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Read the text and answer the question no.1 to no.4


Indonesia is an agricultural country. Most of the people live on farming. In the old days, the
farmers cultivated their field by using hoe,chopping knife,axe and other traditional agricultural
tools,like a harrow carried by bufallo to plough the farm.

Farming todays has different methods in cultivating field. As the raise of modern
technology,farming has its modernization,the scientists have found a tractor to represent
buffalo,and so the other some farming items, such as fertilizer and pestiside.

1. What is mean by agricultural country?

a. Most of people live on farming
b. Most of people live on travelling
c. Most of people live on driving
d. Most of people live on singing
2. What tools are used in farming?
a. Books,pen,and ruler
b. Rice cooker,blender and mixer
c. Soap,detergent and shampoo
d. Axe,hoe and chooping knife
3. What is the antonym of “in the olds days”
a. Tomorrow
b. Todays
c. Yesterday
d. Monday
4. What is fertilizer?
a. Benih
b. Pupuk
c. Racun serangga
d. Rumput
5. Refrigerator- time-the-all-will-fresh-it-so that-in-fruit-the-put-I
Arrange the words above into the correct
a. The refrigerator will fresh in the fruits
b. The fruit put the time in the refrigerator
c. I put the fruits in the refrigerator so that it will fresh all the time
d. I put the refrigerator so that it will the fruit
6. Johan : Hi, Yudi, the weather is cloudy, do you think it will rain soon?
Yudi : I think so, I am .... it will rain soon
a. Sure
b. Not sure
c. Certainty
d. Doubtful
7. Mr. James : If I don’t have certificate showing ownership of property for guarantee, will the
bank lend me some money?
Mr. Roni : I can’t say that for sure
The underlined expression is used to express...
a. Disappointment
b. Uncertainty
c. Disagreement
d. Dislike
8. Maudy : what do you think about Titi? Will she come tonight?
Ayunda : I don’t think she will come
From the dialogue above, we know that....
a. Ayunda feels sure that Titi will come
b. Ayunda feels uncertain that Tit will come
c. Ayunda doesn’t like Titi
d. Ayunda tries to think about Titi
9. Susan : Oh, I have lost my pen, May I borrow yours, Jhon?
Jhon : ... Here you are
a. Of course
b. You are welcome
c. I am sorry
d. No, never
10. Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?
a. Sorry, I’m not sure
b. Sorry, I beg your pardon, Sir
c. Really?
d. Well, that’s all right

Fill in the blank with correct answer for no.11 to no. 14

(11)...... be healthy we should keep our home and school clean. We should sweep and mop
the floors (12).... get rid of dirt. We have to clean our bath tub regularly (13).... mosquitos don’t lay
their eggs there. We should wash the dishes right away after meals (14).... get harmful bacteria.

11. a. So that
b. in order to
c. to
d. in order not to
12. a. So that
b. in order to
c. to
in order not to
13. a. So that
b. In order to
c. to
d. in order not to
14. a. So that
b. in order to
c. to
d. in order not to

Goal : How to make an omellete

Materials : an egg, oil, some salt, chilli, onion, celery

Steps :

a. prepare an egg, breake the egg slowly

b. cut into pieces, chilli, onion, and celery
c. mix the egg, chilli, onion, celery with salt
d. and then stir the egg
e. finally fry it in a frying pan
f. an omellete ready to serve
15. what is the text about?
a. Description text
b. Procedure text
c. Report text
d. Recount text
16. What is the goal of text?
a. How to make a cake
b. How to brake the egg
c. How to make an omellete
d. How to make stir the egg
17. What is the generic structure of text?
a. Step, goal, materials
b. Goal, materials, steps
c. Materials, steps, goal
d. Goal, materials, steps
18. Lina, I am happy for you. ....... on being the champion of the class.
a. Thank you
b. Congratulation
c. Wish me luck
d. Of course
19. I ... you win the first prize. Good luck
a. Hope
b. Congratulation
c. In order to
d. So that
20. ..... on being the champion of the class
a. Hope
b. Congratulation
c. Thank you
d. Of course

1. Write down 2 sentences what to and not to do in the library

2. Write down an expressing of agreement
3. Write down 2 facts available in Label
4. Write down the generic structure of procedure text
5. Write down a simple example of procedure text

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