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# BBA Events for Ethiopia


add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events
add_namespace = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events
add_namespace = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events


### ## # ## # # ## ### ## ### ### ## # # ### ###

# # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### #### # #### # ## # ## # # ## ### # # # # # ## ###
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### # # ### # # # # ## ### ## # # ## # # ### # #


# Rule Challenged - Civil war outbreak - for fascist or non-aligned

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.t
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.desc_fascism
trigger = {
has_government = fascism
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.desc_neutrality
trigger = {
has_government = neutrality
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.desc_communism
trigger = {
has_government = communism
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.a
trigger = {
has_government = fascism
ai_chance = {
base = 10
# Just to add some umpredictability (and also because if you don't
define a capital, the revolters seem to only ever get one state, which is a bit
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
set_variable = { ROOT.temp_capital = }
start_civil_war = {
ruling_party = ROOT
ideology = neutrality
capital = var:ROOT.temp_capital
size = 0.55
keep_political_leader = no
clear_variable = ROOT.temp_capital

# Ensure enemies also have war with target

random_other_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = ETH
has_government = neutrality
has_war_with = ROOT
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = ROOT
declare_war_on = {
target = PREV
type = annex_everything

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.b
trigger = {
has_government = neutrality
ai_chance = {
base = 10
start_civil_war = {
ruling_party = ROOT
ideology = fascism
size = 0.55
capital = 842
keep_political_leader = no
hidden_effect = {
ETH_promote_ETH_hailu_tekle_haymanot = yes
set_party_name = {
ideology = fascism
long_name = ETH_alternate_fascist_party_long
name = ETH_alternate_fascist_party
# Ensure enemies also have war with target
random_other_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = ETH
has_government = fascism
has_war_with = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
set_party_name = {
ideology = neutrality
long_name = ETH_alternate_neutrality_party_long

name = ETH_alternate_neutrality_party
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = ROOT
declare_war_on = {
target = PREV
type = annex_everything
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.01.c
trigger = {
has_government = communism
ai_chance = {
base = 10
# Just to add some umpredictability (and also because if you don't
define a capital, the revolters seem to only ever get one state, which is a bit
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
set_variable = { ROOT.temp_capital = }
set_popularities = {
communism = 50
fascism = 20
democratic = 10
neutrality = 20
delete_unit_template_and_units = {
division_template = "Red Guards"
set_country_flag = ETH_communist_civil_war
start_civil_war = {
ruling_party = ROOT
ideology = communism
capital = var:ROOT.temp_capital
size = 0.55
keep_political_leader = no
set_party_name = {
ideology = communism
long_name = ETH_communism_party_long
name = ETH_communism_party
set_cosmetic_tag = ethiopia_anarcho_communist
delete_unit_template_and_units = {
division_template = "Black Lions"
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = ROOT
declare_war_on = {
target = PREV
type = annex_everything
clear_variable = ROOT.temp_capital

# Ensure enemies also have war with target


# Country breaking up
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.10
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.10.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.10.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors

# this is fine
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.10.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
for_each_scope_loop = {
array = core_countries
# transfer this state to core holder - if it is within the
original federation
IF = {
limit = {
exists = no # no country should get more than
one state
NOT = { original_tag = ETH }
PREV = { is_core_of = ETH } # Ethiopia keeps
all "colonies", only the ethiopian Nobility that is rising up
transfer_state = PREV
# Ensure countries at war with Ethiopia are also at
war with the new countries
set_country_flag = ETH_broken_free_country_flag
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = ROOT
NOT = { has_country_flag =
ETH_broken_free_country_flag }
declare_war_on = {
target = PREV
type = annex_everything
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_breakup_tt

# This is bad
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.10.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
for_each_scope_loop = {
array = core_countries
# transfer this state to core holder - if it is within the
original federation
IF = {
limit = {
exists = no # no country should get more than
one state
NOT = { original_tag = ROOT }
PREV = { is_core_of = ROOT } # Ethiopia keeps
all "colonies", only the ethiopian Nobility that is rising up
transfer_state = PREV
declare_war_on = {
target = ROOT
type = independence_wargoal
# Ensure countries at war with Ethiopia are also at
war with the new countries
set_country_flag = ETH_broken_free_country_flag
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = ROOT
NOT = { has_country_flag =
ETH_broken_free_country_flag }
declare_war_on = {
target = PREV
type = annex_everything
PREV = {
teleport_armies = {
limit = {
original_tag = ROOT
to_state_array =
# Add some irregulars so that they don't die
IF = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_template = "Chitet Sefari" }
division_template = {
name = "Chitet Sefari"
# division_names_group = ETH_INF_03
is_locked = yes
force_allow_recruiting = yes
# Note: Represents both regular infantry
and militia units
regiments = {
irregular_infantry = { x = 0 y =
0 }
irregular_infantry = { x = 0 y =
1 }
irregular_infantry = { x = 1 y =
0 }
irregular_infantry = { x = 1 y =
1 }
division_cap = 4

PREV = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Chitet Sefari\"
division_template = \"Chitet Sefari\" start_experience_factor = 0.02
start_equipment_factor = 0.75"
owner = PREV
count = 4
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_breakup_fight_tt

#country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.20
# title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.20.t
# desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.20.desc
# is_triggered_only = yes
# picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.20.a
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# add_ideas = ETH_leadership_cult_education
# ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
# }
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.20.b
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# add_ideas = ETH_secular_education
# ETH_BOP_decentralization_small_effect = yes
# }

#country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.21
# title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.21.t
# desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.21.desc
# is_triggered_only = yes
# picture = GFX_report_event_china_ledo_road
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.21.a
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# ETH_BOP_decentralization_large_effect = yes
# every_owned_state = {
# add_building_construction = {
# type = infrastructure
# level = 1
# instant_build = yes
# }
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.21.b
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# ETH_BOP_centralization_large_effect = yes
# every_owned_state = {
# limit = {is_capital = yes}
# add_building_construction = {
# type = infrastructure
# level = 3
# instant_build = yes
# }
# }
# }

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.22
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.22.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.22.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.22.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.22.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#Education Reforms - Communist
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.23
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.23.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.23.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.23.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#Education Reforms - Anarchist
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.24
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.24.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.24.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.24.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Officer Reforms - Centralized

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.25
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.25.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.25.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.25.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_ideas = ETH_political_officers
IF = {
limit = {
NOT = {
OR = {
#TODO_ASD: Unlock support equipment tech?
has_tech = tech_military_police
#has_tech = support_equipment

set_technology = { tech_military_police = 1 }
#set_technology = { #support_equipment = 1 }

# Officer Reforms - Decentralized

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.26
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.26.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.26.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.26.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Safo recalled
unit_leader_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.30
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.30.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.30.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.30.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_balcho_safo = {
set_character_flag = safo_active_flag
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
prioritize = { 837 }
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Sidamo levies\"division_template
= \"Chitet Sefari\" start_experience_factor = 0.06 start_equipment_factor = 1
start_manpower_factor = 1"
owner = ROOT
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = no
count = 1

# BoP random events - trigger
#TODO_TA remove logging
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.50
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.50.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.50.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
hidden = yes
trigger = {
has_any_power_balance = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
immediate = {
# Re-trigger event in like 3 months time
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.50
days = 179 # could be longer if it feels to spammy
random_days = 46 # use a bit here, to make it not feel too
option = { # this one triggers only when not a GIE
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.50.a
trigger = {
is_government_in_exile = no
random_list = {
# Do Nothing
35 = { # this should probably be somewhere between 25% and 50% of
the total weight (before any modifiers)
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
has_war = yes
log = "random event 1"

### Local Initiatives

# Warlord offers to hire mercenaries
15 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war = no
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
ETH_bop_is_mekwanint_influence_or_higher = yes
has_government = communism
has_government = democratic
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.51
hours = 0
random_hours = 8
log = "random event 2"
# Local ruler wants to expand his domain
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
ETH_bop_is_mekwanint_influence_or_higher = yes
has_government = communism
has_government = democratic
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.52
hours = 0
random_hours = 8
log = "random event 3"
# Local ruler wants to expand local arms production
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
ETH_bop_is_mekwanint_influence_or_higher = yes
has_government = communism
has_government = democratic
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.53
hours = 0
random_hours = 8
log = "random event 4"

### Aid needed

# province looks to central government for aid
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
ETH_bop_is_mesafint_influence_or_higher = yes
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54
hours = 0
random_hours = 8
log = "random event 5"
# unfair treatment by local lords
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
ETH_bop_is_mekwanint_influence_or_higher = yes
has_government = communism
has_government = democratic
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.55
hours = 0
random_hours = 8
log = "random event 6"

### Centralization benefits (not as many perhaps, as that side of

the BoP is somewhat better in general)
# Centralization programme pays off
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
ETH_bop_is_mesafint_influence_or_higher = yes
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.56
hours = 0
random_hours = 8
log = "random event 7"

### Other events

option = { # this one triggers only when a GIE - if things should be able to
happen - add them here
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.50.a
trigger = {
is_government_in_exile = yes
random_list = {
# Do Nothing
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
has_war = yes
log = "random event GIE 1"

# Warlord offers to hire mercenaries

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.51
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.51.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.51.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
# Don't show this event if no valid state exists
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
is_capital = no
is_core_of = ROOT
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
immediate = {
# get a random controlled state
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_capital = no
set_variable = { ROOT.ETH_bop_state = THIS }

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.51.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

ETH_BOP_decentralization_small_effect = yes
# in selected state:
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Chitet Sefari\"
start_experience_factor = 0.01 start_equipment_factor = 1 start_manpower_factor =
owner = ROOT
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = no
count = 1
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = 1 } # for logging
for now
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.51.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
add_political_power = 25
add_command_power = 15

# Local ruler wants to expand local industry

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.52
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.52.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.52.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
is_capital = no
is_core_of = ROOT
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
free_building_slots = {
building = arms_factory
size > 1
include_locked = yes

immediate = {
# get a random controlled state with building slots available
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_capital = no
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
free_building_slots = {
building = arms_factory
size > 1
include_locked = yes

set_variable = { ROOT.ETH_bop_state = THIS }
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.52.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_decentralization_small_effect = yes
add_stability = -0.05
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
add_building_construction = {
type = industrial_complex
level = 1
instant_build = yes
add_extra_state_shared_building_slots = 1
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = 1 } # for logging
for now
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.52.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
add_political_power = 50
add_popularity = {
ideology = ROOT
popularity = -0.05

# Local ruler wants to expand local arms production

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.53
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.53.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.53.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
is_capital = no
is_core_of = ROOT
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
free_building_slots = {
building = arms_factory
size > 1
include_locked = yes

immediate = {
# get a random controlled state with building slots available
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_capital = no
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
free_building_slots = {
building = arms_factory
size > 1
include_locked = yes

set_variable = { ROOT.ETH_bop_state = THIS }
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.53.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_decentralization_small_effect = yes
add_stability = -0.05
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
add_building_construction = {
type = arms_factory
level = 1
instant_build = yes
add_extra_state_shared_building_slots = 1
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = 1 } # for logging
for now
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.53.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
add_command_power = 50
add_stability = 0.05
add_war_support = -0.02

# Province looks to central government for aid

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
is_capital = no
is_core_of = ROOT
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
immediate = {
# get a random controlled state
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_capital = no
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
set_variable = { ROOT.ETH_bop_state = THIS }
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_truck
# We need to make a major effort
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
add_political_power = -150
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_investments_in_state_tt
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = -1 } # for logging
for now
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_development_production_speed = 0.05
add_to_variable =
{ ETH_state_development_local_building_slots_factor = 0.05 }
# There's not much we can do about it
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_decentralization_small_effect = yes
add_stability = -0.05
add_war_support = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = ROOT
popularity = -0.05
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_decline_in_state_tt
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = 1 } # for logging
for now
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_development_production_speed = -
0.05 }
add_to_variable =
{ ETH_state_development_local_building_slots_factor = -0.05 }
# Delegate to local authorities
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.54.c
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_decentralization_large_effect = yes

# unfair treatment by local lords

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.55
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.55.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.55.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
is_capital = no
is_core_of = ROOT
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
immediate = {
# get a random controlled state
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_capital = no
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
set_variable = { ROOT.ETH_bop_state = THIS }
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament
# We should make an example out of this
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.55.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
add_political_power = 50
add_stability = -0.02
# It is not our business to interfere
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.55.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_decentralization_small_effect = yes
add_stability = 0.02
add_political_power = -50
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = 1 } # for logging
for now

# Centralization programme pays off

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.56
title = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.56.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.56.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
is_capital = no
is_core_of = ROOT
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
immediate = {
# get a random controlled state
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_capital = no
state_is_fully_controlled_by_ROOT_or_subject = yes
set_variable = { ROOT.ETH_bop_state = THIS }
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_train
# This proves that we are doing the right thing
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.56.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_BOP_centralization_small_effect = yes
add_political_power = 50
add_stability = 0.02
# Let's re-invest in the state
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_balance_of_power_events.56.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
var:ROOT.ETH_bop_state = {
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = -1 } # for logging
for now
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_investments_in_state_tt
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_independence = -1 } # for logging
for now
add_to_variable = { ETH_state_development_production_speed = 0.05


### # # ### # ### ### # # ### # # ### ##

# # # # # # # # # # ## # # #
## # # # ## ## # # ## # ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### # # ### ### ### ### # ### # # # ##


# Event for Host nation when Ethiopia is ready

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.01
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.01.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.01.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
immediate = {
# Get occupier country - just to ensure it actually is Italy - things
may have happened...
hidden_effect = {
IF = {
limit = {
ETH = {
any_owned_state = { is_controlled_by = ITA }
set_variable = { ETH.ETH_occupier_country = ITA}
ELSE = {
random_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = ETH
ETH = {
any_owned_state = { is_controlled_by =
set_variable = { ETH.ETH_occupier_country = THIS }

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.01.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
# Give wargoal if not already at war
IF = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_war_with = ETH.ETH_occupier_country }
create_wargoal = {
type = liberate_wargoal
target = ETH.ETH_occupier_country
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_can_call_allies_tt
# No need to actually set the global Flag, this is already done in the
focus, so just notify Host


# Notification event to ITA about the patriots

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.02
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.02.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.02.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.02.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Notification event to ITA about the Black Lions

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.03
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.03.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.03.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
# picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchists2 #TODO_TA set correct image

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.03.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Notification event to RAJ about Wingate being sent to Ethiopia

#TODO_TA DO recall decision
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.04
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.04.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.04.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.04.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
RAJ_orde_wingate = {
set_nationality = ETH

# Notification event to ETH about Wingate being sent to Burma

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.05
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.05.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.05.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_british_inspect_troops

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.05.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
RAJ_orde_wingate = {
set_nationality = RAJ


# Event to the UK asking
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.06
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.06.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.06.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.06.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.07
days = 3
random_days = 5
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.06.b
ai_chance = {
base = 1
add_political_power = -50
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.08
days = 3
random_days = 5
# Ethiopia: Uk say yes
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.07
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.07.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.07.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.07.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ROOT = { add_state_claim = 550 }
add_to_array = { ETH_promised_states_array = 550 }
550 = {
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier

# Ethiopia: Uk say no
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.08
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.08.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.08.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.08.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10


# Event to the UK asking for Control of all Somali states
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.10
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.10.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.10.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

# Brilliant Idea
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.10.a
# Do we own any Somali state?
trigger = {
any_state = {
is_core_of = SOM
is_owned_by = ROOT
ai_chance = {
base = 4
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.11
days = 3
random_days = 5
effect_tooltip = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = SOM
set_state_owner_to = FROM
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = SOM
OWNER = { has_war_with = ROOT }
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier
FROM = { add_state_claim = PREV }

# yes, they can have the enemy's states
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.10.b
trigger = {
# Is Ethiopia at war with anyone owning Somali states
any_state = {
is_core_of = SOM
any_country = {
has_war_with = ETH
PREV = { is_owned_by = PREV }
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.12
days = 3
random_days = 5
effect_tooltip = {
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = SOM
OWNER = { has_war_with = ROOT }
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier
FROM = { add_state_claim = PREV }

# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.10.c
ai_chance = {
base = 2
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.13
days = 3
random_days = 5

# Ethiopia: Uk say yes to Somali overlordship

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.11
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.11.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.11.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.11.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
every_state = {
limit = {
is_owned_by = FROM
is_core_of = SOM
# set_state_owner_to = ROOT
IF = {
limit = {
is_fully_controlled_by = FROM
ROOT = { is_government_in_exile = no }
ROOT = { transfer_state = PREV }
ELSE = {
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier
ROOT = {
add_state_claim = PREV
add_to_array = { ETH_promised_states_array = PREV }
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = SOM
OWNER = { has_war_with = ROOT }
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier
ROOT = {
add_state_claim = PREV
add_to_array = { ETH_promised_states_array = PREV }
# Ethiopia: Uk say yes to handing over enemy Somali states
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.12
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.12.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.12.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.12.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = SOM
OWNER = { has_war_with = ROOT }
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier
ROOT = {
add_state_claim = PREV
add_to_array = { ETH_promised_states_array = PREV }

# Ethiopia: Uk say no to handing over enemy Somali states

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.13
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.13.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.13.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.13.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10


# Event to the UK asking state = 454
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.14
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.14.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.14.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Odd request, but sure

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.14.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.15
days = 3
random_days = 5
# Wait, what? No!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.14.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.16
days = 3
random_days = 5

# Ethiopia, the Uk agrees

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.15
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.15.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.15.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.15.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
454 = {
IF = {
limit = {
is_fully_controlled_by = FROM
ROOT = { is_government_in_exile = no }
ROOT = { transfer_state = PREV }
ELSE = {
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier
ROOT = {
add_state_claim = PREV
add_to_array = { ETH_promised_states_array = PREV }
# Ethiopia, the Uk refuses
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.16
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.16.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.16.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.16.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#TODO_TA add opinion modifiers

# JAPAN - Navy promises

# For japan - Hirohito has promised ships
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_destroyers

# They can have a few destroyers

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
has_navy_size = {
unit = destroyer
size > 10
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_destroyers_tt
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.18
hours = 2
random_hours = 4
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
has_navy_size = {
unit = destroyer
size > 10
has_navy_size = {
unit = heavy_cruiser
size > 5
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cruiser_tt
transfer_ship = {
type = heavy_cruiser
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
target = ETH
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.19
hours = 2
random_hours = 4

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17.c
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
has_navy_size = {
archetype = ship_hull_heavy
size > 5
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_battleship_tt
transfer_ship = {
type = battleship
target = ETH
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.20
hours = 2
random_hours = 4
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.17.d
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
has_navy_size = {
archetype = ship_hull_heavy
size < 6
has_navy_size = {
unit = destroyer
size < 11
ETH = {
add_tech_bonus = {
bonus = 0.5
uses = 3
category = dd_tech
category = cl_tech
category = ca_tech
category = bb_tech
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.21
hours = 2
random_hours = 4

# Ethiopia, destroyers
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.18
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.18.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.18.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_destroyers

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.18.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#TODO_TA add opinion modifiers
# Ethiopia, cruisers
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.19
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.19.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.19.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_usa_heavy_cruiser

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.19.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Ethiopia, Battleship
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.20
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.20.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.20.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_reply

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.20.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Ethiopia, tech
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.21
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.21.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.21.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_reply

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.21.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# For Japan - Hirohito gives Haile Selassie an island

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_reply
immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_island_state = yes
NOT = { is_core_of = JAP }
is_fully_controlled_by = JAP

set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS }

# Palau
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
647 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }
647 = { set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS } }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { transfer_state = 647 }
ROOT = { puppet = FROM }
ROOT = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = FROM
enemy = ITA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23
days = 3
# Taiwan
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
524 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }

524 = { set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS } }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { transfer_state = 524 }
ROOT = { puppet = FROM }
ROOT = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = FROM
enemy = ITA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23
days = 3
# Madagaskar is an island, right?
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.c
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
543 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }

543 = { set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS } }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { transfer_state = 543 }
ROOT = { puppet = FROM }
ROOT = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = FROM
enemy = ITA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join

FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23
days = 3
# Something smaller
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.d
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
543 = { NOT = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT } }
422 = { NOT = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT } }
281 = { NOT = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT } }
709 = { NOT = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT } }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { transfer_state = ETH.japanese_island }
ROOT = { puppet = FROM }
ROOT = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = FROM
enemy = ITA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23
days = 3
# A brittish island will do fine
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.22.e
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
OR = {
422 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }
281 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }
709 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }

IF = {
limit = { 422 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT } }
422 = { set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS } }
limit = { 281 = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT } }
281 = { set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS } }
ELSE = {
709 = { set_variable = { ETH.japanese_island = THIS } }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { transfer_state = ETH.japanese_island }
ROOT = { puppet = FROM }
ROOT = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = FROM
enemy = ITA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23
days = 3

# For Ethiopia
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.23.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ROOT = { transfer_state = ETH.japanese_island }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { puppet = ROOT }
FROM = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = ROOT
enemy = ITA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
hidden_effect = {
set_temp_variable = { temp_neutrality =
set_temp_variable = { temp_fascism =
set_temp_variable = { temp_democratic =
set_temp_variable = { temp_communism =

JAP = { puppet = ROOT }

ROOT = {
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
set_popularities = {
democratic = temp_democratic
neutrality = temp_neutrality
communism = temp_communism
fascism = temp_fascism

### An Arabic base

# For Japan
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.24
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.24.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.24.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.24.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
every_state = {
limit = {
has_dynamic_modifier = { modifier =
ETH_arranged_expansion_modifier }
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_transfer_states_tt



# For Sweden - Ethiopia suggests that we join a faction
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.30
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.30.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.30.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference

# we can put our neutrality to side

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.30.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
any_country = {
is_faction_leader = yes
NOT = { has_war_with = ROOT }
has_war_with = ITA
NOT = {
any_allied_country = {
has_war_with = ROOT
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_faction_leader = yes
has_war_with = ITA
NOT = { has_war_with = ROOT }
NOT = {
any_allied_country = {
has_war_with = ROOT
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.32
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
# no
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.30.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.31
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
# For Ethiopia - Sweden says no
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.31
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.31.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.31.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference

# At least we tried
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.31.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# For Faction leader - joint request from Sweden and Ethiopia

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.32
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.32.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.32.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference

# good idea
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.32.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_to_faction = FROM
add_to_faction = FROM.FROM
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.34
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.34
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
# no
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.32.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.33
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.33
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Sweden and Ethiopia - Faction Leader says no

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.33
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.33.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.33.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference

# At least we tried
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.33.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
# For Sweden and Ethiopia - Faction Leader says yes
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.34
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.34.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.34.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
# At least we tried
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.34.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# For Germany, Ethiopia Requests Mendiation
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.40
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.40.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.40.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_military_planning
immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
# just in case the Ethiopia asking for protection is no longer
tag = ETH
set_variable = { global.ETH_peace_country = FROM }

# Italy Should Back Off

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.40.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ITA = { set_country_flag = ITA_back_off_flag }
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# Italy Need some kind of Compenstation

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.40.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ITA = { set_country_flag = ITA_offered_compensation_flag }
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# We should redraw the map

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.40.c
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ITA = { set_country_flag = ITA_redraw_map_flag }
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Italy - German Mediation

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.t
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.desc_back_off
trigger = {
has_country_flag = ITA_back_off_flag
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.desc_offered_compensation
trigger = {
has_country_flag = ITA_offered_compensation_flag
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.desc_redraw_map
trigger = {
has_country_flag = ITA_redraw_map_flag
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

# It's probably for the best

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.48
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# If we get something more

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = ITA_redraw_map_flag }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.42
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# No, no, and also no

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.41.c
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.47
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Germany, Italy wants more

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.42
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.42.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.42.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

# Ok, then.
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.42.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#TODO_TA Add points to the Peace conference score
FROM = { set_country_flag = ITA_gets_more_flag }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.43
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# They need to learn to follow orders!

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.42.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ROOT = {
create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = FROM
var:global.ETH_peace_country = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.46
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.44
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Italy, Germany wants to give us more.

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.43
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.43.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.43.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

# Ok, then.
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.43.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.48
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Italy, Germany refuses

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.44
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.44.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.44.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_hitler_parade

# oops
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.44.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# For Ethiopia, German Mediation succeeds

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45.t
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45.desc_white_peace
trigger = {
ITA = {
has_country_flag = ITA_back_off_flag
NOT = { has_country_flag = ITA_gets_more_flag }
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45.desc_redraw_map
trigger = {
ITA = {
has_country_flag = ITA_redraw_map_flag
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45.desc_cede_territory
trigger = {
ITA = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = ITA_gets_more_flag
has_country_flag = ITA_offered_compensation_flag
NOT = { has_country_flag = ITA_redraw_map_flag }

is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_handshake

# That's great! I think......

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Germany wants to dictate conditions

IF = {
limit = {
ITA = { has_country_flag = ITA_redraw_map_flag }
IF = {
limit = { 550 = { is_owned_by = ITA } }
ROOT = { transfer_state = 550 }
IF = {
limit = { 835 = { is_owned_by = ROOT } }
ITA = { transfer_state = 835 }
IF = {
limit = { 836 = { is_owned_by = ROOT } }
ITA = { transfer_state = 836 }
IF = {
limit = { 837 = { is_owned_by = ROOT } }
ITA = { transfer_state = 837 }
# italy gets to pick something
ELSE = {
- for now random state transfer"
IF = {
limit = {
ITA = { has_country_flag =
ITA_offered_compensation_flag }
random_state = {
limit = {
is_owned_by = ETH
any_neighbor_state = {
owner = {
OR = {
original_tag = ITA
is_subject_of = ITA
transfer_state_to = ITA
IF = {
limit = {
ITA = { has_country_flag = ITA_gets_more_flag }
random_state = {
limit = {
is_owned_by = ETH
any_neighbor_state = {
owner = {
OR = {
original_tag = ITA
is_subject_of = ITA
transfer_state_to = ITA
ROOT = {
white_peace = ITA
clear_variable = global.ETH_peace_country

# For Ethiopia, German Mediation fails

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.46
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.46.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.46.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_hitler_parade

# What the?
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.46.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
clear_variable = global.ETH_peace_country

# For Germany, Italy refuses

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.47
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.47.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.47.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_hitler_parade

# Du är dumdålig!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.47.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ROOT = {
create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = FROM
var:global.ETH_peace_country = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.46
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Germany, Italy accepts

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.48
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.48.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.48.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_handshake

# peace in our time!

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.48.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
var:global.ETH_peace_country = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.45
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# False Flag operation

# For Germany, Italians appear to attack
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.50
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.50.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.50.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_german_volunteers

# Oh
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.50.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ITA
modifier = ETH_false_flag_border_incident

# For Italy - incident on the German Border

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.51
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.51.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.51.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_german_volunteers

# That wasn't really us, was it?

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.51.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = ETH_false_flag_border_incident

#Lavish party over

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.52
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.52.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.52.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.52.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#Lobby Support
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.53
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.53.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.53.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rally_3

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.53.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.54
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.54.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.54.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.54.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.55
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.55.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.55.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_army

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.55.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.56
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.56.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.56.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_bombers

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.56.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.57
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.57.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.57.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_sailors_in_working_rig

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.57.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.58
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.58.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.58.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.58.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#Support Equipment
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.59
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.59.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.59.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.59.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.60
title = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.60.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.60.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_lend_lease

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_exile_events.60.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10


### # # ### ### ### ### ## # ### # # ### # # ### ##

# ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # #
# # # # ### ## ### # #### # ## # # ## # ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### # # # ### # # ### # # ### ### # ### # # # ##

# Event to owner of Djibouti, asking for Purchase

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.1
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.1.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.1.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# We need the money

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.1.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
# We like them!
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 50
# France needs the money to arm
modifier = {
factor = 2
tag = FRA
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
GER = { has_government = fascism }
effect_tooltip = {
ETH = { transfer_state = 268 }
add_timed_idea = {
idea = ETH_djibouti_sale_idea
days = 730
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.2
hours = 4
random_hours = 12
# Nope
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.1.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
# We won't say no if we need to buy weapons
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war = yes
# Non-authoritarian governments less likely to say no
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
OR = {
has_government = democratic
has_government = communism
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.3
hours = 4
random_hours = 12

# To Ethiopia, we get Djibouti

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.2
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.2.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.2.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.2.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_timed_idea = {
idea = ETH_djibouti_purchase_idea
days = 730
IF = {
limit = {
268 = { is_fully_controlled_by = FROM } # Don't change
control if someone else controls it, in case they are at war with Ethiopia too
ROOT = { transfer_state = 268 }
ELSE = {
268 = { set_state_owner_to = ROOT }

# To Ethiopia, they refuse

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.3
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.3.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.3.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Sad
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.3.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Rastafarian events
# To owner of jamaica asking for state
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.4
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.4.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.4.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# weird, but why not

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.4.a
trigger = {
OR = {
689 = { NOT = { is_core_of = ROOT } }
any_owned_state = {
NOT = { state = 689 }
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_in_faction_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war_with = FROM
effect_tooltip = { FROM = { transfer_state = 689 } }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.5
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# We'll join
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.4.b
trigger = {
689 = { is_core_of = ROOT }
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war_with = FROM
effect_tooltip = { FROM = { transfer_state = 689 } }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.5
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.4.c
ai_chance = {
base = 1
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.6
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# To Ethiopia, they will give us jamaica

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.5
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.5.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.5.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# cool
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.5.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ROOT = { transfer_state = 689 }

# To Ethiopia, they refuse to give us jamaica

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.6
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.6.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.6.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Angy
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.6.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
create_wargoal = {
type = take_claimed_state
target = FROM
generator = { 689 }

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.7
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.7.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.7.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
immediate = {
# Set negative opinion modifier
set_variable = { inverse_opinion = ROOT.opinion@FROM }
multiply_variable = { inverse_opinion = -1}

# Yes, I suppose
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.7.a

ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = ROOT.opinion@FROM
always = yes
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
is_in_faction_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_war_with = FROM
is_faction_leader = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.8
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { puppet = ROOT }

# NO
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.7.b
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = inverse_opinion
always = yes
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.9
hours = 4
random_hours = 8
clear_variable = inverse_opinion

# To Ethiopia, they will join

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.8
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.8.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.8.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# cool
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.8.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
puppet = FROM

# To Ethiopia, they refuse to join

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.9
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.9.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.9.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Ah well
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.9.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# To Aussa, demanding annexation

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.10
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.10.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.10.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Accept
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.10.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.12
hours = 12
# Refuse
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.10.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.11
hours = 12

# To Ethiopia, Aussa refuse to be annexed

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.11
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.11.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.11.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Get war goal

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.11.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
create_wargoal = {
type = take_core_state
target = FROM
generator = { 908 }
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.11.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0

# To Ethiopia, Aussa agree to be annexed

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.12
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.12.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.12.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

# Great
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.12.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
annex_country = {
target = FROM
transfer_troops = no

# Democratic Coup
unit_leader_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.20
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.20.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.20.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

# He will make a great leader

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.20.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
elections_allowed = yes
add_stability = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.05
# It is better to keep the monarchy, on paper
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.20.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH_amha_selassie = {
add_country_leader_role = {
promote_leader = yes
country_leader = {
ideology = conservatism
expire = "1965.1.1.1"
traits = { king_of_ethiopia }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
elections_allowed = yes
add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 0.15
hidden_effect = { set_cosmetic_tag = ETH_ethiopian_federation }

# To Ethiopia, they refuse

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.21
title = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.21.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.21.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors

# Ok
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_imperial_events.21.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_imperial_event_21_tt


# # ### # ### ### ## ### # # ## # # ### ### ### ## # #

## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #### ### # #### # ## # # # ## # ####
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # ### ### ### # # # # # # # # # # ### # ### ## # #

# Class of 36
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1
title = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1.t
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1_war.desc
trigger = {
has_war = yes
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1_peace.desc
trigger = {
has_war = no
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_chinese_army_training

# Offense
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
IF = {
limit = { has_dlc = "No Step Back" }
add_ideas = bold_attack_spirit
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_ecole_attack_tt # Tooltip for Effect in
Dynamic Modifier
add_to_variable =
{ ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_attack_factor = 0.1 } #
add_to_variable =
{ ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_attack_factor = 0.1 } #
ETH_improve_army_spirit_effect = yes
# Defense
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5
IF = {
limit = { has_dlc = "No Step Back" }
add_ideas = tenacious_defense_spirit
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_ecole_defense_tt # Tooltip for Effect in
Dynamic Modifier
add_to_variable = { ETH_army_army_defence_factor = 0.05 } #
ETH_improve_army_spirit_effect = yes
# Other
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_military_and_tech_events.1.c
ai_chance = {
base = 0
IF = {
limit = { has_dlc = "No Step Back" }
add_ideas = meticulous_preparation_spirit
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_ecole_learn_tt # Tooltip for Effect in
Dynamic Modifier
add_to_variable = { ETH_army_experience_gain_army_factor = 0.05 } #
ETH_improve_army_spirit_effect = yes


## # # ### ### ## ## # ## # # ### ## # ### ## # #

# # ## # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # ## ##
#### # ## # # ## # # # # # # # ## # #### # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # ### ## ## ### ## # # ### # # ### ### ## # #


# Hidden event for IND WAR country to dispatch intervention event to opponent
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.1
title = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.1.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.1.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
hidden = yes

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.1.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
var:previous_overlord = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.2
hours = 1 # For testing
set_variable = { global.african_revolt_country = ROOT } # This country
set_variable = { global.african_supporting_country = FROM } #
Instigator (Ethiopia in standard case)
set_variable = { global.african_colonial_country =
var:previous_overlord }

# Colonial Power: Ethiopia demands cease fire

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.2
title = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.2.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.2.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

# yes we should give this thing up

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.2.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
trigger = {
NOT = { has_war_with = var:global.african_supporting_country }
var:global.african_revolt_country = { exists = yes } # Country
has not been destroyed in the meantime
IF = {
limit = { var:global.african_revolt_country = { exists = yes }}
var:global.african_revolt_country = { # Former Colony
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.3
hours = 2 # For testing
ELSE = { # just an emergency back up
var:global.african_supporting_country = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4
hours = 2 # For testing

# no we refuse
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.2.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
var:global.african_supporting_country = { # Ethiopia in this case
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4
hours = 2 # For testing
# For former colony: Freedom
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.3
title = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.3.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.3.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.3.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
var:global.african_supporting_country = { # Ethiopia in this case
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.6
hours = 1 # For testing
white_peace = FROM # Colonial Power
every_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
has_war_with = ROOT
white_peace = ROOT
# Join Ethiopia's faction if they have any
IF = {
limit = {
var:global.african_supporting_country = { is_faction_leader
= yes }
ROOT = { is_in_faction = no }
var:global.african_supporting_country = { add_to_faction = ROOT }
# For Ethiopia: Colonial Power Refuses
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4
title = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_soldiers_marching

# Too bad
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_war_support = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = ROOT
popularity = -0.05
ETH = {
clr_country_flag = ETH_currently_demanding_peace_flag
clear_variable = global.african_revolt_country
clear_variable = global.african_supporting_country
clear_variable = global.african_colonial_country

# Declare War
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_war_support = 0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = ROOT
popularity = 0.05
declare_war_on = {
target = FROM
type = liberate_wargoal
IF = {
limit = {
ROOT = { is_faction_leader = yes }
var:global.african_revolt_country = { is_in_faction = no }
add_to_faction = var:global.african_revolt_country
var:global.african_revolt_country = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.5
hours = 1


# Fomer Colony: Ethiopia joins war

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.5
title = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.5.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.5.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_generic_battle

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.5.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH = {
clr_country_flag = ETH_currently_demanding_peace_flag
clear_variable = global.african_revolt_country
clear_variable = global.african_supporting_country
clear_variable = global.african_colonial_country

# Ethiopia: Colony is liberated

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.6
title = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.6.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.6.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.6.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH = {
clr_country_flag = ETH_currently_demanding_peace_flag
clear_variable = global.african_revolt_country
clear_variable = global.african_supporting_country
clear_variable = global.african_colonial_country


### # # ### # # ## ### ### ### ## # ### # # ### # # ### ##

# ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # #
# # ## # # # # # # ### # #### # ## # # ## # ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### # # ### ## ## # # # ### # # ### ### # ### # # # ##


country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.1
title = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.1.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.1.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
# picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchists2 #TODO_TA set correct image
hidden = yes

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.1.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
IF = {
limit = { ETH_bop_is_mesafint_influence_or_higher = yes }
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
all_owned_state = { has_state_flag =
ETH_state_grown_flag }
log = "random 1: State Grows"
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
ETH_state_grown_flag }
set_variable = {
ETH.ETH_local_state = THIS
activate_mission =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
all_owned_state = {
OR = {
has_state_flag =
free_building_slots = {
building = industrial_complex
size < 1
include_locked = no
log = "random 2: Industry "
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
ETH_industry_grown_flag }
free_building_slots = {
building = industrial_complex
size > 0
include_locked = no
set_variable = {
ETH.ETH_local_state = THIS
activate_mission =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
all_owned_state = {
OR = {
has_state_flag =
free_building_slots = {
building = industrial_complex
size < 1
include_locked = no
log = "random 3: weapons manufactory "
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
ETH_industry_grown_flag }
free_building_slots = {
building = arms_factory
size > 0
include_locked = no
set_variable = {
ETH.ETH_local_state = THIS
activate_mission =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
all_owned_state = { has_state_flag =
ETH_production_increased_flag }
log = "random 4"

random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
ETH_production_increased_flag }
set_variable = {
ETH.ETH_local_state = THIS
activate_mission =
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.1
days = 150
random_days = 40

### The Horn of Africa

# Ethiopia Requests integration
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.2
title = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.2.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.2.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_generic_peaceful_annexation

# They have no right!

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.2.a
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 5
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.3
hours = 16
random_hours = 12
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT

# As long as we can retain some kind of autonomy

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.2.b
trigger = {
is_subject = no
ai_chance = {
base = 2
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.4
hours = 16
random_hours = 12
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
puppet = ROOT

# It is for the best of both our countries

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.2.c
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_subject_of = ROOT
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.5
hours = 16
random_hours = 12
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
annex_country = {
target = ROOT
transfer_troops = yes

# They refuse
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.3
title = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.3.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.3.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_generic_peaceful_annexation

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.3.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM
# They want to retain Autonomy
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.4
title = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.4.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.4.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_generic_peaceful_annexation

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.4.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
puppet = FROM

# They acccept fully

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.5
title = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.5.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.5.desc
is_triggered_only = yes

picture = GFX_report_event_generic_peaceful_annexation

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_industrial_financial_events.5.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
annex_country = {
target = FROM
transfer_troops = yes


### ## ## ## ### ## ### ### # # ### # # ### ##

# # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # #
## #### # # # # # ## # # ## # ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # ## ## ### ## # ### # ### # # # ##


#Choose character to approach Italians

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.01
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.01.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.01.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# Haile Selassie Gugsa
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.01.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.02
hours = 4
random_hours = 4
custom_effect_tooltip = if_they_accept_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_start_civil_war
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_states_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_south_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_ethiopia_italian_puppet_tt
#Gugsa: keep ETH "tag", cede Bale 836, Hararghe 835, and Sidamo 837
(and Illubabor?)
custom_effect_tooltip = if_they_refuse_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_italy_refuse_cooperation

set_country_flag = gugsa_rising_planned_flag
mark_focus_tree_layout_dirty = yes

# Haliu Tekle Hayamot
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.01.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5

ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.03
hours = 4
random_hours = 4
custom_effect_tooltip = if_they_accept_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_start_civil_war_gojjam
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_states_tt
# cede Sidamo, Bale, Illubabor
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_south_west_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_gojjam_italian_puppet_tt

set_country_flag = hayamot_rising_planned_flag
mark_focus_tree_layout_dirty = yes
# Abba Jofir
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.01.c
ai_chance = {
base = 5
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.04
hours = 4
random_hours = 4

custom_effect_tooltip = if_they_accept_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_start_civil_war_jimma
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_states_tt
# cede Tigray, Wello and Begemder
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_north_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_jimma_italian_puppet_tt

set_country_flag = jofir_rising_planned_flag
mark_focus_tree_layout_dirty = yes

# For ITA - a request for peace - Gugsa

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.02
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.02.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.02.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_city_devastated
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.02.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_start_civil_war
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_states_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_south_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_ethiopia_italian_puppet_tt
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05
hours = 4
random_hours = 4
hidden_effect = {
835 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
836 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
837 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.02.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances

FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06
hours = 4
random_hours = 4

# For ITA - a request for peace - Hayamot

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.03
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.03.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.03.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.03.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_start_civil_war_gojjam
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_states_tt
# cede Sidamo, Bale, Illubabor
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_south_west_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_gojjam_italian_puppet_tt
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05
hours = 4
random_hours = 4
hidden_effect = {
838 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
836 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
837 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.03.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances

FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06
hours = 4
random_hours = 4

# For ITA - a request for peace - Jofir

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.04
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.04.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.04.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.04.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_start_civil_war_jimma
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_states_tt
# cede Tigray, Wello and Begemder
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_cede_north_tt
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_jimma_italian_puppet_tt
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05
hours = 4
random_hours = 4
hidden_effect = {
841 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
842 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
843 = { set_state_flag = ETH_cede_state_flag }
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.04.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances

FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06
hours = 4
random_hours = 4

# For Ethiopia - Italy accepts

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_italian_volunteers
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.05.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10 #TODO_TA set correct ai chances

# For Ethiopia - Italy refuses to cooperate

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.06.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
uncomplete_national_focus = {
focus = ETH_reach_out_to_the_italians
uncomplete_children = yes
complete_national_focus = ETH_rally_around_the_emperor

# Start of the Civil War

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.07
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.07.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.07.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_city_devastated
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.07.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

IF = {
limit = { # Gugsa rising up
has_country_flag = gugsa_rising_planned_flag
IF = {
limit = {
842 = { NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT } } # Tigray
842 = {
set_state_controller_to = ROOT

set_capital = {
state = 842
remember_old_capital = yes
limit = { # Hayamot rising up
has_country_flag = hayamot_rising_planned_flag
IF = {
limit = {
840 = { NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT } }
840 = {
set_state_controller_to = ROOT
set_capital = {
state = 840
remember_old_capital = no
ETH_promote_ETH_hailu_tekle_haymanot = yes
set_party_name = {
ideology = fascism
long_name = ETH_gojjam_haymanot_fascism_party_long
name = ETH_gojjam_haymanot_fascism_party

limit = { # Jofir rising up
has_country_flag = jofir_rising_planned_flag
IF = {
limit = {
838 = { NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT } }
838 = {
set_state_controller_to = ROOT
add_victory_points = {
province = 7912
value = 6
set_capital = {
state = 838
remember_old_capital = no
ETH_promote_ETH_abba_jofir = yes
set_party_name = {
ideology = fascism
long_name = ETH_jimma_jofir_fascism_party_long
name = ETH_jimma_jofir_fascism_party

start_civil_war = {
ideology = neutrality
ruling_party = fascism
size = ETH_civil_war_size
army_ratio = ETH_civil_war_army
capital = 271
keep_political_leader = no
keep_political_party_members = no

# Haile Selassie
uncomplete_national_focus = {
focus = ETH_reach_out_to_the_italians
uncomplete_children = yes
complete_national_focus = ETH_rally_around_the_emperor
hidden_effect = {
IF = {
limit = {
ETH = { has_character = ETH_ayalew_birru }
ETH = { ETH_ayalew_birru = { set_nationality =
IF = {
limit = {
ETH = { has_character = ETH_beyene_merid }
ETH = { ETH_beyene_merid = { set_nationality =
IF = {
limit = {
ETH = { has_character = ETH_balcho_safo }
ETH = { ETH_balcho_safo = { set_nationality =
# Set up Dynamic Modifiers for Haile Selassie
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_army_1_dynamic_modifier
set_variable = { ETH_army_max_dig_in_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_max_dig_in_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_army_dig_in_speed_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_dig_in_speed_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_army_experience_gain_army_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_experience_gain_army_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_army_army_defence_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_army_defence_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_army_army_org_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_army_org_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_attack_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_attack_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_defence_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_defence_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_speed_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_speed_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_attack_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_attack_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_army_supply_consumption_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_supply_consumption_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_army_cas_damage_reduction =
ETH.ETH_army_cas_damage_reduction }
set_variable = { ETH_army_equipment_capture_factor =
ETH.ETH_army_equipment_capture_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_defence_factor =
ETH.ETH_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_defence_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_speed_factor =
ETH.ETH_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_speed_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_max_org_factor =
ETH.ETH_modifier_army_sub_unit_irregular_infantry_max_org_factor }

add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_navy_1_dynamic_modifier
set_variable = { ETH_navy_repair_speed_factor =
ETH.ETH_navy_repair_speed_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_navy_naval_doctrine_cost_factor =
ETH.ETH_navy_naval_doctrine_cost_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_navy_refit_ic_cost =
ETH.ETH_navy_refit_ic_cost }
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_airforce_1_dynamic_modifier
set_variable =
{ ETH_airforce_enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor =
ETH.ETH_airforce_enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_airforce_air_doctrine_cost_factor =
ETH.ETH_airforce_air_doctrine_cost_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_airforce_air_accidents_factor =
ETH.ETH_airforce_air_accidents_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_airforce_air_attack_factor =
ETH.ETH_airforce_air_attack_factor }

add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_corrupt_bureaucracy_dynamic_modifier
set_variable = { ETH_bureaucracy_research_speed_factor =
set_variable =
{ ETH_bureaucracy_production_speed_buildings_factor =
set_variable =
{ ETH_bureaucracy_production_factory_max_efficiency_factor =

add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = ETH_industrialization_dynamic_modifier
set_variable =
{ ETH_industrialization_industrial_capacity_dockyard =
ETH.ETH_industrialization_industrial_capacity_dockyard }
set_variable =
{ ETH_industrialization_industrial_capacity_factory =
ETH.ETH_industrialization_industrial_capacity_factory }
set_variable =
{ ETH_industrialization_line_change_production_efficiency_factor =
ETH.ETH_industrialization_line_change_production_efficiency_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_industrialization_consumer_goods_factor =
ETH.ETH_industrialization_consumer_goods_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_industrialization_industry_air_damage_factor =
ETH.ETH_industrialization_industry_air_damage_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_industrialization_industry_repair_factor =
ETH.ETH_industrialization_industry_repair_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_production_factory_max_efficiency_factor =
ETH.ETH_production_factory_max_efficiency_factor }
set_variable = { ETH_air_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost =
ETH.ETH_air_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost }
set_variable = { ETH_land_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost =
ETH.ETH_land_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost }
set_variable = { ETH_production_speed_buildings_factor =
ETH.ETH_production_speed_buildings_factor }

add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier =
set_variable = { ETH_irc_morale_factor =
ETH.ETH_irc_morale_factor }
set_variable =
{ ETH_irc_enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor =
ETH.ETH_irc_enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor }

IF = {
limit = { # hayamot rising up
has_country_flag = hayamot_rising_planned_flag
set_cosmetic_tag = gojjam
limit = { # Jofir rising up
has_country_flag = jofir_rising_planned_flag
set_cosmetic_tag = jimma
IF = {
limit = { has_dlc = "Death or Dishonor" }
ITA = {
set_autonomy = {
target = ROOT
autonomy_state = autonomy_reichsprotectorate
freedom_level = 0.75
end_wars = no
end_civil_wars = no
ELSE = {
ITA = { puppet = ROOT }
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ETH
OR = {
is_controlled_by = ITA
is_controlled_by = ETH
set_state_controller_to = ETH
add_ideas = ETH_victor_emanuel_of_ethiopia_idea
hidden_effect = {
# Remove Red Cross - they stay with haile Selassie
ETH = {
remove_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier =

IF = { # safety for if ITA has changed ideology - we still want

to keep that ideology here regardless
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = fascism
IF = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = ETH_expand_the_bodyguard
division_template = {
name = "Guards"
is_locked = yes
priority = 2
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }

IF = {
limit = {
has_cosmetic_tag = jimma
random_owned_controlled_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Jimma Guards
Division\" division_template = \"Guards\" start_experience_factor = 0.1
start_equipment_factor = 1 start_manpower_factor = 1"
owner = ROOT
limit = {
has_cosmetic_tag = gojjam
random_owned_controlled_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Gojjam Guards
Division\" division_template = \"Guards\" start_experience_factor = 0.1
start_equipment_factor = 1 start_manpower_factor = 1"
owner = ROOT
ElSE = {
random_owned_controlled_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Imperial Guards
Division\" division_template = \"Guards\" start_experience_factor = 0.1
start_equipment_factor = 1 start_manpower_factor = 1"
owner = ROOT

# Imperial Capitulation
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.10
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.10.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.10.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_city_devastated
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.10.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
IF = {
limit = { has_cosmetic_tag = jimma}
custom_effect_tooltip = captured_ethiopian_commanders_jimma_tt
ELSE = {
custom_effect_tooltip = captured_ethiopian_commanders_tt
hidden_effect = {
var:ETH_haile_selassie_country = {
ETH_seyoum_mengesha = {
set_nationality = ROOT
set_character_flag = ETH_imprisoned_flag
ETH_ayalew_birru = {
set_nationality = ROOT
set_character_flag = ETH_imprisoned_flag
ETH_ras_kassa = {
set_nationality = ROOT
set_character_flag = ETH_imprisoned_flag
IF = {
limit = {
has_cosmetic_tag = jimma
var:ETH_haile_selassie_country = {
ETH_balcho_safo = {
set_nationality = ROOT
set_character_flag = ETH_imprisoned_flag
ETH_tadesse_birru = {
set_nationality = ROOT
set_character_flag = ETH_imprisoned_flag

# Ethiopian independence
# For Italy - Ethiopia declares independence
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.20
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.20.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.20.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.20.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_government = democratic
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_civil_war = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.22
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# OK
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.20.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 3
any_enemy_country = {
is_major = yes
surrender_progress > 0.1
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.21
hours = 4
random_hours = 8

# For Ethiopia - Italy accepts
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.21
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.21.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.21.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.21.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
FROM = {
set_autonomy = {
target = ROOT
autonomy_state = autonomy_free
end_wars = yes
end_civil_wars = no
# Leave Faction
IF = {
limit = {
FROM = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
ROOT = { leave_faction = yes }
remove_ideas = ETH_victor_emanuel_of_ethiopia_idea
# Make peace with enemies of Overlord
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = FROM
has_war_with = ROOT
white_peace = ROOT

# For Ethiopia - Italy refuses
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.22
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.22.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.22.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.22.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
hidden_effect = {
remove_ideas = ETH_victor_emanuel_of_ethiopia_idea_bad
FROM = {
set_autonomy = {
target = ROOT
autonomy_state = autonomy_free
end_wars = yes
end_civil_wars = no
every_owned_state = {
teleport_armies = {
limit = {
NOT = { tag = ROOT}
OR = {
tag = FROM
is_in_faction_with = FROM
to_state_array = owned_controlled_states

# Leave Faction
IF = {
limit = {
FROM = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
ROOT = { leave_faction = yes }
ROOT = {
declare_war_on = {
target = ITA
type = independence_wargoal
IF = {
limit = { has_country_flag = ETH_freedom_fighters_flag}
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.23
hours = 8
random_hours = 12
# Make peace with enemies of Overlord
every_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = FROM
has_war_with = ROOT
white_peace = ROOT

# For Ethiopia - Freedom fighters

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.23
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.23.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.23.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
trigger = {
has_war_with = ITA # Don't display if it has already ended
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.23.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
division_template = {
name = "Resistance Fighters"
is_locked = yes
priority = 0 # optional
regiments = {
irregular_infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
irregular_infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
irregular_infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
irregular_infantry = { x = 0 y = 3 }
IF = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_or_will_be_jimma = yes
ITA = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = { has_state_flag = ETH_freedom_fighters_flag}
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Somali Resistance
Fighters\" division_template = \"Resistance Fighters\" start_experience_factor =
0.02 start_equipment_factor = 0.85"
owner = ROOT
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
ELSE = {
ITA = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = { has_state_flag = ETH_freedom_fighters_flag}
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"Eritrean and Tigrinian
Resistance Fighters\" division_template = \"Resistance Fighters\"
start_experience_factor = 0.02 start_equipment_factor = 0.85 start_manpower_factor
= 1"
owner = ROOT
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1


# Demand DJI from Vichy Events
#ETH takes DJI from Vichy - Does vichy continue war?
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.50
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.50.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.50.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_tur_machine_gunners
is_triggered_only = yes
# Give up DJI
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.50.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.51
hours = 1
# War with ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.50.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.52
hours = 1
add_stability = -0.05
create_wargoal = {
type = take_claimed_state
target = FROM
generator = { 268 }

#Vichy give up DJI

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.51
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.51.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.51.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_military_planning
is_triggered_only = yes
#Ok - Get DJI
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.51.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ETH = {
transfer_state = 268
268 = { add_core_of = ETH }

#Vichy Refuse to give up DJI

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.52
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.52.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.52.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_tur_machine_gunners
is_triggered_only = yes
# That sucks
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.52.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Request Italian Equipment Events

#ETH choose which equipment to request from ITA

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.53
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.53.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.53.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
# Request Inf Equipment
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.53.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
set_country_flag = ETH_wants_inf_equip_flag
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54
hours = 1
# Request Artillery
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.53.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
set_country_flag = ETH_wants_artillery_flag
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54
hours = 1

# ETH request ITA equipment

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
add = -10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_puppet_of = ROOT }
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.56
hours = 24
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.54.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_puppet_of = ROOT }
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.55
hours = 24

# ITA refuses to send equipment

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.55
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.55.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.55.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write
is_triggered_only = yes
# Oh well
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.55.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#ITA agrees to send equipment

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.56
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.56.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.56.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.56.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
IF = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_wants_inf_equip_flag
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_1
amount = 2500
producer = ITA
clr_country_flag = ETH_wants_inf_equip_flag
limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_wants_artillery_flag
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = artillery_equipment
amount = 500
producer = ITA
clr_country_flag = ETH_wants_inf_equip_flag


# ETH requests designers from ITA

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
FROM = {
NOT = { is_subject_of = ROOT }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.58
hours = 12
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_subject_of = ROOT }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.59
hours = 12

# ITA Agree to send designers

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.58
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.58.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.58.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory
is_triggered_only = yes
# Great!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.58.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
IF = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_army_designers
ETH_add_random_mil_factory_effect = yes
ETH_add_random_mil_factory_effect = yes
set_country_flag = ETH_ITA_sends_army_designers
clr_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_army_designers

limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_air_designers
ETH_add_random_mil_factory_effect = yes
ETH_add_random_mil_factory_effect = yes
set_country_flag = ETH_ITA_sends_air_designers
clr_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_air_designers

# ITA refuse to send designers

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.59
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.59.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.59.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory
is_triggered_only = yes
# Oh well
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.59.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
clr_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_army_designers
clr_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_air_designers

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.60
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.60.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.60.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory
is_triggered_only = yes
# Army
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.60.a
ai_chance = {
base = 20
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_outsourced_production_army_tt
show_ideas_tooltip = fiat_ETH
show_ideas_tooltip = breda_ETH
show_ideas_tooltip = beretta_ETH
set_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_army_designers
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57
hours = 12
# Airforce
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.60.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5
set_country_flag = ETH_want_ITA_air_designers
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_outsourced_production_air_tt
show_ideas_tooltip = ETH_imam
show_ideas_tooltip = caproni_ETH
show_ideas_tooltip = macchi_ETH
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.57
hours = 12

# Our Enemy's Enemy Events

# ETH requesting weapons from all major nations who have different ideology to ITA
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.61
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.61.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.61.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.61.a
ai_chance = {
base = 40
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_in_faction_with = ITA
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = ITA
value > 0
modifier = {
add = 20
has_war_with = ITA
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.62
hours = 12
# No
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.61.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
add = 10
has_war_with = FROM
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.63
hours = 12

#FROM will send arms

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.62
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.62.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.62.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
# Great!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.62.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_1
amount = 1000
producer = FROM

#FROM will NOT send arms

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.63
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.63.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.63.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
# Boo!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.63.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Compensation Events

#Gugsa/Haymanot - Request ERI

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.64
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.64.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.64.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_saf_civil_war
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.64.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
add = -10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_subject_of = ROOT }
ETH = {
set_country_flag = ETH_wants_ERI_flag
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.66
hours = 1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.64.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_subject_of = ROOT }
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.67
days = 3

#Jofir - Request SOM and Jubland

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.65
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.65.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.65.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_saf_civil_war
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.65.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
add = -10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_puppet_of = ROOT }
ETH = {
set_country_flag = ETH_wants_som_flag
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.66
hours = 1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.65.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 10
FROM = {
NOT = { is_puppet_of = ROOT }
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.67
days = 3

#ITA Agree to give ETH land

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.66
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.66.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.66.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_military_planning
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.66.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
IF = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_wants_ERI_flag
ETH = { transfer_state = 550}
clr_country_flag = ETH_wants_ERI_flag
limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_wants_som_flag
ETH = { transfer_state = 559}
ETH = { transfer_state = 844}
clr_country_flag = ETH_wants_som_flag

# Italy Refuse compensation

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.67
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.67.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.67.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_military_planning
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.67.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Raid Italian Depots Events

# ETH Italian Depot Raided

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.68
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.68.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.68.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.68.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_0
amount = 1000
producer = ITA

# Request Italian Generals

#ITA event for sending advisors to ETH

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.69
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.69.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.69.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference
is_triggered_only = yes
#Agree to send advisors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.69.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}
FROM = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.70
set_country_flag = has_soviet_advisors_flag
custom_effect_tooltip = ETH_send_ita_generals_tt
#Refuse to send advisors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.69.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {FROM = {is_subject_of = ITA}}
FROM = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.71

#ETH event for ITA sending advisors

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.70
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.70.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.70.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_army
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.70.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#custom_effect_tooltip = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events_15_tt
hidden_effect = {
ITA = {
#Set Italian characters here:
ITA_giuseppe_tellera = {
set_nationality = ETH
set_character_flag = ITA_advisor_eth
ITA_mario_berti = {
set_nationality = ETH
set_character_flag = ITA_advisor_eth
ITA_alessandro_pirzio_biroli = {
set_nationality = ETH
set_character_flag = ITA_advisor_eth

# Italy refuse to send advisors

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.71
title = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.71.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.71.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_army
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_fascist_events.71.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_0
amount = 800
producer = ITA


## ## # # # # # # # # ### ## ### ### # # ### # # ### ##

# # # # ## ## ## ## # # ## # # # # # # # # ## # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # ## # # ## # ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
## ## # # # # ## # # ### ## # ### # ### # # # ##


#ETH requests Soviet Aid

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.01
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.01.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.01.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_tank_column
is_triggered_only = yes
fire_only_once = yes
# We should support the communists in ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.01.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes

SOV = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = ETH_aid_ethiopian_communists days = 730
add_ai_strategy = {
type = send_volunteers_desire
id = ETH
value = 200

ETH = {
country_event = {
days = 2
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.04

ITA = {
country_event = {
days = 30
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.03

# We have no interest in ETH

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.01.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
ETH = {
country_event = {
days = 2
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.02

# Event for ETH if SOV rejects call for aid

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.02
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.02.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.02.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchists2
# So much for class solidarity
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.02.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

uncomplete_national_focus = {
focus = ETH_soviet_aid
uncomplete_children = yes
complete_national_focus = ETH_callout_to_the_world

# Event for ITA if SOV sends aid to ETH

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.03
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.03.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.03.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_soldiers_tank
# They will pay for this
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.03.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
ITA = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = SOV
modifier = SOV_helping_ETH


# Event for ETH if SOV agrees to send aid

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.04
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.04.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.04.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_tank_column
# Workers of the world unite!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.04.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10


#Black Lions and Military coup against HS - form prov gov

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.05
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.05.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.05.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_city_devastated
is_triggered_only = yes
# Exile HS
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.05.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.05
ETH_provisional_government_effect = yes
# Imprison HS
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.05.b
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_stability < 0.3
add_stability = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.1
ETH_haile_selassie = {
set_character_flag = ETH_imprisoned_flag
ETH_provisional_government_effect = yes

#SOV back military coup against provisional gov

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.06
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.06.t
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.06.desc
trigger = {
is_subject_of = SOV
desc = {
text = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.06.indy_desc
trigger = {
NOT = { is_subject_of = SOV }
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_military_parade
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.06.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
set_party_name = {
ideology = communism
long_name = ETH_provisonal_military_admin_long
name = ETH_provisonal_military_admin
ETH = {
promote_character = ETH_prov_mil_admin

#SOV Demand ITA end war

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_cossack_cavalry
is_triggered_only = yes
#Refuse to end war with ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07.a
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 50
any_other_country = {
is_major = yes
NOT = { tag = SOV }
is_in_faction_with = ITA
modifier = {
add = 50
any_other_country = {
AND = {
is_major = yes
has_guaranteed = ITA
modifier = {
add = 50
strength_ratio = {
tag = SOV
ratio > 0.75
SOV = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.22
hours = 1
clr_global_flag = italo_ethiopian_peace_negotiations_ongoing
#Agree to end war with ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
add = 100
has_stability < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 100
has_war_support < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 100
any_other_country = {
is_major = yes
NOT = { tag = SOV }
is_in_faction_with = SOV
modifier = {
add = 100
any_other_country = {
is_major = yes
NOT = { tag = SOV }
has_guaranteed = SOV
add_stability = -0.5
ETH = {
white_peace = ITA
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = ETH_SOV_wants_to_puppet_flag
country_event = {
hours = 2
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.28
else = {
country_event = {
hours = 2
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.29

news_event = {
id = bba_news.2
hours = 2

#TODO_ASD: Add News Event for end of the war

clr_global_flag = italo_ethiopian_peace_negotiations_ongoing

#ETH Requests SOV Rifles

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.08
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.08.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.08.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
#Refuse to send rifles
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.08.a
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.10
#Agree to send rifles
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.08.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.09

#Soviets agree to send rifles

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.09
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.09.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.09.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.09.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_1
amount = 10000
producer = SOV

#Soviets refuse to send rifles

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.10
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.10.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.10.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rifles
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.10.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#Sov event for sending advisors to ETH

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.11
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.11.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.11.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_tank_column
is_triggered_only = yes
#Agree to send advisors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.11.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.15
set_country_flag = has_soviet_advisors_flag
#Refuse to send advisors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.11.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.53
hours = 1

#ETH Event for receiving infantry equipment

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_merchant_ship_01
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_1
amount = 10000
producer = SOV

#Event for ETH receiving planes

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.13
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_merchant_ship_01
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.12.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#SOV event for helping ETH form airforce

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.14
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.14.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.14.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_purge_aircraft_2
is_triggered_only = yes
#Agree to help ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.14.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.21
#Refuse to help ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.14.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.20

#ETH event for SOV's sending advisors

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.15
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.15.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.15.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_army
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.15.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
custom_effect_tooltip = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events_15_tt
hidden_effect = {
SOV = {
SOV_semyon_budyonny = {
set_nationality = ETH
set_character_flag = soviet_advisor_eth
SOV_Vasily_Kuznetsov = {
set_nationality = ETH
set_character_flag = soviet_advisor_eth


#Sov Refuse to send advisors

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.16
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.16.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.16.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_army
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.16.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#SOV event for ETH requesting armored cars

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.17
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.17.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.17.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_lend_lease
is_triggered_only = yes
#Agree to send aid
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.17.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.19
#Refuse to send aid
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.17.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 10
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism}
has_civil_war = yes
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 1
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.18

#Event for ETH if SOV refuse to send cars/tanks

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.18
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.18.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.18.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_lend_lease
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.18.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#ETH event when SOV sends cars/tanks

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.19
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.19.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.19.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_lend_lease
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.19.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "La Resistance"
set_technology = { armored_car1 = 1 }
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = gw_armored_car_equipment
amount = 480
producer = SOV

division_template = {
name = "Armored-Car Division"
is_locked = no
division_names_group = ETH_MOT_01
priority = 1
template_counter = 0
regiments = {
armored_car = { x = 0 y = 0 }
armored_car = { x = 0 y = 1 }
armored_car = { x = 1 y = 0 }
armored_car = { x = 1 y = 1 }
else = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_dlc = "No Step Back"
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_tech = gwtank
set_technology = { gwtank = 1 }
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = light_tank_equipment_1
amount = 200 producer = SOV
else = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_tech = gwtank_chassis
set_technology = { gwtank_chassis = 1 }
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = light_tank_chassis_1
amount = 200 producer = SOV
variant_name = "T-26TU mod. 1933"

#Sov refuses to send planes

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.20
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.20.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.20.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_purge_aircraft_2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.20.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#Sov agree to train pilots

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.21
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.21.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.21.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_purge_aircraft_2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.21.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

set_technology = { iw_small_airframe = 1 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "I-15" #
type = small_plane_airframe_0
modules = {
fixed_main_weapon_slot = light_mg_4x
engine_type_slot = engine_1_1x
special_type_slot_1 = empty
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = small_plane_airframe_0
producer = "SOV"
amount = 100
variant_name = "I-15"

#Sov event for ITA refusing to end war

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.22
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.22.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.22.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_soldiers_tank
#Declare war on ITA
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.22.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}
SOV = {
create_wargoal = {
type = topple_government
target = ITA
ETH = {
country_event = {
hours = 24
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.24
#Back down to prevent war
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.22.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
add = 100
any_other_country = {
is_major = yes
NOT = { tag = SOV }
is_in_faction_with = ITA
strength_ratio = {
tag = SOV
ratio > 0.75
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.23
hours = 1
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.27
hours = 1

#ITA event for SOV backing down

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.23
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.23.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.23.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_military_parade
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.23.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_stability = 0.05

#ETH for becoming SOV puppet

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.24
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.24.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.24.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_tanks
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.24.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
SOV = {
puppet = ETH

#SOV event for ETH asking for mediation

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.25
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.25.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.25.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference
#Agree to mediate, won't puppet ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.25.a
ai_chance = {
base = 0
news_event = {
id = bba_news.1
hours = 1
ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07
hours = 2

#Agree to mediate, will puppet ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.25.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}

news_event = {
id = bba_news.1
hours = 1

ITA = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.07
hours = 2
ETH = {
set_country_flag = ETH_SOV_wants_to_puppet_flag
#Refuse to mediate
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.25.c
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
OR = {
NOT = {has_government = communism}
has_civil_war = yes
NOT = {
ETH = {has_war_with = ITA}
modifier = {
add = 100
any_other_country = {
is_major = yes
NOT = { tag = SOV }
is_in_faction_with = ITA
strength_ratio = {
tag = SOV
ratio > 0.75
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.26
hours = 1

#ETH event for when Sov refuses to mediate

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.26
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.26.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.26.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_conference
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.26.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#ETH Event for SOV backing down against ITA

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.27
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.27.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.27.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_italian_troops
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.27.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#Event for ETH when ITA backs down but SOV still want to puppet
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.28
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.28.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.28.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_stalin_meeting
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.28.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
SOV = {
puppet = ETH
hidden_effect = {
set_autonomy = {
target = ETH
autonomous_state = autonomy_puppet
freedom_level = 0.4
add_stability = 0.1


#Event for ETH when ITA backs down but SOV does **NOT** want to puppet
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.29
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.29.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.29.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.29.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_stability = 0.15

#Event for ITA to end war (anarchist branch)

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.30
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.30.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.30.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
ITA = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_on_continent = africa
is_controlled_by = ETH
set_state_flag = eth_occupied_ita_states_flag
ETH = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_on_continent = africa
is_controlled_by = ITA
set_state_flag = ita_occupied_eth_states_flag

#Agree to end war

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.30.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_government = democratic
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_government = fascism
is_in_faction_with = GER

# Event for ETH if ITA accepts

ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.31
hours = 1
news_event = {
id = bba_news.3
hours = 5

#Refuse to end war
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.30.b
ai_chance = {
base = 2
#Not willing to fight anymore if ITA is communist or in civil war
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_civil_war = yes
has_government = communism
modifier = {
#Already winning against UK and France, no need to end war.
factor = 10
OR = {
has_war_with = FRA
has_war_with = ENG
OR = {
FRA = {surrender_progress > 0.05}
ENG = {surrender_progress > 0.05}
any_controlled_state = {
OR = {
is_owned_by = ENG
is_owned_by = FRA
add_war_support = -0.25
add_stability = -0.2
add_political_power = -250
add_popularity = {
popularity = -0.2
ideology = ROOT
#Event for ETH if ITA refuses to end war
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.32
hours = 1
clr_global_flag = italo_ethiopian_peace_negotiations_ongoing

#ETH event for ITA accepting peace, transfers states between countries
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.31
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.31.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.31.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.31.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
white_peace = ITA
ETH = {
every_owned_state = {

log = "Currently in [THIS.GetName]"

limit = { has_state_flag = ita_occupied_eth_states_flag }
ITA = { transfer_state = PREV}
clr_state_flag = ita_occupied_eth_states_flag
ITA = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = { has_state_flag = eth_occupied_ita_states_flag }
ETH = { transfer_state = PREV }
clr_state_flag = eth_occupied_ita_states_flag
set_global_flag = ethiopia_recognized_flag
if = {
limit = { ETH = { owns_state = 550 } }
ETH = {
#Event to release Eritrea
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.33
days = 11
random_days = 10
if = {
limit = {
ETH = {
AND = {
owns_state = 844
owns_state = 559
if = {
limit = {owns_state = 836}

836 = { set_state_flag = eth_core_flag_som }

if = {
limit = {owns_state = 835}
835 = { set_state_flag = eth_core_flag_som }

#Event to release Somalia
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.34
days = 5
random_days = 5
add_stability = 0.15
clr_global_flag = italo_ethiopian_peace_negotiations_ongoing

#ETH event if ITA continues the war

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.32
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.32.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.32.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.32.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_war_support = 0.1
set_global_flag = ethiopia_recognized_flag
#Release Eritrea
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.33
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.33.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.33.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

#Agree to release
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.33.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
release = ERI
hidden_effect = {
ERI = {
set_popularities = {
democratic = 20
fascism = 5
neutrality = 15
communism = 60
set_politics = {
ruling_party = communism
elections_allowed = no
#Refuse to release
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.33.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_stability = -0.03

#Release Somalia

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.34
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.34.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.34.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

#Agree to release
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.34.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#release = SOM
hidden_effect = {
IF = {
limit = {
SOM = {
exists = yes
create_dynamic_country = {
original_tag = SOM
set_variable = { ETH.new_somalia = THIS }
log = "Dynamic tag: [THIS.GetName]"
PREV = {
log = "Prev tag: [THIS.GetName]"
every_owned_state = {
log = "State: [THIS.GetName]"
limit = {
is_core_of = SOM
NOT = {state = 835}
NOT = {state = 836}
#event_target:released_nation_target = {
var:ETH.new_somalia = {
log = "Prev Prev tag:
transfer_state = PREV
set_popularities = {
democratic =
neutrality =
fascism = ETH.party_popularity_100@fascism
communism = ETH.party_popularity_100@communism
set_politics = {
ruling_party = ROOT
clear_variable = ETH.new_somalia
ELSE = {
release = SOM
SOM = {
835 = {
ETH = { transfer_state = PREV }
add_core_of = ETH
clr_state_flag = eth_core_flag_som
836 = {
ETH = { transfer_state = PREV }
add_core_of = ETH
clr_state_flag = eth_core_flag_som
set_popularities = {
democratic =
neutrality =
fascism = ETH.party_popularity_100@fascism
communism = ETH.party_popularity_100@communism
set_politics = {
ruling_party = ROOT
#Refuse to release
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.34.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_stability = -0.03

#Spanish event for ETH requesting Rif be released

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.35
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.35.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.35.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
Picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
#Agree to release rift
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.35.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
SPC = {
has_war_with = ETH

ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.36
hours = 1
#Refuse to release Rif
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.35.b
ai_chance = {
base = 1
ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.37
hours = 1
#ETH event if Spain Agrees
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.36
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.36.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.36.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
Picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.36.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
SPC = {
release = RIF

#ETH event if Spain refuses

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.37
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.37.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.37.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
Picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
# Gain liberate war goal on Spain
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.37.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = {
tag = SPC
ratio < 0.8
create_wargoal = {
type = liberate_wargoal
target = SPC

# Drop the issue

option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.37.b
ai_chance = {
base = 1

#SPC event for ETH sending support during SCW

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.38
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.38.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.38.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
# Great!
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.38.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

# Event if ETH occupies the Rif from SPC

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.39
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.39.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.39.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
#End war with liberation of Rif and SPC african territory
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.39.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
white_peace = SPC
SPC = {
release = RIF
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.39.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0

# Event for SPC if ETH occupies the Rif

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.40
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.40.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.40.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
#There's nothing we can do.
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.40.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.41
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.41.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.41.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_tanks
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.41.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10

#ETH demand release of SUD

#country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.42
# title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.42.t
# desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.42.desc
# is_triggered_only = yes
# #picture =
# #Agree to release nation
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.42.a
# ai_chance = {
# base = 0
# modifier = {
# add = 20
# strength_ratio = {
# tag = FROM
# ratio < 0.5
# }
# }
# }
# FROM = {
# country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.45
# hours = 1
# }
# }
# }
# #Refuse to release nation
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.42.b
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# FROM = {
# country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.43
# hours = 1
# }
# }
# }

#FROM refuse release of [TAG]

#country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.43
# title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.43.t
# desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.43.desc
# is_triggered_only = yes
# #picture =
# #Declare War
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.43.a
# ai_chance = {
# base = 0
# modifier = {
# add = 20
# strength_ratio = {
# tag = FROM
# ratio < 0.5
# }
# }
# }
# }
# #Back Down
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.43.b
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# FROM = {
# country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.44
# hours = 1
# }
# }
# }

#ETH backs down

#country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.44
# title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.44.t
# desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.44.desc
# is_triggered_only = yes
# #picture =
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.44.a
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# }

#[TAG] has been released

#country_event = {
# id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.45
# title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.45.t
# desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.45.desc
# is_triggered_only = yes
# #picture =
# option = {
# name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.45.a
# ai_chance = {
# base = 10
# }
# }
#ETH offers peace for SUD
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.46
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.46.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.46.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.46.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.46.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_core_of = SUD
is_owned_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = ETH
ETH = {
release_puppet_on_controlled = SUD
white_peace = ETH

#Peace for DJI

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.47
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.47.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.47.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.47.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.47.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_core_of = DJI
is_controlled_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = ETH
ETH = {
release_puppet_on_controlled = DJI
white_peace = ETH

#Peace for ERI

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.48
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.48.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.48.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.48.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.48.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_core_of = ERI
is_owned_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = ETH
ETH = {
release_puppet_on_controlled = ERI
white_peace = ETH

#Peace for KEN

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.49
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.49.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.49.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.49.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.49.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_core_of = KEN
is_owned_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = ETH
ETH = {
release_puppet_on_controlled = KEN
white_peace = ETH
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.50
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.50.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.50.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.50.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.50.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_core_of = SOM
is_owned_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = ETH
ETH = {
release_puppet_on_controlled = SOM
white_peace = ETH
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.51
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.51.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.51.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.51.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.51.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_core_of = UGA
is_owned_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = ETH
ETH = {
release_puppet_on_controlled = UGA
white_peace = ETH

#SOV event when ETH completes 'Our Own Path' focus

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.52
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.52.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.52.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_soldiers
#Sov does nothing
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.52.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
#Sov gets war goal on ETH
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.52.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = ETH
expire = 30

#Soviets Refuse to send advisors

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.53
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.53.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.53.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_SOV_tank_column
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.53.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_1
amount = 800
producer = SOV

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.54
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.54.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.54.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_soldiers_01
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.54.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment_1
amount = 5000
producer = JAP

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.55
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.55.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.55.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_soldiers_01
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.55.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.55.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10

ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.57
days = 7

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.56
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.56.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.56.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_soldiers_01
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.56.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.56.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10

ETH = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.54
days = 7

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.57
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.57.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.57.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_reply
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.57.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.58
days = 3

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.58
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.58.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.58.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.58.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.58.b
ai_chance = {
base = 10
send_embargo = ETH
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.59
days = 7

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.59
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.59.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.59.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_japanese_reply
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.59.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_british_inspect_troops
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.61
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.61.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.61.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.61.a
ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
has_war_with_major = yes
ETH = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.60
hours = 12
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.61.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 30
any_owned_state = {
is_on_continent = africa
is_controlled_by = ETH
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = FROM
modifier = {
add = -15
any_controlled_state = {
is_core_of = FROM

for_each_scope_loop = {
array = ETH.ETH_has_liberation_goal_array
every_core_state = {
IF = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = FROM
FROM = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
#PREV.PREV is target country for release
is_core_of = PREV.PREV
set_state_flag = ETH_prio_state_flag
#PREV is target country for release
release_puppet_on_controlled = PREV
PREV = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = ETH_prio_state_flag
ETH = {
transfer_state = PREV

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.62
hours = 1
remove_from_array = {
array = ETH.ETH_has_liberation_goal_array
value = THIS
IF = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = {
leave_faction = yes
white_peace = ETH
# Allies also make peace
every_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
has_war_with = ETH
white_peace = ETH
every_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = ETH
has_war_with = ROOT
white_peace = ROOT

country_event = {
id = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.62
title = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.62.t
desc = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.62.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
option = {
name = BBA_ethiopia_communist_events.62.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
hidden_effect = {
clear_variable = ETH.ETH_disputed_colony
clr_country_flag = ETH_has_active_liberation_goal

# FROM wants to purcahse old ships

country_event = {
id = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.01
title = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.01.t
desc = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.01.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_merchant_ship_01
# Yes
option = {
name = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.01.a
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 50
is_in_faction_with = FROM
modifier = {
add = 50
has_same_ideology = yes
modifier = {
add = 10
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 10
modifier = {
add = 20
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 40
modifier = {
add = 30
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 80
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_war_with = FROM
has_civil_war = yes
has_capitulated = yes
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
add_offsite_building = { type = industrial_complex level = 1 }
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.02
days = 1
# No
option = {
name = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.01.b
ai_chance = {
base = 20
FROM = {
country_event = {
id = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.03
days = 1

# FROM agrees to sell ships

country_event = {
id = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.02
title = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.02.t
desc = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.02.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ast_navy
option = {
name = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.02.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
ETH_get_ships_from_country = yes

# FROM refuses to sell ships

country_event = {
id = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.03
title = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.03.t
desc = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.03.desc
is_triggered_only = yes
picture = GFX_report_event_ast_navy
option = {
name = BBA_generic_purchase_ships_events.03.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
FROM = {
clr_country_flag = negotiating_ship_purchase_flag@ROOT

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