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1) Tasa de Crecimiento Específico

Con base en la Tabla 1 (Cedano-Castro et al., 2013), determine la Tasa de Crecimiento
Específico para el día 70 y para el día 182.
Tabla 1. Pesos y longitudes promedios de O. niloticus criada en sistema de bio-floc
Días N° muestreo L(cm) W(g)
0 1 17.8 110.2
14 2 18.2 136.4
28 3 19.4 174.1
42 4 21.6 219.4
ln ( peso final ( g ) ) −ln ( peso inicial ( g ) )
TCE= ∗100
56 5 22.6 273.7 Tiempo ( días )
70 6 23.7 316.8
84 7 24.7 358.9
98 8 26.2 406.2
112 9 27.8 487.6 TCE=(Ln(826.5)-Ln(110.2))/182*100=1.10%
126 10 29.2 566.8
140 11 30.4 664.0 TCE=(Ln(316.8)-Ln(110.2))/70*100=1.5%
154 12 31.8 748.0
168 13 32.4 799.2
182 14 32.7 826.5

2) Determining Feed Ratio:


You will weigh fish and determine biomass in order to formulate a proper feed ration.
Because feed is a high cost, it is important not to overfeed. Fish have a tendency to gorge
themselves when overfed, causing a fatty fish and contributing to off flavors when eaten.
Additionally, underfeeding will increase the length of production time. Care must be taken
to produce a quality product with minimum costs.


STEP 1 -- Fill a one gallon bucket about half way with water and weigh it using the
balance. Remember, if you use counter weights, you must add them to the total weight

STEP 2 -- Carefully remove 3 fish from a tank and place them in water. Add weight until
the balance is centered. Record the new weight.

STEP 3 -- Return fish to water.

STEP 4 -- Plug numbers into formula and determine how much feed is needed per day.


0.025 ( A+B+C ) N = X

0.025 = the percentage of biomass we feed (2.5%). A+B+C = each individual weight of the
fish. 3 the total number of fish weighed. N the total number of fish in the tank. X the
amount of feed needed per day.

A= 250 ; B=280 ; C=290 ; N=1000

0.025 ( 250+280+290) 1000 = 683.3g

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