LAR Spain

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add_namespace = lar_spain

# Election of 1936 - La Resistance Edition

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.1
title = spain.9.t
desc = lar_spain.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_election_vote

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SPR
has_dlc = "La Resistance"

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_country_flag = SPR_spanish_elections_flag
if = {
limit = {
focus_progress = {
focus = SPR_the_popular_front
progress > 0
NOT = { has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front }
complete_national_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
add_political_power = -35
if = {
limit = {
focus_progress = {
focus = SPA_a_great_spain
progress > 0
NOT = { has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain }
complete_national_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
add_political_power = -35
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
activate_mission =
activate_mission = SPR_military_plot_republicans
hidden_effect = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.4 } # Nationalists
working against the government
country_event = { id = lar_spain.5 }
activate_mission = SPR_military_plot_republicans
add_ideas = SPR_government_power_struggle
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
random_list = {
10 = {
activate_mission =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
activate_mission = SPA_military_plot_nationalists
hidden_effect = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.3 } # Government
working against the nationalists
country_event = { id = lar_spain.5 days = 20
random_days = 10 }
activate_mission = SPA_military_plot_nationalists
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = SPR
add_core_of = SPA

# Popular Front
option = {
name = lar_spain.1.a
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.1
add_political_power = 5
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
complete_national_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
add_political_power = -35
activate_mission = SPR_military_plot_republicans
hidden_effect = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.4 days = 4 } #
Nationalists working against the government
country_event = { id = lar_spain.5 }
activate_mission = SPR_military_plot_republicans
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_active_mission =
SPA_hand_over_the_ceda_campaign_chest_mission }
activate_mission =
effect_tooltip = { add_ideas = SPR_government_power_struggle }
custom_effect_tooltip = SPR_republican_garrison_control_decisions_tt

# Falange
option = {
name = lar_spain.1.b
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
complete_national_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
add_political_power = -35
activate_mission = SPA_military_plot_nationalists
hidden_effect = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.3 } # Government working
against the nationalists
country_event = { id = lar_spain.5 days = 20 random_days =
10 }
activate_mission = SPA_military_plot_nationalists
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_active_mission =
has_active_mission =
random_list = {
10 = {
activate_mission =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
custom_effect_tooltip = SPA_nationalist_garrison_control_decisions_tt

# Spanish Civil War - La Resistance Edition

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.2
title = lar_spain.2.t
desc = lar_spain.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spain_civil_war_soldiers

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
set_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
set_global_flag = { flag = SPR_civil_war_startup value = 1 days =
3 } # Make AI avoid attacking for a few days

# # ## ### ### ## # # ## # ### ## ### ### ### ### ### ## ###

## # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# ## #### # # # # # ## #### # # # # ## ## ## ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # ### ## # # # # ### ### ## # ### # # ### ## #

if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
hidden_effect = {
SPA = { # Switch the tag alias for SPA - it now becomes SPD
- the republicans
clr_country_flag = SPR_nationalist_spain_flag
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes
set_country_flag = SPR_republican_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_republican_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_republican_spain
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
set_popularities = {
democratic = 50
neutrality = 11
communism = 39
retire_ideology_leader = democratic
retire_ideology_leader = neutrality
retire_ideology_leader = communism
SPD = { # Remove Carlist/Falangist country leaders for new
SPD tag
retire_ideology_leader = fascism
retire_ideology_leader = neutrality
create_country_leader = {
name = "Manuel Azaña"
picture = GFX_portrait_Manuel_Azana
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
# Switch the tag alias for the player's country - the
player goes from SPR to SPA
set_country_flag = SPR_nationalist_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_nationalist_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_nationalist_spain
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = -0.25
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.1
kill_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "José Sanjurjo"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPA_jose_sanjurjo"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
# Add Nationalist and Republican Garrison division
division_template = {
name = "Guarnición Nacionalista"
is_locked = yes
template_counter = 6
division_names_group = SPR_INF_02
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Guarnición Republicana"
is_locked = yes
template_counter = 6
division_names_group = SPD_INF_01
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
# Give SPD Madrid if the Nationalists don't have complete
garrison control over it - becomes capital
if = {
limit = {
41 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = equals }
SPD = {
transfer_state = 41
41 = {
set_state_flag =
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 3
else_if = {
limit = {
41 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = equals }
SPD = {
transfer_state = 41
41 = {
set_state_flag =
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
41 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = equals }
SPD = {
transfer_state = 41
41 = {
set_state_flag =
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
# If Madrid is controlled by Nationalists, but a random
state exists that has total Republican garrison control, give that as capital first
if = {
limit = {
41 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 4 compare = equals }
any_owned_state = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = equals }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = equals }
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag =
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 3
# Give a state that does not have total Nationalist
garrison control to the Republicans as their capital - in decreasing order of
Republican control
else_if = {
limit = {
41 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 4 compare = equals }
any_owned_state = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = equals }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = equals }
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag =
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
41 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 4 compare = equals }
any_owned_state = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = equals }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = equals }
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag =
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
# Split equipment and army/navy depending on which focuses
the Republicans have finished
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_enlarge_the_weapon_caches_flag }
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPD
size = 0.5 # Fallback in case one of the ratios
below are not stipulated
stockpile_ratio = 0.5
army_ratio = 0.5
navy_ratio = 0.5
air_ratio = 0.5
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait =
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_disband_the_army_flag }
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPD
size = 0.5
stockpile_ratio = 0.8
army_ratio = 0.5
navy_ratio = 0.5
air_ratio = 0.5
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait =
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPR_disband_the_army_flag
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPD
size = 0.5
stockpile_ratio = 0.8
army_ratio = 0.8
navy_ratio = 0.5
air_ratio = 0.5
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait =
# If player has completed this focus, give North Africa and
spawn units there (this effect is run first so the tag has any territory whatsoever
- it's assumed all players take this focus)
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_the_army_of_africa
division_template = {
name = "División del Ejército de África"
template_counter = 4
division_names_group = SPR_INF_06
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 2 y = 0 }
artillery_brigade = { x = 2 y = 1 }
artillery_brigade = { x = 2 y = 2 }
support = {
recon = { x = 0 y = 0 }
engineer = { x = 0 y = 1 }
290 = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = { NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_disband_the_army_flag } }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
# Republicans remove their army
SPD = {
delete_units = {
division_template = "División de Infantería"
disband = yes
delete_units = {
division_template = "División de Caballería"
disband = yes
delete_units = {
division_template = "Brigada Montaña"
disband = yes
delete_units = {
division_template = "Brigada de Infantería"
disband = yes
# Switch leaders who do not have nationalist sympathies to
the Republicans
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_trait =
trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies }
set_nationality = SPD
# Remove unnecessary traits from Nationalist commanders (no
longer relevant to see for the player, as the SCW has started)
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies
remove_unit_leader_trait =
# Add various loyalist traits that now become relevant -
indicating loyalties to the different subfactions
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1108
has_id = 1109
has_id = 1111
has_id = 1112
has_id = 1113
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1114
has_id = 1115
has_id = 1116
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
SPD = {
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1101
has_id = 1102
has_id = 1103
add_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1104
has_id = 1105
has_id = 1106
add_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1107
add_unit_leader_trait =
# Add 3 Republican garrisons to every state where the
Nationalists have NONE control
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 1 compare = equals }
NOT = {
state = 290
state = 699
state = 783
state = 297
# Transfer states and set flag to prepare for post-
Civil War de-coring
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag = SPR_sided_with_republicans_flag
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 3
41 = { # Extra 6 divisions to make Madrid harder to capture
(as historically)
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 6
# Add 3 Nationalist garrisons to every state where the
Nationalists have TOTAL control
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 3
# Trigger war between the sides - necessary because the
next effects spawn units on contested provinces and this requires both sides to be
at war
SPA = {
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD
# 2 Republican and 1 Nationalist garrisons spawned on all
states with WEAK Nationalist control (except for Northern Garrison states)
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = equals }
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPA_northern_garrisons_state_flag }
# Transfer states and set flag to prepare for post-
Civil War de-coring
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag = SPR_sided_with_republicans_flag
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
# 2 Nationalist and 1 Republican garrisons spawned on all
states with STRONG Nationalist control
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 3 compare = equals }
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPA_northern_garrisons_state_flag }
# Transfer states and set flag to prepare for post-
Civil War de-coring
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag = SPR_sided_with_republicans_flag
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
# If Negotiate Carlist Support has been taken, add
Nationalist units in Navarra
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
OR = {
is_ai = no
is_historical_focus_on = no
division_template = {
name = "Requeté Carlista"
template_counter = 8
division_names_group = SPR_INF_03
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
172 = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 5
# If Negotiate Carlist Support has been taken AND AI, add
Nationalist units in Navarra AND Western Aragon
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
is_ai = yes
is_historical_focus_on = yes
division_template = {
name = "Requeté Carlista"
template_counter = 8
division_names_group = SPR_INF_03
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
172 = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
166 = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
prioritize_location = 3816
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
# If Republicans secured the Guardia Civil, add Civil
divisions to random states for the Republicans, and Asalto divisions to random
states for the Nationalists
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
division_template = {
name = "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
template_counter = 5
division_names_group = SPR_INF_05
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
template_counter = 7
division_names_group = SPR_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes
has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
# If Republicans secured the Guardia de Asalto, do the
opposite distribution
else_if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
template_counter = 7
division_names_group = SPR_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
template_counter = 5
division_names_group = SPR_INF_05
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
else = { #Extra backup in case player never took any
focuses - SPA gets BOTH types! Suck on it, Reds!
division_template = {
name = "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
template_counter = 5
division_names_group = SPR_INF_05
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
template_counter = 7
division_names_group = SPR_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }

#Guardia de Asalto
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes

# Guardia Civil
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
# If Republicans had time to Train the Union Youth, add
these divisions to random states that have at MOST WEAK Nationalist control
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales"
template_counter = 0
division_names_group = SPD_INF_02
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
# If Republicans had time to Distribute Arms to the People,
add these divisions to random states that have at MOST WEAK Nationalist control
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada Popular"
template_counter = 13
division_names_group = SPD_INF_03
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
# Load Spanish FT for Republicans, unlock relevant focuses
SPD = {
load_focus_tree = {
tree = spanish_focus
keep_completed = no
unlock_national_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
# Randomize which one they get, unless they had time to
pick one
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_country_flag =
SPD = { unlock_national_focus =
SPR_secure_the_guardia_de_asalto }
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_country_flag =
SPD = { unlock_national_focus =
SPR_secure_the_guardia_civil }
SPD = {
unlock_national_focus = SPR_train_the_union_youth
unlock_national_focus = SPR_enlarge_the_weapon_caches
unlock_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPR_disband_the_army
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_global_flag =
SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag #POUM UPRISING (SUPPORTED BY SOVIET RIGHT
complete_national_focus =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_global_flag =
SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag #POUM UPRISING (SUPPORTED BY SOVIET RIGHT
complete_national_focus =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
add = 10
has_global_flag =
SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag #POUM UPRISING (SUPPORTED BY SOVIET RIGHT
complete_national_focus =
# Unlock division templates for Nationalists
country_lock_all_division_template = no
every_owned_state = {
set_state_flag = SPR_sided_with_nationalists_flag
if = {
limit = {
176 = { is_owned_by = ROOT }
set_capital = { state = 176 }
else_if = {
limit = {
171 = { is_owned_by = ROOT }
set_capital = { state = 171 }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
ROOT = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
# Unlock division templates for Republicans
SPD = {
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
add_core_of = SPD
inherit_technology = SPA
country_lock_all_division_template = no
if = {
limit = {
41 = { is_owned_by = SPD }
SPD = { set_capital = { state = 41 } }
else_if = {
limit = {
165 = { is_owned_by = SPD }
SPD = { set_capital = { state = 165 } }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
SPD = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
# We need to teleport the railway guns after capitals have
been set. transfer_units_fraction will
# teleport them but to the wrong province.
teleport_railway_guns_to_deploy_province = ROOT
teleport_railway_guns_to_deploy_province = SPD
SPD = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender
days = 900 }
add_ideas = SPR_disbanded_army_1
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party
#every_unit_leader = {
# limit = {
# has_unit_leader_flag = SPR_reassigned_flag
# }
# ROOT = { remove_unit_leader = PREV }
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days =
900 }
set_global_flag = spanish_civil_war # Start civil war -
used in many triggers
country_event = { id = lar_spain.6 days = 7 } # SCW
notification event for the player
country_event = { id = lar_spain.78 days = 7 random_days =
7 } # Sanjurjo dies

### ### ### # # ### # ### ## ## # # ### ### ### ### ## ###
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # #
### ## ### # # ### # # # #### # ## ## ## ## ## # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # ### # ## ### ### ### ## # # # # ### # # ### ## #

# check Nationalist effect for detailed comments

if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
hidden_effect = {
set_country_flag = SPR_republican_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_republican_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_republican_spain
SPA = {
retire_ideology_leader = democratic
retire_ideology_leader = neutrality
retire_ideology_leader = communism
kill_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "José Sanjurjo"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPA_jose_sanjurjo"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
set_popularities = {
democratic = 5
communism = 3
neutrality = 44
fascism = 48
transfer_state = 177
177 = { set_state_flag =
SPR_sided_with_nationalists_flag }
transfer_state = 178
178 = { set_state_flag =
SPR_sided_with_nationalists_flag }
SPD = {
retire_ideology_leader = fascism
retire_ideology_leader = neutrality
create_country_leader = {
name = "Manuel Azaña"
picture = GFX_portrait_Manuel_Azana
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -0.3
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.2
division_template = {
name = "Guarnición Republicana"
is_locked = yes
template_counter = 6
division_names_group = SPD_INF_01
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
SPA = {
division_template = {
name = "Guarnición Nacionalista"
is_locked = yes
template_counter = 6
division_names_group = SPR_INF_02
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPA_the_army_of_africa_flag
SPA = {
transfer_state = 290
290 = { set_state_flag =
SPR_sided_with_nationalists_flag }
division_template = {
name = "División del Ejército de África"
template_counter = 4
division_names_group = SPR_INF_06
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 2 y = 0 }
artillery_brigade = { x = 2 y = 1 }
artillery_brigade = { x = 2 y = 2 }
support = {
recon = { x = 0 y = 0 }
engineer = { x = 0 y = 1 }
290 = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = { NOT =
{ has_country_flag = SPR_disband_the_army_flag } }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División del Ejército de África\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_completed_focus =
SPR_enlarge_the_weapon_caches }
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPA
size = 0.5 # Fallback in case one of the ratios
below are not stipulated
stockpile_ratio = 0.5
army_ratio = 0.5
navy_ratio = 0.5
air_ratio = 0.5
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
NOT = { has_trait =
trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies }
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
NOT = { has_completed_focus =
SPR_disband_the_army }
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPA
size = 0.5
stockpile_ratio = 0.2
army_ratio = 0.5
navy_ratio = 0.5
air_ratio = 0.5
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
NOT = { has_trait =
trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies }
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_disband_the_army
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPA
size = 0.5
stockpile_ratio = 0.2
army_ratio = 0.2
navy_ratio = 0.5
air_ratio = 0.5
keep_unit_leaders = {
keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
NOT = { has_trait =
trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies }
delete_units = {
division_template = "División de Infantería"
disband = yes
delete_units = {
division_template = "División de Caballería"
disband = yes
delete_units = {
division_template = "Brigada Montaña"
disband = yes
delete_units = {
division_template = "Brigada de Infantería"
disband = yes
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies
remove_unit_leader_trait =
set_nationality = SPA
SPA = {
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1108
has_id = 1109
has_id = 1111
has_id = 1112
has_id = 1113
remove_unit_leader_trait =
add_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1114
has_id = 1115
has_id = 1116
remove_unit_leader_trait =
add_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_id = 1110
remove_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1101
has_id = 1102
has_id = 1103
add_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1104
has_id = 1105
has_id = 1106
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_id = 1107
add_unit_leader_trait =
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 1 compare = equals }
NOT = {
state = 290
state = 699
state = 783
state = 297
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 3
41 = { # Extra 6 divisions to make Madrid harder to capture
(as historically)
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 6
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals }
SPA = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag = SPR_sided_with_nationalists_flag
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Guarnición
Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 3
SPA = {
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = equals }
if = {
limit = {
has_state_flag =
SPA = {
transfer_state = PREV
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
else = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 3 compare = equals }
if = {
limit = {
has_state_flag =
SPA = {
transfer_state = PREV
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
else = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Republicana\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Guarnición Nacionalista\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
SPA = {
division_template = {
name = "Requeté Carlista"
template_counter = 8
division_names_group = SPR_INF_03
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
172 = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.5"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 5
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Requeté Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.5"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 5
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
SPA = {
division_template = {
name = "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
template_counter = 5
division_names_group = SPR_INF_05
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
template_counter = 7
division_names_group = SPR_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes
has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
SPA = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
template_counter = 7
division_names_group = SPR_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
template_counter = 5
division_names_group = SPR_INF_05
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {

rule = SPR_ai_behavior

option = DEFAULT


has_game_rule = {
rule =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
else = { #Extra backup in case player never took any
focuses - SPA gets BOTH types!
SPA = {
division_template = {
name = "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
template_counter = 5
division_names_group = SPR_INF_05
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
template_counter = 7
division_names_group = SPR_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }

#Guardia de Asalto
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"División de la Guardia de Asalto\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes

# Guardia Civil
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
difficulty > 1
ROOT = {
is_ai = no
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
create_unit = {
division = "division_template
= \"Brigada de la Guardia Civil\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = SPA
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_train_the_union_youth
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales"
template_counter = 0
division_names_group = SPD_INF_02
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
de Juventudes Sindicales\" start_experience_factor = 0.2"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 1
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
SPD = {
division_template = {
name = "Brigada Popular"
template_counter = 13
division_names_group = SPD_INF_03
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
random_state = {
limit = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 1 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
is_ai = yes
OR = {
AND = {

is_historical_focus_on = yes

has_game_rule = {
rule =
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule =
option =
NOT = {
state = 790
state = 792
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Popular\" start_experience_factor = 0"
owner = SPD
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 2
SPA = {
load_focus_tree = {
tree = spanish_focus
keep_completed = no
unlock_national_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
unlock_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPA_negotiate_carlist_support
unlock_national_focus = SPA_the_army_of_africa
unlock_national_focus =
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
ROOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_con_paquito_flag }
unlock_national_focus = SPA_sin_paquito
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
ROOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_sin_paquito_flag }
unlock_national_focus = SPA_con_paquito
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
ROOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_con_paquito_flag }
complete_national_focus =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
ROOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_sin_paquito_flag }
complete_national_focus =
10 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
complete_national_focus =
add_ideas = SPA_carlism_1
country_lock_all_division_template = no
every_owned_state = {
set_state_flag = SPR_sided_with_republicans_flag
if = {
limit = {
41 = { is_owned_by = ROOT }
set_capital = { state = 41 }
else_if = {
limit = {
165 = { is_owned_by = ROOT }
set_capital = { state = 165 }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
ROOT = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
SPA = {
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
add_core_of = SPA
inherit_technology = SPD
country_lock_all_division_template = no
if = {
limit = {
176 = { is_owned_by = SPA }
SPA = { set_capital = { state = 176 } }
else_if = {
limit = {
171 = { is_owned_by = SPA }
SPA = { set_capital = { state = 171 } }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
SPA = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party
# We need to teleport the railway guns after capitals have
been set. transfer_units_fraction will
# teleport them but to the wrong province.
teleport_railway_guns_to_deploy_province = ROOT
teleport_railway_guns_to_deploy_province = SPA
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
SPA = { add_timed_idea = { idea =
SPA_death_before_surrender days = 900 } }
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days =
900 }
add_ideas = SPR_disbanded_army_1
set_global_flag = spanish_civil_war
country_event = { id = lar_spain.6 days = 7 }
SPA = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.78 days = 7
random_days = 7 } } # Sanjurjo dies
hidden_effect = {
# Marks gui as "dirty" so the code updates the layout to properly
hide the unused branches
mark_focus_tree_layout_dirty = yes

option = { # Option for Nationalists - Franco

name = lar_spain.2.a
trigger = { has_completed_focus = SPA_con_paquito }
ai_chance = {
base = 40
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_FALANGIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = FALANGIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_CARLIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = CARLIST
# Remove Spirits that will no longer be relevant
custom_effect_tooltip = nationalists_chosen
remove_ideas = SPR_military_disloyalty
remove_ideas = SPR_political_violence
SPR_clr_national_strikes = yes
effect_tooltip = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days = 900 }
SPD = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days
= 900 } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party
kill_ideology_leader = fascism
complete_national_focus = SPA_unify_the_nationalist_front
option = { # Option for Nationalists - Falangism
name = lar_spain.2.b
trigger = { has_completed_focus = SPA_sin_paquito }
ai_chance = {
base = 30
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_CARLIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = CARLIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = DEFAULT
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
# Remove Spirits that will no longer be relevant
custom_effect_tooltip = nationalists_chosen
remove_ideas = SPR_military_disloyalty
remove_ideas = SPR_political_violence
SPR_clr_national_strikes = yes
effect_tooltip = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days = 900 }
SPD = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days
= 900 } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party
complete_national_focus = SPA_the_phalanx_ascendant
option = { # Option for Nationalists - Carlism
name = lar_spain.2.c
trigger = { has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain }
ai_chance = {
base = 30
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_FALANGIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = FALANGIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = DEFAULT
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
# Remove Spirits that will no longer be relevant
custom_effect_tooltip = nationalists_chosen
remove_ideas = SPR_military_disloyalty
remove_ideas = SPR_political_violence
SPR_clr_national_strikes = yes
effect_tooltip = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days = 900 }
SPD = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days
= 900 } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party
kill_ideology_leader = fascism
complete_national_focus = SPA_supremacy_of_the_communion
option = { # Option for Republicans - Democratic
name = lar_spain.2.d
trigger = { has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front }
ai_chance = {
base = 40
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_ANARCHIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = ANARCHIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_STALINIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = STALINIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_global_flag = SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag #Soviet
Right Opposition is providing support to the POUM
# Remove Spirits that will no longer be relevant
custom_effect_tooltip = republicans_chosen
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_1
remove_ideas = SPR_military_disloyalty
remove_ideas = SPR_political_violence
SPR_clr_national_strikes = yes
effect_tooltip = {
add_ideas = SPR_disbanded_army_1
effect_tooltip = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days = 900 }
SPA = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days
= 900 } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
complete_national_focus = SPR_maintain_the_second_republic
option = { # Option for Republicans - Communism
name = lar_spain.2.e
trigger = { has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front }
ai_chance = {
base = 30
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_ANARCHIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = ANARCHIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
modifier = {
add = 30
has_global_flag = SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag #Soviet
Right Opposition is providing support to the POUM
# Remove Spirits that will no longer be relevant
custom_effect_tooltip = republicans_chosen
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_1
remove_ideas = SPR_military_disloyalty
remove_ideas = SPR_political_violence
SPR_clr_national_strikes = yes
effect_tooltip = {
add_ideas = SPR_disbanded_army_1
effect_tooltip = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days = 900 }
SPA = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days
= 900 } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
complete_national_focus = SPR_the_anti_fascist_workers_revolution
option = { # Option for Republicans - Anarchism
name = lar_spain.2.f
trigger = { has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front }
ai_chance = {
base = 30
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag =
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_STALINIST
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = STALINIST
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_global_flag = SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag #Soviet
Right Opposition is providing support to the POUM
# Remove Spirits that will no longer be relevant
custom_effect_tooltip = republicans_chosen
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_1
remove_ideas = SPR_military_disloyalty
remove_ideas = SPR_political_violence
SPR_clr_national_strikes = yes
effect_tooltip = {
add_ideas = SPR_disbanded_army_1
effect_tooltip = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days = 900 }
SPA = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days
= 900 } }
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
complete_national_focus = SPR_regional_defense_council_of_aragon

# Mission Generator simulating Republican government working against the

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.3

trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = spanish_civil_war }

is_triggered_only = yes

hidden = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
30 = { # Government imprisons Primo de Rivera
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_primo_de_rivera_first_speech }
has_country_flag =
activate_mission = SPA_imprison_primo_de_rivera_mission
30 = { # Government makes political arrest
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_political_assassination_flag }
activate_mission = SPA_political_arrest_mission
10 = { # Government reassigns disloyal general
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = {
any_army_leader = {
has_trait =
NOT = { has_unit_leader_flag =
SPR_reassigned_flag }
activate_mission = SPA_reassign_disloyal_leader_mission
30 = { # Government makes concessions to the far left
activate_mission = SPA_concessions_to_the_left_mission
# Mission Generator simulating Nationalists working against the Republican
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.4

trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = spanish_civil_war }

is_triggered_only = yes

hidden = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
35 = { # Primo de Rivera makes inflammatory speech
activate_mission = SPR_primo_de_rivera_speech_mission
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_country_flag = SPA_primo_de_rivera_imprisoned
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_decision = SPR_imprison_primo_de_rivera
15 = { # Nationalists conduct political assassination
activate_mission = SPR_political_assassination_mission
20 = { # Nationalists obtain general's loyalty
activate_mission = SPR_sway_leader_loyalty_mission
modifier = {
factor = 0
any_unit_leader = {
has_unit_leader_flag =
30 = { # Nationalists suppress the leftist strikes
activate_mission = SPR_suppress_the_strikes_mission

# Mission Generator simulating other side expanding garrison influence

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.5

trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = spanish_civil_war }

is_triggered_only = yes

hidden = yes
immediate = {
random_list = {
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
171 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
171 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
171 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
790 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
790 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
790 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
174 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
174 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
174 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
791 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
791 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
791 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
176 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
176 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
176 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
792 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
792 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
792 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
172 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
172 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
172 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
166 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
166 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
166 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
794 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
794 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
794 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
165 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
165 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
165 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
788 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
788 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
788 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
41 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
41 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = greater_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
41 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
41 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
793 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
793 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
793 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
167 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
167 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
167 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
170 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes
170 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 4 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
is_ai = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
170 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
170 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
175 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
175 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
175 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
168 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
168 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
168 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
169 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes
169 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 4 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
is_ai = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
169 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
169 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
OR = {
789 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = less_than } }
AND = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes
789 = { check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
is_ai = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
789 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
789 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 20
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
173 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = less_than } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
173 = { check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = equals } }
modifier = {
factor = 10
173 = { has_state_flag =
SPR_ai_recently_expanded_influence_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
activate_mission =
20 = {
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = no
any_owned_state = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 2 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
is_historical_focus_on = yes
OR = {
any_owned_state = {
NOT = { state = 166 }
NOT = { state = 169 }
NOT = { state = 170 }
NOT = { state = 171 }
NOT = { state = 172 }
NOT = { state = 174 }
NOT = { state = 176 }
NOT = { state = 788 }
NOT = { state = 789 }
NOT = { state = 791 }
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 2 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
any_owned_state = {
OR = {
state = 169
state = 170
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 4 compare = equals }
789 = {
check_variable = { var =
SPA_garrison_control value = 3 compare = greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = no
any_owned_state = {
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = less_than }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
is_historical_focus_on = yes
any_owned_state = {
OR = {
state = 166
state = 169
state = 170
state = 171
state = 172
state = 174
state = 176
state = 788
state = 789
state = 791
check_variable = { var = SPA_garrison_control
value = 4 compare = less_than }
country_event = { id = lar_spain.5 days = 1 random_days = 9

# Spanish Civil War - Frontlines Solidify

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.6
title = lar_spain.6.t
desc = lar_spain.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_spanish_civil_war2

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_global_flag = scw_frontlines_solidify
remove_ideas = SPA_planned_uprising
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 41
state = 165
state = 166
state = 167
state = 168
state = 169
state = 170
state = 171
state = 172
state = 173
state = 174
state = 175
state = 176
state = 788
state = 789
state = 790
state = 791
state = 792
state = 793
state = 794
set_state_flag = SPR_unplanned_offensive_flag
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = unplanned_offensive

option = {
name = lar_spain.6.a
if = {
limit = {
tag = SPA
effect_tooltip = { remove_ideas = SPA_planned_uprising }
effect_tooltip = {
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 41
state = 165
state = 166
state = 167
state = 168
state = 169
state = 170
state = 171
state = 172
state = 173
state = 174
state = 175
state = 176
state = 788
state = 789
state = 790
state = 791
state = 792
state = 793
state = 794
add_dynamic_modifier = {
modifier = unplanned_offensive
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.6_tt

# Spanish Civil War - Carlists rise up

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.7
title = lar_spain.7.t
desc = {
text = lar_spain.7.desc
trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = scw_early_end }
desc = {
text = lar_spain.7.desc_2
trigger = {
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_carlists

fire_only_once = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
SPB = {
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
set_popularities = {
democratic = 13
neutrality = 82
fascism = 5
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_party }
if = { # If SPA owns both of the historical Carlist states
limit = {
controls_state = 172
controls_state = 176
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 172
state = 176
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 10
controls_state = 791
SPB = {
transfer_state = 791
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 11
controls_state = 174
SPB = {
transfer_state = 174
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 13
controls_state = 171
SPB = {
transfer_state = 171
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 14
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 171
state = 172
state = 174
state = 176
state = 791
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 171
state = 172
state = 174
state = 176
state = 791
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = { # Fallback if not owning one of the historically
Carlist states
limit = {
OR = {
AND = {
controls_state = 172
NOT = { controls_state = 176 }
AND = {
controls_state = 176
NOT = { controls_state = 172 }
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 172
state = 176
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = { # Fallback if not owning one of the historically
Carlist states
limit = {
OR = {
AND = {
controls_state = 172
NOT = { controls_state = 176 }
AND = {
controls_state = 176
NOT = { controls_state = 172 }
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 172
state = 176
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 5
OR = {
controls_state = 171
controls_state = 174
controls_state = 791
random_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 171
state = 174
state = 791
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else = {
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = { # You're not getting out of a civil war by
voluntarily giving up the targetable locations, pal!
limit = {
NOT = {
controls_state = 172
controls_state = 176
OR = {
controls_state = 171
controls_state = 174
controls_state = 791
random_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 171
state = 174
state = 791
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 5
OR = {
controls_state = 171
controls_state = 174
controls_state = 791
random_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 171
state = 174
state = 791
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else = {
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = { # You're not getting out of a civil war by
voluntarily giving up the targetable locations, pal!
limit = {
NOT = {
controls_state = 172
controls_state = 176
controls_state = 171
controls_state = 174
controls_state = 791
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 5
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else = {
random_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPB = {
transfer_state = PREV
SPB = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = SPB
is_core_of = SPB
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
SPB = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
inherit_technology = SPA
set_stability = 0.6
set_war_support = 0.5
division_template = {
name = "Requeté Carlista"
template_counter = 8
priority = 1
division_names_group = SPR_INF_03
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
set_division_template_lock = {
division_template = "Requeté Carlista"
is_locked = no
every_owned_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
owns_state = 791
owns_state = 174
owns_state = 171
every_owned_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté
Carlista\" start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
if = {
limit = {
owns_state = 172
set_capital = { state = 172 }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
SPB = {
set_capital = { state = PREV }
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.15
add_stability = -0.1
delete_unit_template_and_units = {
division_template = "Requeté Carlista"
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPB
stockpile_ratio = 0.2
army_ratio = 0.1
navy_ratio = 0.1
air_ratio = 0.1
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPB
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
set_global_flag = SPR_carlist_uprising_flag
set_global_flag = { flag = SPR_civil_war_startup value = 1 days =
3 } # Make AI avoid attacking for a few days
SPB = {
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies
remove_unit_leader_trait =
declare_war_on = {
target = ROOT
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = ROOT
add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPA
value = 200
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPD
value = 200
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPC
declare_war_on = {
target = SPC
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPC

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPC
value = 200
every_other_country = {
add_ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = SPB
value = -200
add_ai_strategy = {
type = protect
id = SPB
value = -200
add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = SPB
value = -200
add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = SPB
value = -200
SPB = {
load_focus_tree = {
tree = spanish_focus
keep_completed = no
unlock_national_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
unlock_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPA_negotiate_carlist_support
unlock_national_focus = SPA_the_army_of_africa
unlock_national_focus = SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons
if = {
limit = {
SPA = { has_completed_focus = SPA_sin_paquito }
unlock_national_focus = SPA_sin_paquito
if = {
limit = {
SPA = { has_completed_focus = SPA_con_paquito }
unlock_national_focus = SPA_con_paquito
complete_national_focus = SPA_supremacy_of_the_communion
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus = SPA_head_the_junta_nacional
complete_national_focus = SPA_unite_the_requetes
unlock_national_focus = SPA_no_compromise_on_carlist_ideals
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days =
900 }
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = SPA_carlism_1
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_1
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = SPA_carlism_2
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_2
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = SPA_carlism_3
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_3
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = SPA_carlism_4
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_4
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = SPA_carlism_5
remove_ideas = SPA_carlism_5

## SPA triggers Carlist Uprising ##

# If any country has already joined SCW, it will join the war
against SPB as well
if = { #Country supporting SPD
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPD_flag }
every_country = {
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPD_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPD enemy = SPB
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = {
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
POR_non_aligned_portugal_supports_SPA_flag }
random_country = { #Portuguese Non-aligned tag
(spawned via Workers of Iberia, Unite! focus) will join war
limit = {
has_country_flag =
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy =
SPB hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = { #Country supporting SPA
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPA_flag }
every_country = {
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPA_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy = SPB
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
add_core_of = SPB
news_event = { id = lar_news.10 days = 1 }

option = {
name = lar_spain.7.a
effect_tooltip = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.15
add_stability = -0.1
delete_unit_template_and_units = {
division_template = "Requeté Carlista"
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPB
stockpile_ratio = 0.2
army_ratio = 0.1
navy_ratio = 0.1
air_ratio = 0.1
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPB
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
SPB = {
declare_war_on = {
target = ROOT
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = ROOT
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPC
declare_war_on = {
target = SPC
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPC

# Spanish Civil War - Fascist Anti-Carlist Crack-down

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.8
title = lar_spain.8.t
desc = {
text = lar_spain.8.desc
trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = scw_early_end }
desc = {
text = lar_spain.8.desc_2
trigger = {
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_nationalist_soldiers
fire_only_once = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
every_other_country = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = PREV
count > 0
recall_volunteers_from = ROOT
set_global_flag = SPR_carlist_uprising_flag
set_global_flag = { flag = SPR_civil_war_startup value = 1 days =
3 } # Make AI avoid attacking for a few days
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_government = neutrality }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
SPB = {
clr_country_flag = SPR_carlist_spain_flag
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes
set_country_flag = SPR_nationalist_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_nationalist_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_nationalist_spain
clr_country_flag = SPR_nationalist_spain_flag
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes
set_country_flag = SPR_carlist_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_carlist_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_carlist_spain
if = {
limit = {
any_state = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
has_state_flag = SPA_carlist_cell_flag
every_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPA = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = {
limit = {
OR = {
controls_state = 172
controls_state = 176
every_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 172 }
NOT = { state = 176 }
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPA = {
transfer_state = PREV
else = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
set_state_flag = SPA_carlist_cell_flag
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
set_state_flag = SPA_carlist_cell_flag
every_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPA = {
transfer_state = PREV
SPA = {
inherit_technology = SPB
set_politics = {
ruling_party = fascism
last_election = "1933.4.26"
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = no
set_popularities = {
fascism = 80
democratic = 15
neutrality = 5
set_stability = 0.6
set_war_support = 0.5
if = {
limit = {
owns_state = 172
set_capital = { state = 172 }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = SPA
is_core_of = SPA
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
SPA = {
set_capital = { state = PREV }
delete_unit_template_and_units = {
division_template = "Requeté Carlista"
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_military_junta_party
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_party }
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -0.35
add_stability = -0.1
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPA
stockpile_ratio = 0.4
army_ratio = 0.3
navy_ratio = 0.3
air_ratio = 0.3
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
set_division_template_lock = {
division_template = "Requeté Carlista"
is_locked = no
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPA
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
SPA = {
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_nationalist_sympathies
remove_unit_leader_trait =
declare_war_on = {
target = ROOT
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = ROOT
add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPB
value = 200
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPD
value = 200
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPC
declare_war_on = {
target = SPC
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPC

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPC
value = 200
every_other_country = {
add_ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = SPB
value = -200
add_ai_strategy = {
type = protect
id = SPB
value = -200
add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = SPB
value = -200
add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = SPB
value = -200
SPA = {
load_focus_tree = {
tree = spanish_focus
keep_completed = no
unlock_national_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
unlock_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPA_negotiate_carlist_support
unlock_national_focus = SPA_the_army_of_africa
unlock_national_focus = SPA_secure_the_northern_garrisons
unlock_national_focus = SPA_sin_paquito
complete_national_focus = SPA_the_phalanx_ascendant
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus = SPA_suspend_the_constitution
unlock_national_focus = SPA_eliminate_the_carlists
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus = SPA_establish_the_directory
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_death_before_surrender days =
900 }

## SPB triggers Carlist Uprising ##

### All foreign Aid goes to SPA ###
#Portuguese Op. modifier goes to SPA
if = {
limit = {
has_opinion_modifier = POR_helped_in_civil_war
remove_opinion_modifier = {
target = POR
modifier = POR_helped_in_civil_war
SPA = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = POR
modifier = POR_helped_in_civil_war
if = {#Country supporting SPA
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPA_flag }
every_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = supports_SPA_flag
diplomatic_relation = {
country = SPA
relation = military_access
active = yes
SPA = {
diplomatic_relation = {
country = PREV
relation = military_access
active = yes
#Join war against all SPA enemies
every_country = {
limit = { has_war_with = SPA }
PREV = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = SPA
enemy = PREV
hostility_reason = asked_to_join

#Transfer troops in territory belonging to SPA allies back

every_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }
owner = {
has_war_together_with = SPA
teleport_armies = {
limit = {
tag = SPB
to_state_array = owned_controlled_states
if = { #Country supporting SPD
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPD_flag }
every_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = supports_SPD_flag
# Country joins war against SPA
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPD enemy = SPA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = {
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
POR_non_aligned_portugal_supports_SPA_flag }
random_country = { #Portuguese Non-aligned tag
(spawned via Workers of Iberia, Unite! focus) will join war
limit = {
has_country_flag =
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy =
SPB hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
add_core_of = SPB
add_core_of = SPA
news_event = { id = lar_news.10 days = 1 }

option = {
name = lar_spain.8.a
effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_government = neutrality }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -0.35
add_stability = -0.1
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPA
stockpile_ratio = 0.4
army_ratio = 0.3
navy_ratio = 0.3
air_ratio = 0.3
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_falangist_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPA
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
set_division_template_lock = {
division_template = "Requeté Carlista"
is_locked = no
SPA = {
declare_war_on = {
target = ROOT
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = ROOT
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPC
declare_war_on = {
target = SPC
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPC
random_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPA_union_militar_flag
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Requeté Carlista\"
start_experience_factor = 0.3"
owner = SPB
allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yes
count = 5

# Spanish Civil War - Anarchists rise up ("player" goes SPD)

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.9
title = lar_spain.9.t
desc = {
text = lar_spain.9.desc
trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = scw_early_end }
desc = {
text = lar_spain.9.desc_2
trigger = {
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchist_uprising2

fire_only_once = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_global_flag = SPR_anarchist_uprising_flag
set_global_flag = { flag = SPR_civil_war_startup value = 1 days =
3 } # Make AI avoid attacking for a few days
limit = {
has_global_flag = SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag
if = {
limit = {
communism > 0.03
set_political_party = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 3
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.05
SPC = {
set_rule = {
can_generate_female_aces = yes
set_politics = {
ruling_party = communism
set_popularities = {
communism = 58
democratic = 2
neutrality = 40
create_country_leader = {
name = "Julián Gorkin"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_julian_gorkin"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchist_communism
traits = {
#Check for covert depots from Soviets
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag =
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment
amount = 6000
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = support_equipment
amount = 600
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = artillery_equipment
amount = 120
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = motorized_equipment
amount = 60
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = train_equipment
amount = 6
producer = SOV
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = SOV
modifier = SOV_sent_us_weapons
if = { #If Right Opposition is still under Stalin's rule,
volunteers come back
limit = {
SOV = { has_completed_focus =
SOV_covert_support_for_spanish_poum }
SPD = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = SOV
count > 0
SOV = { recall_volunteers_from = SPD }
if = {
limit = {
neutrality > 0.03
set_political_party = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 3
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.05
SPC = {
set_rule = {
can_puppet = no
can_create_factions = no
can_join_factions = no
can_boost_own_ideology = no
can_generate_female_aces = yes
can_create_collaboration_government = no
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
set_popularities = {
communism = 40
democratic = 2
neutrality = 58
create_country_leader = {
name = "Anarchist Commune"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_anarchist_commune"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchism
traits = {
if = {
limit = {
165 = {
is_capital = yes
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
NOT = {
state = 165
ROOT = {
set_capital = {
state = PREV

if = {
limit = {
OR = {
controls_state = 165
controls_state = 794
controls_state = 166
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
state = 166
is_capital = no
is_controlled_by = ROOT
SPC = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
SPC = {
NOT = {
AND = {
controls_state = 165
controls_state = 794
controls_state = 166
num_of_controlled_states > 8
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
state = 166
is_owned_by = SPC
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPC = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 15
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
SPC = {
transfer_state = 167
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
state = 166
state = 167
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPC = {
transfer_state = PREV
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
state = 166
state = 167
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPC = {
transfer_state = PREV
else = { # You're not getting out of a civil war by voluntarily
giving up the targetable locations, pal!
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPC = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 3
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 178 }
NOT = { state = 177 }
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_capital = no
SPC = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
SPC = {
owns_state = 165
SPC = { set_capital = { state = 165 } }
else = {
SPC = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = SPC
is_core_of = SPC
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
SPC = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
SPC = {
inherit_technology = SPD


limit = {
has_global_flag =
set_politics = {
ruling_party = communism
last_election = "1933.4.26"
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = no
set_popularities = {
neutrality = 15
communism = 80
democratic = 5

set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
last_election = "1933.4.26"
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = no
set_popularities = {
neutrality = 80
communism = 15
democratic = 5

remove_ideas = SPR_the_maximum_concession
add_ideas = closed_economy
set_stability = 0.6
set_war_support = 0.5
division_template = { #No matter if POUM or Anarchist
split, what really matters is the triumph of the revolution during the SCW
name = "Brigada Anarquista"
template_counter = 0
priority = 1
division_names_group = SPD_INF_04
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
every_owned_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Anarquista\" start_experience_factor = 0 start_equipment_factor = 0.25"
owner = SPC
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Anarquista\" start_experience_factor = 0 start_equipment_factor = 0.25"
owner = SPC
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Anarquista\" start_experience_factor = 0 start_equipment_factor = 0.25"
owner = SPC
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states < 3
every_owned_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Anarquista\" start_experience_factor = 0 start_equipment_factor = 0.25"
owner = SPC
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Anarquista\" start_experience_factor = 0 start_equipment_factor = 0.25"
owner = SPC
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
AND = {
num_of_controlled_states > 2
num_of_controlled_states < 4
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
every_owned_state = {
create_unit = {
division = "division_template = \"Brigada
Anarquista\" start_experience_factor = 0 start_equipment_factor = 0.25"
owner = SPC
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.25
add_stability = -0.1
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPC
stockpile_ratio = 0.2
army_ratio = 0.1
navy_ratio = 0.1
air_ratio = 0.1
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPC
SPC = {
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
declare_war_on = {
target = SPA
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPA

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPA
value = 200
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPD
value = 200
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPB
declare_war_on = {
target = SPB
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPB

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPB
value = 200
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
NOT = {
has_completed_focus =
complete_national_focus = SPR_the_stalinist_doctrine
SPC = {
load_focus_tree = {
tree = spanish_focus
keep_completed = no
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
set_party_name = { ideology = communism long_name =
SPR_communism_independent_party_long name = SPR_communism_independent_party }
create_country_leader = {
name = "Anarchist Commune"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_anarchist_commune"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchism
traits = {
unlock_national_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
if = {
limit = {
SPD = { has_completed_focus =
SPR_secure_the_guardia_civil }
unlock_national_focus = SPR_secure_the_guardia_civil
if = {
limit = {
SPD = { has_completed_focus =
SPR_secure_the_guardia_de_asalto }
unlock_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPR_train_the_union_youth
unlock_national_focus = SPR_enlarge_the_weapon_caches
unlock_national_focus = SPR_distribute_arms_to_the_people
unlock_national_focus = SPR_disband_the_army
limit = {
has_global_flag =
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPR_hinder_nkvd_interference
complete_national_focus =
complete_national_focus = SPR_arm_the_people
complete_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPR_the_maximum_concession
unlock_national_focus = SPR_seize_the_gold_reserves
unlock_national_focus = SPR_masters_of_our_own_fate
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days =
900 }

## SPD triggers Anarchist Uprising ##

# If any country has already joined SCW, it will join the war
against SPC as well
if = { #Country supporting SPD
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPD_flag }
every_country = {
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPD_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPD enemy = SPC
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = { #Portuguese Non-aligned tag (spawned via Workers of
Iberia, Unite! focus) will join war
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
POR_non_aligned_portugal_supports_SPA_flag }
random_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy =
SPC hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = { #Country supporting SPA
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPA_flag }
every_country = {
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPA_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy = SPC
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = { #Country supporting SPB
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPB_flag }
every_country = {
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPB_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPB enemy = SPC
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
add_core_of = SPC
news_event = { id = lar_news.11 days = 1 }

option = {
name = lar_spain.9.a
effect_tooltip = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = SOV_covert_support_for_poum_flag
if = {
limit = {
communism > 0.03
set_political_party = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 3
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.05
if = {
limit = {
neutrality > 0.03
set_political_party = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 3
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.05
add_stability = -0.1
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPC
stockpile_ratio = 0.2
army_ratio = 0.1
navy_ratio = 0.1
air_ratio = 0.1
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPC
SPC = {
declare_war_on = {
target = SPA
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPA
declare_war_on = {
target = SPD
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPD
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPB
declare_war_on = {
target = SPB
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPB

# Spanish Civil War - Republican Crack-Down ("player" goes SPC)

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.10
title = lar_spain.10.t
desc = {
text = lar_spain.10.desc
trigger = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = scw_early_end }
desc = {
text = lar_spain.10.desc_2
trigger = {
has_global_flag = scw_early_end
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_solidify_the_frontlines
fire_only_once = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = { #If POUM split + Right Oppo is in charge + tehy are
supporting the POUM -> Then their volunteers stay in SPC
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
SOV = {
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus = SOV_coup_detat
every_other_country = { #Exclude SOV
limit = {
NOT = { tag = SOV }
ROOT = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = PREV
count > 0
recall_volunteers_from = ROOT
else = {
every_other_country = { #Default
limit = {
ROOT = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = PREV
count > 0
recall_volunteers_from = ROOT

set_global_flag = SPR_anarchist_uprising_flag
set_global_flag = { flag = SPR_civil_war_startup value = 1 days =
3 } # Make AI avoid attacking for a few days
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
set_party_name = { ideology = communism long_name =
SPR_communism_independent_party_long name = SPR_communism_independent_party }
create_country_leader = {
name = "Julián Gorkin"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_julian_gorkin"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchist_communism
traits = {
create_country_leader = {
name = "Anarchist Commune"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_anarchist_commune"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchism
traits = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -1
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.25
if = {
limit = {
democratic > 0.01
set_political_party = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 1
set_rule = {
can_puppet = no
can_create_factions = no
can_join_factions = no
can_boost_own_ideology = no
can_generate_female_aces = yes
can_create_collaboration_government = no
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
set_politics = {
ruling_party = communism
set_party_name = { ideology = communism long_name =
SPR_communism_independent_party_long name = SPR_communism_independent_party }
create_country_leader = {
name = "Julián Gorkin"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_julian_gorkin"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchist_communism
traits = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -1
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.05
if = {
limit = {
democratic > 0.01
set_political_party = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 1
#create_field_marshal = {
# name = "José Rovira"
# portrait_path =
# traits = { infantry_officer politically_connected }
# skill = 3
# attack_skill = 2
# defense_skill = 2
# planning_skill = 2
# logistics_skill = 3
add_field_marshal_role = { #TODO_Manu: All these guys
should be handled with the new char system
character = SPR_jose_rovira
traits = { infantry_officer politically_connected }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 3
create_corps_commander = {
name = "Carmel Rosa Baserba"
portrait_path = GFX_portrait_Carmel_Rosa_Baserba
traits = { trait_cautious infantry_officer }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 2
create_corps_commander = {
name = "Luis Rastrollo"
portrait_path = GFX_portrait_Luis_Rastrollo
traits = { politically_connected }
skill = 1
attack_skill = 1
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 1
logistics_skill = 1
set_rule = { can_generate_female_aces = yes }

#Check for covert depots from Soviets

if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag =
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment
amount = 6000
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = support_equipment
amount = 600
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = artillery_equipment
amount = 120
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = motorized_equipment
amount = 60
producer = SOV
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = train_equipment
amount = 6
producer = SOV
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = SOV
modifier = SOV_sent_us_weapons
remove_ideas = SPR_the_maximum_concession
add_ideas = closed_economy
SPC = {
clr_country_flag = SPR_anarchist_spain_flag
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes
set_country_flag = SPR_republican_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_republican_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_republican_spain
clr_country_flag = SPR_republican_spain_flag
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes
set_country_flag = SPR_anarchist_spain_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = spr_fragmentation_status
option = SPR_EU4
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_anarchist_castille
else = {
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_anarchist_spain
if = {
limit = {
controls_state = 165
controls_state = 794
set_capital = { state = 165 }
every_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
state = 166
is_controlled_by = ROOT
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 7
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
NOT = { state = 41 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 9
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
NOT = { state = 41 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 11
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
NOT = { state = 41 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 13
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
NOT = { state = 41 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 15
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 17
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
num_of_controlled_states > 19
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
random_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
any_neighbor_state = {
OR = {
state = 165
state = 794
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
every_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = {
limit = {
OR = {
controls_state = 165
controls_state = 166
controls_state = 794
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
NOT = { state = 165 }
NOT = { state = 794 }
NOT = { state = 166 }
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
if = {
limit = {
owns_state = 165
set_capital = { state = 165 }
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { owns_state = 165 }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
is_core_of = ROOT
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
ROOT = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
set_state_flag = SPR_anarchist_state_flag
every_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = { has_state_flag =
SPR_anarchist_state_flag }
SPD = {
transfer_state = PREV
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = ROOT
ROOT = { set_capital = { state = PREV } }
SPD = {
inherit_technology = SPC
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
last_election = "1933.4.26"
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = yes
set_popularities = {
democratic = 61
communism = 35
neutrality = 3
fascism = 1
set_stability = 0.6
set_war_support = 0.5
if = {
limit = {
SPD = { controls_state = 41 }
SPD = { set_capital = { state = 41 } }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_controlled_by = SPD
is_core_of = SPD
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
SPD = {
set_capital = { state = PREV }
add_stability = -0.1
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPD
stockpile_ratio = 0.4
army_ratio = 0.3
navy_ratio = 0.3
air_ratio = 0.3
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties

every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPD
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPD
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_id = 1108
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPD
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
SPD = {
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
declare_war_on = {
target = SPA
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPA

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPA
value = 200
declare_war_on = {
target = SPC
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPC

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPC
value = 200
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPB
declare_war_on = {
target = SPB
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPB

add_ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = SPB
value = 200
SPD = {
create_country_leader = {
name = "Manuel Azaña"
picture = GFX_portrait_Manuel_Azana
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
load_focus_tree = {
tree = spanish_focus
keep_completed = no
unlock_national_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
if = {
limit = {
SPC = { has_completed_focus =
SPR_secure_the_guardia_civil }
unlock_national_focus = SPR_secure_the_guardia_civil
if = {
limit = {
SPC = { has_completed_focus =
SPR_secure_the_guardia_de_asalto }
unlock_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPR_train_the_union_youth
unlock_national_focus = SPR_enlarge_the_weapon_caches
unlock_national_focus = SPR_distribute_arms_to_the_people
unlock_national_focus = SPR_disband_the_army
complete_national_focus = SPR_maintain_the_second_republic
complete_national_focus = SPR_new_leadership
complete_national_focus = SPR_the_future_of_the_republic
complete_national_focus =
unlock_national_focus = SPR_crush_the_revolution
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_death_before_surrender days =
900 }

## SPC triggers Anarchist Uprising ##

### Foreign aid goes to SPD ###
#Op. modifier goes to SPD.
if = {
limit = {
has_opinion_modifier = POR_helped_in_civil_war
remove_opinion_modifier = {
target = POR
modifier = POR_helped_in_civil_war
SPD = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = POR
modifier = POR_helped_in_civil_war
if = { #Country supporting SPD
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPD_flag }
every_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = supports_SPD_flag
diplomatic_relation = {
country = SPD
relation = military_access
active = yes
SPD = {
diplomatic_relation = {
country = PREV
relation = military_access
active = yes
#Join war against all SPD enemies
every_country = {
limit = { has_war_with = SPD }
PREV = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = SPD
enemy = PREV
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
#Transfer troops in territory belonging to SPD allies back
every_state = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_fully_controlled_by = ROOT }
owner = {
has_war_together_with = SPD
teleport_armies = {
limit = {
tag = SPC
to_state_array = owned_controlled_states
if = { #Portuguese Non-aligned tag (spawned via Workers of
Iberia, Unite! focus) will join war
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
POR_non_aligned_portugal_supports_SPA_flag }
random_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy =
SPD hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = { #Country supporting SPA
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPA_flag }
every_country = {# Country joins war against SPD
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPA_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPA enemy = SPD
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }
if = { #Country supporting SPB
limit = {
any_country = { has_country_flag =
supports_SPB_flag }
every_country = {# Country joins war against SPD
limit = { has_country_flag = supports_SPB_flag }
add_to_war = { targeted_alliance = SPB enemy = SPD
hostility_reason = asked_to_join }

#Transfer Portuguese revolted ships (if any) to Republican Spain

if = {
limit = {
SPC = { has_country_flag =
POR_got_portuguese_mutineers_flag }
SPC = {
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { POR.POR_ships_revolted
> 0 }
SPD = { set_country_flag =
POR_got_portuguese_mutineers_flag }
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
prefer_name = "NRP Dão"
target = SPD
POR = {
if = {
limit = {
check_variable =
{ POR.POR_ships_revolted > 1 }
ROOT = {
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
prefer_name = "NRP
target = SPD
if = {
limit = {
check_variable =
{ POR.POR_ships_revolted > 2 }
ROOT = {
transfer_ship = {
type = destroyer
prefer_name = "NRP
target = SPD
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = {
POR.POR_ships_revolted > 3 }
ROOT = {
transfer_ship = {
type =
= "NRP Tamega"
target = SPD
clr_country_flag = POR_got_portuguese_mutineers_flag
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = SPR_core_of_spain_flag
add_core_of = SPC
add_core_of = SPD
news_event = { id = lar_news.11 days = 1 }

option = {
name = lar_spain.10.a
effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
NOT = { has_government = neutrality }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
create_country_leader = {
name = "Anarchist Commune"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_anarchist_commune"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchism
traits = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -1
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.15
if = {
limit = {
democratic > 0.01
set_political_party = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 1
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus =
NOT = { has_government = communism }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = communism
create_country_leader = {
name = "Julián Gorkin"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_julian_gorkin"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchist_communism
traits = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = -1
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = -0.05
if = {
limit = {
democratic > 0.01
set_political_party = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 1
remove_ideas = SPR_the_maximum_concession
add_ideas = closed_economy
add_stability = -0.1
transfer_units_fraction = {
target = SPD
stockpile_ratio = 0.4
army_ratio = 0.3
navy_ratio = 0.3
air_ratio = 0.3
keep_unit_leaders = {

keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_republican_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPD
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait = trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties
set_nationality = {
character = THIS
target_country = SPD
every_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties
remove_unit_leader_trait =
SPD = {
declare_war_on = {
target = SPA
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPA
declare_war_on = {
target = SPC
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPC
if = {
limit = {
country_exists = SPB
declare_war_on = {
target = SPB
type = civil_war
add_civil_war_target = SPB

# Spanish Civil War - Carlists Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.11
title = lar_spain.11.t
desc = lar_spain.11.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spanish Civil War - Fascists Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.12
title = lar_spain.12.t
desc = lar_spain.12.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spanish Civil War - Franco Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.13
title = lar_spain.13.t
desc = lar_spain.13.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spanish Civil War - Anarchists Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.14
title = lar_spain.14.t
desc = lar_spain.14.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spanish Civil War - Independent Communists Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.15
title = lar_spain.15.t
desc = lar_spain.15.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spanish Civil War - Republicans Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.16
title = lar_spain.16.t
desc = lar_spain.16.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spanish Civil War - Stalinist Communists Defeated

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.17
title = lar_spain.17.t
desc = lar_spain.17.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_civil_war_faction_defeated

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.11.a

# Spain - Nationalists out of focuses to take, have to 'lay low' for a while
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.18
title = lar_spain.18.t
desc = lar_spain.18.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_nationalist_soldiers

trigger = {
tag = SPR
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
NOT = { has_global_flag = spanish_civil_war }
NOT = { has_global_flag = scw_over }
date > 1936.8.10

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = lar_spain.18.a
add_ideas = SPA_awaiting_the_rebellion
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.18.a_tt

# Reassert American Dominance - Event for American nations

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.19
title = lar_spain.19.t
desc = lar_spain.19.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.19.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio > 1 }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { puppet = ROOT }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.20 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.19.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.5 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.1 }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.21 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Reassert American Dominance - Notification event for Spain - Target Accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.20
title = lar_spain.20.t
desc = lar_spain.20.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.20.a
puppet = FROM
# Reassert American Dominance - Notification event for Spain - Target Declined
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.21
title = lar_spain.21.t
desc = lar_spain.21.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.21.a
create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = FROM

# Portuguese Aid - Event for Portugal

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.22
title = lar_spain.22.t
desc = lar_spain.22.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.22.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = POR_popular_front
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus =
add_manpower = -20000
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { add_manpower = 20000 }
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_spanish_civil_war_commitments days =
730 }
add_opinion_modifier = { target = ROOT modifier =
SPA_spanish_civil_war_commitments }
add_ai_strategy = {
type = send_volunteers_desire
id = SPA
value = 200
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.23 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.22.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_completed_focus = POR_support_the_spanish_nationalists
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = POR_send_assistance
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.24 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Portuguese Aid - Event for Spain - POR accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.23
title = lar_spain.23.t
desc = lar_spain.23.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soldiers_marching

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.23.a
effect_tooltip = {
POR = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPA_spanish_civil_war_commitments
days = 730 }
add_opinion_modifier = { target = ROOT modifier =
SPA_spanish_civil_war_commitments }
add_manpower = 20000

# Portuguese Aid - Event for Spain - POR declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.24
title = lar_spain.24.t
desc = lar_spain.24.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.24.a

# Iberian Pact - Event for Portugal

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.25
title = lar_spain.25.t
desc = lar_spain.25.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.25.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = POR_popular_front
custom_effect_tooltip = SPA_the_iberian_pact_tt
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.26 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }
if= { #If Portugal is in faction, Spain will join
limit = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = { is_in_faction = no }
effect_tooltip = {
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = FROM
else_if = { #If Spain is in faction, Portugal will join
limit = {
is_in_faction = no
FROM = { is_in_faction = yes }
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = ROOT
else_if = { #If Spain and Portugal are in different factions, both will
leave their faction
limit = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = { is_in_faction = yes }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
effect_tooltip = {
leave_faction = yes
FROM = { leave_faction = yes }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.25.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_completed_focus = POR_support_the_spanish_nationalists
modifier = {
factor = 0
focus_progress = {
focus = POR_iberian_summit
progress > 0
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_completed_focus = POR_support_the_spanish_nationalists
is_historical_focus_on = yes
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.27 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Iberian Pact - Event for Spain - POR accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.26
title = lar_spain.25.t
desc = lar_spain.26.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.26.a
custom_effect_tooltip = SPA_the_iberian_pact_tt
if= { #If Spain is in faction, Portugal will join
limit = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = { is_in_faction = no }
effect_tooltip = {
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = FROM
else_if = { #If Portugal is in faction, Spain will join
limit = {
is_in_faction = no
FROM = { is_in_faction = yes }
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = ROOT
else_if = { #If Spain and Portugal are in different factions, both will
leave their faction
limit = {
is_in_faction = yes
FROM = { is_in_faction = yes }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
leave_faction = yes
FROM = { leave_faction = yes }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { set_country_flag = SPA_iberian_pact }
set_country_flag = SPA_iberian_pact

# Iberian Pact - Event for Spain - POR declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.27
title = lar_spain.25.t
desc = lar_spain.27.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes
option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.27.a

# Iberian Pact - Other party has joined a faction, we must uphold our end of the
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.28
title = lar_spain.28.t
desc = lar_spain.28.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_other_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPA_iberian_pact_invitee
save_event_target_as = iberian_pact_invitee
random_other_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPA_iberian_pact_faction_leader
add_to_faction = ROOT

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.28.a
effect_tooltip = {
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with =
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = ROOT

# Iberian Pact - Other party has joined the war, we must uphold our end of the
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.29
title = lar_spain.28.t
desc = lar_spain.29.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.28.a
random_other_country = {
limit = {
has_war_with = event_target:iberian_pact_war_target
if = {
limit = {
any_country = {
has_country_flag =
has_country_flag = SPA_iberian_pact_enemy_flag
random_other_country = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPA_iberian_pact
has_war_with = PREV
ROOT = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = PREV
enemy = PREV.PREV
hostility_reason = asked_to_join

# Latin Bloc - Event for invitees

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.30
title = lar_spain.30.t
desc = lar_spain.30.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.30.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_government = democratic
FROM = { has_government = fascism }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_government = communism
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
add_to_faction = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.31 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }
add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = FROM
value = 200

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.30.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_government = FROM
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.32 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Latin Bloc - Event for Spain - FROM accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.31
title = lar_spain.30.t
desc = lar_spain.31.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.31.a
add_to_faction = FROM

# Latin Bloc - Event for Spain - FROM declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.32
title = lar_spain.30.t
desc = lar_spain.32.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes
option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.32.a

# Spain - Contact the Union Militar Espanola

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.33
title = lar_spain.33.t
desc = lar_spain.33.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_carlists2

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
NOT = { has_state_flag = SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
set_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_1
save_event_target_as = union_militar_target_state_1
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
NOT = { has_state_flag = SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
NOT = { has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_1 }
set_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_2
save_event_target_as = union_militar_target_state_2
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROOT
is_controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = {
state = 177
state = 178
NOT = { has_state_flag = SPA_carlist_cell_flag }
NOT = { has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_1 }
NOT = { has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_2 }
set_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_3
save_event_target_as = union_militar_target_state_3

option = { # Choose First State

name = lar_spain.33.a
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_1
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_1
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.33_tt
hidden_effect = {
set_state_flag = SPA_union_militar_flag

option = { # Choose Second State

name = lar_spain.33.b
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_2
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_2
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.33_tt
hidden_effect = {
set_state_flag = SPA_union_militar_flag

option = { # Choose Third State

name = lar_spain.33.c
trigger = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_3
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = union_militar_temp_flag_3
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.33_tt
hidden_effect = {
set_state_flag = SPA_union_militar_flag

# Spain - Settle the Succession Question

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.34
title = lar_spain.34.t
desc = lar_spain.34.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Choose first King

name = lar_spain.34.a
ai_chance = {
base = 66
set_country_flag = SPB_xavier_king
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.34.a_tt

option = { # Choose second King

name = lar_spain.34.b
ai_chance = {
base = 34
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.34.b_tt

# Spain - Restore the Monarchy - ### DEPRECATED, replaced by News Event ###
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.35
title = lar_spain.35.t
desc = lar_spain.35.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_royal_parade

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Establish Monarchy

name = lar_spain.35.a
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes
set_cosmetic_tag = SPB_kingdom
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPB_xavier_king
create_country_leader = {
name = "Javier I"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPA_xavier_of_bourbon_parma"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = SPB_xavier_king }
NOT = { has_global_flag = SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead }
create_country_leader = {
name = "Alfonso XIII"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPA_alfonso_xiii"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = SPB_xavier_king }
has_global_flag = SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead
create_country_leader = {
name = "Jaime IV"
picture = "GFX_portrait_fra_infante_jaime"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {

# Tangiers Enclave - Event for UK

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.36
title = lar_spain.36.t
desc = lar_spain.36.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_occupation_of_tangiers

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Protest
name = lar_spain.36.a
ai_chance = {
base = 34
modifier = {
factor = 3
has_war = no
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_government = democratic
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 5
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 3
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 2
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { has_political_power > 100 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_in_faction_with = FROM
add_political_power = -200
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.36_tt
effect_tooltip = {
create_wargoal = {
type = topple_government
target = FROM
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.37 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

option = { # Let it slide

name = lar_spain.36.b
ai_chance = {
base = 66
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_government = fascism
modifier = {
factor = 10
surrender_progress > 0.1
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.38 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Tangiers Enclave - Event for Spain - UK protested

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.37
title = lar_spain.36.t
desc = lar_spain.37.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_occupation_of_tangiers

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.37.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = topple_government
target = ROOT
290 = {
add_extra_state_shared_building_slots = 3
add_building_construction = {
type = industrial_complex
level = 2
instant_build = yes

option = { # We must back down

name = lar_spain.37.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 0.6
# Tangiers Enclave - Event for Spain - UK let it slide
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.38
title = lar_spain.36.t
desc = lar_spain.38.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_occupation_of_tangiers

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # OK
name = lar_spain.38.a
290 = {
add_extra_state_shared_building_slots = 3
add_building_construction = {
type = industrial_complex
level = 2
instant_build = yes

# Demand French North Africa - Event for France

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.39
title = lar_spain.39.t
desc = lar_spain.39.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.39.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio > 1 }
modifier = {
factor = 5
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
transfer_state = 461
transfer_state = 462
transfer_state = 459
transfer_state = 460
transfer_state = 513
transfer_state = 514
transfer_state = 458
transfer_state = 665
hidden_effect = {
set_country_flag = surrendered_french_north_africa
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.40 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }
news_event = { id = lar_news.14 days = 2 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.39.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.5 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.1 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_focus_tree = vichy_french_focus
NOT = { has_war_with = GER }
FROM = { is_in_faction_with = GER }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
add_state_claim = 461
add_state_claim = 462
add_state_claim = 459
add_state_claim = 460
add_state_claim = 513
add_state_claim = 514
add_state_claim = 458
add_state_claim = 665
create_wargoal = {
type = take_state_focus
target = ROOT
generator = { 461 462 459 460 513 514 458 665 }
expire = 0
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.41 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Demand French North Africa - Event for Spain - France accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.40
title = lar_spain.40.t
desc = lar_spain.40.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.40.a
transfer_state = 461
transfer_state = 462
transfer_state = 459
transfer_state = 460
transfer_state = 513
transfer_state = 514
transfer_state = 458
transfer_state = 665

# Demand French North Africa - Event for Spain - France declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.41
title = lar_spain.41.t
desc = lar_spain.41.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.41.a
add_state_claim = 461
add_state_claim = 462
add_state_claim = 459
add_state_claim = 460
add_state_claim = 513
add_state_claim = 514
add_state_claim = 458
add_state_claim = 665
create_wargoal = {
type = take_state_focus
target = FROM
generator = { 461 462 459 460 513 514 458 665 }
expire = 0

# Claim the French Throne - Event for France

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.42
title = lar_spain.42.t
desc = lar_spain.42.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.42.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war = no
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio > 0.5 }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
annex_country = { target = ROOT transfer_troops = yes }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.43 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }
news_event = { id = lar_news.15 days = 2 }
custom_effect_tooltip = GAME_OVER_TT

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.42.b
ai_chance = {
base = 95
modifier = {
factor = 0
focus_progress = {
focus = FRA_the_legitimate_heir
progress > 0
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.1
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.3
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.2
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.5
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.44 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Claim the French Throne - Event for Spain - France accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.43
title = lar_spain.43.t
desc = lar_spain.43.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.43.a
puppet = FROM
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.43_tt
hidden_effect = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.79 days = 7
random_days = 7 } }

# Claim the French Throne - Event for Spain - France declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.44
title = lar_spain.44.t
desc = lar_spain.44.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.44.a
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM

# Iberian Union - Event for Portugal

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.45
title = lar_spain.45.t
desc = lar_spain.45.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.45.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war = no
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio > 0.5 }
NOT = { is_puppet_of = FROM }
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
annex_country = { target = ROOT transfer_troops = yes }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.46 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }
news_event = { id = lar_news.16 days = 2 }
custom_effect_tooltip = GAME_OVER_TT

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.45.b
ai_chance = {
base = 95
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
has_completed_focus = POR_the_royal_iberian_alliance
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.1
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.3
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
AND = {
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.5
is_puppet_of = FROM
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.47 hours = 18 random_hours
= 6 }

# Iberian Union - Event for Spain - Portugal Accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.46
title = lar_spain.46.t
desc = lar_spain.46.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.46.a
set_cosmetic_tag = ESU_POR_unified
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = POR
add_core_of = ROOT
annex_country = { target = FROM transfer_troops = yes }

# Iberian Union - Event for Spain - Portugal Declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.47
title = lar_spain.47.t
desc = lar_spain.47.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.47.a
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM

# Portuguese Anarchism - Event for Portugal

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.48
title = lar_spain.48.t
desc = lar_spain.48.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchist_uprising

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
any_neighbor_state = {
is_fully_controlled_by = SPC
set_state_flag = SPC_portuguese_anarchism_state
set_global_flag = SPR_portuguese_anarchism_flag

option = { # Ok :'(
name = lar_spain.48.a
hidden_effect = {
start_civil_war = {
ideology = communism
size = 0.1
states_filter = {
has_state_flag = SPC_portuguese_anarchism_state
keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
always = yes
random_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = POR
has_government = communism
NOT = { tag = ROOT }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
set_political_party = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 100
set_party_name = { ideology = neutrality long_name =
SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party_long name = SPR_neutrality_anarchism_party }
set_cosmetic_tag = SPR_POR_anarchism
set_country_flag = SPR_portuguese_anarchism_flag
retire_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Anarchist Commune"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPR_anarchist_commune"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = anarchism
traits = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.49 }

# Portuguese Anarchism - Event for Spain

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.49
title = lar_spain.48.t
desc = lar_spain.49.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchist_uprising

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.49.a
random_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = POR
has_government = neutrality
NOT = { tag = FROM }
SPC = {
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = PREV
enemy = POR
hostility_reason = asked_to_join
puppet = PREV
set_political_party = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 100
POR ={
set_rule = { can_join_factions = no }

# Portuguese Anarchism - Event for Spain - Portuguese Civil War ends

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.50
title = lar_spain.50.t
desc = lar_spain.50.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_anarchist_success

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.50.a
random_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = POR
has_government = neutrality
is_subject_of = ROOT
SPC = {
annex_country = {
target = PREV
transfer_troops = yes
clr_global_flag = SPR_portuguese_anarchism_flag

# Relocate the Gold Reserves - Event for Spain - Choose target

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.51
title = lar_spain.51.t
desc = lar_spain.51.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_other_country = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = PREV
count > 0
NOT = { tag = SOV }
set_country_flag =
save_event_target_as =
random_other_country = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = PREV
count > 0
NOT = { tag = SOV }
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag1 }
set_country_flag =
save_event_target_as =
random_other_country = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = PREV
count > 0
NOT = { tag = SOV }
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag1 }
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag2 }
set_country_flag =
save_event_target_as =

option = { # Send to SOV

name = lar_spain.51.a
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = SOV
count > 0
trigger = {
SOV = {
exists = yes
has_government = communism
SOV = { set_country_flag =
SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag_sov }
SOV = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.52 hours = 6 random_hours =
6 } }
option = { # Send to #1
name = lar_spain.51.b
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
trigger = {
any_other_country = {
has_country_flag =
event_target:SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_1 = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.52 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 }
option = { # Send to #2
name = lar_spain.51.c
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
trigger = {
any_other_country = {
has_country_flag =
event_target:SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_2 = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.52 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 }
option = { # Send to #3
name = lar_spain.51.d
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
trigger = {
any_other_country = {
has_country_flag =
event_target:SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_3 = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.52 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 }

# Relocate the Gold Reserves - Event for Target

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.52
title = lar_spain.52.t
desc = lar_spain.52.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_destroyers

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.52.a
set_country_flag = { flag = SPR_relocate_the_gold_reserves_timer_flag
value = 1 days = 60 }

# Relocate the Gold Reserves - Event for Target - Seize the Gold
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.53
title = lar_spain.53.t
desc = lar_spain.53.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
any_country = {
original_tag = SPR
OR = {
has_government = democratic
has_government = communism
has_volunteers_amount_from = {
tag = ROOT
count > 0
has_completed_focus = SPR_relocate_the_gold_reserves
OR = {
has_country_flag = SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag_sov
has_country_flag = SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag1
has_country_flag = SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag2
has_country_flag = SPR_relocated_gold_reserves_selection_flag3
NOT = { has_country_flag = SPR_relocate_the_gold_reserves_timer_flag }

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 30

option = { # Seize it!

name = lar_spain.53.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
add_political_power = -25
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_seized_spanish_gold_reserves days = 365 }
hidden_effect = {
SPD = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.54 }

option = { # Let it go.

name = lar_spain.53.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes

# Relocate the Gold Reserves - Event for Spain - Gold seized!

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.54
title = lar_spain.54.t
desc = lar_spain.54.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
remove_ideas = SPR_relocate_the_gold_reserves
set_country_flag = SPR_seized_gold_reserves_flag

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.54.a
effect_tooltip = { remove_ideas = SPR_relocate_the_gold_reserves }
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.54.a_tt

# Relocate the Gold Reserves - Event for Spain - Payback time

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.55
title = lar_spain.55.t
desc = lar_spain.55.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
original_tag = SPR
has_country_flag = SPR_seized_gold_reserves_flag
has_global_flag = scw_over
mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

option = { # Dangit
name = lar_spain.55.a
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_seized_spanish_gold_reserves_spain days =
365 }

# Appeal for Increased Autonomy - Event for SOV

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.56
title = lar_spain.56.t
desc = lar_spain.56.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.56.a
end_puppet = FROM
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.57 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.56.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.58 }

# Appeal for Increased Autonomy - Event for Spain - SOV accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.57
title = lar_spain.57.t
desc = lar_spain.57.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.57.a
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { end_puppet = ROOT }
# Appeal for Increased Autonomy - Event for Spain - SOV declined
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.58
title = lar_spain.58.t
desc = lar_spain.58.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.58.a

# A Red Iberia - Event for Portugal

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.59
title = lar_spain.59.t
desc = lar_spain.59.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.59.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
annex_country = { target = ROOT transfer_troops = yes }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.60 }
custom_effect_tooltip = GAME_OVER_TT

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.59.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
focus_progress = {
focus = POR_the_iberian_socialist_union
progress > 0
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.5 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.1 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.3
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = { tag = FROM ratio < 0.2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = { has_war_with = FROM }
has_war = yes
surrender_progress > 0.5
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.61 }

# A Red Iberia - Event for Spain - Portugal Accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.60
title = lar_spain.60.t
desc = lar_spain.60.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3
is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.60.a
set_cosmetic_tag = ESU_POR_unified
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = POR
add_core_of = ROOT
annex_country = { target = FROM transfer_troops = yes }

# A Red Iberia - Event for Spain - Portugal Declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.61
title = lar_spain.61.t
desc = lar_spain.61.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.61.a
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM

# Support French Communists - Event for France

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.62
title = lar_spain.62.t
desc = lar_spain.62.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok :'(
name = lar_spain.62.a
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
communism > 0.4
start_civil_war = {
ideology = communism
size = 0.3
keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
always = yes
else_if = {
limit = {
communism > 0.3
start_civil_war = {
ideology = communism
size = 0.2
keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
always = yes
else = {
start_civil_war = {
ideology = communism
size = 0.1
keep_unit_leaders_trigger = {
always = yes
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.63 }

# Support French Communists - Event for Spain

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.63
title = lar_spain.63.t
desc = lar_spain.63.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.63.a
random_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = FRA
has_government = communism
NOT = { tag = FROM }
SPR = {
puppet = PREV
add_to_war = {
targeted_alliance = PREV
enemy = FRA
hostility_reason = asked_to_join

# Petition for French Aid - Event for France

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.64
title = lar_spain.64.t
desc = lar_spain.64.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_no_pasaran

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.64.a
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.2
has_country_flag = FRA_non_intervention
add_political_power = -50
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.1
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_equipment_shipments days = 730 }
add_opinion_modifier = { target = FROM modifier =
SPA_spanish_civil_war_commitments }
FROM = {
add_war_support = 0.15
add_ai_strategy = { type = send_lend_lease_desire id = SPR value =
100 }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.65 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.64.b
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_country_flag = FRA_arms_purchases_allowed
has_country_flag = FRA_sending_weapons_allowed
has_country_flag = FRA_volunteer_work_allowed
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.66 }
# Petition for French Aid - Event for Spain - France Accepted
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.65
title = lar_spain.65.t
desc = lar_spain.65.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_no_pasaran

is_triggered_only = yes
option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.65.a
effect_tooltip = { FROM = { add_opinion_modifier = { target = ROOT
modifier = SPA_spanish_civil_war_commitments } } }
add_war_support = 0.15

# Petition for French Aid - Event for Spain - France Declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.66
title = lar_spain.66.t
desc = lar_spain.66.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.66.a

# War of Independence - Event for SOV

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.67
title = lar_spain.67.t
desc = lar_spain.67.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
end_puppet = FROM
remove_from_faction = FROM

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.67.a
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
factor = 0.33
any_country = {
is_major = yes
has_war_with = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 0
surrender_progress > 0.1
effect_tooltip = {
end_puppet = FROM
remove_from_faction = FROM
FROM = {
declare_war_on = {
target = ROOT
type = topple_government
hidden_effect = { FROM = { news_event = { id = lar_news.20 hours =
6 } } }

option = { # Let them have their independence

name = lar_spain.67.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 100
any_country = {
is_major = yes
has_war_with = ROOT
modifier = {
add = 100
has_country_flag = SOV_give_them_independence_flag
effect_tooltip = {
end_puppet = FROM
remove_from_faction = FROM
delete_unit_template_and_units = {
division_template = "Spanish Loyalist Division"
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SOV_annexed_spanish_land
FROM = {
transfer_state = 165
transfer_state = 167
transfer_state = 794
FROM = { country_event = lar_spain.89 }

# Those Who Would Not Help Us - Event for USA/ENG/FRA

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.68
title = lar_spain.68.t
desc = lar_spain.68.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.68.a
ai_chance = {
base = 75
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_equipment_shipments days = 730 }
add_ai_strategy = { type = send_lend_lease_desire id = SPR value =
100 }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.69 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.68.b
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war_with = SOV
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.70 }

# Those Who Would Not Help Us - Event for Spain - FROM Accepted
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.69
title = lar_spain.69.t
desc = lar_spain.69.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.69.a
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = { add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_equipment_shipments days =
730 } }
# Those Who Would Not Help Us - Event for Spain - FROM Declined
country_event = {
id = lar_spain.70
title = lar_spain.70.t
desc = lar_spain.70.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.70.a

# Enemies of Our Enemy - Event for GER/ITA

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.71
title = lar_spain.71.t
desc = lar_spain.71.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.71.a
ai_chance = {
base = 75
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.72 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.71.b
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war_with = SOV
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.73 }

# Enemies of Our Enemy - Event for Spain - FROM Accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.72
title = lar_spain.72.t
desc = lar_spain.72.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.72.a
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
diplomatic_relation = {
country = ROOT
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes

# Enemies of Our Enemy - Event for Spain - FROM Declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.73
title = lar_spain.73.t
desc = lar_spain.73.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.73.a

# Enemies of Our Enemy - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.74
title = lar_spain.74.t
desc = lar_spain.74.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = lar_spain.74.a
ai_chance = {
base = 75
army_experience = -25
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_deal_with_the_devil days =
730 }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.75 }

option = { # Decline
name = lar_spain.74.b
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = { target = FROM value > 99 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_war_with = SOV
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = lar_spain.76 }

# Enemies of Our Enemy - Event for Spain - FROM Accepted

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.75
title = lar_spain.75.t
desc = lar_spain.75.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.75.a
add_timed_idea = { idea = SPR_deal_with_the_devil days = 730 }

# Enemies of Our Enemy - Event for Spain - FROM Declined

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.76
title = lar_spain.76.t
desc = lar_spain.76.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Damn
name = lar_spain.76.a

# Spain - Alfonso Dies

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.77
title = lar_spain.77.t
desc = {
text = lar_spain.77.desc1
trigger = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_restore_the_monarchy
NOT = { has_country_flag = SPB_xavier_king }
desc = {
text = lar_spain.77.desc2
trigger = {
NOT = {
AND = {
has_completed_focus = SPA_restore_the_monarchy
NOT = { has_country_flag = SPB_xavier_king }
picture = GFX_report_event_europe_funeral

trigger = {
original_tag = SPR
if = {
limit = {
any_country = {
OR = {
AND = {
tag = SPA
has_completed_focus =
tag = SPB
is_ai = no
is_ai = no
has_completed_focus = SPA_a_great_spain
NOT = { has_completed_focus = SPA_the_phalanx_ascendant }
NOT = { has_global_flag = SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead }
date > 1940.2.28

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 365

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_global_flag = SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
name = "Alfonso XIII"
ruling_only = yes
kill_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Jaime IV"
picture = "GFX_portrait_fra_infante_jaime"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {


option = { # RIP
name = lar_spain.77.a
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
name = "Alfonso XIII"
ruling_only = yes
effect_tooltip = {
kill_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Jaime IV"
picture = "GFX_portrait_fra_infante_jaime"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {


# Spain - Sanjurjo Dies

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.78
title = lar_spain.78.t
desc = lar_spain.78.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_plane_crash

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
kill_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Military Junta"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPA_military_junta"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {

option = { # RIP
name = lar_spain.78.a
effect_tooltip = {
custom_effect_tooltip = lar_spain.78_tt
hidden_effect = {
kill_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Military Junta"
picture = "GFX_portrait_SPA_military_junta"
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {

# Claim the French Throne - Event for Spain - Coronation

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.79
title = lar_spain.79.t
desc = lar_spain.79.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_royal_parade

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.79.a
FRA = {
every_unit_leader = {
set_nationality = ROOT
every_state = {
limit = {
is_core_of = FRA
add_core_of = ROOT
annex_country = { target = FRA transfer_troops = yes }

# Hidden event to 'age' Franco after 1950

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.80

trigger = {
tag = SPA
has_completed_focus = SPA_caudillo_of_spain
NOT = { has_completed_focus = SPA_restore_the_monarchy }
date > 1950.1.1

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

fire_only_once = yes

hidden = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
SPA_francisco_franco = {
set_portraits = {
civilian = { large =
GFX_portrait_spain_francisco_franco_old }

# End of SCW, Republicans expanded Soviet aid - event for SOV

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.81
title = lar_spain.81.t
desc = lar_spain.81.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.81.a
effect_tooltip = {
puppet = SPD

# End of SCW, Republicans expanded Soviet aid - event for SPD

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.82
title = lar_spain.82.t
desc = lar_spain.82.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
has_government = democratic
set_country_flag = SPR_democratic_government_flag
set_temp_variable = {
var = soviet_puppet_democratic_var
value = party_popularity@democratic
SOV = { puppet = SPD }
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = SPR_democratic_government_flag
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
clr_country_flag = SPR_democratic_government_flag
set_political_party = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 100
add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = soviet_puppet_democratic_var

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.82.a
effect_tooltip = {
SOV = { puppet = SPD }

# Soviets get notification SPR is being disloyal

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.83
title = lar_spain.83.t
desc = lar_spain.83.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

trigger = {
tag = SOV
any_country = {
original_tag = SPR
focus_progress = {
focus = SPR_subvert_soviet_control
progress > 0.1

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2
fire_only_once = yes

option = { # We must act!

name = lar_spain.83.a
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
factor = 0.33
any_country = {
is_major = yes
has_war_with = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 0
surrender_progress > 0.1
set_country_flag = SOV_annexed_spanish_land
transfer_state = 165
transfer_state = 167
transfer_state = 794
hidden_effect = { SPD = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.84 } } }
division_template = {
name = "Spanish Loyalist Division"
priority = 1
division_names_group = SOV_INF_01
is_locked = yes
regiments = {
infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
# Catalonia
165 = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"1. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"2. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
# Valencia
167 = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"3. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"4. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"5. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"6. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"7. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
# Eastern Aragon
794 = {
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"8. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"9. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"10. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"11. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"12. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"13. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"14. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"15. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT
create_unit = {
division = "name = \"16. Spanish Loyalist Division\"
division_template = \"Spanish Loyalist Division\" start_experience_factor = 0.1"
owner = ROOT

option = { # Everything will be fine

name = lar_spain.83.b
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 100
any_country = {
is_major = yes
has_war_with = ROOT
set_country_flag = SOV_give_them_independence_flag
add_political_power = -50

# Event for SPR that Soviets are seizing land

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.84
title = lar_spain.84.t
desc = lar_spain.84.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_army_greeted

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Bastards!
name = lar_spain.84.a
set_country_flag = SOV_took_spanish_states
effect_tooltip = {
SOV = {
transfer_state = 165
transfer_state = 167
transfer_state = 794

# SPR has Catalonia returned

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.85
title = lar_spain.85.t
desc = lar_spain.85.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soldiers_marching

trigger = {
tag = SPD
has_completed_focus = SPR_war_of_independence
has_country_flag = SOV_took_spanish_states
has_war_with = SOV
SOV = { owns_state = 165 }
has_full_control_of_state = 165

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
165 = { save_event_target_as = SPR_stolen_state_name }

option = { # Excellent!
name = lar_spain.85.a
transfer_state = 165
hidden_effect = { SOV = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.88 } } }

# SPR has Valencia returned

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.86
title = lar_spain.85.t
desc = lar_spain.85.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soldiers_marching

trigger = {
tag = SPD
has_completed_focus = SPR_war_of_independence
has_country_flag = SOV_took_spanish_states
has_war_with = SOV
SOV = { owns_state = 167 }
has_full_control_of_state = 167

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
167 = { save_event_target_as = SPR_stolen_state_name }

option = { # Excellent!
name = lar_spain.85.a
transfer_state = 167
hidden_effect = { SOV = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.88 } } }

# SPR has Eastern Aragon returned

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.87
title = lar_spain.85.t
desc = lar_spain.85.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soldiers_marching

trigger = {
tag = SPD
has_completed_focus = SPR_war_of_independence
has_country_flag = SOV_took_spanish_states
has_war_with = SOV
SOV = { owns_state = 794 }
has_full_control_of_state = 794

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
794 = { save_event_target_as = SPR_stolen_state_name }

option = { # Excellent!
name = lar_spain.85.a
transfer_state = 794
hidden_effect = { SOV = { country_event = { id = lar_spain.88 } } }

# Event for SOV informing them of losing a state to SPR

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.88
title = lar_spain.88.t
desc = lar_spain.88.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soldiers_marching

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Excellent!
name = lar_spain.88.a
effect_tooltip = { FROM = { transfer_state =
event_target:SPR_stolen_state_name } }

# Event for SPR that Soviets are giving them independence

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.89
title = lar_spain.89.t
desc = lar_spain.89.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_soviet_army_greeted
is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.89.a
if = {
limit = {
SOV = { has_country_flag = SOV_annexed_spanish_land }
SOV = { clr_country_flag = SOV_annexed_spanish_land }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
transfer_state = 165
transfer_state = 167
transfer_state = 794

# Event for Spain that the president is dismissed

country_event = {
id = lar_spain.90
title = lar_spain.90.t
desc = lar_spain.90.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_parliament

trigger = {
tag = SPR
date > 1936.4.20
NOT = { has_global_flag = spanish_civil_war }

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 2

fire_only_once = yes

option = { # Ok
name = lar_spain.90.a
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "La Resistance"
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_focus = SPR_the_popular_front
remove_ideas = SPR_government_power_struggle
add_political_power = 10
retire_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Manuel Azaña"
picture = GFX_portrait_Manuel_Azana
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
else = {
retire_country_leader = yes
create_country_leader = {
name = "Manuel Azaña"
picture = GFX_portrait_Manuel_Azana
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {


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