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University of Turin


Technology development in the Outdoor Sport

The post Covid-19 pandemic scenario

Gioia Aleandri
Alessandro Sola
Alessandro Priolo
Isabela Tanaselea
Yoana Di Gaspare Perez
Florina Madalina Minciuna
Table of contents
1. Introduction....................................................................................................1
2. Macro Trends.................................................................................................2
a. Outdoor....................................................................................................2
b. Sustainability.........................................................................................3
c. Technology.............................................................................................4
3. Micro Trends..................................................................................................7
4. Cross Fertilization......................................................................................12
5. Target.............................................................................................................16
6. Marketing Implications.............................................................................21
7. Conclusion....................................................................................................25
8. Bibliography..................................................................................................27
The pandemic has disrupted the normal trajectory of society and has imposed a
reimagination of people's lives. Governments enforced restrictions to fight the
contagion, constrained people home indefinitely, surrounded by uncertainty and
induced the vast majority to a worsening of mental conditions and general well-
being. From the social limitation to the change in behavior, consumers and
businesses have readapted to a world where social interactions are limited and
reduced to the essential.

Now that this dreadful situation is phasing out, the shift in social values has put
nature and group recreational activities under the limelight. There is a growing
urge among people to reconnect with the outdoors and with each other. As a
result, innovative ideas have emerged, leading to a new era where environmental
conservation and technology are intertwined.

Humans are genetically structured to search for nature, to find an intrinsic sense
of relief into the astonishing horizons and landscape of this flourishing planet. For
this reason natural environments reproduce in people a sense of pleasure and
safety, reducing stress and the most detrimental emotions. It also contributes to
the well-being of every single part of the body, from the heart to the muscles.
Therefore, rediscovering all the marvels the world has to offer is a necessity in
the post-pandemic era.

The most innovative ideas came from a reevaluation of old habits and from a new
concept of “local”, both in the sense of where the goods are produced as well as
where the services are delivered. In the years leading to the pandemic, there was
a growing trend of xenophilia, where people showed more appreciation for things
that were distant or from foreign countries, rather than what was readily available
in their local area. This affected local economies and accentuated the
concentration of people in big cities and in famous tourist destinations. Viewing
the pandemic restrictions through a positive lens, it's impossible not to
acknowledge that people now have a greater appreciation for their immediate

Macro trends
How are outdoor activities evolving from now on? People are hungry to
experience the outdoors, they want to meet and connect, bonding in
communities, even through the use of new technologies, and embrace a more
sustainable approach to the world.

The new demand for nature is shown through data of the sale of sportswear and
outdoor equipment. Civic Science, in 2021, surveyed more than 1,000
consumers to gauge their intentions, and the results revealed a significant
increase in interest across various categories. Specifically, 48% of respondents
expressed their desire to engage in more hiking or walking, while 32% planned to
pursue indoor activities. Outdoor cycling also saw a boost with 13% of
consumers intending to participate, followed by 11% who intended to play more
golf. These intentions are being confirmed by the sportswear industry, which was
estimated to be worth $17.0 billion in 2022 and is projected to achieve a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 6% from 2022 to 2027.
Furthermore, other evidence is enshrined in the impressive sales figures of
products such as kayaks (up by almost 30%), backpacking tents (up by almost
50%), sleeping bags (up by 28%), and many more. These remarkable sales
figures are rarely observed in the market, and it is evident that the pandemic has
had a profound impact on people's behavior and their inclination towards outdoor

It must be noticed, that being exposed to nature through outdoor activities is

believed to be an effective way to enhance mental well-being, as it offers various
health benefits such as stress relief. A study found that individuals living in areas
with increased urban green spaces were less likely to experience loneliness
during the study period. The pandemic has emphasized the significance of
access to outdoor spaces, as those who did not have access to green activities
during the lockdown had a higher likelihood of displaying clinical depression
Parks, greenspaces, and nature-based interventions have the potential to
mitigate the mental health consequences of crises. It is important to investigate
how the frequency of participation in nature-based activities can influence
psychological resilience. Physical activity done outdoors is crucial for maintaining
both physical and mental health. Research shows that lower levels of physical
activity are associated with lower life satisfaction and as long as it is increased, it
augments subjective well-being.

Together with the individual well-being, for the whole society, and mostly for the
outdoor enthusiasts, environmental health is becoming a major concern too. This
is why the general idea lays the foundation in the belief that our economic
system is dependent on growth. However, if growth ultimately results in the
destruction of our natural environment, then the current model cannot be
sustained. Therefore, we must shift our focus from growth in terms of products
to growth in terms of services, which put an emphasis on sustainability.

If we look at some data, Deloitte, in outdoor consumer report 2021, have found
through their survey that 87% of respondents consider the sustainability criteria
when deciding to buy outdoor equipment and 57% are willing to pay a premium
for a sustainable product.

Consumer expectations regarding sustainability have risen in all aspects
compared to the previous year, including awareness and purchasing behavior. A
considerable majority of consumers, around 88%, now verify the sustainability of
a product before buying it, at least to some extent. The 3 major sustainability
criteria respondents take into account are durability, environmentally friendly
materials and packaging. Indeed, creating infrastructure for reprocessing goods
is now equally crucial as making them recyclable in the first place. Therefore,
producing single-material products has become a high priority, regardless of
whether they are made from polyester, merino wool, cotton, or biobased
synthetics. However, the current infrastructure is not yet designed to make pure
products readily available to the masses. Moreover, there is a trend towards
using eco-friendly packaging materials like plant-based or ethically-sourced
materials instead of plastic, as consumers are moving away from plastic.

In this complex environment, an extreme need to connect arose and because
necessity is the mother of innovation, technological development sped up
In the last decades an incredibly disruptive and fast development of technology
occurred. It started with the first computer and now it reached astonishing
horizons beyond any previous belief. Together with the improvement of
hardwares, which had several boosts in calculus power and capabilities, the world
wide web was born.

By looking at major macro trends in the tech world, it is impossible to ignore the
development of solutions that resulted in an interconnected world. Everyday
people can access any available information on earth and this is translated to a
completely new and innovative way of doing business. In this globalized world,
consumers are constantly exposed to an overwhelming amount of information
and new products due to the advancements in technology and communication.
This has facilitated businesses to reach out to consumers across the world with
greater ease. The advent of e-commerce platforms has further enabled people to
purchase products in real-time, effectively eliminating national barriers between
Following the significant advancement in technology, it is now possible to
minimize the space each hardware component takes inside. This has allowed the
creation of smaller and more compact devices, such as smartphones, laptops,
and wearable technology. These new manufacturing techniques represent one of
the key factors driving the miniaturization.
For instance, the use of nanotechnology has enabled the production of more
precise electronic components, while advancements in materials science have
led to more durable components. This trend towards miniaturization has also
been driven by consumer demand for more portable and convenient devices. As
people have become increasingly mobile, there has been a growing need for
devices that can be easily carried around and used on the go. This has led to the
creation of accessories that are more powerful and efficient, thanks to advances
in computing power and energy efficiency.
Some examples are clearly present in the healthcare industry, which has seen
significant developments in the miniaturization of medical devices, such as
implantable sensors and drug delivery systems, while the aerospace industry has
also seen advancements in miniaturization of satellites and other space
technology. Overall, the trend towards smaller technology has opened up new
possibilities and opportunities for innovation across a variety of industries.

In this strictly interconnected world, barriers have been demolished, permitting

individuals to communicate anytime and anywhere, regardless of the
circumstances. Consequently, a more globalized society was created, where
ideas and information can be shared across borders and cultures at an
unprecedented rate.

All of these have led to the establishment of online communities in which users
can meet and exchange interests, goals or experiences. This community-
centered system is self-sustained thanks to a sense of belonging and
commitment, that makes them a powerful co-creation tool, empowering
customers to be part of the development of new products, services, and
marketing strategies. As a result, online communities have become an essential
part of the marketing toolkit, helping businesses to co-create products
customized around consumers and build long-lasting relationships with them.

Ultimately, technological progress is embodied by AI, the artificial intelligence.
It refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that would normally require
human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, perception, and problem-solving,
but can go even further by replicating creativity in art by drawings, writings and
composing music. AI systems work through machine learning techniques, which
enable them to learn from data and progressively improve their performance. In
addition, advancements in cloud computing and the availability of big data have
enabled companies to train and deploy AI models at scale.
The use of AI is now widespread across industries such as healthcare, finance,
transportation, and manufacturing, and its potential for transformative impact is
still being explored. However, there are also concerns about the societal
implications of AI, such as the potential for bias and job displacement.

AI is expected to continue to advance and become more ubiquitous in the future,
leading to even more significant changes in the way we live, work, and interact
with technology. It will also create new opportunities for innovation and
disruption, leading to the emergence of new products, services, and business
models. As such, it is essential for individuals, organizations, and governments to
understand and prepare for its impact. It is also crucial to ensure that AI is
developed and deployed responsibly, with proper ethical guidelines and
regulations in place to prevent its misuse.

Micro trends
Over the past few years, wearable devices have gained significant popularity as a
means of monitoring physical activity and encouraging healthy living. These
devices, which include fitness trackers, or smartwatches, and smart fabric, offer
a more integrated approach as they can be worn on the body and provide
continuous monitoring of various metrics, such as steps taken, heart rate, blood
oxygen levels and calories burned. Additionally, many of these devices also offer
features such as notifications and reminders, which can help users stay
motivated and committed to their fitness goals.

Garmin is a GPS multisport smartwatch series designed for the outdoor

enthusiasts, athletes and fitness fanatics. This represents one of the best
products available on the market, displaying a combination of technology,
professionality and style. Furthermore, the smartwatch disposes of many
functionalities and provides its users with a unique outdoor experience.
The Fenix watches promote a robust and durable design with a stainless steel or
titanium bezel and reinforced polymer case. They come with a high-resolution
color display that is readable in sunlight and protected by scratch-resistant
sapphire crystal. Additionally they are equipped with a range of sports and fitness
features, such as heart rate monitoring, running dynamics, recovery advisor and
training status. All Fenix versions include built-in GPS and GLONASS satellite
reception, allowing for precise tracking of the outdoor activities and navigation in
difficult environments. However, the Fenix watches are more than just sports
watches, they possess smartwatch capabilities by allowing their users to receive
messages and notifications, music control and payment features.
Moreover, these accessories have impressive battery life, with a battery-saving
mode that can extend the battery even further and are water-resistant.

However, this is not the sole variety of wearable technology we can purchase
today. To increase our level of comfort we can use smart glasses, a cutting-edge
solution that merges the functionality of a traditional eyewear with the features
which allow listening to music through bone conduction, to leave ears free of
buds, that is more safe when moving around. Moreover it can incorporate
technology such as cameras that enable to record unforgettable moments,
displays and sensors that permit users to access information and interact with
the digital world in a hands-free and intuitive manner.
Thinking about smart glasses, the archetype is embodied by the Google Glass,
that is a wearable, voice- and motion-controlled Android device that resembles a
pair of eyeglasses and displays information directly in the user's field of vision.
They offer an augmented reality experience given by visual, audio and location-
based inputs to provide relevant information.The glasses have built-in Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth connectivity and a camera for taking photographs and videos,
moreover it can share directly what they see thanks to google hangouts video
call. Furthermore, with the Google Maps implementation, the device can guide
you through the crowded center of any metropolis.The smart eyewear uses
motion and voice recognition to process commands from the wearer. A touchpad
is also available on the glasses' rim to request information. To provide the desired
instructions, the device relies on sending small packages of information straight
to the wearer through a micro-projector, that only the wearer can see.This tiny
semi-transparent screen is located on the upper-right hand side of the glasses.
This display occupies only about 5 percent of the wearer's natural field of vision
and is responsible for transmitting information to the user. In addition the device
has the ability to respond to facial and head bending, so the user can tilt their
head to scroll through a page or operate the device with eye movements.

To complete a tech outfit there are also adjusting temperature jackets and other
types of clothing. These jackets often have heating elements built into them,
which can be adjusted using a remote or a smartphone app. Some jackets also
have cooling elements, which can be used to keep the wearer cool in hot
temperatures. The ability to adjust the temperature of the jacket makes it a
versatile and practical piece of clothing, suitable for a wide range of weather
conditions and outdoor activities.
One of the key projects around the smart jacket is the Mercury, founded by a
Boston-based start-up company Ministry of Supply. This is a self-heating, self-
adjusting puffer that creates a personalized microclimate for the wearer.
transitional environments dressing-challenge is solved through three carbon
fiber heating pads that bring the garment at the optimal temperature. The whole
system is controlled by two thermometers, one internal, one external that work
peer to peer with an accelerometer. The key development of the MIT start-up is
enshrined in the constant adaptation of the heat, that not only reshape
temperature on the environment, but also learn and predict the individual
preferences of the user thanks to an artificial intelligence. This product has a key
connectivity aspect, because it utilizes Amazon’ smart assistant Alexa, to
preheat the jacket before putting on, and receive input about preferences on the
corresponding app. Mercury is the first jacket that uses data to actually change
and improve its function, not only record them as other smart jackets. Moreover,
to help those more sensitive to cold, extra warmth is provided through two
zipped hand-warming pockets, where an integrated wireless charging phone
sleeve also allows users to charge their devices on the go.

Going further, the metaverse is considered one of the most promising future
trends in technology. As the technology for virtual and augmented reality
continues to advance, the metaverse is expected to become increasingly
sophisticated and immersive. The word "metaverse" refers to a communal virtual
shared place generated by the merging of virtual reality, augmented reality, and
the internet via headsets. It is a virtual universe in which users may engage with a
completely immersive digital environment, which is frequently depicted as three-
dimensional space. The metaverse enables users to interact with each other and
virtual objects in a way that feels like a real-world experience. It has the potential
to revolutionize the way people work, play, learn, and socialize. It has the potential
to revolutionize many industries, including gaming, entertainment, education, and
social media. In the metaverse, users can create their own virtual avatars and
interact with other users in a virtual space, creating a more social and interactive
experience than traditional online platforms. As more people adopt virtual and
augmented reality technology, the metaverse is expected to grow and become
an integral part of our daily lives. The potential applications and possibilities of
the metaverse are vast, and it is an exciting area to watch as the technology
continues to evolve.
The metaverse could also be used to reimagine the business sectors’ way of
working, such as the tourism one. This idea started from the pandemic situation,
and is still in development, to create a new source of revenues in tough times.
The metaverse could offer an online interactive and fully-immersive experience
by blending real world and virtual enhancements.

The key technology that acts as a pillar of metaverse development is VR, virtual
reality. Today’s VR market is dominated by solutions that require computer
support and wires.
The Oculus Quest 2 represents the polar opposite, it is a virtual reality (VR)
headset developed by Facebook-owned company Oculus. It is a standalone
device, meaning it does not require a PC or a phone to function. The topnotch
headset is designed to be comfortable and lightweight, with adjustable straps
and soft padding for the face and head, providing the user a seamless
The Oculus Quest 2 features high-resolution displays providing a clear and
immersive VR experience. It also has built-in sensors and cameras that allow for
precise tracking of the user's movements, enabling them to interact with the
virtual environment in a natural and intuitive way without the use of external
sensors. The device is very powerful and has an integrated storage that can be
used to play strong VR games and applications free from any computer support.
The headset also has built-in speakers and a 3.5mm headphone jack for audio
output. The Oculus Quest 2 includes two wireless controllers that provide precise
hand tracking and haptic feedback, allowing users to interact with the virtual
environment and manipulate objects with ease. The device supports a variety of
VR experiences, including games, social applications, and educational content.
Overall, the Oculus Quest 2 is a highly capable and versatile VR headset that
offers a great balance of performance, comfort, and affordability, making it a
popular choice for both casual users and VR enthusiasts.

A truly immersive experience requires a virtual universe that can not only be seen
and heard, but also touched. The H-Reality project is set to revolutionize the way
we can interact with our surroundings in the digital world.
A group of researchers is striving to develop digital technology that provides a
tactile experience to bridge the current "touch gap". The H-Reality project, which
is funded by the European Union, aims to create interactive augmented and
virtual reality environments that can be touched and, thereby creating a haptic
virtual experience. The goal of this research is to create a sensory encounter that
involves the manifestation of digital 3D shapes and textures in physical space
using modulated, focused ultrasound.
Additionally, the study aims to provide users with directional vibrotactile
stimulation through next-generation wearable haptic rings, allowing them to
discern an object's dynamics. Finally, the study seeks to distinguish between
different materials' surface properties through computational renderings.
The project's ultimate goal is to achieve high-quality sensations using user-
friendly and comfortable technology.
Another side project founded by the European Union, linked with H-reality, is the
one of AI-Enabled Mid-Air Haptic Texture Generation. Here touch is still not part of
this picture. The H-Reality project developed a pioneering haptic algorithm that
employs AI and a series of phased ultrasonic waves to create textured holograms
that you can touch and feel in mid-air. This cutting-edge technology has a wide
range of applications, and the EU-funded E-Textures project focuses on digital
signage for advertising markets and businesses, such as garments retail and
healthcare. With its ability to create immersive, interactive experiences, this
technology has the potential to revolutionize advertising and consumer
engagement in a variety of industries.

More precisely, individuals feel the necessity of waking up every day with more
energy and more motivation, but how can they receive more sensory experience?
One possible solution, that has certainly created a good buzz since now, could be
found in Virtual Reality, with the new groundbreaking project of Virtual Smell.
Virtual Reality (VR) smell, also known as digital scent technology or olfactory
interface, is a technology that aims to simulate scents and fragrances in a virtual
environment. The concept of VR smell is perfectly embraced by the Olorama Tech
company, which through a device, called “scent generator” or “odor emitter”,
releases different fragrances in response to different virtual stimuli, such as the
scene or object being viewed in a virtual reality headset. This innovative trend
attracts many consumers that have the desire to relive long-forgotten emotions,
because the sense of smell could resurface memories, like the Prust’s
Madeleine, influence people’s mood, and even affect the way people work by
modifying their behavior. VR smell technology has several potential applications,
such as in entertainment, education, and healthcare. For example, it could be
used to enhance the immersive experience of a virtual reality game or simulation,
or to create more realistic virtual environments for training medical
professionals. While VR smell technology is still in its early stages, numerous
businesses are already working on fragrance generators and combining olfactory
interfaces into virtual reality systems.

To sum up, the technological progress in recent years has immensely developed,
to the point of becoming an integral part of any activities, the outdoor ones
included. Technology is now easily accessible to everyone, regardless of their
personal circumstances, and has enabled people to connect with each other on a
global scale. This, together with the key trends we analyzed above, is a key
concept that we want to embody in our project that we will explain later on.

Since the world is increasingly more interconnected, especially after the Covid-
19 pandemic, when considering macro and micro trends related to an industry, it
is recommended to also analyze what is happening around it. A fusion and
combination of different sectors’ ideas and discoveries can really lead to ground-
breaking innovations and help to define new prospects in the industry in other
industries. Thus, before going in depth with the technology impact on the outdoor
sport industry an inspection on other sectors is performed.

A concrete demonstration can be found in the virtual eating experience, which

successfully merges technology and food. During lockdown, virtual eating was
gaining momentum, as people were looking for new ways to socialize and enjoy
meals together while maintaining social distancing measures. Virtual eating, also
known as virtual dining, is a concept that allows people to enjoy a dining
experience remotely. It involves the use of technology to create a virtual
environment where people can see and interact with each other while sharing a
meal. It can take many forms, such as virtual dinner parties, online cooking
classes, or virtual restaurant experiences. One of the main benefits of virtual
eating is that it allows people to connect with others from anywhere in the world,
regardless of physical distance. This can be particularly beneficial for those who
live far away from family and friends or for people who are unable to travel due to
health or other reasons. Virtual eating experiences exploit various technologies
such as video conferencing platforms, virtual reality, or augmented reality. For
example, some companies offer virtual reality dining experiences that allow users
to wear a headset and feel as if they are dining in a virtual restaurant. Others,
instead, offer online cooking classes where participants can follow along with a
chef and learn to prepare a meal together. Just to mention some of them, VizEat
is a French company that connects travelers with local hosts who offer home-
cooked meals and dining experiences. With the pandemic, VizEat has also started
offering virtual cooking classes and food enjoyment. Targeting the same market,
Dine@Home offers the same kind of products and also dinner parties, cheese
tasting and cocktail making classes. Moreover, today, there are also some
examples of digital eating in restaurants, such as Aerobanquets, that brings VR
dinner around the world, Sublimotion, in Ibiza, and Redline VR, a bar that offers a
unique drinking and cocktail tasting virtual reality experience in Chicago.
While virtual eating can provide a unique and convenient dining experience, it may
not be suitable for everyone because some may prefer more traditional meals
that include physical presence, so as to properly enjoy the atmosphere and
ambiance of an actual restaurant. However, as technology continues to advance,
digital eating is likely to become an increasingly popular option for those seeking
to connect with others in a completely immersive experience.
Nonetheless it should be recognized that technology advanced experiences like
these can have potential drawbacks. In practice, wearing the headset people can
concentrate on aspects of the food that are often overlooked. Flavors can
appear to be more pronounced, and texture more evident. In addition, the colors
and shapes shown by the visual display were not casual and incorporated specific
nuances aimed at building emotional connection to the dining experience.

Another emerging field that combines technology, creativity and innovation is

virtual fashion, that strives to create clothing designs that exist only in the digital
With the exploitation of the internet, the fashion industry has registered a sales
jump. Thus, these companies have set up true and proper virtual showcases, in
order to help clients in the selection process, by showing the availability of
products, together with pictures and detailed descriptive cards. In this context,
the websites of luxury brands have shown the effects of the increased
investments on them, as further options and details have been implemented.
Even runways moved on the screen during lockdown, as fashion houses wanted
to continue their shows even without physical attendees. Digital fashion shows
continued to exist when lockdown came to an end and they also took new
shapes, for instance Balenciaga during its Fall/Winter 2021 fashion show utilized
the Oculus VR Equipment to stimulate in new ways the spectators. They
practically created 3D models without any physical supermodel or cloth, to show
the collection online or in a virtual reality environment.
Augmented reality fashion means designing virtual clothes that can be
superimposed onto a real-life image or video of a person using AR tech. In this
regard, the possibilities that the digital world gives to marketers are unlimited.
Digital fitting rooms are the result of this trend and work using a camera, to see
products on a mannequin or on themselves. This helps clients who are too busy or
too shy, to choose the most suitable solution from the comfort of their own sofa.
In exchange, companies obtain more customer retention and satisfaction, as
they feel fully guided and involved in the selection process. Gucci, with Gucci Art
Lab, already in 2018 introduced an interactive advertising campaign that involved
the user at 360 degrees via a mix of screening technologies, virtual reality and
augmented reality.
This type of service could be offered by each official app, so that anyone could
portrait himself as a model, trying all the most amazing clothes viewed on the
shops’ windows. This function is integrated with traditional advertising methods,
and clothing items can also be displayed by taking a photo of the corresponding
magazine page.
These processes, together with the spread of the emergency, continued to
develop and diffuse among different sectors. In the beauty industry, between the
promoters of new technologies, L'Oréal has also leveraged AR to enable clients to
see on their faces a makeup product before buying it, with the Genius Makeup
App, that now counts more than 20 million users.
Other companies in order to respond to these trends are developing personalized
virtual wardrobes; apps that allow users to mix and match digital outfits to create
their unique style. While some others are turning to more sustainable practices
through the creation of virtual clothing that promote sustainability by
showcasing eco-friendly materials or highlighting the impact of the fashion
industry on the environment.

Digging deeper, in this cross-industry analysis, many companies are starting to

use online and technological progress to satisfy the gap of distance through
virtual affection.
Now-a-days, couples may enjoy a kiss with "real" physical closeness from any
place in the world according to a new Chinese long-distance kissing machine. The
device, which pairs with the phone, includes sensors incorporated into a silicone
model of a person's lips to simulate a ‘’real kiss’’. Not only the movement, but also
the sound created by the users can be reproduced and communicated via the
kissing equipment.
Another relatively new application, is LoveSync, that allows lovers to know when
their emotions align, converting lost opportunities into more intimacy. In practice,
both a smartphone app and a pair of buttons are offered. If the partner is up for
intimacy, he/she only has to tap the button. There is no chance of rejection and
no pressure on the relationship as If he/she only taps, the other partner won't
notice. Yet, LoveSync detects when both partners are thinking the same thing.
‘’Intimacy starts when you tap and your partner taps.’’

Such new technologies and innovations are progressively penetrating people's

habits and routines. Is worth noticing that these trends are not only bound to
those sectors. For example, virtual fashion or virtual dining takeaways could be
reapplied in the outdoor sport industry. In the current social environment, the
necessity to feel connected, together with AI, are the main drivers. Therefore,
several ideas which are developed in each sector could be exploited in others,
cross-fertilizing the innovation in the market.

Special circumstances and events like the pandemic make demand change
together with needs and wants, as priorities are altered. Keeping in mind that
customers face many challenges, it is paramount to switch to the point of view
of organizations that are struggling in addressing emerging trends driven by new
customers’ life habits.

Marketers in general, but specifically in the outdoor sport sector, inevitably need
to consider how Gen Z is disrupting the dynamics of the market and is becoming
the target of most brands in this industry for the different characteristics it
embodies. Generation Z includes those born between 1995 and 2010, and in
2023 they represent 26% of the global population. The purchasing power of this
generation is increasing, even if half of the members haven’t even entered the
job market yet. However, they continue to have a significant influence on their
households' buying decisions, as the majority is still living at home with their
parents or other relatives.

Consumers of this generation are more conscious of different aspects of their

lives. The rediscovery of the natural environment, together with a renewed
enthusiasm in sports and socialization, are the result of this revived awareness.
All these factors have been enhanced by the lockdown and the spreading of
technological innovation.

Digital Natives, that are the first technology-born generation, are used to being
constantly exposed to the connection, through internet and social media. These
habits translate into a dualist codependency in which they are both shaping and
shaped by technology. This implies that they are the early adopters of
innovations entering the market and the trend-setters for older generations.
With an eye toward their present role and future perspectives, marketers are
learning how to approach them properly and effectively.The COVID-19 pandemic
has revealed how crucial the digital world is, as billions of individuals used the
internet to work, study, and simply to create alternative ways to stay in touch.
The virus outbreak has compelled organizations to accelerate their plans for
digital transformation strategies and to start implementing them pretty quickly.

This situation has swung the balance between physical and digital experience,
reaching a new equilibrium in which the two are blended.
Additionally, many customers have found that these new digital experiences—
from at-home workouts to order-ahead grocery pickups—are frequently more
pleasurable and practical than offline ones. Accenture’s research demonstrates
that consumers are more and more willing to engage with new iterations of the
virtual networked space, highlighting that Media, Fitness and retail are the top
categories involved, representing respectively the 54%, 41% and 40%.
Companies need to transform to survive and succeed in this new world, creating
hybrid strategies between real and virtual experiences.That’s because
consumers don’t think in terms of tech, they care about outcomes and
experiences. It’s up to businesses to bring the technology together to deliver
what consumers want.

The metaverse is at the forefront of new technological offerings, it is taking

virtual experiences to the next level giving organizations opportunities to reach
consumers in new and innovative ways. It represents the gateway to a virtual
realm where the iGeneration in particular will develop most of their connections,
especially in the near future. Digital Natives, who are the most tech-pros, will
exploit most of its functionalities in the coming years. Researchers and investors
are increasingly focused on developing highly realistic simulations of nature and
creating imaginative new worlds, incorporating elements of science fiction and
fantasy. This trend is being driven by the current generation's growing purchasing
power and fascination with technology. These new worlds not only offer
aesthetics of beauty and tranquility but also push the boundaries of reality
itself.The latest wave of individuals born into the digital age is displaying a
remarkable eagerness to participate in and financially support this innovative
concept. The goal is to create a loyal customer base that at the very beginning
wonders about owning the product or experiencing the services, that grows up to
be the primary buyer of the expensive technology of the future. The entire
concept is still in its nascent stages, and businesses are eager to enter and
revolutionize the digital market. The concept of reality itself is also at a critical
juncture, as the metaverse is expected to be fully integrated into everyday life in
the next few years or decades.

Marketers, when choosing this customer base, need to develop tailored
strategies that will work also in the long term, so as to retain, satisfy and engage
Net Gen, leveraging on its peculiarities.
It may be advantageous to implement particular strategies, such as establishing
a clear set of values and mission, in order to accomplish this objective. For a
brand to be captivating, it must embody beliefs that extend beyond mere profit-
making, and that encompass topics such as diversity, social responsibility, and
LGBTQ+ rights, which are of significant interest to the public.
In addition, transparency and accountability are crucial because awareness of the
social and environmental impact of companies is trending. This generation loves
trustworthy brands that share how they operate. Consequently, businesses that
openly pursue sustainability in all their functions can gain a competitive
advantage and establish a brand premium.
Similarly, it's important not to ignore brand identity since Generation Z holds the
belief that brands must possess a distinctive and compelling voice and
personality that aligns with their own values, in order to effectively contribute to
making a positive impact on the world.
Furthermore, the iGeneration’s attention span is limited as a result of the
widespread use of mobile devices. Consequently, marketing efforts must be
catchy and entertaining, in order to capture the audience’s attention, while also
being captivating, educational or valuable.
Establishing digital communities has the potential to be the solution for
addressing the engagements of younger generations. Brands should facilitate
authentic connections through the employment of relatable and loyal
ambassadors when promoting products.This strategy can encourage the desire
of clients to share and communicate their experience with other interested

In the current interconnected world, communities are characterized by a great

multicultural variety and this is a societal aspect that creates a great deal of
complexity. Marketers should embrace diversity and try to satisfy and retain
every niche.
Another significant opportunity to be capitalized involves services and
experiences. Marketers have to depart from conventional communication
channels and present immersive experiences in order to build solid connections.
This is due to the fact that this generation craves emotional involvement in
marketing offerings more than the pure physical attributes of the promoted

In order to effectively implement these marketing strategies in the outdoor sport

industry it is crucial to comprehend the connection that this generation has with
both sport and the surrounding environment.
Young Gen Zers appear to have a wider definition of sports, they do not limit
themselves to traditional games, but they consider almost any physical activity
as belonging to this category, even the mental strategy ones. Almost any activity
involving rules, competition, and whatever level of expertise can be categorized
as sport. This includes eSport, which combines gaming, as well as trick shots, and
extreme running.
The reason why they are so fascinated by these non-traditional activities is that
they are about creativity and online communities.
These activities are both easily accessible and interactive. In practice,
explanatory contents can usually be found online and replicated, as is the case
with trick shots. Thanks to social media, individuals have the opportunity to share
their experiences, transforming these activities into a popular hobby and allowing
participants from all around the globe to connect through streaming services,
granting a sense of belonging and community.

Another relevant issue is that they prefer shorter and more captivating activities.
Formats have to be tailored according to their needs. For instance, instead of
watching an entire football match, they are more inclined to go straight to the
Therefore, marketers when approaching this generation are required to
understand how to perfectly use social media. As people are constantly
connected online, information needs to be on time and on the right channel, as
different apps are used for different interests. When it comes to sports, Youtube
and Instagram are the go-to platforms for sharing the exciting moments of these

Moreover, the members of Generation Z are committed to being environmentally

conscious and are deeply concerned about the state of nature, as well as the
extent to which businesses are taking steps in this arena. In reality, younger
generations are prepared to shell out more money for eco-friendly products,
which they consider more important than the brand name itself. In addition to
exhibiting the greatest level of concern for the environment, they also have the
capacity to inspire future generations to buy more environmentally friendly goods
acting as trend-setters.
In order to sell environmentally friendly products, companies have to pursue a
differentiation marketing strategy, in which you emphasize unique properties and
qualities to capture the clientele’s interest. Add eco-friendly language to the
marketing mix to emphasize, for example, when a product is produced of recycled
materials or can be recycled as another simple approach to promote these ideas.
As the initial point of contact that customers have with the business, packaging
must be crafted to forge strong bonds with current customers and draw in new
Companies can also advocate for change and partner with local businesses and
communities when supporting environmental initiatives. In this way, events can
be organized and people not only feel involved and part of the change but they
can feel the sense of belonging and affinity that they crave.
By the way, there are many concerns around the greenwashing phenomenon,
which represent a tool to increase and improve a company's public image
regarding false sustainability.
Companies must provide transparency and evidence about their environmental
responsibility actions to address these issues and build confidence with their
audience. They need to demonstrate how their practices are making a positive
impact.By doing so, businesses can effectively direct the public's perception of
their brand and earn the trust of their customers.

These are only a few instances of how marketers can effectively tackle these
emerging trends, but combining them in the right balance could be the ideal
solution. Leveraging the internet's reach, promoting the love for nature, and
fostering a sense of community are crucial when marketing outdoor sports
products. This approach stimulates positive emotional reactions and showcases
the beneficial outcomes of this co-creation process.

Marketing implications
The right balance between technology enhancement and the outdoor sport
industry is perfectly embodied by our business idea, which could be the most
ground-breaking, interest tempting and tech addicting innovation concept in the
coming decade. Inrizon, our full virtual reality set, is going to revolutionize how
humans see and interact not only with the metaverse but also with the concept
of reality.

Inrizon is inspired by the concept of world building in video games. The idea is to
track the real world, in particular the natural environment, and bring it to a virtual
dimension, blending effectively the two.
Its primary purpose is to reconnect humans with nature while preserving its
This technology is two-sided, on one hand it allows users to record outdoor
experiences, while on the other, to reproduce and enjoy the same feeling at
Any user will benefit from this cutting-edge technology, not only from a physical
point of view thanks to the movement, but also from a mental health perspective
due to the soothing effect coming from landscapes.
Each component of the Inrizon is a standalone product capable of delivering a
flawless user experience by capturing millions of data points per second. The
recorded information of the visited places is then translated into full immersive

Inrizon is composed of two kinds of full sets, the recording and the reliving one.
The first one, the “Inrider’s set” includes a pair of smart shoes, a 360 degrees
camera, the H-reality and an Olorama recorder, to capture both e-texture and
aromas. The latter, the “Inhomer’s set” is instead constituted by a VR headset,
smart shoes, H-reality gloves, the Oloroma player and the smart treadmill.
This set is not only going to be the most desired tech-item of the future but also
the greatest innovation in terms of VR and metaverse.

Starting from the concept of the smart shoes, this pioneering technology is going
to consist of comfortable, stylish and performing footwear. The shoe sole filled
with sensors, is going to capture a myriad of different details. The most basic
functions include counting the number of steps, measuring the length of the
itinerary and tracking the gps position. Going beyond, it will also catch the most
advanced technicalities, like soil density, texture and inclination; if it is composed
of sand, rocks or mud, that is going to be fully recreated virtually. The whole
process of walk recording will track the Inrider performance while providing
insight that allows for a clearer understanding of the environment, even avoiding
potential accidents.
All information collected will be stored into a cloud and then implemented in any
smart treadmill. Inspired by Garmin's immersive virtual run and cycling idea, it
conceptualized the smart treadmill, that data-powered recreates the perfect and
true soil conformation.
Going deeper, to recreate the ultimate immersive experience it furtherly
integrates the H-reality system to perceive the texture of the surroundings. By
including these feelings, Inhomers will have the astonishing sensation of reality
transferred into cyberspace. This function works together with the Olorama VR
smell to engage all the five senses. The set is completed by a VR headset which
recreates the visual stimuli needed to fully dive in this new outdoor walking
experience. All of that is achievable through the exploitation of 360 degrees
cameras that Inriders will carry through their rambles, in order to record anything
around them.

The innovation related to this set of products is linked to the everlasting need for
“More”, in each aspect of life and for all kinds of people. People will be the main
driving force, playing both the role of Inriders and Inhomers. Not only will they be
able to record and upload the routes traveled, but they will also enjoy it later at
home and share it with a community. The use of an app enables the sharing of
data with any user who may be interested, at any time.
This principle is strictly linked with the co-creation process available on the
software. It is crucial to make the community engage with each other in order to
make this project work, creating both an informative and competitive
environment, in which everybody is able to see family, friends and whoever is
creating content. Individuals will get used to recording their own personal
experience, with each weather condition, in each part of the globe and sharing it.
On the other side, they will also become familiar with reliving the others’
experiences, exploring the most astonishing landscapes of the earth simulated in
their own home. Another beneficial effect of this community is the sense of
belonging and brand loyalty that this process will bring.

Countless potential outcomes are available from this set, ranging from basic
tracking to the most cutting-edge leisure and athletic solutions.
The main goal of Inrizon is to enrich the human-nature relationship with the goal
of making the outdoors accessible and making humans proud of the beauty that
surrounds them, while promoting awareness and respect.
Human-caused footprint is the main source of environmental degradation, and
with this innovative idea, the institutions will feel the pressure to finance
environmental redevelopment and safeguard wildlife charm.
Moreover, this product could serve a didactical purpose, starting from children at
school until university laboratories and institutional research. They could exploit
such technologies to get in touch with both flora and fauna of interest under a
biological point of view and study them closely.
The advancement of Inrizon technology can be utilized in healthcare settings,
especially for individuals who are slowly reintegrating into the world after
experiencing trauma. Inrizon can serve as a therapeutic instrument to aid in the
recovery process, as experiencing simulated nature like touching grass and water
could have a positive impact. It could help individuals to regain their confidence
and motivation to participate in physical activities, particularly those who have
undergone surgery and need to learn to walk again.
In addition this offering could be integrated in the hospitality industry through its
implementation by various institutions. Falling in love for a not yet visited
country, touching the most amazing sculpture or even taking a walk on the moon
could be just some of the infinite possibilities the tool could offer. Marketing
could capitalize on various institutions that rule the tourism market:
governments, museums or even Nasa could be Inrizon partners, promoting their
offerings and their brand images.
Additionally, the Inrizon product places significant emphasis on sports activities,
which are implemented in beautiful and even imaginative, sci-fi contexts. The
focus is not only on performance quality but also on the standard that athletes
and consumers strive to achieve. Expanding it, the impossible circumstances in
which activities are practiced could inspire the development of extreme sports
without incurring a real physical risk.
This technology, before appealing to the masses, should represent a status-quo,
in the field of both technology and wealth.
The marketing strategy should attract and convince future customers to be part
of this ecosystem, while triggering the gears that enable customer
loyalty.Furthermore, this brand identity could be conveyed through story-telling.
The figures of tech-experts, elite sport athletes and A-list celebrities should be
the first faces to be associated with Inrizon during the early and development
phases, in order to create hype and an exclusive feel to the experience.
Subsequently, after a year from the launch, the marketing aim will be spreading
its use to a bigger audience. The target demographic under exposure is genZers,
due to their time availability and the more familiarity with social media, metaverse
and artificial intelligence, and acting as trendsetters for the older generation as
Thanks to the innovative ideas of the R&D team, the VR set will be implemented
in the most peculiar places such as phone booths, subway stations, shopping
malls, museums, parks and “travelling boots”. To furtherly promote this product, it
will be available to be tried at any sport events, like the Red Bull ones, any
conventions or comicons. This approach aims to attract potential customers and
increase awareness of the product, spreading its knowledge and benefits to the
public. The transition occurs from an exclusive utilization to a daily use. Inrizon will
be everywhere, are you ready?

Inrizon will be promoted through two primary distribution channels. The first
channel involves selling directly to athletes and consumers. The second channel
involves renting out the product for a specified period of time in designated
locations, in which the service is delivered. By offering Inrizon through a rental
model, it becomes more accessible and cost-effective. This approach allows
users to enjoy amazing experiences in virtual worlds for a limited time and at a
reasonable price, similar to the concept of escape rooms.
The offering will expand to the ever growing interest it will generate in the public.
Inrizon will lead people far beyond: expanding vision onto infinite horizons.

The outdoor tech industry is in need of a restructuring of their marketing
approach, with the aim and the goal of seducing and attracting Genzers. In more
detail, specific consumer segments are more likely to be bewitched into the
purchasing process. Precisely, the defined target is not only part of a single
category, but could be found in many different contexts. Tech enthusiasts
represent the forefront of potential buyers as they prioritize technological
advancement in all domains, exhibiting an inclination towards increasingly
sophisticated and willingness to be constantly up to date.

With different needs, but with as much desire for innovative features, young
outdoor enthusiasts represent another segment willing to spend and interact
with innovative solutions. Their interest is not in the technology itself but is
deeply rooted in the improvement of performance. They seek to find products
ready to collect data and statistics, as well as experiences that will allow them to
have fun. The approach of the Outdoor tech companies should be focused on the
“entertaining” applications of such solutions and experiences highlighting how
pro features could be used by everybody. In particular, not only pro athletes are
the ones in need for such technology.

A unique selling proposition aligned with a clear value and mission should be the
ambition of every business, this especially applies to outdoor tech companies. As
this is a growing market nowadays, the feedback from consumers and investors
is crucial for further development in the coming years.

Inrizon embodies this concept perfectly, providing a clear representation of

possible marketing strategies, surfing through trends in this industry. This idea
involves various innovative technologies that are already disrupting different
markets on their own. Therefore, the promotion strategy for this product should
also be disruptive, adopting unconventional ways of reaching out to potential
customers. Companies should be willing to take risks and make a significant leap
into the future to maximize the product's potential. Inrizon slams a door into the
metaverse with a unique and complete way of reaching new frontiers.
This whole new reality will make people rediscover the concept of community and

share values, experiencing themselves in a new perspective : the Inrizon platform
encourages community building, sharing of experiences, and co-creation, allowing
users to collaborate and engage with each other in creating unique and
unforgettable virtual reality experiences.
Inrizon offers an unprecedented glimpse into the future, taking users beyond
their physical limitations and expanding their perspectives to infinite horizons.


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