Fasil Onam Project

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The Onam fes+val, celebrated with great fervor and cultural

significance in the southern Indian state of Kerala, is not only a
+me of joyous fes+vi+es but also a season of dynamic economic
ac+vity. The local market during Onam experiences a
remarkable transforma+on as consumers, businesses, and
ar+sans come together to create a vibrant economic ecosystem.

This market analysis seeks to delve into the mul+faceted

aspects of the Onam local market, providing insights into its
economic impact, consumer behavior, and key sectors that
drive this seasonal phenomenon. As we explore the dynamics
of this unique market, we will uncover how tradi+on, culture,
and commerce harmoniously intersect during the Onam
season, contribu+ng to the economic vitality of Kerala.

In the following sec+ons, we will examine various facets of the

Onam local market, including consumer spending paDerns, the
influence of tradi+on on purchasing decisions, the role of
technology and e-commerce, and the socioeconomic impact on
local businesses and ar+sans. By the end of this analysis,
readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the
economic pulse that beats within the heart of Kerala's Onam

1. Economic impact

• Consumer Spending: Onam drives a surge in consumer

spending, as people purchase new clothes, electronics,
household items, and giMs for family and friends. This increased
spending boosts the local economy.

• Retail Sector: Local retail businesses experience a substan+al

increase in sales, par+cularly clothing stores, electronics shops,
and supermarkets. Many retailers offer special discounts and
promo+ons, which further s+mulate sales.

• Tourism: Onam is a peak tourist season in Kerala. The tourism

industry, including hotels, restaurants, and tour operators,
benefits from the influx of tourists.

• Agriculture: Farmers play a crucial role during Onam by

providing fresh produce for the fes+val, such as fruits,
vegetables, and flowers. This boosts the agricultural sector
• Transporta+on: Public transporta+on and taxi services
experience higher demand as people travel to visit family and

• Online Shopping: The rise of e-commerce has led to an

increase in online shopping during Onam. E-commerce
plaUorms oMen launch special sales, contribu+ng to the growth
of the online retail sector.

2. Price fluctuaAons

• Infla+on: Prices of certain commodi+es may rise due to

increased demand during Onam. This can include clothing,
gold, and consumer electronics.

• Discounts and Offers: On the other hand, many

businesses offer discounts and special deals, par+cularly in
the weeks leading up to Onam, to aDract customers. These
promo+ons can lead to temporary price reduc+ons.

• Fluctua+ons in Food Prices: Prices of food items,

including fruits, vegetables, and spices, can experience
fluctua+ons as demand for ingredients needed to prepare
tradi+onal Onam dishes rises.
3. Costumer behavior
• Pre-Planning: Customers oMen start planning their
purchases well in advance of Onam, taking advantage of
early bird discounts and promo+ons.

• Preference for Tradi+onal Items: During Onam, there is a

strong preference for tradi+onal clothing, jewelry, and
home decor items. Customers tend to favor products that
align with the fes+val's cultural significance.

• Increased Dining Out: Many people prefer dining out

during Onam, leading to a rise in restaurant and hotel
• Online Shopping: The convenience of online shopping
aDracts a growing number of customers during the fes+val
season. They oMen look for exclusive online deals and

• GiM-Giving: The exchange of giMs is a common prac+ce

during Onam, and customers spend +me and effort
selec+ng thoughUul presents for their loved ones.

Onam has a substan+al economic impact on local markets in

Kerala, with increased consumer spending across various
sectors. Price fluctua+ons, both upward and downward, are
common during this period. Customer behavior is influenced by
cultural and tradi+onal preferences, and businesses oMen tailor
their marke+ng strategies to capitalize on this fes+ve season.

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