will be held at Camosun Park
4102 W 16th Avenue (@ Discovery Street)

• All runners will meet in the gym prior to leaving Carnarvon to ensure they all have a ride to the meet.
• Families are responsible for taking their child/children to and from the mini meets.
• Teachers will not be able to drive your child back to the school after the meets, so it is very important that
arrangements are made to have your child picked up from the meets.
• Please have your child sign out with a Carnarvon Teacher before they leave each meet.

• Practice times are Tuesday after school from 3:10pm-3:40pm and Thursday mornings from 8:10am-
8:40am**First prac+ce will be on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST AT 8:10AM
PRIMARY athletes will run around the gravel field. INTERMEDIATE althletes will run around Carnarvon Park.
**Practices will be held rain or shine, ensure students are dressed for the weather!

Come and cheer us on! It’s great fun!

Mini Meet Dates

Intermediate (Grade 4 to 7) – Tuesday, October 3rd at Camoson Park.

Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3) – Thursday, October 5th at Camoson Park.

Combined grades (K-7) -Wednesday, October 11th at Camoson Park.

District wide race at Trout Lake Thursday, October 19th 1-3pm

NOTE: Students will need to have participated in a mini meet to run in the Dinal district meet.

A separate permission form for the district meet will be sent home closer to the district meet.
1) Students will need to be able to complete the required distance for their age group for safety concerns with running,
not walking the distance.
2) Students will need to wear athletic clothing and runners.

Students will be given jerseys if they want to wear one or they can wear a Carnarvon shirt if they have one, otherwise
please wear athletic clothing with proper running shoes.


Grades 1-3 1000 metres
Grades 4-6 1500 metres
Grade 7 1900 metres

Permission to Participate in Cross-Country

Please return to by Wednesday, September 20th
While school staff will take reasonable steps to prevent injuries to students, some degree of risk is inherent in the
nature of this activity and may occur without fault on the part of the student, school board, its employees or agents, or
the facility where the activity is taking place. By allowing your child to participate in this activity, you are agreeing that
the activity described above is suitable for your child, and that there is a risk of injury associated with the activity.

I _____________________________________ (Name of parent/guardian) give permission for my child to participate in the cross-
country activities described above. I understand that my child may be exposed to a risk of injury due to accident while
participating in this activity.

Student Name: _______________________________________________________ Grade: ________ Division: _______

Parent signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Parent e-mail address: ______________________________________ Phone number: __________________________

Please email contact teachers with any restrictions or limitations which would prevent your child from fully
participating in this trip, or any other special concerns which VSB staff should be aware of surrounding your child.

For more any further inquiries/questions please contact the following teachers:


Ms. Johnson (, Mr. Lerch (

Carnarvon Elementary Athlete Code of Conduct
At Carnarvon Elementary, it is considered to be a privilege to represent our school in an athletic activity. As an
athlete it is important to be prepared and be personally accountable for your actions. Student-athletes are
expected to uphold the following standards:

1. Treat all participants fairly within the context of their activity, regardless of gender, race, sexual
orientation, religion, physical or mental abilities, political belief, or economic status.

2. Embrace the highest ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play. Be modest in victory and
gracious in defeat.

3. Show respect and give courtesy to opponents, ofEicials, volunteers, teammates, spectators, and coaches at
all times.

4. Uphold the rules of the sport, spirit of such rules and encourage other athletes to do the same.

5. Represent yourself, your parents, your school, and your community with proper conduct at all times on or
off the playing Eield/court.

6. Respect other athletes’ dignity and acknowledge that verbal or physical behaviour that constitutes
harassment or abuse are unacceptable.

7. Participate in a manner that ensures the safety of fans, athletes, coaches, and ofEicials also participating in
the game.

8. Accept decisions of ofEicials without dispute.

9. Shall not use the media, social media, or networking forums to criticize or threaten other student-
athletes, coaches, ofEicials, school teams, spectators, administrators, or the school district.

10. Acknowledge that it is a privilege to represent Carnarvon Elementary.

Further consequences and/or suspension, will result in if the student has failed to comply with the
Carnarvon Athlete Code of Conduct.

I have read the Athlete Code of Conduct for Carnarvon Elementary and I understand it. I will honour it and
comply with all the expectations above while at practices and games.
Signature: Date:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________

I have read and discussed the Athlete Code of Conduct for Carnarvon Elementary with my child and I agree to
support the coaches and administration in their enforcement of these rules.
Signature: Date:
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

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