Anainthamadan Pacheri S.N O Issues Needs Activities Expected Impact Village Problem

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N O 1 ISSUES Village Problem The Village has no Community Hall though there are 350 Dalit families residing permanently in the village. NEEDS Multipurpose community hall ACTIVITIES Construction of community hall with the support of the community EXPECTED IMPACT The village would Celebrate marriage function and other feasts without fear. It would increase the income of the village. The village meeting would be conducted in the hall. If natural calamities occur the people residing in huts can find protection in the hall. The people can get sufficient water near by for domestic purpose. Cattle can drink the water and fill its thrust. The mud would not shed on the road. Small children and aged would not fall down The buses would come regularly The people can go to market Agri- products regularly Ground water can be

Though there are 4 water pumps there is water scarcity in the village

Repair of pumps

Repairing of water pumps with the support of people

The road is muddy in rainy season and the vehicles are stopped. The people cannot move from one place to other. Construction of Block wall up to 1000 meter in length. Constructing block wall with the support of the community. 1000 acre X 10 meter

The government schemes do not reach the village from the Panchayat. There is caste discrimination

Separate Panchayat for 1118 people of same community

Campaign Signature Campaign Procession Cycle Rally Demonstration Advocacy

The aggression of the Forest Department in the pond which is used for agriculture

Cease the forest department officials from planting thorn shrubs.

Giving petitions Follow up Campaign

500 acres of land do not get sufficient water for agriculture

Desilt the pond which is near the 500 acres of land

Desilting the pond with the support of the community.

Children The school going children hesitate to go to school every day, as they have no educational aids.

Educational assistance for 250 school going children

Provide educational aids ( pen, pencil, school bag, uniform and note)

preserved. They can elect members for the Panchayat among themselves Live with Dignity. Raise voice for their rights through the Panchayat. There would not be community clash. The pond would be desilted The rain water would be stored in the pond The water can be used for agriculture The pond would be filled with rainwater. The water would be used for agriculture. The agriculture production would be high. The farmers would get good income. There would not be poverty. They can work within the village. The children would regularly go to school. They would do their homework regularly. There would not be complex feeling. The parents would not feel

Men Due to lack of agricultural implements there is reduction in farming. Women There is no job opportunity for Women

Agricultural implements Tailor training cattle.

Provide agricultural implements(plough, axe, scythe) Giving training in tailoring, and provide cow/goat for sangams The women can earn their part for their family There would not be poverty Job opportunity would be available Widow can lead their life without any future fear. They can generate more income. They can generate income by sitting in one place. They would not be a burden for their parents They could plan themselves about their future.

Widow and Destitute Less income

Cow and goat

Provide Cow and goat and create a milk society

Disabled They are unable to do physical work.

Small shop

Provide petty shop necessary things.

PATTINAMARUTHOOR SN ISSUES NEEDS Sufficient drinking water ACTIVITIES Give petitions Follow up Agitation The domestic lights and streetlights do not receive full voltage of current in night. Change the Transformer Give petitions Follow up Strike EXPECTED IMPACT If they get sufficient water They can quench their thirst and others thirst too. They do not want to spend money for water If the transformer is changed The light would burn bright. The children can study in night People can live and move without fear in night

Women There is no job opportunity for Women

Tailor training

Giving training in tailoring, and provide cow/goat for sangams

Men Dalit men work as coolies for Muslims in fishing. After tsunami they have been discriminated by Muslims.

One Vallam and crab net for 27 Dalit men.

Provide crab nets and one Vallam.

Though the men go for fishing every day they find no profit as they have pay the interest for the loan they have borrowed from the money lenders.

Revolving fund

Formation of Sangam and providing revolving fund for sangams.

The women can earn their part for their family There would not be poverty Job opportunity would be available They can live with dignity. They can generate more income for the family. They would not be a bankrupt They can lead a healthy life. They can be relieved from the loan gradually. They can sell the fishes wherever they wish. They can find more profit. The repay of the loan would kindle. Widow can lead their life without any future fear. They can generate more income. They get opportunity to do the occupation They can get permanent income. The can full fill their

Widow and Destitute Less income

Cow and goat

Provide Cow and goat and create a milk society

Head loaded women have no head load implements

Fish basket, balance, weight, knife and revolving fund

Formation of sangam Provide head load materials for sangam. Provide revolving

fund to sangam Involve them in occupation 5 Disability They are unable to do physical work. Small shop Provide petty shop necessary things.

own need They can live with dignity They can generate income by sitting in one place. They would not be a burden for their parents They could plan themselves about their future. Unity among the Dalit and Muslim children. Child will to gather in unity Educational improvement

Children The village has no teacher to take care for the children after the school for both the Muslims and Dalits

Children development Center

Recruit a Mentor Provide pen, pencil, eraser, black board, note, school bag and uniform for school going children.


O 1

Scarcity of Drinking water. The people buy drinking water as rupees 2 per pot.

Sufficient drinking water

Give petitions Follow up Agitation

The saint creates dispute among the people He persuades the people not to believe each other He does not allow the people to perform any village functions With his witchcraft he makes the people to believe in superstition. The roads in the village are full of pits. People have to walk about 1km in this damaged road to board the bus. In night people find it too difficult to walk on the road. There is no community hall for the people to gather together for common purpose.

A cultural program for creating awareness among the people

Conduct cultural program to create awareness among the people and bring an end to the superstitious belief.

Good road without pits

Give petitions Follow up Agitation

Community hall

Construction of the hall with the support of the community.

If they get sufficient water They can quench their thirst and others thirst too. They do not want to spend money for water There would be unity among the people. All the village functions would be celebrated. The superstition would come to an end. If the road is good People can walk without fear in night. Children and aged would not fall in the pit. The hall would give a good protection if there is a natural calamity for those who live in huts. Children could use it as a night study center. Sangams would gather for their meeting Village level meeting would be conducted in the

Men Dalit men work as coolies in the near by villages in fishing. The income is very poor. They borrow money from the boat owners and always remain a bankrupt.

One Vallam and crab net for 45 Dalit men.

Formation of Sangam Register the sangam Provide crab nets and one vallam.

Women There is no job opportunity for Women

Tailor training, Cattle.

Giving training in tailoring, and provide cow/goat for sangams

hall. They can live with dignity. They can generate more income for the family. They would not be a bankrupt They can lead a healthy life. The women can earn their part for their family There would not be poverty Job opportunity would be available

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