멀미영 기말

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< Unit 7 >

1. Do you like to spend money or save money? Why?

- I like to spend money.
Because Spending money provides me with various experiences and leisure such as traveling, cultural
activities, and visiting restaurants

2. What are some things you absolutely need?

- Water and food are absolutely necessary to me

a. Why do you absolutely need these things?

- Eating enough food and water gives us the nutrients we need, making our bodies healthy

3. What luxury item do you want very much?

- I want a car

a. Why do you want this item?

- It's easy to move from place to place, and it's good to travel

< Unit 12 >

1. Can you give me two examples of Korean holidays/celebrations?

- Korean holidays include Children's Day and Chuseok.

a. Explain one of them to me. Why do you celebrate it?

- Children's Day is designated on May 5 every year to celebrate children around the world and emphasize
their rights and welfare. It is a special day to deliver socially important messages so that children can
grow up healthy, safe, and happy environments.

2. What is your favorite Korean holiday/celebration?

- My favorite korean holiday is 설날

a. Why is it your favorite holiday/celebration and how do you celebrate it?

What food do you eat?
- It’s because I bow and get New year’s money gift.
The family gathers to visit the grave and bow.
We eat 떡국 and 송편.

3. What is your favorite international holiday/celebration? Christmas? Halloween?

- My favorite international holiday is Halloween.

a. Why is it your favorite holiday/celebration?

- It's because they dress up in funny clothes and exchange candy.

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